Best of
God Has a Name
John Mark Comer - 2017
This one shift has the potential to radically alter how you relate to God, not as a doctrine, but as a relational being who responds to you in an elastic, back-and-forth way. In God Has a Name, John Mark Comer takes you line by line through Exodus 34:6-8--Yahweh's self-revelation on Mount Sinai, one of the most quoted passages in the Bible. Along the way, Comer addresses some of the most profound questions he came across as he studied these noted lines in Exodus, including:Why do we feel this gap between us and God?Could it be that a lot of what we think about God is wrong? Not all wrong, but wrong enough to mess up how we relate to him?What if our "God" is really a projection of our own identity, ideas, and desires?What if the real God is different, but far better than we could ever imagine?No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, the act of learning who God is just might surprise you--and change everything.
Living Life Backward: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End
David Gibson - 2017
Living in light of our death reorients us to our limitations as creatures and helps us see God’s good gifts right in front of us—enabling us to live wisely, freely, and generously. Drawing on wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes, David Gibson teaches us to embrace this countercultural mind-set and live life backward: to take the one thing in the future that is certain—our death—and work backward when it comes to our priorities, goals, desires, and decisions. If we do this, we'll learn that only with a proper perspective on death can we find meaning and satisfaction in life—and see just how great God is.
Learning Contentment
Nancy Wilson - 2017
For the Christian, however, contentment is something we must apply, work at, and make our own in every circumstance, because anxiety and frustration are not neutral behaviors.It is certainly easier to just go with our natural impulses when times are “annoying” or when times are very hard, but contentment is an important part of our Christian life. Even the apostle Paul had to “learn” contentment. So we shouldn’t wonder why we’re still in spiritual kindergarten—repeating the same lessons over and over again—if we haven’t given ourselves to study contentment.Thankfully, every test God gives on contentment is open book (even the pop quizzes!). In Learning Contentment, Nancy Wilson looks to the Bible and Puritans like Burroughs, Rutherford, Watson, and Spurgeon to help us develop the practical, spiritual strength and the perspective that comes from contentment’s deep satisfaction with the will of God.This encouraging little book includes concise explanations, application questions and assignments that will involve and challenge everyone, and lots of biblical wisdom for individuals and groups.
Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God: The Scandalous Truth of the Very Good News
Brian Zahnd - 2017
Three centuries later, Brian Zahnd was both mesmerized and terrified by Edwards's wrathful God. Haunted by fear that crippled his relationship with God, Zahnd spent years praying for a divine experience of hell. What Zahnd experienced instead was the Father's love--revealed perfectly through Jesus Christ--for all prodigal sons and daughters. In Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God, Zahnd asks important questions like Is seeing God primarily as wrathful towards sinners true or biblical? Is fearing God a normal, expected behavior? And where might the natural implications of this theological framework lead us? Thoughtfully wrestling with subjects like Old Testament genocide, the crucifixion of Jesus, eternal punishment in hell, and the final judgment in Revelation, Zanhd maintains that the summit of divine revelation for sinners is not God is wrath, but God is love.
The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between
Gregory Koukl - 2017
It’s more than just a personal relationship with God or a source of moral teaching.Christianity is a picture of reality.It explains why the world is the way it is. When the pieces of this puzzle are properly assembled, we see the big picture clearly. Christianity is a true story of how the world began, why the world is the way it is, what role humans play in the drama, and how all the plotlines of the story are resolved in the end.In The Story of Reality, best-selling author and host of Stand to Reason, Gregory Koukl, explains the five words that form the narrative backbone of the Christian story. He identifies the most important things that happen in the story in the order they take place:GodManJesusCrossResurrectionOur story begins with God. He created everything, but something went terribly wrong. So God initiated a rescue plan and entered the world that he had made by becoming like us in Jesus Christ. Jesus saved us from the wrongness in ourselves and in the world through his death on a cross. And how people respond to what he did will determine what their future will be at the final event of history: the resurrection.If you are already a Christian, this is your story. Do you know it? If you are not a Christian, this is still your story, because it explains the world in a way that nothing else will. It is a true story—the real story behind every other story we hear.
The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can't Get Their Act Together
Jared C. Wilson - 2017
The Imperfect Disciple is for the rest of us--people who screw up, people who are weary, people who are wondering if it's safe to say what they're really thinking.For the believer who is tired of quasi-spiritual lifehacks being passed off as true, down-and-dirty discipleship, here is a discipleship book that isn't afraid to be honest about the mess we call real life. With incisive wit, warm humor, and moving stories, Jared Wilson shows readers how the gospel works in them and in their lives when- they can't get their act together- they think God is giving them the silent treatment- they think church would be better without all the people- they're not happy with the person in the mirror- and much moreWilson frees readers from the self-doubt and even the misplaced self-confidence they may feel as they walk with Jesus down the often difficult road of life. The result is a faith that weathers storms, lifts burdens, and goes forth to make more imperfect disciples.
Making All Things New: Restoring Joy to the Sexually Broken
David A. Powlison - 2017
But with sin came a world filled with sexual brokenness. Thankfully, God is always in the business of restoration.This book offers hope for both the sexually immoral and the sexually victimized, pointing us all to the grace of Jesus Christ, who mercifully intervenes each moment in our lifelong journey toward renewal. Author David Powlison casts a vision for the key to deep transformation, better than anything the world has to offer--not just fresh resolve, not just flimsy forgiveness, not just simple formulas, but true, lasting mercy from God, who is making all things new.
What Is the Bible?: How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything
Rob Bell - 2017
Using the same inspired, inquisitive approach, he now turns to our most sacred book, the Bible. What Is the Bible? provides insights and answers that make clear why the Bible is so revered and what makes it truly inspiring and essential to our lives.Rob takes us deep into actual passages to reveal the humanity behind the Scriptures. You cannot get to the holy without going through the human, Rob tells us. When considering a passage, we shouldn’t ask "Why did God say . . .?" To get to the heart of the Bible’s meaning, we should be asking: "What’s the story that’s unfolding here and why did people find it important to tell it? What was it that moved them to record these words? What was happening in the world at that time? What does this passage/story/poem/verse/book tell us about how people understood who they were and who God was at that time?" In asking these questions, Rob goes beyond the one-dimensional question of "is it true?" to reveal the Bible’s authentic transformative power.Rob addresses the concerns of all those who see the Bible as God’s Word but are troubled by the ethical dilemmas, errors, and inconsistencies in Scripture. With What Is the Bible?, he recaptures the Good Book’s magic and reaffirms its power and inspiration to shape and inspire our lives today.
As Kingfishers Catch Fire: A Conversation on the Ways of God Formed by the Words of God
Eugene H. Peterson - 2017
A chasm had developed between the way I was preaching from the pulpit and my deepest convictions on what it meant to be a pastor. And so began Peterson s journey to live and teach a life of congruence congruence between preaching and living, between what we do and the way we do it, between what is written in Scripture and how we live out that truth. Nothing captures the biblical foundation for this journey better than Peterson s teachings over his twenty-nine years as a pastor. As Kingfishers Catch Fire offers a never-before-published collection of these teachings to anyone longing for a richer, truer spirituality. Peterson s strikingly beautiful prose and deeply grounded insights usher us into a new understanding of how to live out the good news of the Word made flesh. This is a stunning record of one man s decision to discover not only how to be a pastor but how to be a human being."
The New Testament: A Translation
David Bentley Hart - 2017
The early Christians’ sometimes raw, astonished, and halting prose challenges the idea that the New Testament affirms the kind of people we are. Hart reminds us that they were a company of extremists, radical in their rejection of the values and priorities of society not only at its most degenerate, but often at its most reasonable and decent. “To live as the New Testament language requires,” he writes, “Christians would have to become strangers and sojourners on the earth, to have here no enduring city, to belong to a Kingdom truly not of this world. And we surely cannot do that, can we?”
