Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui

Karen Kingston - 1998
    Her unique approach lies in understanding that clutter is stuck energy that has far-reaching physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual effects. You'll be motivated to clutter clear as never before when you realize just how much your junk has been holding you back! You will learn:- Why people keep clutter- How clutter causes stagnation in your life- How to clear clutter quickly and effectively- How to live clutter-free

Rewire Your Mindset: Own Your Thinking, Control, Your Actions, Change Your Life!

Brian Keane - 2019
    If you have ever set a goal for yourself and then self-sabotaged the moment you hit it, let fear dictate what you do, been emotionally broken by a failure, lacked confidence and felt full of self-doubt or let negative people influence you, then this is the book for you. Read 'Rewire Your Mindset' to: - Learn how to get the success your desire and the life you deserve! - Take 100% responsibility because then you can control and change your life - Decide exactly what you want to achieve then make it happen - Believe whatever you want is possible

Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind Body Medicine

Deepak Chopra - 1989
    Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers when he saw patients in his own practice who completely recovered after being given only a few months to live. In the mid-1980's he returned to his native India to explore Ayurveda, humanity's most ancient healing tradition. Now he has brought together the current research of Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics with the insights of Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is controlled by a "network of intelligence" grounded in quantum reality. Not a superficial psychological state, this intelligence lies deep enough to change the basic patterns that design our physiology -- with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself. In this inspiring and pioneering work, Dr. Chopra offers us both a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing.

Eating Well for Optimum Health

Andrew Weil - 2000
    It clarifies the mishmash of conflicting news, research, hype, and hearsay regarding diet, nutrition, and supplementation, and further establishes the judicious Dr. Weil, the director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, as a savior of public well-being. If you've ever wondered what "partially hydrogenated soybean oil" really is, been perplexed by contrary news reports about recommended dosages for supplements, or questioned the safety of using aluminum pots for cooking, Dr. Weil will make it all clear. Weil (pronounced "while") bravely criticizes many of the major diet books on the market, and backs up his admonitions with science. He warns readers to not fall under "the spell" of the anticarbohydrate Atkins Diet, but also criticizes the eating plan advocated by Dr. Dean Ornish--which has been granted Medicare coverage for cardiac patients--as being too low fat for the majority of people. (The omega-3 fatty acids missing from Ornish's diet are essential for hormone production and the control of inflammation, he says.) It's also fascinating to learn that autism, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease may be caused by omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies, while an excess of omega-6 fatty acids--very common in the typical American diet--can exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Weil's explanation of the chemistry of fats will prove difficult for most readers, but few will want to eat fast-food French fries ever again after reading his appalling reasons for avoiding them, which go way beyond their well-documented heart-clogging capabilities. After a thorough rundown of nutritional basics and a primer of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals, Weil unveils what he feels is "the best diet in the world," with 85 recipes, such as Salmon Cakes and Oven-Fried Potatoes, that are healthy, tasty, quick to prepare, and complete with nutritional breakdowns. He includes a stirring chapter on safe weight loss (he sympathizes with the overweight and comically recalls his one-week trial of a safflower oil-diet while an undergraduate). Other, equally enlightening sections include tips for eating out and shopping for food (with warnings on various additives and a guide to organics), and a wondrous appendix with dietary recommendations for dozens of health concerns, including allergies, asthma, cancer prevention, mood disorders, and pregnancy. Eating Well is an indispensable consumer reference and one not afraid to lambaste the diet industry and empower the public with information about which the majority of doctors--to the detriment of the public health--are ignorant. --Erica Jorgensen

Working on Yourself Doesn't Work: The 3 Simple Ideas That Will Instantaneously Transform Your Life

Ariel Kane - 1999
    Just as they do in their world-renowned workshops, Ariel and Shya Kane teach a refreshingly natural approach to living that is easy to do yet dramatically transformative. The three simple ideas that form the foundation of their approach are: What you resist persists and grows stronger. You can only be exactly as you are in the moment. Anything you allow to be exactly as it is completes itself.Once you grasp these three straightforward but enlightened concepts, you can stop "working" on yourself and start living the life you've always wanted--free from your old perceptions, and open to world of possibilities for discovering the ins and outs of who you are.""Working on Yourself Doesn't Work" has much to offer to anyone who wants a more meaningful and spiritual life." --"New York Spirit" magazine"This may be the most profound and life-transforming book you'll ever read. If you want a life filled with excellence, well-being, and happiness, read this book now!"--Marie Forleo, author of "Make Every Man Want You"

The Art and Power of Acceptance: Your Guide to Inner Peace

Ashley Davis Bush - 2019
    Imagine the emotional freedom of stopping the battle with yourself, other people, your circumstances and even your past. Imagine the peace of mind you would have if you stopped fighting the current of life and instead flowed with it, effortlessly.Exploring the journey from resistance to alignment to possibility, Ashley Davis Bush debunks the idea that acceptance is merely passive apathy or resignation. She introduces you to the simple but radical practice of self-compassion as the key to disarming resistance, expanding positive emotions and allowing you to move easily with "what is". She invites you to see how acceptance paradoxically leads to powerful, lasting change.Using personal and clinical stories, practical suggestions, and evidence-based research, Ashley illuminates a new way of being with life. Choose acceptance today and discover first hand how it leads to your emotional freedom.

