Living with Complexity

Donald A. Norman - 2010
    In this provocative and informative book, Don Norman writes that the complexity of our technology must mirror the complexity and richness of our lives. It's not complexity that's the problem, it's bad design. Bad design complicates things unnecessarily and confuses us. Good design can tame complexity.Norman gives us a crash course in the virtues of complexity. Designers have to produce things that tame complexity. But we too have to do our part: we have to take the time to learn the structure and practice the skills. This is how we mastered reading and writing, driving a car, and playing sports, and this is how we can master our complex tools.Complexity is good. Simplicity is misleading. The good life is complex, rich, and rewarding—but only if it is understandable, sensible, and meaningful.

Universal Principles of Design: 100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach Through Design

William Lidwell - 2003
    Because no one can be an expert on everything, designers have always had to scramble to find the information and know-how required to make a design work - until now. Universal Principles of Design is the first cross-disciplinary reference of design. Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, this book pairs clear explanations of the design concepts featured with visual examples of those concepts applied in practice. From the 80/20 rule to chunking, from baby-face bias to Ockham's razor, and from self-similarity to storytelling, 100 design concepts are defined and illustrated for readers to expand their knowledge.This landmark reference will become the standard for designers, engineers, architects, and students who seek to broaden and improve their design expertise.

Other People's Money: The Real Business of Finance

John Kay - 2015
    Financialization over the past three decades has created a structure that lacks resilience and supports absurd volumes of trading. The finance sector devotes too little attention to the search for new investment opportunities and the stewardship of existing ones, and far too much to secondary-market dealing in existing assets. Regulation has contributed more to the problems than the solutions.Why? What is finance for? John Kay, with wide practical and academic experience in the world of finance, understands the operation of the financial sector better than most. He believes in good banks and effective asset managers, but good banks and effective asset managers are not what he sees.In a dazzling and revelatory tour of the financial world as it has emerged from the wreckage of the 2008 crisis, Kay does not flinch in his criticism: we do need some of the things that Citigroup and Goldman Sachs do, but we do not need Citigroup and Goldman to do them. And many of the things done by Citigroup and Goldman do not need to be done at all. The finance sector needs to be reminded of its primary purpose: to manage other people's money for the benefit of businesses and households. It is an aberration when the some of the finest mathematical and scientific minds are tasked with devising algorithms for the sole purpose of exploiting the weakness of other algorithms for computerized trading in securities. To travel further down that road leads to ruin.

The Outward Mindset: How to Change Lives and Transform Organizations

The Arbinger Institute - 2019
    This book points out the many ways, some quite subtle and deceptive, that this mindset invites tension and conflict. But incredible things happen when people switch to an outward mindset. They intuitively understand what coworkers, colleagues, family, and friends need to be successful and happy. Their organizations thrive, and astonishingly, by focusing on others they become happier and more successful themselves! This new mindset brings about deep and far-reaching changes. The Outward Mindset presents compelling true stories to illustrate the gaps that individuals and organizations typically experience between their actual inward mindsets and their needed outward mindsets. And it provides simple yet profound guidance and tools to help bridge this mindset gap. This new edition includes a new preface, updated case studies, and new material covering Arbinger's latest research on mindsets. In the long run, changing negative behavior without changing one's mindset doesn't last—the old behaviors always reassert themselves. But changing the mindset that causes the behavior changes everything.

The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you

Rob Fitzpatrick - 2013
     They say you shouldn't ask your mom whether your business is a good idea, because she loves you and will lie to you. This is technically true, but it misses the point. You shouldn't ask anyone if your business is a good idea. It's a bad question and everyone will lie to you at least a little . As a matter of fact, it's not their responsibility to tell you the truth. It's your responsibility to find it and it's worth doing right .Talking to customers is one of the foundational skills of both Customer Development and Lean Startup. We all know we're supposed to do it, but nobody seems willing to admit that it's easy to screw up and hard to do right. This book is going to show you how customer conversations go wrong and how you can do better.