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Paul David Washer - 2017
Presenting passage after passage from the Bible, Washer describes the holy character of God, the human problem of sin, and the divine solution found in Jesus’s redemptive life, death, and resurrection for all who repent and believe. If you are interested in knowing the basic claims of the gospel or know someone exploring the truths of Christ, this succinct treatment of the greatest news the world has ever heard is just what you need. Author: Paul Washer ministered as a missionary in Peru for ten years, during which time he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support Peruvian church planters. Paul now serves as one of the laborers with the HeartCry Missionary Society ( He and his wife Charo have four children: Ian, Evan, Rowan, and Bronwyn. Endorsement: “Nothing is more beautiful than the gospel, the good news that God saves sinners through Jesus Christ. Nothing is more damning than a false gospel. With the Word of God constantly in view, Paul Washer leads us step by step to know the truth about who God is, who we are, and how we may live with God now and forever. This booklet is medicine for the sinner and food for the saint.” — Dr. Joel R. Beeke, president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global
Andy Johnson - 2017
The local church is the engine of world missions. But where should a church begin?Churches don't need a complicated missions program. They need the Bible and the wisdom to know how to apply it. This book points to Scripture and offers practical steps for training and supporting missionaries, forming international partnerships, sending short-term teams, and engaging the nations both at home and abroad.Part of the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series.
All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism
James E. Dolezal - 2017
James E. Dolezal’s All That Is in God provides an exposition of the historic Christian position while engaging with these contemporary deviations. His convincing critique of the newer position he styles “theistic mutualism” is philosophically robust, systematically nuanced, and biblically based. It demonstrates the need to maintain the traditional viewpoint, particularly on divine simplicity, and spotlights the unfortunate implications for other important Christian doctrines—such as divine eternality and the Trinity—if it were to be abandoned. Arguing carefully and cogently that “all that is in God is God Himself,” the work is sure to stimulate debate on the issue in years to come.
Reading the Bible Supernaturally: Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture
John Piper - 2017
But we cannot see his beauty on our own, with mere human eyes.In Reading the Bible Supernaturally, John Piper aims to show us how God works through his written Word when we pursue the natural act of reading the Bible, so that we experience his sightgiving power--a power that extends beyond the words on the page.Ultimately, Piper shows us that in the seemingly ordinary act of reading the Bible, something miraculous happens: we are given eyes to behold the glory of the living God.
Gospel Fluency: Speaking the Truths of Jesus Into the Everyday Stuff of Life
Jeff Vanderstelt - 2017
Is it possible this difficulty is because we're trying to speak a language we haven't actually spent time practicing?To become fluent in a new language, you must immerse yourself in it until you actually start to think about life through it. Becoming fluent in the gospel happens the same way--after believing it, we have to intentionally rehearse it (to ourselves and to others) and immerse ourselves in its truths. Only then will we start to see how everything in our lives, from the mundane to the magnificent, is transformed by the hope of the gospel.
The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing: A Theological Commentary
Jonathan T. Pennington - 2017
Every Christian generation turns to it for insight and guidance.In this volume, a recognized expert on the Gospels shows that the Sermon on the Mount offers a clear window into understanding God's work in Christ. Jonathan Pennington provides a historical, theological, and literary commentary on the Sermon and explains how this text offers insight into God's plan for human flourishing. As Pennington explores the literary dimensions and theological themes of this famous passage, he situates the Sermon in dialogue with the Jewish and Greek virtue traditions and the philosophical-theological question of human flourishing. He also relates the Sermon's theological themes to contemporary issues such as ethics, philosophy, and economics.
Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth
John F. MacArthur Jr.Michael J. Vlach - 2017
Systematizing the robust theology that has undergirded John MacArthur's well-known preaching ministry for decades, this overview of basic Christian doctrine covers topics such as God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, salvation, and more. Comprehensive in scope yet written to be accessible to the average reader--with non-technical vocabulary, minimal footnotes, and a helpful bibliography--this volume offers Christians a solid foundation for what they believe and why.
The Gospel According to Paul: Embracing the Good News at the Heart of Paul's Teachings
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 2017
Each of these key texts has a unique emphasis highlighting some essential aspect of the Good News. The chapters in this revelatory new book closely examine those vital gospel texts, one verse at a time. John MacArthur, host of the popular media ministry Grace to You, president of the Master’s University and Seminary, and longtime pastor at Grace Community Church, tackles such questions as, What is the gospel? What are the essential elements of the message? How can we be certain we have it right? And how should Christians be proclaiming the Good News to the world? As always, the answers John MacArthur gives are clear, compelling, well-reasoned, easy to grasp, and above all, thoroughly biblical. The Gospel According to Paul is written in a style that is easily accessible to lay people, including those who know very little about the Bible, while being of great value to seasoned pastors and experienced ministers.
Popes and Feminists: How the Reformation Frees Women from Feminism
Elise Crapuchettes - 2017
The only "spiritual" calling for women was to be found in a convent. The Reformers confronted the bad theology which led to this (and other worse abuses, like priest-patronized brothels) and returned to the Bible to develop a theology of vocation that began to free Christians to be "holy" no matter their occupation. Christian women wondering about their place in society and comparing feminism with the Bible should start with the teaching of the Reformers and the lives of many exceptional women of the Reformation. Popes and Feminists argues that women today have some of the same choices facing them as women in the sixteenth century. In this fascinating study, Elise Crapuchettes shows how the Reformation changed the lives of Christian women as it turned them away from trying to earn their salvation and toward a joyful, liberating view of vocation and work.
Reset: Living a Grace-Paced Life in a Burnout Culture
David P. Murray - 2017
But is this level of physical and spiritual weariness inevitable? Just as a car needs to be regularly refueled, retuned, and repaired in order to keep running, a balanced life can be sustained only when a man takes proper steps to stay on track. In this hopeful book, experienced pastor and counselor David Murray shares stories from his own life and the lives of friends, offering gospel-centered advice for avoiding, assessing, and recovering from burnout. With chapters on rest, relationships, routines, and more, this book lays out a host of practical remedies men can use to reset their lives on a more sustainable course--resulting in renewed energy, joy, and purpose.
Recapturing the Wonder: Transcendent Faith in a Disenchanted World
Mike Cosper - 2017
But as we grow older, we learn to be more "rational" and more confident that reality is merely what we can see. Even as Christians who believe in the resurrection, we live as if miracles and magic have been drained from the world. As Mike Cosper wrestled with his own disillusionment, he found writers, thinkers, and artists like Hannah Arendt, Charles Taylor, James K. A. Smith, and David Foster Wallace whose words and ideas reassured him that he was not alone. And he discovered ancient and modern disciplines that shape a Christian way of life and awaken the possibility of living again in an enchanted world. Exquisitely written with thoughtful practices woven throughout, this book will feed your soul and help you recapture the wonder of your Christian walk.
A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World
John Stonestreet - 2017
In this practical guide, John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle explore questions including:What unseen undercurrents are shaping twenty-first-century youth culture?Why do so many kids struggle with identity?How do we talk to kids about same-sex marriage and transgenderism?How can leaders steer kids away from substance abuse and other addictions?How can we ground students in the biblical story and empower them to change the world? With biblical clarity, this is the practical go-to manual to equip kids to rise above the culture.
The Bible Project Coffee Table Book: Illustrated Summaries of Biblical Books
Timothy Mackie - 2017
None Other: Discovering the God of the Bible
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 2017
If God is in control of everything, can we make free choices? If God is good and all–powerful, how can we account for natural disasters and moral atrocities? Answers to these questions are often filled with technical jargon and personal assumptions that don’t take into account the full scope of biblical truth.In None Other: Discovering the God of the Bible, Dr. John MacArthur shows that the best way to discover the one true God is not through philosophical discourse but a careful study of Scripture—the primary place where God has chosen to reveal Himself.
