Book picks similar to
The I and the Not-I (Bollingen) by Mary Esther Harding
The Symbolic Quest: Basic Concepts of Analytical Psychology
Edward C. Whitmont - 1969
Putnam's Sons for the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology in 1969. In this acclaimed work Whitmont explores C.G. Jung's revolutionary discoveries about the archetypal world & the self, offering practical insights into the process of healing & transformation.IntroductionThe symbolic approach The approach to the unconsciousThe objective psyche The complex Archetypes & mythsArchetypes & the invididual mythArchetypes & personal psychologyPsychological typesThe personaThe shadow Male & femaleThe anima The animusThe self The complex of identity: the egoThe ego-self estrangement Ego development & the phases of lifeTherapyNotesBibliographyIndex
Lament of the Dead: Psychology After Jung's Red Book
James Hillman - 2013
Hillman, the founder of Archetypal Psychology, was one of the most prominent psychologists in America and is widely acknowledged as the most original figure to emerge from Jung’s school. Shamdasani, editor and cotranslator of Jung’s Red Book, is regarded as the leading Jung historian. Hillman and Shamdasani explore a number of the issues in the Red Book—such as our relation with the dead, the figures of our dreams and fantasies, the nature of creative expression, the relation of psychology to art, narrative and storytelling, the significance of depth psychology as a cultural form, the legacy of Christianity, and our relation to the past—and examine the implications these have for our thinking today.
The Red Book: Liber Novus
C.G. Jung - 2009
Here he developed his principle theories—of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation—that transformed psychotherapy from a practice concerned with treatment of the sick into a means for higher development of the personality. While Jung considered The Red Book to be his most important work, only a handful of people have ever seen it. Now, in a complete facsimile and translation, it is available to scholars and the general public. It is an astonishing example of calligraphy and art on a par with The Book of Kells and the illuminated manuscripts of William Blake. This publication of The Red Book is a watershed that will cast new light on the making of modern psychology. 212 color illustrations.
Marie-Louise von Franz - 1993
She draws on her many years of practical experience in psychotherapy, her intimate knowledge of Jung's methods and theories, and her wide-ranging interests in fields such as mythology, alchemy, science, and religion to illumine these varied topics: • Projection • Transference • Dream interpretation • Self-realization • Group psychology • Personality types • Active imagination • The therapeutic use of hallucinogenic drugs • The choice of psychotherapy as a profession • The role of religious experience in psychological healing
Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth
Robert A. Johnson - 1986
A noted author and Jungian analyst teaches how to use dreams and inner exercises to achieve personal wholeness and a more satisfying life.
Invisible Partners
John A. Sanford - 1979
-- Unitarian Universalist AssociationThis book demonstrates how the inner part of a man and the masculine part of a woman are invisible partners in any male-female relationship. It was written for people where who want to understand themselves and their relationships better.
Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy (Reality of the Psyche)
Edward F. Edinger - 1985
No other contribution has been as helpful as this for revealing, in a word, the anatomy of the psyche and how it applies to where one is in his or her process. This is a significant amplification and extension of Jung's work. Two hundred years from now, it will still be a useful handbook and an inspiring aid to those who care about individuation". -- Psychological Perspectives
Complex/Archetype/Symbol in the Psychology of C.G. Jung
Jolande Jacobi - 1957
Jung for many years, Jolande Jacobi is in a unique position to provide an interpretation of his work. In this volume, Dr. Jacobi presents a study of three central, interrelated concepts in analytical psychology: the individual complex, the universal archetype and the dynamic symbol.
The Archetypal Imagination
James Hollis - 2000
He argues that without the human mind’s ability to form energy-filled images that link us to worlds beyond our rational and emotional capacities, we would have neither culture nor spirituality. Drawing upon the work of poets and philosophers, Hollis shows the importance of depth experience, meaning, and connection to an “other” world. Just as humans have instincts for biological survival and social interaction, we have instincts for spiritual connection as well. Just as our physical and social needs seek satisfaction, so the spiritual instincts of the human animal are expressed in images we form to evoke an emotional or spiritual response, as in our dreams, myths, and religious traditions.The author draws upon the work of the poet Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies to elucidate the archetypal imagination in literary forms. To underscore the importance of incarnating depth experience, he also examines a series of paintings by Nancy Witt.With the power of the archetypal imagination available to all of us, we are invited to summon courage to take on the world anew, to relinquish outmoded identities and defenses, and to risk a radical re-imagining of the larger possibilities of the world and of the self.
