Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice

Samuel T. Gladding - 2006
    The most thorough and well-written text in the field, Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice, now in its fourth edition, is a comprehensive and developmental textbook that covers all aspects of working with families. The author begins by helping students understand the differences between functional and dysfunctional families, then goes onto explain the basic processes involved in treating couples and families before it delves into a dozen theoretical ways of treating families. Readers will also learn about the history of family therapy, multicultural aspects of family therapy, ways of working with various types of families, ethical and legal issues involved in family therapy, and ways of assessing families. 250 new sources; a new chapter on how to work with couples and marriages in enriching and therapeutic ways; more on diversity issues including working with different forms of European American families, and expanded coverage of working with African-American, Native American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, and Asian-American families; an added section on dealing with infidelity in the addiction/abuse chapter; coverage of transition issues including working with military deployment or extended work assignments; and more information on managed care issues.

DSM-5® Made Easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis

James R. Morrison - 2014
    Demystifying DSM-5 criteria without sacrificing accuracy, the book includes ICD-10-CM codes for each disorder. More than 130 detailed case vignettes illustrate typical patient presentations; down-to-earth discussions of each case demonstrate how to arrive at the diagnosis and rule out other likely possibilities. Providing a wealth of diagnostic pointers, Morrison writes with the wisdom and wit that made his guide to the prior DSM a valued resource for hundreds of thousands of clinicians and students. His website ( offers additional discussion and resources related to psychiatric diagnosis and DSM-5. See also Morrison's Diagnosis Made Easier, Second Edition, which offers principles and decision trees for integrating diagnostic information from multiple sources; The First Interview, Fourth Edition, which presents a framework for conducting thorough, empathic initial evaluations; and The Mental Health Clinician's Workbook, which uses in-depth cases and carefully constructed exercises to build the reader's diagnostic skills.

Neuropsychological Assessment

Muriel Deutsch Lezak - 1976
    Drawing on their diverse interests, they provide authoritative, broad-based, and in-depth coverage of current research and clinical practice in neuropsychology. They have not, however, changed the book's overall organization. The first eight chapters present the knowledge base for understanding the principles and practice of patient-oriented, hypothesis-testing neuropsychological assessment. The last 12 chapters review nearly all tests and assessment techniques discussed in previous editions plus many new ones and recent revisions of older tests. The extent of the updating is apparent from the fact that approximately half of the more than 7,000 references cited appeared since the last edition was published.Many new topics relevant to current assessment practices have been added to the 4th edition. The chapter on examination procedures, for example, now contains sections on cognitive functioning in pain and PTSD patients. The chapter on brain disorders includes new material on electrical/lighting injuries, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementing disorders, and both medical and psychological treatments. The discussion of assessment procedures has been updated throughout to cover recently published test batteries used in general neuropsychological assessment (e.g., mental abilities, memory), newly developed batteries for specific issues (e.g., frontal lobe evaluation), and recent research on older neuropsychological assessment batteries. The fully revised chapter on assessing response bias describes and evaluates more than 60 tests, test combinations, and other measures for detecting questionable effort within the context of forensic neuropsychological assessment.

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Frederick J. Gravetter - 1996
    You will have numerous opportunities to practice statistical techniques through learning checks, examples, demonstrations, and problems. Exam preparation is made easy with a student companion website that provides tutorials, crossword puzzles, flashcards, learning objectives, and more!

Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Cultural Approach

Jeffrey Jensen Arnett - 2009
    This book also takes into account the period of emerging adulthood (ages 18-25), an area sometimes neglected but of particular interest to many students who see themselves reflected in the research. Looking for additional resources to help you understand the material and succeed in this course? MyDevelopmentLab contains study tools such as flashcards, self tests, videos, as well as MyVirtulTeen which allows you to raise your own virtual teenager, focusing on the ages 10 through 18. MyDevelpmentLab is available at

Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists

John D. Preston - 1994
    In this edition, many details have been updated to reflect the latest finds from ongoing research, including new material about the sexual side of antidepressants.