To Light a Fire on the Earth: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age
Robert Barron - 2017
In this compelling new book—drawn from conversations with and narrated by award-winning Vatican journalist John L. Allen, Jr.—Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, proclaims in vivid language the goodness and truth of the Catholic tradition. Through Barron’s smart, practical, artistic, and theological observations as well as personal anecdotes—from engaging atheists on YouTube to discussing his days as a young diehard baseball fan from Chicago—To Light a Fire on the Earth covers prodigious ground. Touching on everything from Jesus to prayer, science, movies, atheism, the spiritual life, the fate of Church in modern times, beauty, art, and social media, Barron reveals why the Church matters today and how Catholics can intelligently engage a skeptical world.
Acts: A Theological Commentary on the Bible (Belief: a Theological Commentary on the Bible)
Willie James Jennings - 2017
While some see Acts as the story of the founding of the Christian church, Jennings argues that it is so much more, depicting revolutionlife in the disrupting presence of the Spirit of God. According to Jennings, Acts is like Genesis, revealing a God who is moving over the land, putting into place a holy repetition that speaks of the willingness of God to invade our every day and our every moment. He reminds us that Acts took place in a time of Empire, when the people were caught between diaspora Israel and the Empire of Rome. The spirit of God intervened, offering new life to both. Jennings shows that Acts teaches how people of faith can yield to the Spirit to overcome the divisions of our present world.
God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God
Mark Jones - 2017
And yet, most of these treatments are unlikely to be read by many Christians today because of their length or scholarly nature. In God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God, Mark Jones makes these rich theological insights accessible to the modern reader. With a specific focus on how each attribute is seen most fully in Jesus Christ, this meditative book will give Christians a clearer picture of the God they worship and serve, helping them love him more deeply and enjoy him more purely as they come to know him more fully.
When You Pray: A Practical Guide to an Orthodox Life of Prayer
L. Joseph Letendre - 2017
Praying consistently seems almost impossible. Too often and too easily, prayer becomes a burden: one more item on an already overcrowded to-do list. Failing to pray becomes a source of guilt and stress as we must once again admit our inconstancy and procrastination to our father confessor. Yet, our Lord said, “Come to me, all of you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. My burden is easy and my yoke is light” (Matt. 11:30). The purpose of this book, then, is not to add to the burden, but to ease it by distilling the advice and experience of those who pray.
Reunion: The Good News of Jesus for Seekers, Saints, and Sinners
Bruxy Cavey - 2017
Dig into Scripture with Bruxy as he unfolds God’s message for the world in one word, three words, and thirty words. Learn why you shouldn’t follow the Bible (but why you’ll want to read it to learn how to follow Jesus). Scout out the real definitions of sin and salvation, which might surprise you. Discover your true citizenship in the Jesus nation, where you might be ready to die for a cause but never willing to kill for one. Glimpse a God who is Love itself and who, like it or not, just can’t stop thinking about you. If you’ve heard about Jesus so often that he makes you yawn, give him one more chance. If you think the gospel has something to do with religious rules or rituals, think again. Whether you are a restless seeker, struggling sinner, or sanctimonious saint, get ready for a reunion: with your true self, with others, and with the God who longs to welcome you home. One of Missio Alliance’s Top 15 Essential Reads of 2017.
The New City Catechism Devotional: God's Truth for Our Hearts and Minds
Collin Hansen - 2017
Today, this communal practice of learning basic beliefs via questions and answers has largely been lost. Seeking to restore this ancient method of teaching to the regular life of the church, The New City Catechism Devotional is a gospel-centered, modern-day resource that not only summarizes important Christian beliefs through 52 questions and answers but also helps readers meditate on and be transformed by those doctrines.Each question features devotional commentary written by leading contemporary and historical figures such as John Piper, Timothy Keller, Kevin DeYoung, D. A. Carson, Alistair Begg, Mark Dever, Augustine, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Martin Luther, and many others. Each question also includes a relevant Scripture reading and short prayer.Designed for use in a variety of contexts, including with families, churches, and small groups, The New City Catechism Devotional stands as a valuable resource for helping adults and children alike learn the key doctrines that stand at the heart of the Christian faith.
Covenant and God's Purpose for the World
Thomas R. Schreiner - 2017
It is through these covenant relationships, which collectively serve as the foundation for God’s promise to bring redemption to his people, that we can understand the advancement of his kingdom. This book walks through six covenants from Genesis to Revelation, helping us grasp the overarching narrative of Scripture and see the salvation God has planned for us since the beginning of time—bolstering our faith in God and giving us hope for the future.
Stranger God: Meeting Jesus in Disguise
Richard Beck - 2017
His own faith was flagging, but Beck still believed the promise of Matthew 25, that when we visit the prisoner, we visit Jesus. And sure enough, God met him in prison.
Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ
Michael S. Heiser - 2017
It unveils what most in the modern Church have never heard regarding how the story of the sin of the Watchers in 1 Enoch 6-16 helped frame the mission of Jesus, the messiah. Jews of the first century expected the messiah to reverse the impact of the Watchers transgression. For Jews of Jesus' day, the Watchers were part of the explanation for why the world was so profoundly depraved. The messiah would not just revoke the claim of Satan on human souls and estrangement from God, solving the predicament of the Fall. He would also not only bring the nations back into relationship with the true God by defeating the principalities and powers that governed them. Jews also believed that the messiah would rescue humanity from self-destruction, the catalyst for which was the sin of the Watchers and the influence of what they had taught humankind. The role of Enoch's retelling of Genesis 6:1-4 in how New Testament writers wrote of Jesus and the cross has been largely lost to a modern audience. Reversing Hermon rectifies that situation. Topics include: understanding Genesis 6:1-4 and the Sin of the Watchers in Their Original Context; how the ancient Mesopotamian story of the apkallu aligns with Gen 6:1-4, was preserved in 1 Enoch, and sets the stage for the theme of reversing the evil of the Watchers; how the theme of reversing the transgression of the Watchers colors the gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus, his genealogy, and his ministry; how the writings of Peter and Paul allude to the sin of the Watchers and present Jesus as overturning the disastrous effects of their sins against humanity; and how the descriptions of the antichrist, the end-times Day of the Lord, and the final judgment connect to Genesis 6 and the nephilim.
Christianity at the Crossroads: How The Second Century Shaped The Future Of The Church
Michael J. Kruger - 2017
Everyone who knew Jesus is now dead. Christianity has begun to spread, but there are serious threats to its survival. Christianity at the Crossroads examines the crucial issues that faced the second-century Church - a period often neglected or overlooked in other studies. It was during this period that the fledgling Church struggled to work out its identity and stay true to the vision of Christ and the apostles. Threatened by divisive controversies from within and fierce persecution from without, the Church's response to these and other issues not only determined its survival; it was to shape the beliefs, values and lives of millions of Christians throughout the world over the next two millennia.
Decluttering Your Marriage
Douglas Wilson - 2017
That's because the key to a good marriage is honest, complete, and humble confession of sin. This short little book, coming from a pastor with forty years of experience, offers concrete practical suggestions about how to confess sin properly and how to avoid other snares that married people tend to get snagged on, usually depending on whether they're the man or the woman. Decluttering Your Marriage will give you much gospel advice, with much gospel encouragement. Features an extra checklist to help implement this book in your day-to-day lives.
