The Steps We Took: The Definitive AA Big Book Recovery Handbook

Joe McQ - 1990
    The addictions may be to alcohol or cocaine, gambling or food, violence or sex and love, but the path to recovery is the same. This is a book of plain-spoken wisdom for people with addictions and people who love them. Joe McQ has been a student of the Twelve Steps for twenty-eight years. He, like tens of thousands of others, lives them every day, one day at a time. In The Steps We Took, Joe takes us through them, one Step at a time, and helps us understand how they work--and how they can change our lives.

Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines

David Mathis - 2016
    Have his ear. Belong to his body.Three seemingly unremarkable principles shape and strengthen the Christian life: listening to God's voice, speaking to him in prayer, and joining together with his people as the church. Though often viewed as normal and routine, the everyday "habits of grace" we cultivate give us access to these God-designed channels through which his love and power flow--including the greatest joy of all: knowing and enjoying Jesus.A study guide for individual and group study is also available.

Theology of the Book of Revelation

Richard Bauckham - 1993
    Close attention is paid both to the literary form in which the theology is expressed and to the original context to which the book was addressed. Contrary to many misunderstandings of Revelation, it is shown to be one of the masterpieces of early Christian literature, with much to say to the Church today. This study offers a unique account of the theology and message of Revelation.

Paul's Vision for the Deacons: Assisting the Elders with the Care of God's Church

Alexander Strauch - 2017
    What does Scripture actually teach about deacons and their role in the church? Views range from deacons being the board of directors, to the church building maintenance crew. My intention in writing this book is to encourage my deacon friends and fellow church leaders to think more critically about what they are saying, what they are doing, and what Scripture actually teaches about deacons. Whatever your view of deacons may be, this study will help you examine in detail the biblical fact on deacons, allowing those facts to guide your thinking. This book offers the opportunity to build broader agreement among our Bible-believing churches as to what deacons do. Known for his deep love for the church and for his careful Bible exegesis, Strauch's new study cannot be ignored by churches that are committed to following a biblical church polity. This is not simply a revision of Strauch's popular book, "The New Testament Deacon: Minister of Mercy." It is a completely new study with a fresh perspective.

The Joshua Code (52 Scripture Verses Every Believer Should Know)

O.S. Hawkins - 2012
    Their leader, Joshua, spoke wisely about how to follow God's law and how to be successful. Joshua 1:8 says, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." "The Joshua Code"TM is a challenge to keep the Word in our mouths through memorization and in our hearts through meditation "day and night."" "The fifty-two chapters in this volume are designed to lead you on a yearlong journey by spending each week memorizing and meditating on one Scripture verse so that it becomes a living part of your very being. Topics include grace, temptation, the three levels of prayer, fruit of the spirit, and more. The outlines in each chapter can also be used by the busy pastor or Bible teacher for guiding their members. God's Word is powerful and profitable when studied and applied by anyone, the young and the seasoned believer alike."You will both enjoy and profit from reading "The Joshua Code." His emphasis upon the importance of Scripture memorization vibrates once more the lost chord of hiding God's Word in your heart." - Dr. John Edmund Haggai, Founder and CEO, Haggai Institute""""The Joshua Code" literally cracks the code that every leader struggles with: In these uncertain times, with uncertain outcomes, how can a leader put first things first? The example of Joshua memorizing and meditating on God's Word moves us from success to significance. Most of all, the emphasis on Scripture memory fits in perfectly with our matrix at Student Leadership University that you will be the same person five years from now, except for the books you read, the people you meet, the places you go, and the things you memorize." - Dr. Jay Strack, President & Founder, Student Leadership University""The Joshua Code" is impacting our whole church as we memorize the Scriptures together. Each week the Scripture verse appears in our announcements and on Sunday evenings the verse is recited as a group and the devotional thoughts are read then discussed. This is bringing us together as a family around the Word of God." - Dr. Thomas Sherwood, Long Falls Church, Carthage, New York"Whether on the football field or the field of life you need a playbook. My friend, O.S. Hawkins' new book, " The Joshua Code," is a great resource in understanding the 52 verses every believer should know. I read it regularly in my own devotions and enthusiastically recommend it to my family, friends and fans." - Roger Staubach, NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback

Ask George Anderson: What Souls in the Hereafter Can Teach Us About Life

George Anderson - 2012
    For nearly fifty years and more than thirty-five thousand sessions, George Anderson, widely considered the world’s greatest living medium, has listened to those who have crossed to the other side. He has bridged the worlds of the here and the hereafter by communicating messages of hope from loved ones who have passed on, in order to help bring peace to those who continue on earth. But the souls can offer so much more than proof that there is something beyond this world. They can offer answers and practical advice about issues we struggle with daily: our finances, relationships, personal matters, and questions of faith. Having lived through the struggles we now face, they can also assure us that life’s problems are not random; they happen to each of us as part of a greater purpose and plan. Ask George Anderson shares the most common questions clients ask and reveals the illuminating answers that the souls have provided on issues and concerns of our everyday life here on earth. They are invaluable lessons that will enrich all our lives because they’re imparted from a profound and rare perspective: that of the souls who have already lived it and learned from it.

Past Lives of the Rich and Famous

Sylvia Browne - 2012
    With assistance from her spirit guide, Francine, she offers a unique new look at more than fifty beloved celebrities, including Steve Jobs, Amy Winehouse, Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Martin Luther King Jr. Browne does not just reveal what celebrities were doing in their past lives, but also makes a spiritual connection between what they did then and what they did now. She also tells us whether this is a celebrity’s final life, or whether he or she will continue the journey into future lives.

The Reflective Life: Becoming More Spiritually Sensitive to the Everday Moments of Life (Reflective Living Series)

Ken Gire - 1998
    How do we, like Mary, create "pauses" in our days to hear what the Savior has to say to us? How do we make time for the things that ultimately matter? Ken Gire unlocks the door to change by introducing us to a centuries-old tradition--reflective living.