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die--

Karol K. Truman - 1991
    . . the best of the best. She not only tells you why you feel the way you feel, but how these feelings all started. She then goes on to tell you how YOU can easily transform undesirable feelings so that they no longer hinder your growth. What a gift!

The Courage to be Happy / The Courage To Be Disliked

Ichiro Kishimi
    Description:- The Courage to be Happy: True Contentment Is In Your Power In The Courage To Be Happy, Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga again distil their wisdom into simple yet profound advice to show us how we, too, can use twentieth-century psychological theory to find true happiness. The Courage To Be Disliked: How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness The Courage to be Disliked shows you how to unlock the power within yourself to become your best and truest self, change your future and find lasting happiness. Using the theories of Alfred Adler, one of the three giants of 19th century psychology alongside Freud and Jung, the authors explain how we are all free to determine our own future free of the shackles of past experiences, doubts and the expectations of others. It's a philosophy that's profoundly liberating, allowing us to develop the courage to change, and to ignore the limitations that we and those around us can place on ourselves.

This Time Will Be Different: A Short Book on Making Permanent Changes

Martin Meadows - 2017
    Making one attempt after another, you fail and continue to fail, and it seems there’s no way to make the change stick for longer than a couple of weeks. Perhaps… except some people somehow manage to stick to their resolutions in the long term and their lives do get better — permanently. What makes the difference between those superheroes and “mere mortals”? More importantly, can the “mortals” acquire those superpowers, or should they accept that they’ll never be able to permanently change their lives? Written by bestselling author, Martin Meadows, This Time Will Be Different: A Short Book on Making Permanent Changes goes through a 4-step process called STAR that will take you on a journey, from the moment you introduce a new change, all the way to how to live your life after you’ve successfully implemented it. Designed to be a short read packed with practical advice, you can finish the entire book in just one or two sittings and quickly begin to implement it in your own life. Here are just some of the things you’ll learn from the book: - One motivator you might not have thought about that can mean the difference between failure and success. Don’t proceed any further until you learn about it… - What motivational links are and why they’re crucial if you want to introduce permanent changes. This unique concept alone can be enough to successfully implement a change in the long term. - How to gain traction when implementing new changes. Discover CCC, a 2-step process designed to help you undergo an identity shift that leads to a permanent change. - 5 tools to help you persevere when you’re struggling to stick to your new resolution. That’s when most people give up. Avoid their fate by applying the strategies discussed in this chapter. - 3 core principles to live your success. It’s not only about reaching success; it’s also about maintaining it, which is often trickier than achieving it. Learn how to ensure permanent, long-term success. If you’re tired of consistently unsuccessful attempts and itch for a permanent positive change in your life, buy this book now and learn how to finally make this time different!

Living Beyond Miracles

Wayne W. Dyer - 1993
    Individual talks by the authors are followed by a discussion in which they spur one another on in the search for self-discovery.

Water Crystal Healing: Music and Images to Restore Your Well-Being

Masaru Emoto - 2006
    Internationally acclaimed water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto has discovered why certain music has healing benefits: Music with the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone, and melody can correct distorted frequencies within our cells, assisting our health and healing.In this unique collection, Dr. Emoto presents music that he has found through his research to be beneficial for common physical and emotional imbalances. Listen to the musical pieces while enjoying Dr. Emoto's captivating water-crystal photographs. The possible benefits you may experience include decreased joint and back pain; improved function of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, and immune systems; and the release of negative emotions such as anxiety, self-pity, and depression. The combination of images, words, and music in Water Crystal Healing concentrates consciousness as never before, providing a unique experience for healing.

The 7 Healing Chakras: Unlocking Your Body's Energy Centers

Brenda Davies - 2000
    Introducing the chakras, vortices of energy that connect the physical body with the spiritual, Dr. Brenda Davies follows a clear path through the seven power centers - each characterized by a different color - from the red-colored root chakra near the base of the spine to the white crown chakra at the top of the head.Exploring the significance of each chakra, the author offers personal guidance and leads the reader in a series of exercises and meditations to unblock each energy channel and clear the psychological, emotional, and spiritual debris of the past. She combines her training as a psychiatrist with ancient methods of healing to provide the tools needed to take charge of mental and physical well-being.

How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs

Greg Kuhn - 2013
    Yet, just like the majority of those people, you’ve also noticed that manifesting your most important desires often seems too difficult or unattainable.The problem isn’t you; the problem has been your reliance on old paradigms from old science. Quantum physics, however, has shown us a clear and simple roadmap to not only make you a much more powerful deliberate creator of your material reality, but even allow you to finally manifest those greatly desired outcomes which have eluded you for so long. How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs is your personal coach in book-form, leading you to an amazing awakening of your higher self while also manifesting your greatest desires.Your natural power to create abundance and achieve your dreams is a birthright you shouldn't spend another moment denying yourself. How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs will coach you to simply and easily focus and harness your inherent power to create your material reality. Using everyday language and "street-level" instructions, How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs will have you manifesting a vast array of personal dreams and goals much faster and more completely than you previously thought possible.

Angel Therapy Meditations

Doreen Virtue - 2008
    Doreen Virtue leads you through a powerfully healing Angel Therapy session. You’ll work with archangels to release old blocks and toxins; cut cords of fear; heal past-life issues; and gain confidence, courage, and clarity about your life’s purpose and relationships.

The Naked House: Five Principles for a Minimalist Home

Mollie Player - 2020