Book picks similar to
GPS Satellite Surveying by Alfred Leick
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems
Louis E. Frenzel - 1997
Requiring only basic algebra and trigonometry, the new edition is notable for its readability, learning features and numerous full-color photos and illustrations. A systems approach is used to cover state-of-the-art communications technologies, to best reflect current industry practice. This edition contains greatly expanded and updated material on the Internet, cell phones, and wireless technologies. Practical skills like testing and troubleshooting are integrated throughout. A brand-new Laboratory & Activities Manual provides both hands-on experiments and a variety of other activities, reflecting the variety of skills now needed by technicians. A new Online Learning Center web site is available, with a wealth of learning resources for students. An Instructor Productivity Center CD-ROM features solutions to all problems, PowerPoint lessons, and ExamView test banks for each chapter.
CK-12 Trigonometry
CK-12 Foundation - 2010
Topics include: Trigonometric Identities & Equations, Circular Functions, and Polar Equations & Complex Numbers.
Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices
Denise M. Harmening - 2005
Building from a review of the basic science to the how and why of clinical practice, this text is thorough guide to immunohematology and transfusion practices. It begins with six color plates of which Plate 2 - standardized grading of macroscopic red cell antigen-antibody reactions - is extraordinarily useful. These are actual photomicrographs of immediate spin reactions and at a glance, will automatically assure standardized reporting of the reactions. Chapter on medicolegal and ethical aspects of providing blood collection and transfusion service is simply fascinating reveting reading. An added bonus is the table of blood group characteri stics (antigen, ISBT number, frequency in different ethnicities, expression during life, etc.) on the inside covers at the front and back of the book. Nothing like having a quick complete reference when you need it! This is a great book. Valerie L. Ng, PhD, MD, University of California, San Francisco, California for Doody Review Service.
BRS Pathology
Arthur S. Schneider - 1992
Chapters parallel most standard pathology texts and each chapter ends with a review test. Topics covered include general and basic pathology, major concepts of disease processes, and systemic pathology surveying principal disorders of each organ system. A comprehensive examination at the end of the book contains 500 USMLE-format questions. USMLE questions have all been updated to current USMLE format.The text is written in outline format for effective review. Icons indicate high-yield information that correlates with key pathology concepts.
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
Larry L. Peterson - 1996
This expanded and completely updated edition covers the why of network design, focusing not just the specifications comprising today's systems but how key technologies and protocols actually work in the real world to solve specific problems. It is the only introductory computer networking book written by authors who have had first-hand experience with many of the protocols discussed in the text, who have actually designed some of them as well, and who are still actively designing the computer networks today.The book makes less use of computer code to explain protocols than earlier editions. Moreover, this new edition shifts the focus somewhat higher in the protocol stack where there is generally more innovative and exciting work going on at the application and session layers than at the link and physical layers. Other new features are: increased accessibility by clearly separating the advanced material from more fundamental via special headings and boxed features; the material is structured in such a way as to make it easier to teach top-down. Furthermore, the book outstrips the competitors in offering a more robust ancillary package for student and instructor support. The text is complemented with figures as well as links to networking resources on the Web and links to author-created materials on author-maintained Web site.Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, will be an invaluable resource for networking professionals and upper level undergraduate and graduate students in CS, EE, and CSE programs.
Principles of Genetics
D. Peter Snustad - 1997
This clear, concise look at the basic principles and concepts of genetics uses a human genetics perspective to discuss the methods and experiments upon which genetic principles are based, such as DNA replication.
Images of the Past
T. Douglas Price - 1993
The new edition maintains the authors' innovative solutions to two central problems of the course: first, the text continues to focus on about 80 sites, giving students less encyclopedic detail but essential coverage of the discoveries that have produced the major insights into prehistory; second, it continues to be organized into essays on sites and concepts, allowing professors complete flexibility in organizing their courses.
Admission Assessment Exam Review
HESI - 2012
Plus, it helps you identify areas of weakness so you can focus your study time. Sample problems and step-by-step examples with explanations in the math and physics sections show you how to work through each problem so you understand the steps it takes to complete the equation. Practice tests with answer keys for each topic - located in the appendices for quick access - help you assess your understanding of each topic and familiarize you with the types of questions you're likely to encounter on the actual exam. HESI Hints boxes offer valuable test-taking tips, as well as rationales, suggestions, examples, and reminders for specific topics.End-of-chapter review questions help you gauge your understanding of chapter content.A full-color layout and more illustrations in the life science chapters visually reinforce key concepts for better understanding.Expanded and updated content in each chapter ensures you're studying the most current content.Basic algebra review in the math section offers additional review and practice.Color-coded chapters help you quickly find specific topic sections.Helpful organizational features in each chapter include an introduction, key terms, chapter outline, and a bulleted chapter summary to help you focus your study.A glossary at the end of the text offers quick access to key terms and their definitions.