What's Wrong With Religion
Skye Jethani - 2017
Figuring Out Faith?1- Everyone is Religion2- How Religion Ruins the World3- Getting Rid of Religion Doesn't Help4- God Doesn't Exist to Be Used5- ...& Neither Do You6- THE SOLUTION: Living WITH God7- The "Radical" Life Isn't What You Think8- The World Is A Perfectly Safe Place (Really)9- All You Need Is Love
The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism
Thomas Joseph White - 2017
Inspired by the theologies of Irenaeus, Thomas Aquinas, and John Henry Newman, and rooted in a post-Vatican II context, Fr. Thomas Joseph White presents major doctrines of the Christian faith in a way that is comprehensible for non-specialists: knowledge of God, the mystery of the Trinity, the Incarnation and the atonement, the sacraments and the moral life, eschatology and prayer."Thomas Joseph White is one of the brightest and most articulate theologians writing today. This book is an intelligent and spiritually alert introduction to the principal themes of Catholic theology. Both beginners and serious academics will find much to savor in its pages" -- Bishop Robert Barron
The Grace of Shame: 7 Ways the Church Has Failed to Love Homosexuals
Tim Bayly - 2017
Traditional marriage is out the window and every manner of sexual perversity is being pushed as good and healthy and normal on TV, in the movies, by the mainstream media, and by the fathers of our city and nation. At the forefront of this battle is homosexuality. It’s easy for Christians to see the enemy out there—to see all the ways that the modern tolerance machine is tearing down the bulwark of God’s moral law. But what if the culture doesn’t lead the church? What if the church leads the culture? What if the real responsibility lies with us? The Grace of Shame exposes the errors the church has made on sexuality over the last several decades, from failing to understand the sin of effeminacy to promoting the “gay Christian” movement. With reverence for the church universal, and a keen prophetic eye for the sins and failures of our modern church, this book exposes all the ways we have allowed this sin to triumph in the culture at large, and offers hope for the future.
Why Does God Allow Evil?: Compelling Answers for Life’s Toughest Questions
Clay Jones - 2017
We wrestle with questions such as...
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why should we have to pay for Adam's sin?
How can eternal judgment be fair?
But what if the real problem doesn't start with God...but with us? Clay Jones, a professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University, examines what Scripture truly says about the nature of evil and why God allows it. Along the way, he'll help you discover the contrasting abundance of God's grace, the overwhelming joy of heaven, and the extraordinary destiny of believers.
The Life of the Church: The Table, Pulpit, and Square
Joe Thorn - 2017
But how do you know it’s the mission Jesus gave?In The Life of the Church, Joe Thorn explains the mission of the church and the three rhythms for fulfilling it. The result is a simple, memorable model for church life and ministry, grounded in Scripture and aligned with historic practices.Useful for training in membership class, discipleship groups, and elder boards—and even for devotional reading—The Life of the Church is at once theological, practical, and experiential. Readers will not simply be informed, but led to a deeper conviction about their role in the body of Christ. Pastors will be equipped to refocus their ministries, and Christians to fulfill their purpose: be and make disciples. If you wonder what it means to be saved into a body of believers, why the various parts of a worship service matter, and how to engage in the world as a citizen of heaven, then The Life of the Church is for you. It answers this critical question: “Why does the church exist, and how does it shape my life?”
Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering
Kelly M. Kapic - 2017
. . . If you are looking for a book that boasts triumphantly of conquest over a great enemy, or gives a detached philosophical analysis that neatly solves an absorbing problem, this isn't it.
The Forgotten Jesus: How Western Christians Should Follow an Eastern Rabbi
Robby Gallaty - 2017
Through the years, our understanding of Jesus has been shaped by different cultural influences, and many Christians have forgotten that Jesus was a Jewish man living in a Jewish land, observing Jewish customs, and investing his life into Jewish men and women.Trading the popular, but inaccurate Western perspective of the Bible for the context in which Jesus actually ministered in 2000 years ago, author Robby Gallaty reveals the fascinating Hebraic culture, customs, and nuances many Christians have never experienced or learned about.By uncovering the teaching of the first and second century rabbis and Christian theologians, and highlighting little-known Jewish idioms and traditions, Gallaty takes Christians on a biblical journey to rediscover a forgotten Jesus from a biblical perspective, deepening your relationship with God.
A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing
Glynn Harrison - 2017
. .. . . faced up honestly to our Christian subculture of shame?. . . reimagined what it means to be made sexual in the image of God? . . . remembered that we flourish when we live in harmony with God’s design?. . . left behind the broken promises of the sexual revolution to tell a better story of our own?
Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey: Recover the Joys of Piety
William Weedon - 2017
For Christians who are struggling to understand what it means to be pious and how to embrace the classic Christian practices of piety, Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey shows that acts of piety are not simply rules to keep in order to be a "good" Christian, but how the new life in Christ is lived out in day-to-day life.
Cross Vision: How the Crucifixion of Jesus Makes Sense of Old Testament Violence
Gergory A. Boyd - 2017
Boyd tackles the Bible’s biggest dilemma.
The Old Testament God of wrath and violence versus the New Testament God of love and peace—it’s a difference that has troubled Christians since the first century. Now, with the sensitivity of a pastor and the intellect of a theologian, Gregory A. Boyd proposes the “cruciform hermeneutic,” a way to read the Old Testament portraits of God through the lens of Jesus’ crucifixion.In Cross Vision, Boyd follows up on his epic and groundbreaking study, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God. He shows how the death and resurrection of Jesus reframes the troubling violence of the Old Testament, how all of Scripture reveals God’s self-sacrificial love, and, most importantly, how we can follow Jesus’ example of peace.
The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English
Stan Reeves - 2017
Sensible Shoes Study Guide
Sharon Garlough Brown - 2017
A group discussion guide concludes each week. Engaging the lives of these characters in their spiritual journeys will offer both a window and a mirror into your own life and relationship with Christ.
The Four Last Things: A Catechetical Guide to Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell
Fr Wade Menezes - 2017
Every person, even the atheist, will admit that death is certain. Death, however, is not the last event in this life of ours. Immediately after death, we shall be judged and then again on the Day of Judgment when all humanity will know us for what we are. Too often the reality of Heaven and salvation are highlighted at the expense of the Church's teachings on Death, Judgment, Purgatory, and Hell. Yet, these important doctrines of the Church hold the truths of salvation truths that can lead us to Heaven or can pull us away from it. In these pages, Fr. Wade Menezes, EWTN television host and Assistant General of the Fathers of Mercy, shows us that God has not called us to His wrath, but to salvation. He shows us that Heaven and Hell, salvation and damnation, eternal life and eternal punishment are all complementary doctrines. They need each other to be complete and we must understand the Church's teachings on all of these doctrines in order to have a balanced view of the world. Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell these are the Four Last Things toward which we are moving each hour of the day and night. Read this book, and you'll have a firm grasp of one of the most important doctrines of Holy Mother Church that holds the truths of Heaven and our own salvation.
Man Up!: The Quest for Masculinity
Jeffrey Hemmer - 2017
He gave them each specific roles. In Man Up!, men will discover Gods true design for themwhether as a guy searching for his footing in this culture, a husband seeking a godly relationship with his wife, or a father looking for guidance on raising his children to be confessional followers of Jesus. This book is ideal for individual study, small groups, mens Bible studies, and one-on-one studies.
Five Proofs of the Existence of God
Edward Feser - 2017
This book provides a detailed, updated exposition and defense of five of the historically most important (but in recent years largely neglected) philosophical proofs of God’s existence: the Aristotelian, the Neo-Platonic, the Augustinian, the Thomistic, and the Rationalist.It also offers a thorough treatment of each of the key divine attributes—unity, simplicity, eternity, omnipotence, omniscience, perfect goodness, and so forth—showing that they must be possessed by the God whose existence is demonstrated by the proofs. Finally, it answers at length all of the objections that have been leveled against these proofs. This work provides as ambitious and complete a defense of traditional natural theology as is currently in print. Its aim is to vindicate the view of the greatest philosophers of the past— thinkers like Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, Aquinas, Leibniz, and many others— that the existence of God can be established with certainty by way of purely rational arguments. It thereby serves as a refutation both of atheism and of the fideism that gives aid and comfort to atheism.