101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School: Forbes calls this book 1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs must read right now along with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Chris Haroun - 2015
    In this book you will learn how to get a meeting with anyone. You will learn how to take your career to the next level. You will learn how to reinvent yourself in ways that you never thought was possible! Chris Haroun has had the opportunity in his career to meet with the top CEOs, entrepreneurs and investors in the world, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Marc Benioff and the CEOs of most large technology companies. This book is an amalgamation of business advice that Chris has compiled from his many meetings with successful business people over the past two decades as well as observations of why brilliant entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg have become incredibly successful. Business schools do a good job of providing students with theoretical and practical frameworks that can be applicable to real world problems but often miss teaching students some of the most crucial business lessons like how to network, how to find customers or how to get a job!Chris Haroun is an award winning business school professor, venture capitalist and author. He is currently a venture capitalist at a prominent San Francisco Bay Area venture capital firm and has previous work experience at Goldman Sachs, hedge fund giant Citadel, Accenture and several firms that he has founded. He has raised and has managed over $1 billion in his career. Chris teaches many courses. He has an MBA in Finance from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a major in Management Information Systems and International Business from McGill University. Chris is also a frequent guest lecturer at several Bay Area business schools including Berkeley and Stanford. He is a McGill University Dobson Fellow. He has written numerous articles/been interviewed in Forbes, VentureBeat, Entrepreneur Magazine, Wired Magazine, AlleyWatch and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK: Hong Kong's oldest and sole public service broadcaster). He serves on the boards of several Bay Area technology companies and charities. Chris Haroun is originally from Canada and currently lives in Hillsborough, California and enjoys playing baseball with his wife and three sons.

The Qualified Sales Leader: Proven Lessons from a Five Time CRO

John McMahon - 2021
    As an executive, board member, advisor, and investor, John has not only coached a generation of companies on selling, but he has also influenced a generation of executives and leaders in technology, Mike Speiser-Managing Director-Sutter Hill VenturesThe learnings in The Qualified Sales Leader will help you and your sales team sell more, make more money and grow your career in enterprise sales. Luca Lazzaron-CRO SprinklrMost sales books are boring, clinical "textbooks" that "cookie-cutter" a few generic ideas into a monotonous, dull read, that puts you to sleep. The Qualified Sales Leader is an easy read, dripping with the fundamentals of enterprise sales. Real world advice that you'll put to use the next day. Chris Degnan-CRO-SnowflakeThe Qualified Sales Leader is an easy to read book that will absolutely resonate through any enterprise software sales team. Realistic, usable advice for any sales leader or sales rep. If you're in enterprise sales, you'd be crazy not to read this book Cedric Pech-CRO-MongoDBMonthly someone asks:, "When are you going to write a book". When I ask, "Why?", I'm told, "Because no one has written a sales leadership book with practical, solutions to real life issues in enterprise SaaS sales forces", Why:6 of 10 sales reps fail, not because they couldn't sell but because they were assigned the wrong accounts. Sales leaders don't align skillsets to account complexity.Rep attrition at most SaaS companies is over 20%Sales leaders can't recruit A playersSales Leaders don't coach their reps on deal advancement issuesMost sales leaders are "glorified scorekeepers"Most sales leader don't motivate their sales teamThey're focused on deals, not rep competencySales forecasts are inaccurate because most reps game the CRM system.Sales team leaders lack qualification of sales stage exit criteriaMany salesforces only win 50% of their proof of conceptsThey're unable to frame a winning POC Criteria because they skip steps 8 of 10 executive buyers say the sales meetings they take are a waste of time.Sales reps lack the ability to sell business value aligned to specific personas and use cases. 4 of 10 reps in enterprise sales say one of the top 3 biggest challenges is to establish urgency. Reps don't quantify critical business pain to create a buying influence.Reps can't find high-level business champions, only low-level coachesLeaders don't teach them to find pain above the noise.Reps find pain but can't attract a championManagers have them selfishly focused on closing a sale instead of earning trust.40% of reps say they feel out of control during the sales process.Leaders don't teach them how to control the process.Reps can't get high in the tree to drive large deals.They don't speak the language of the Economic Buyer.50% of reps say they can't overcome price objections while sales leaders struggle to increase the average deal size. Managers are pushing their sales reps into vending, not selling. Reps can't answer the simple "3 Whys" for forecasted dealsWhy do they have to buy? Why do they have to buy from us? and Why do they have to buy now?Top sales leaders will find the answers to these issues and more in The Qualified Sales LeaderFrom the PublisherJohn is widely recognized as the only person having been the CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) at five public, enterprise software companies, PTC, Geo-Tel, Ariba, BladeLogic and BMC.John's expertise was formulated as a pre-IPO member of 4 of the 5 companies listed above.Today, John is a board member at public software companies Snowflake, MongoDB and private, pre-IPO companies Lacework, Sigma, Cybereason and Observe. In the past, John has been a board member or executive consultant to: Hubspot, Glass Door AppDynamics and Sprinklr.