Abnormal Psychology

Gerald C. Davison - 1920
    The authors invite students to search for clues, follow-up on hunches, evaluate evidence, and participate in a process of discovery as they sift through the evidence on the origins of psychopathology and the effectiveness of specific interventions. In the new edition, Davison and Neale welcome new coauthor Ann Kring (University of California, Berkeley), who brings her interest and expertise in emotion and psychopathology, as well as an emphasis on gender, ethnicity, and culture. In addition, new pedagogy and a more open layout make the book more accessible to all students.

Human Development: A Life-Span View

Robert V. Kail - 1995
    With its comprehensive, succinct, and applied coverage, the text has proven its ability to capture students' interest while introducing them to the issues, forces, and outcomes that make us who we are. Robert V. Kail's expertise in childhood and adolescence, combined with John C. Cavanaugh's extensive research in gerontology, result in a book with a rich description of all life-span stages and important topics. A modified chronological approach traces development in sequential order from conception through late life, while also dedicating several chapters to key topical issues. This organization also allows the book to be relatively briefer than other texts?a benefit given the enormous amount of information covered in the course. Benefits: NEW! Up-to-date findings and references introduce students to the perspectives of those who are currently shaping the field and those who pioneered it. New examples include a greater number of diversity examples to appeal to the broadest possible range of students: a diversity theme index is in the back of the book. Real People: Applying Human Development boxes illustrate how a development issue is manifested in the life of a real person. Examples include "Tell Me About a Girl That You Like A Lot and "Still Flying at 91." NEW! Read about the latest research insights?Current findings and references introduce you to the perspectives of those who are currently shaping the field and those who pioneered it. NEW! Study smarter?Learning Objectives (listed at the beginning of each major section and repeated as subheads throughout the section) help you study more efficiently by focusing your attention on important upcoming topics. NEW! Build critical thinking skills painlessly?Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, texting, and other current topics make the book's Think About It questio

Psychology of Learning for Instruction

Marcy P. Driscoll - 1993
    Psychology of Learning for Instruction, Third Edition, focuses on the applications and implications of the learning theories. Using excellent examples ranging from primary school instruction to corporate training, this text combines the latest thinking and research to give readers the opportunity to explore the individual theories as viewed by the experts. Readers are encouraged to apply "reflective practice," which is designed to foster a critical and reflective mode of thinking when considering any particular approach to learning and instruction. Provides readers with the practical knowledge needed to apply learning theories to instruction. KEY TOPICS: This text addresses learning as it relates to behavior, cognition, development, biology, motivation and instruction. MARKET: Pre-service and in-service teachers, and educational psychologists.

Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues

Robert M. Kaplan - 1982
    Robert Kaplan and Dennis Saccuzzo provide students with a current analysis of the most widely used psychological tests in schools, professional training programs, business, industry, the military, and clinical settings. The authors offer a clear picture of how psychological tests are constructed, how they are used, and how an understanding of them can make a difference in their careers and everyday lives. Comprehensive and accurate, yet interesting and personally relevant, this book gets and keeps students' attention through the use of informal discussions and real-life examples.

Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology

Bryan Kolb - 1980
    It is a remarkable text that makes an extraordinary amount of recent scholarship accessible and compelling. And with its dramatic new art program, new case studies and pedagogy, and new companion Web site, the Fifth Edition provides both the most up-to-date understanding of the field and the most effective ways to teach and learn it.

Development Across the Life Span

Robert S. Feldman - 1996
    The text taps into students' inherent interest in the subject of human development, encouraging them to draw connections between the material and their own experiences.

Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures

Raymond G. Miltenberger - 1996
    Case studies and examples illustrate key principles.

Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature

Randy J. Larsen - 2001
    This unique framework encourages students to view the whole person as the sum of influences and effects of each of the domains of personality functioning. The second edition includes the latest research, as well as a restructuring of material, and continues to bring the subject to life by incorporating a vivid, four-color design.

Epidemiology for Public Health Practice

Robert H. Friis - 1996
    With extensive treatment of the heart of epidemiology-from study designs to descriptive epidemiology to quantitative measures-this reader-friendly text is accessible and interesting to a wide range of beginning students in all health-related disciplines. A unique focus is given to real-world applications of epidemiology and the development of skills that students can apply in subsequent course work and in the field. The text is also accompanied by a complete package of instructor and student resources available through a companion Web site.