Struck: One Christian's Reflections on Encountering Death
Russ Ramsey - 2017
As he faced the possibility of death, he found himself awakened to new realities. In the critical days and months that followed, Ramsey came to see the world through the eyes of affliction. He grappled with fear, anger, depression, and loss, and yet he experienced grace through the suffering that filled him with a hope and hunger for the life to come.This profoundly eloquent memoir gives voice to the deepest questions of the human condition. In the midst of pain, we can see glimpses of eternity.
The Character of the Church: The Marks of God's Obedient People
Joe Thorn - 2017
Concise, accessible, and historically informed, it teaches God’s design for church so you know what to look for in one—or even how to lead one.Useful for training in membership classes, discipleship groups, and elder boards—and even for devotional reading—The Character of the Church is at once theological, practical, and experiential. Readers will not simply be informed, but led to a deeper appreciation of the church of God and its essential marks:The word of God is faithfully preachedThe sacraments are rightly administeredLeadership is biblically formed and functioningDiscipline is practiced with graceThe mission of the church is shared by allThis book will bring churches and Christians back to the biblical picture of a local body, perfect for any believer eager to grow and help others do likewise.
Grace/Truth 1.0: Five Conversations Every Thoughtful Christian Should Have About Faith, Sexuality and Gender
Preston Sprinkle - 2017
This learning experience is designed for Bible studies, discussion groups, elder teams, pastoral staff, or any other small group of Christians who desire to engage questions of faith, sexuality and gender with both grace and truth. Grace/Truth 1.0 contains many questions designed to facilitate small group discussions where Christians can engage the material in thoughtful ways. It's also accompanied with a documentary about Christians who have wrestled with their faith, sexuality or gender identity, along with several short teaching videos for each chapter that help the group to engage the topics discussed in this book (The Grace/Truth 1.0 videos/DVDs must be purchased separately.) Those who want to go deeper can listen to podcasts and read pastoral papers that go deeper into the subjects discussed in Grace/Truth 1.0. The additional resources mentioned can be found online here:
Worship: The Reason We Were Created-Collected Insights from A. W. Tozer
A.W. Tozer - 2017
W. Tozer, on one of his favorite subjectsFew subjects invigorated A. W. Tozer like the topic of worship. He saw it—like the church has traditionally—as the sole reason for which creation exists.Worship: The Reason We Were Created features collections from the beloved spiritual writer on this important topic. The church's current worship is emaciated; its thoughts of God are too low. Here is a compilation to raise those thoughts high once more, and provoke the church to true, spiritual worship.Topics include: The act and object of worshipThe Presence of GodWorship throughout the weekFeelings and emotion in worshipMan as a worshipping creatureIf it's true that we are made to worship God, that it is the sole reason that we exist, that we are most alive when we live for His glory, then reading Worship is more than time well spent. It is time invested in the very foundation of your life.
That Nothing May Be Lost: Reflections on Catholic Doctrine and Devotion
Paul Scalia - 2017
Paul Scalia reveals a scholar's mind and a pastor's heart in these inspiring reflections on a wide range of Catholic teachings and practices. Rooted in Scripture, the beauty and truth of these insights places the reader on a path to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. While keeping the focus on the theology and teachings of the Church, Fr. Scalia also covers these topics:shows the unity that comes from the seven sacramentsprovides a road map to a life of graceencourages a strong devotion to our Blessed Motherprovides guidance on how to develop a continuous conversation with GodThese ponderings are coupled with powerful and moving introductory essays penned by highly regarded Catholics, each offering a glimpse into the Catholic faith realized. Rev. Paul Check, Jim Towey, Dr. Scott Hahn, Mary Ellen Bork, Gloria Purvis, Raymond Arroyo, Lizz Lovett and Helen Alvare each open a section of the book with a personal account of his or her interaction with the faith. Fr. Scalia's writings then offer insight into developing and growing one's faith and relationship with God. Additionally, Archbishop Charles Chaput offers a thought provoking foreword to help the reader with a meaningful journey through the many aspects of the Catholic faith presented throughout this book.
Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith
J. Warner Wallace - 2017
Forensic Faith will help readers:understand why they have a duty to defend the truthdevelop a training strategy to master the evidence for Christianitylearn how to employ the techniques of a detective to discover new insights from God’s Wordbecome better communicators by learning the skills of professional case makersWith real-life detective stories, fascinating strategies, and biblical insights, Wallace teaches readers cold-case investigative disciplines they can apply to their Christian faith. Forensic Faith is an engaging, fresh look at what it means to be a Christian.
Why We're Protestant: An Introduction to the Five Solas of the Reformation
Nate Pickowicz - 2017
false Christianity? In the days of the Protestant Reformation, the core tenets of the faith were strenuously examined. In the end, the Reformers maintained that at the heart of the Christian faith stood five main credos: sola Scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide, solus Christus, and soli Deo gloria. This book examines these five "solas" and makes a definitive case for why we're Protestant.
The Heart of the Church: The Gospel's History, Message, and Meaning
Joe Thorn - 2017
It explains the story of the gospel, its basic doctrines, and God’s work in salvation. Fresh yet consistent with classic expressions, it helps churches reclaim their essential identity and return from distracting pursuits. Useful for training in membership classes, discipleship groups, and elder boards—and even for devotional reading—The Heart of the Church is at once theological, practical, and experiential. Readers will not simply be informed, but led to believe in, rejoice in, and be transformed by the truth of God for His gathered people.Without the gospel, the church does not exist. This book is Thorn’s full and detailed exploration of the message that is indispensable to the church’s life and identity. For any church lacking power, any Christian feeling dry, or any person seeking truth, The Heart of the Church brings relief, direction, and light, leading to worship.
The Essential Tozer Collection: The Pursuit of God, the Purpose of Man, and the Crucified Life
A.W. Tozer - 2017
Tozer's writings will stir your soul and change your life. To this day he remains one of the most quoted Christians around the world as he inspires readers young and old with his wisdom, insight, and call to holiness. The Pursuit of God is an enduring classic that is sure to resonate if you long for a life spent in God's presence. The Purpose of Man is a call to worship as God reprioritizes your life and fills your soul. The Crucified Life will lead you to the cross so you can be raised to new life in Christ.This collection will teach you who God is, who you are, and how to live accordingly. In the end, understanding these truths will bring you deeper into God's presence and open up the life he wants for you.
Salvation by Allegiance Alone: Rethinking Faith, Works, and the Gospel of Jesus the King
Matthew W. Bates - 2017
This is the gospel, or so we are taught. But what is faith? And does this accurately summarize the gospel? Because faith is frequently misunderstood and the climax of the gospel misidentified, the gospel's full power remains untapped. While offering a fresh proposal for what faith means within a biblical theology of salvation, Matthew Bates presses the church toward a new precision: we are saved solely by allegiance to Jesus the king. Instead of faith alone, Christians must speak about salvation by allegiance alone. The book includes discussion questions for students, pastors, and church groups and a foreword by Scot McKnight.
He Will Reign Forever: A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God
Michael J. Vlach - 2017
This includes an explanation of texts from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22. Vlach offers a readable yet thorough treatment of God’s kingdom program that takes into account progressive revelation and how God’s kingdom plan unfolds throughout history.