How to Make Sense of Any Mess: Information Architecture for Everybody

Abby Covert - 2014
     It is easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of information we encounter each day. Whether at work, at school, or in our personal endeavors, there’s a deepening (and inescapable) need for people to work with and understand information. Information architecture is the way that we arrange the parts of something to make it understandable as a whole. When we make things for others to use, the architecture of information that we choose greatly affects our ability to deliver our intended message to our users. We all face messes made of information and people. I define the word “mess” the same way that most dictionaries do: “A situation where the interactions between people and information are confusing or full of difficulties.” — Who doesn’t bump up against messes made of information and people every day? This book provides a seven step process for making sense of any mess. Each chapter contains a set of lessons as well as workbook exercises architected to help you to work through your own mess.

Organisasi dan Manajemen: Perilaku, Struktur, Proses

James L. Gibson - 1900
    Given this theme, Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, and Konopaske, present and interpret organizational behavior theory and research so that students can comprehend the three characteristics common to all organizations-behavior, structure, and processes-as affected by actions of managers. The text is organized and presented in a sequence based on behavior, structure, and process. Each part has been presented as a self-contained unit and can therefore be presented in whatever sequence the instructor prefers. The text is easily adaptable to these individual preferences. This edition emphasizes that the most successful managers in the global economy will be those who can anticipate, adapt, and manage change.

Diffusion of Innovations

Everett M. Rogers - 1982
    It has sold 30,000 copies in each edition and will continue to reach a huge academic audience.In this renowned book, Everett M. Rogers, professor and chair of the Department of Communication & Journalism at the University of New Mexico, explains how new ideas spread via communication channels over time. Such innovations are initially perceived as uncertain and even risky. To overcome this uncertainty, most people seek out others like themselves who have already adopted the new idea. Thus the diffusion process consists of a few individuals who first adopt an innovation, then spread the word among their circle of acquaintances--a process which typically takes months or years. But there are exceptions: use of the Internet in the 1990s, for example, may have spread more rapidly than any other innovation in the history of humankind. Furthermore, the Internet is changing the very nature of diffusion by decreasing the importance of physical distance between people. The fifth edition addresses the spread of the Internet, and how it has transformed the way human beings communicate and adopt new ideas.

Dear Client: This Book Will Teach You How to Get What You Want from Creative People

Bonnie Siegler - 2018
    Her advice is nonjudgmental, with a sense of authority derived from working with clients such as Oprah and Saturday Night Live. Each concise chapter of this prescriptive book will walk you through the different phases and experiences of the creative process, such as how to communicate to a design team exactly what you want (adjectives are your best friend), which words or phrases to avoid so as not to stump the designer’s creativity (don’t say “Make it bigger”), the importance of designating one decision-maker, how to be open to something you didn’t imagine, and how to establish clarity of purpose. With informative and amusing stories of good and bad clients, How to Work with Creative People is a game-changing and approachable handbook for achieving a productive and enjoyable relationship with creative professionals, and is sure to join the canon of breakout visual business books such as Rework or The Power of Habit.