Jung to Live by
Eugene Pascal - 1992
It includes important issues such as how to determine personality style, what inner forces influence likes and dislikes, spotting different complexes, how to transform one's world, and more.
A Little Course in Dreams
Robert Bosnak - 1988
At the same time, it is the story of a personal journey through the dream world by the author and several of his patients and students. Robert Bosnak offers exercises and strategies for studying dreams, including:- Remembering and recording dreams - Analyzing a written dream text - Studying a series of dreams for its underlying themes - Using the techniques of active imagination and amplification - Working on dreams alone, in pairs, and in groupsThrough this Little Course in Dreams it becomes clear that the imagination is a powerful force that simultaneously poisons us and provides the remedies to the soul's ills. Dreamwork thus opens the way to the healing and transformation of the soul.
Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature
Connie Zweig - 1991
The author offers exploration of self and practical guidance dealing with the dark side of personality based on Jung's concept of "shadow," or the forbidden and unacceptable feelings and behaviors each of us experience.
Depth Psychology and a New Ethic
Erich Neumann - 1963
The "old ethic," which pursued an illusory perfection by repressing the dark side, has lost its power to deal with contemporary problems. Erich Neumann was convinced that the deadliest peril now confronting humanity lay in the "scapegoat" psychology associated with the old ethic. We are in the grip of this psychology when we project our own dark shadow onto an individual or group identified as our "enemy," failing to see it in ourselves. The only effective alternative to this dangerous shadow projection is shadow recognition, acknowledgement, and integration into the totality of the self. Wholeness, not perfection, is the goal of the new ethic.
Myths to Live By
Joseph Campbell - 1972
Campbell stresses that the borders dividing the Earth have been shattered; that myths and religions have always followed the certain basic archetypes and are no longer exclusive to a single people, region, or religion. He shows how we must recognize their common denominators and allow this knowledge to be of use in fulfilling human potential everywhere.
Jung's Map of the Soul: An Introduction
Murray B. Stein - 1998
. . Stein develops the cartographical metaphor of the title by beginning with the "surface" (ego) of the psyche and exploring successively more complex areas, including complexes, libido thoery, shadow, "anima/us," the self, individuation, and synchronicity. The map soon resembles the multidisciplinary chart of a solar system more than it does a flat map. In each subject area, Stein draws heavily on papers that Jung wrote late in his life, but he sets these in the context of Jung's earlier developing thought. This method allows the author to demonstrate the interconnectedness and coherence of Jung's mature work. -- Choice, 10/15/98Stein could just as aptly have named his introductory guide "Jung's Art of the Soul," for the course the founder of analytical psychology charted also has the intuitive sweep of an artist on an inner journey integrated within a systematic framework of techniques. Though acknowledging Jung's creative, intuitive approach to fathoming the mysteries of the individual and collective human psyche, the author presents a solid case for the basic coherency and empirical underpinnings of the great psychoanalyst's theory-counter to those who viewed him as more of a mystic or philosopher who espoused: "As within, so without." Territory consciously omitted from this psychic map concern his analytic practice and interpretation of culture, history, and religion. Organized like a graduate thesis, all the major concepts that evolved over Jung's lengthy career are lucidly summarized with some contextual details: ego-consciousness, complexes, libido theory, archetypes, persona/shadow, anima/animus, the self, individuation, and synchronicity. While this presentation is eminently more accessible than most Jungian texts-and Stein does preface it with personal remarks about his long-time attraction to Jung-those who seek a sense of Jung's own voice and personal development in his quest for answers to many of life's enigmas will have their appetites whet to explore further. -- From Independent Publisher