Gender Roles and the People of God: Rethinking What We Were Taught about Men and Women in the Church
Alice Mathews - 2017
Instead, they want to be accepted as full participants in God's work, sharing in kingdom tasks in ways that use their gifts appropriately.In Gender Roles and the People of God, author, radio host, and professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Alice Mathews surveys the roles women have played in the Bible and throughout church history, demonstrating both the inspiring contributions of women and the many hurdles that have been placed in their path. Along the way, she investigates the difficult passages often used to preclude women from certain areas of service, pointing to better and more faithful understandings of those verses.Encouraging and hopeful, Mathews aims for an "egalitarian complementarity" in which men and women use all of their gifts in the church together, in partnership, for the glory of God.
The Messengers: Concealed
Lisa M. Clark - 2017
But the government calls this rogue organization the Darkness and is determined to do whatever it takes to conceal, even eliminate, everything the Messengers know.Coping with consequences and clouded with conflict, Simon tries to navigate the perilous city of Westbend and his life as an outcast. Simon needs the Messengers now more than ever, because lurking in the shadows is an ever-present threat that drives the resistance deeper underground.There’s a truth out there that is being concealed. Join Simon and the Messengers as they risk their lives to protect it.
Free to Lean: Making Peace with Your Lopsided Life
Jocelyn Green - 2017
You’re normal! Instead of constantly trying to “fix” our lives by achieving some perfect balance that doesn’t exist, let’s dump the guilt and admit that we need to lean into God. His perfect plan for us includes seasons of life when we may be more focused on caring for our children or our elderly parents, working for pay, or volunteering at church. Free to Lean gives you permission to recognize the season you're in and live in harmony with it.
God Is Stranger: What happens when God turns up?
Krish Kandiah - 2017
Full of passion, biblical insight and real-world application, it demands not just to be read but to be acted on!'Revd Canon J. John'Be warned: this book could seriously affect your view of yourself, of the world and of God - I highly recommend it to you!'Paula Gooder, Bible Society'Has God become as familiar and forgettable as a fridge-magnet? That's the danger Krish Kandiah faces up to in this wonderfully readable and very challenging book. Bible stories come to life as Krish tells them afresh, richly illustrated with personal experience and social relevance, and in each case the living God turns up - strange, dangerous, and, like Aslan, not safe but good.'Chris Wright, Langham Partnership'An important and timely book from someone who lives out its message in the spheres of politics, church and (most important of all) his own family home.'Pete Greig, 24-7 Prayer International
The Cost
Steven J. Lawson - 2017
He did not try to save people's feelings. This was because the things He was saying were too important and His love for people too strong to allow Him room to tread softly. Steven Lawson unpacks these few verses, looking at the unashamed honesty, passion, and urgency with which Jesus explains the incredible cost involved in following Him. It is undoubtedly the biggest sacrifice any person ever makes - but it is for the most abundantly glorious prize imaginable.
How to Understand and Apply the New Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology
Andrew David Naselli - 2017
The richness of these Scriptures rewards any level of studybut there are particular ways such study can be done well. In his easy-to-understand guide to New Testament exegesis, Andrew Naselli explains and illustrates each step of a logical twelve-stage interpretive process that can be used with benefit by pastors, scholars, teachers, and laypeople. Move from genre to textual criticism, take Greek grammar and literary context into account, and journey through the passage all the way to practical application. Learn how to track an author's thought-flow, grasp the text's message, and apply the ancient Word in this modern world, all in light of Christ's redeeming work. Then plunge into Naselli's recommended resources to go further in your studies every step of the way.
Shaped by God: Thinking and Feeling in Tune with the Psalms
John Piper - 2017
They do not just awaken the heart; they put it in the foreground. They do not merely invite our emotions to respond to God’s truth; they put our emotions on display.The Psalms are more than commanding—they are contagious. We are not just listening to profound ideas and feelings. We are living among them in their overflow. We touch pillows wet with tears. We hear and feel the unabashed cries of affliction, shame, regret, grief, anger, discouragement, and turmoil. But what makes all this stunningly different from the sorrows of the world is that all of it—absolutely all of it—is experienced in relation to the totally sovereign God.This book is an invitation. God wants our hearts. He will take them as he finds them. And then, with the healing contagion of the Psalms, he will shape them. Accept his invitation to come.
Revelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ (The Passion Translation)
Brian Simmons - 2017
A beautiful Christ is unveiled while a company of overcoming saints is seen rising into the fullness of Christ. The book of Revelation is exciting, powerful, and dynamic. But it must be more to us than merely an unveiling of events to come. Revelation must be an experience of encountering the living Christ. God is ready to unveil this book to those who are ready to receive it, eat it, and live fully in the splendor of Christ. The unveiling is more than a vision given to John, but is also meant to be an inward discovery, a delightful unveiling within you. This is not a drama of Satan’s worst, but a supernatural drama of God’s best, pouring through his beautiful Son, Jesus Christ. Revelation carries one revelation alone: Christ unveiled in his people. To read this book with any other focus is to miss the entire center of its meaning. There are other truths waiting for you to discover, but only after centering our gaze on the Magnificent One. A joyous blessing rests upon the one who reads this message and upon those who hear and embrace the words of this prophecy, for the appointed time is in your hands. Revelation 1:3 TPT
Sipping Saltwater: How to find lasting satisfaction in a world of thirst (Live Different)
Steve Hoppe - 2017
The uniqueness of this book comes in the metaphor of sipping saltwater. Even as Christians, we 'sip' on idols such as money, relationships, careers, sex, food, human approval…the list is endless. These things promise to satisfy us—to quench our thirst. In the end, however, they fail to do so and leave us thirstier than we were before drinking them. To make matters worse, we are left with devastating hangovers—the negative consequences of our idolatry. This book enables readers to identify their own source(s) of saltwater and explains how to quench their thirst with Jesus’ living water—the only drink that will ever truly satisfy us both now and for eternity. It inspires readers to go on in the Christian life as they started—by making Jesus the centre of our lives and giving our worship to him.
The Bible Unfiltered: Approaching Scripture on Its Own Terms
Michael S. Heiser - 2017
Michael S. Heiser, an expert in the ancient near east and author of the best selling The Unseen Realm, explores the most unusual, interesting, and least understood parts of the Bible and offers insights that will inspire, inform, and surprise you on every page.Dr. Heiser has helped to remind the church of the supernatural worldview of the Bible. In The Bible Unfiltered, you will see his methods and expertise applied to dozens of specific passages and topics. Gleaned from his years working as Faithlife's scholar-in-residence, this is some of the very best of Dr. Heiser's work.
Learning to Love the Psalms
W. Robert Godfrey - 2017
But as Dr. W. Robert Godfrey writes, there is more to this book than we usually see. In Learning to Love the Psalms, Dr. Godfrey explores the depths of this beloved book, unveiling its truths and helping readers gain new understanding, encouragement, and wonder for the Bible’s songbook.
Getting the Garden Right: Adam's Work and God's Rest in Light of Christ
Richard C. Barcellos - 2017
The Bible tells the story of God’s salvation of sinners in Christ. But that story does not begin in Bethlehem. It begins, well, at the beginning, in the garden. Adam’s work and God’s rest set the stage for the rest of history.
Theology of the Body In One Hour
Jason Evert - 2017
Through his Theology of the Body, St. John Paul II unveiled the beauty of God’s plan for human love. In 60 minutes, discover how the human body—in its masculinity and femininity—reveals who we are and how we are called to live.
Determined to Believe: The Sovereignty of God, Freedom, Faith and Human Responsibility
John C. Lennox - 2017
John Lennox writes in the spirit of helping people to get to grips with the biblical treatment of this issue for themselves. In this comprehensive review of the topic of theological determinism, Lennox seeks firstly to define the problem, looking at the concepts of freedom, the different kinds of determinism, and the moral problems these pose. He then equips the reader with biblical teaching on the topic and explores the spectrum of theological opinion on it. Following this Lennox delves deeper into the Gospels and then investigates what we can learn regarding determinism and responsibility from Paul’s discussion in Romans on God’s dealings with Israel. Finally Lennox tackles the issue of Christian assurance. This nuanced and detailed study challenges some of the widely held assumptions in the area of theological determinism and brings a fresh perspective to the debate.