Weird Ideas That Work: How to Build a Creative Company

Robert I. Sutton - 2001
    To succeed, you need to be both conventional and counterintuitive.Creativity, new ideas, innovation—in any age they are keys to success. Yet, as Stanford professor Robert Sutton explains, the standard rules of business behavior and management are precisely the opposite of what it takes to build an innovative company. We are told to hire people who will fit in; to train them extensively; and to work to instill a corporate culture in every employee. In fact, in order to foster creativity, we should hire misfits, goad them to fight, and pay them to defy convention and undermine the prevailing culture. Weird Ideas That Work codifies these and other proven counterintuitive ideas to help you turn your workplace from staid and safe to wild and woolly—and creative. In Weird Ideas That Work Sutton draws on extensive research in behavioral psychology to explain how innovation can be fostered in hiring, managing, and motivating people; building teams; making decisions; and interacting with outsiders. Business practices like "hire people who make you uncomfortable" and "reward success and failure, but punish inaction," strike many managers as strange or even downright wrong. Yet Weird Ideas That Work shows how some of the best teams and companies use these and other counterintuitive practices to crank out new ideas, and it demonstrates that every company can reap sales and profits from such creativity. Weird Ideas That Work is filled with examples, drawn from hi- and low-tech industries, manufacturing and services, information and products. More than just a set of bizarre suggestions, it represents a breakthrough in management thinking: Sutton shows that the practices we need to sustain performance are in constant tension with those that foster new ideas. The trick is to choose the right balance between conventional and "weird"—and now, thanks to Robert Sutton's work, we have the tools we need to do so.

Race Against The Machine

Erik Brynjolfsson - 2011
    Drawing on research by their team at the Center for Digital Business, they show that there's been no stagnation in technology -- in fact, the digital revolution is accelerating. Recent advances are the stuff of science fiction: computers now drive cars in traffic, translate between human languages effectively, and beat the best human Jeopardy! players.As these examples show, digital technologies are rapidly encroaching on skills that used to belong to humans alone. This phenomenon is both broad and deep, and has profound economic implications. Many of these implications are positive; digital innovation increases productivity, reduces prices (sometimes to zero), and grows the overall economic pie.But digital innovation has also changed how the economic pie is distributed, and here the news is not good for the median worker. As technology races ahead, it can leave many people behind. Workers whose skills have been mastered by computers have less to offer the job market, and see their wages and prospects shrink. Entrepreneurial business models, new organizational structures and different institutions are needed to ensure that the average worker is not left behind by cutting-edge machines.In Race Against the Machine Brynjolfsson and McAfee bring together a range of statistics, examples, and arguments to show that technological progress is accelerating, and that this trend has deep consequences for skills, wages, and jobs. The book makes the case that employment prospects are grim for many today not because there's been technology has stagnated, but instead because we humans and our organizations aren't keeping up.

Rebel with a Cause

Ray Avery - 2010
    The inspiring story of a true NZ hero who overcame childhood neglect to become a successful scientist and businessman, and who has saved millions of lives in the third world.

The Best Practice: How the New Quality Movement Is Transforming Medicine

Charles C. Kenney - 2008
    But starting in the late 1990s, shocking reports emerged that showed this was far from the truth. Treatment-related deaths or “complications” were found to be the fifth leading cause of death for Americans, and hundreds of thousands of patients were being harmed by botched medical procedures.Spurred by the quality crisis, a group of visionary physicians led by Donald Berwick and Paul Batalden embarked on a study of industrial “quality improvement” techniques, daring to apply them to the practice of medicine despite resistance from the medical community. The Best Practice tells the story of this burgeoning movement, and of how the medical landscape is being radically transformed—for the better.