Romans (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)
Scott Hahn - 2017
The CCSS relates Scripture to Christian life today, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. Supported by leading Catholic scholars as well as popular Bible teachers, the series offers a unique level of commentary for Catholic students of the Bible. Its attractive packaging and accessible writing style make it a series to own--and to read! Drawn from the best of contemporary scholarship, series volumes are keyed to the liturgical year and include an index of pastoral subjects.
A Nearly Infallible History of the Reformation: Commemorating 500 years of Popes, Protestants, Reformers, Radicals and Other Assorted Irritants
Nick Page - 2017
Or maybe it was a little more complicated than that.
Nick Page brings his skills as an unlicensed historian to bear on this key period in European (and world) history in order to uncover everything you need to know about the Reformation - with a fair few bits you never wanted to know thrown in for good measure.Historians tell us that the Protestant Reformation laid the foundations for the Industrial Revolution, religious freedom, and all sorts of other Good Things. But what actually happened? Who were the winners and the losers, the ogres and the beauty queens of this key moment in church history? (spoiler: there weren't any beauty queens)In-depth research, historical analysis and cutting-edge guesswork combine to scintillating effect in this fast-moving examination of the strange and wonderful whirlwind that was church life in late medieval Europe.'You were predestined to read this.' John Calvin
Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2018
The Irish Jesuits (The Irish Province of the Society of Jesus) - 2017
It is a holy and sacred experience open to everyone. We do not need to be experts in prayer to enjoy the opportunity to grow in prayerful awareness of our friendship with God.Sacred Space: The Prayer Book can lead us into a life of prayer and, in doing so, inspire new expressions and depths of faith.
The Scripture, prayers, and reflections in Sacred Space: The Prayer Book will inspire you to a richer daily spiritual experience throughout the liturgical year and invite you to develop a closer relationship with God.
Each day of Sacred Space: The Prayer Book includes a Scripture reading and points of reflection, as well as a weekly topic enhanced by six steps of prayer and contemplation: The Presence of God, Freedom, Consciousness, The Word, Conversation, and Conclusion.
Sacred Space: The Prayer Book is designed to help you stay faithful to your intention to deepen your spiritual journey. It is the perfect gift for your parish, campus ministry program, small group, friend, family member, or yourself.
Father Solanus Casey, Revised and Updated
Catherine Odell - 2017
By his gentle, cheerful example, he taught others to have that same trust in God. Wherever he was sent — whether to parishes in New York City or monasteries in Detroit and tiny Huntington, Indiana — Father Casey was widely sought after for his wise counsel, powerful prayers, and miraculous healings. Visitors flocked to the humble monastery doorkeeper, seeking physical cures, advice, and spiritual renewal. Thousands of mourners attended his funeral in July 1957, hailing him as a modern saint. Catherine M. Odell proves that Father Casey’s witness remains more important than ever. Featuring first-hand personal accounts and 16 pages of photos, Father Solanus Casey takes readers past the ordinary appearance of this self-effacing friar into his extraordinary holiness.
Author Catherine M. Odell, a native of South Bend, Indiana, grew up and was educated in the shadow of Notre Dame’s “Golden Dome.” A freelance journalist, curriculum writer, editor, and teacher, she is the author of eleven other books, including Our Sunday Visitor’s Those Who Saw Her: Apparitions of Mary; Faustina: Apostle of Divine Mercy; Praying the Rosary for Intercession; and Angels of the Lord: 365 Reflections on Our Heavenly Guardians (co-authored with Margaret Savitskas). Odell and her husband Bill have two grown children and make their home in South Bend. She is a committed organic gardener, baker, walker, and reader.
No Quick Fix: Where Higher Life Theology Came From, What It Is, and Why It's Harmful
Andrew David Naselli - 2017
It teaches that there are two categories of Christians: those who are merely saved, and those who have really surrendered to Christ. Those who have Jesus as their Savior alone, and those who have him as their Master as well. If Christians can simply "let go and let God" they can be free of struggling with sin and brought to that higher level of spiritual life. What could be wrong with that?A lot, it turns out. In No Quick Fix, a shorter and more accessible version of his book Let Go and Let God?, Andy Naselli critiques higher life theology from a biblical perspective. He shows that it leads not to freedom, but to frustration, because it promises something it has no power to deliver. Along the way, he tells the story of where higher life theology came from, describes its characteristics, and compares it to what the Bible really says about how we overcome sin and become more like Christ.
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? 12 False Christs
Matthew R. Richard - 2017
Like the Elvises who roam the streets of Vegas, these counterfeit christs look and sound like Jesus, but they couldn’t be further from the real deal.In Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? 12 False Christs, author Matthew Richard exposes these false christs for what they are . . . mere impostors. Richard reveals to readers who the real Jesus of the Bible is, but also reveals to us twelve false christs who are embraced, loved, promoted, and revered, even by well-meaning Christians.“My hope is that readers will connect with the different stories in this book, but will do so in a way that they can see how people’s false theology and bad presuppositions lead to taking up false christs,” says Richard. “In other words, this book attempts to combine the art of story and the discipline of theology, so that the reader can see flesh-and-blood examples of how easy false theology can lead someone into idolatry.”
Divine Law and Human Nature: Book I of Hooker's Laws: A Modernization
Richard Hooker - 2017
However, on account of its difficult and archaic style, it is scarcely read today. The time has come to translate it into modern English so that Hooker may teach a new generation of churchmen and Christian leaders about law, reason, Scripture, church, and politics. In this second volume of an ongoing translation project by the Davenant Trust, we present Book I of Hooker's Laws, for which he is perhaps most famous. Here he offers a sweeping overview of his theology of law, law being that order and measure by which God governs the universe, and by which all creatures-and humans above all-conduct their lives and affairs. In an age when the idea of natural creation order is under wholesale attack, even within the church, Hooker's luminous treatment of the relation of Scripture and nature, faith and reason is a priceless and urgently-needed gift to the church.
1 & 2 Thessalonians, Titus & Philemon: A Godly Life (The Passion Translation Book 13)
Brian Simmons - 2017
Although he was encouraged by their faith, hope, and love, Paul was still mindful of their vulnerability. So he wrote to build their spiritual muscles, helping them live faithfully while awaiting Christ’s return. Full of encouragement and exhortation, their prophetic insights will keep you focused on what is truth as we look to Christ alone to be our faithful strength—no matter how difficult the future may appear. The book of Titus reminds us that right beliefs should impact every area of our lives—relationships, work, community—for right living always accompanies right doctrine. In today’s culture, we need this prophetic reminder that the grace that saves us is the same grace that empowers us to live a life of good works! Finally, Philemon is a letter written with one purpose: to bring reconciliation between two brothers in Christ. We should be grateful to God for gifting us this letter because the dignity of every human being is brought forth powerfully in the story of Philemon and Onesimus—a story of forgiving love.What treasures are found in the pages of these letters! They will leave you richer in your spiritual life and empower you to persevere until the day Jesus returns in glory.
Knowing And Growing in Assurance of Faith
Joel R. Beeke - 2017
Stressing Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension - and what they mean for the believer - A Christian's Pocket Guide to Assurance simply clarifies the biblical facts behind the doctrine of assurance of salvation.
The Will of God is the Word of God
James MacDonald - 2017
Yet, the Bible clearly reveals God’s will for your life. You only need to listen. When it comes to discovering God’s will, author and pastor James MacDonald finds historic misunderstandings among Christians: • "Can you ever be sure about what God wants you to do?" • "What if you discover you’ve been doing something other than His will?" • "If you somehow stepped out of God’s will at some point, can you ever get back on track, or is your situation hopeless?" Are you in God’s will now? Is a confident answer to that question ever possible?
The Hidden and the Manifest: Essays in Theology and Metaphysics
David Bentley Hart - 2017
Spanning Hart's career both topically and over time, these essays cover such subjects as the Orthodox understanding of Eucharistic sacrifice; the metaphysics of Paradise Lost; Christianity, modernity, and freedom; death, final judgment, and the meaning of life; and many more.
Life With the Holy Spirit: Enjoying Intimacy With the Spirit of God
Katherine Ruonala - 2017
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit, encounter God in deeply personal ways, and release the power of the Holy Spirit in signs, wonders, and miracles.Life With the Holy Spirit will bring you into the joy and power that comes from intimacy with Him through discussing topics such as: How to see the fruit of the Spirit manifest in your life How to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit The power of praying in the Spirit and the gift of tongues How to hear and see in the Spirit (visions, dreams, and revelation) How to partner with the Holy Spirit for healing and miracles
The Gospel-Shaped Life
Ian Hamilton - 2017
It is good news from God, about his Son Jesus Christ, for a world of perishing sinners, offering eternal life as a free gift, to be received by faith alone (John 3:16).But the gospel does so much more than rescue us from hell and save us for heaven. It also takes possession of our lives and remakes them into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29). This is God’s ultimate purpose for every one of his blood-bought and dearly loved children.How does the gospel do this? And what does a gospel-shaped life look like? And what impact will such a life have on others? These are some of the questions raised and answered by Ian Hamilton in this book.The Gospel-Shaped Life is a book for Christians of all ages. Its goal is to move us to confess with the apostle Paul, ‘Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!’ (Rom. 11:33)
Some Pastors and Teachers: Reflecting a Biblical Vision of What Every Minister Is Called to Be
Sinclair B. Ferguson - 2017
This is followed by studies of Scripture, the ministry of the Spirit, the nature of Biblical Theology, the work of Christ, adoption, the nature of the Christian life and other important doctrines. The final section discusses various aspects of preaching, including preaching Christ from the Old Testament, the importance of theology, reaching the heart, and concludes with a decalogue for preachers. All this, as the epilogue makes clear, is set within the context and goal of doxology.
The Apostolic Fathers: A New Translation
Rick Brannan - 2017
In fact, some texts came close to inclusion in the New Testament canon. These translations by Rick Brannan are perfect for use by students, scholars, and everyday Christians interested in these treasures of the early church.Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed or translated from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.This volume includes: The First Letter of Clement to the Corinthians The Second Letter of Clement to the Corinthians Ignatius to the Ephesians Ignatius to the Magnesians Ignatius to the Trallians Ignatius to the Romans Ignatius to the Philadelphians Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans Ignatius to Polycarp Polycarp to the Philippians The Didache (The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) Epistle of Barnabas The Shepherd of Hermas The Martyrdom of Saint Polycarp (by the Bishop of Smyrna) Epistle to Diognetus
Christ Alone---The Uniqueness of Jesus as Savior: What the Reformers Taught...and Why It Still Matters
Stephen J. Wellum - 2017
Yet these rallying cries of the Reformation continue to speak to us, addressing a wide range of contemporary issues. The Five Solas series will help you understand the historical and biblical context of the five solas and how to live out the relevance of Reformation theology today.In Christ Alone, Stephen Wellum considers Christ’s singular uniqueness and significance biblically, historically, and today, in our pluralistic and postmodern age. He examines the historical roots of the doctrine, especially in the Reformation era, and then shows how the uniqueness of Christ has come under specific attack today. Then, he walks us through the storyline of Scripture, from Christ’s unique identity and work as prophet, priest, and king, to the application of his work to believers and our covenantal union with him to show that apart from Christ there is no salvation. Wellum shows that we must recover a robust biblical and theological doctrine of Christ’s person and work in the face of today’s challenges and explains why a fresh appraisal of the Reformation understanding of Christ alone is needed today.
Bearing God: The Life and Works of St. Ignatius of Antioch the God-Bearer
Andrew Stephen Damick - 2017
Ignatius, first-century Bishop of Antioch, called the “God-bearer,” is one of the earliest witnesses to the truth of Christ and the nature of the Christian life. Tradition tells us that as a small child, Ignatius was singled out by Jesus Himself as an example of the childlike faith all Christians must possess (see Matthew 18:1–4). In Bearing God, Fr. Andrew Damick recounts the life of this great pastor, martyr, and saint, and interprets for the modern reader five major themes in the pastoral letters he wrote: martyrdom, salvation in Christ, the bishop, the unity of the Church, and the Eucharist.
How Does the New Testament Use the Old Testament?: A Survey of the Major Views
Michael J. Vlach - 2017
Each position is explained with documentation. Also, questions and objections for each view are offered. There are also test cases where it is shown how the various positions address hard cases of NT use of the OT, including Matthew 2:15/Hosea 11:1 and others. This booklet does not solve the NT use of the OT problem and issue, but it does offer a unique summary of all the major Christian approaches as a basis for further study of this issue. It also interacts with the writings of Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Greg K. Beale, Darrell L. Bock, Robert L. Thomas, Richard N. Longenecker, Peter Enns, Douglas Moo, J. I. Packer, S. Lewis Johnson Jr., and others. The book is authored by Michael J. Vlach, Professor of Theology at The Master's Seminary and Editor of The Master's Seminary Journal. Michael regularly teaches a course on NT use of the OT and has presented a paper at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society on this topic.
Seeing the Unseen, Expanded Edition: A 90-Day Devotional to Set Your Mind on Eternity
Randy Alcorn - 2017
Rather than focus on what will fade, we're encouraged to lock our gaze on things of eternal value. But how exactly can we do that amid the immediate demands of life?In this expanded edition of his devotional Seeing the Unseen, Randy Alcorn provides 90 inspirational readings that will help you view today through the lens of the eternal.As we better grasp the realities of the spiritual realm, we gain a clearer perspective on our present life, including things like suffering, happiness, generosity, and peace. This transformative devotional equips you to live with a right view of eternity--one that will shape not just what you believe, but how you navigate the challenges and opportunities of each day.
Notes on the Book of Acts: from the Naked Bible Podcast
Michael S. Heiser - 2017
Notes on the book of Acts drawn from the transcripts of the Naked Bible Podcast series on Acts.
Adventist Authority Wars
George R. Knight - 2017
Adventist Authority Wars, Ordination, and the Roman Catholic Temptation, following his usual style, raises denominational issues that many would like to keep buried. He not only raises the issues but points to possible soutions.
Beyond the Cosmos: The Transdimensionality of God
Hugh Ross - 2017
Drawing on biblical teaching and scientific evidence that supports it, Hugh Ross invites us to envision and experience God in a way we may never have considered before. As a result, our love and appreciation for God can be dramatically deepened, and the way we relate to him and to others—both believers and nonbelievers—can be changed forever, for good.
The Problem of Slavery in Christian America
Joel McDurmon - 2017
They are largely unaware how systematic it was and what institutions were created specifically to maintain the injustices. Christians are largely unaware that their own clergy and churches were among the leading proponents of the systems, and have no idea of the convicting and sad reasons why, or of the theological justifications employed for turning a blind eye to the injustice, or worse, active perpetuation of it. That such theologies are still widely taught today—and are in some cases the norm—is not a good sign when so many social ills still surround a silent church. In general, Christians and conservatives are not nearly as informed as they may think when it comes to understanding black history in the United States and the black saga it contains.The Problem of Slavery in Christian America aims at providing otherwise well-intended Christians and conservatives a deeper understanding of that history, a starting point for discussion and, if necessary, repentance, and with a biblical response to the larger problem of racism, all while refusing to capitulate to non-Christian leftism.