Experience Psychology
Laura A. King - 2009
Do you want your students to just take psychology or to experience psychology? Laura King's approach to introductory psychology embodies a balanced consideration of functioning behavior as well as dysfunction and a view of psychology as an integrated whole.
Fundamentals of Physics, Chapters 1 - 21, Enhanced Problems Version
David Halliday - 2000
This newest edition expands on the strengths of earlier versions, helping students bridge the gap between concepts and reasoning. Students are shown, rather than told about, how physics works and are given the opportunity to apply concepts to real-world problems. Each chapter and concept has been scrutinized to ensure clarity, currency, and accuracy while checkpoints, problem solving tactics, and sample problems help students make sense of new concepts. As always, Fundamentals of Physics covers every aspect of basic physics, from force and motion to relativity and will prepare today's students to be tomorrow's scientists.
Introducing Public Administration
Jay M. Shafritz - 1996
This approach will captivate students and encourage them to think critically about the nature of public administration today. Introducing Public Administration provides students with a solid, conceptual foundation in public administration, and contains the latest information on important trends in the discipline. To further engage students and deepen interest in its narrative, the text uses unique chapter-opening vignettes called Keynotes, chapter ending case studies, and a series of boxes throughout that offer real-life excerpts and alternative theories.
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals
Robert F. Pierret - 1995
Problems are designed to progressively enhance MATLAB-use proficiency, so students need not be familiar with MATLAB at the start of your course. Program scripts that are answers to exercises in the text are available at no charge in electronic form (see Teaching Resources below). *Supplement and Review Mini-Chapters after each of the text's three parts contain an extensive review list of terms, test-like problem sets with answers, and detailed suggestions on supplemental reading to reinforce students' learning and help them prepare for exams. *Read-Only Chapters, strategically placed to provide a change of pace during the course, provide informative, yet enjoyable reading for students. *Measurement Details and Results samples offer students a realistic perspective on the seldom-perfect nature of device characteristics, contrary to the way they are often represented in introductory texts. Content Highlig
Social Psychology
Thomas Gilovich - 1998
Emergent areas of study like emotion, morality, and judgment are included throughout the text to give students the most accurate and contemporary picture of the field. To emphasize the relevance of social psychology in everyday life, the Second Edition includes a capstone chapter on applications, which focuses on topics like personal finance, education, and health. Throughout the text, an illustration program engages students in the scientific process, with You Be the Subject activities and Scientific Method figures.
Anatomy & Physiology
Boundless - 2013
Boundless works with subject matter experts to select the best open educational resources available on the web, review the content for quality, and create introductory, college-level textbooks designed to meet the study needs of university students.<br><br>This textbook covers:<br><br><b>Human Anatomy and Physiology Introduction</b> -- Anatomy and Physiology Overview, Life, Homeostasis, Anatomical Terms, Clinical Cases<br><br><b>General Chemistry</b> -- Matter and Energy, Element Properties: Atomic structure, Chemical Bonds, Chemical Reactions, Inorganic Compounds, Organic Compounds<br><br><b>Cellular Structure and Function</b> -- the study of cells, Cell membranes and the fluid mosaic model, Transport across membranes, How reception works in cell signaling, Nucleus and Ribosomes, Organelles, The Cytoskeleton, External cellular components, Cell division: process and importance, The cell cycle, Transcription and translation, RNA processing, Translation to a polypeptide, Transcription, Apoptosis signals an orderly cell death<br><br><b>Tissues</b> -- Epithelial Tissue, Cell Junctions, Clinical Cases, Tissue Repair, Tissue Development, Cancer, Connective Tissue, Membranes, Nervous Tissue<br><br><b>The Integumentary System</b> -- The Skin, Accessory Structures of the Skin, Functions of the Integumentary System, Wound Healing, Integumentary System Development, Skin Disorders, Imbalances, Diseases, and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Skeletal Tissue</b> -- Cartilage, Bone Classification, Bone Formation, Bone and Calcium, Bone Development, Bone Diseases, Disorders, Imbalances, and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>The Skeletal System</b> -- Overview of the Musculoskeletal system, Divisions of the Skeletal System, The Axial Skeleton, Skull, Hyoid Bone, Vertebral Column, Thorax, Clinical Cases of the Axial Skeleton, The Appendicular Skeleton, The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle, Upper Limb, The Pelvic (Hip) Girdle, Lower Limb, Skeletal System Development, Clinical Cases of the Appendicular Skeleton<br><br><b>Joints</b> -- Classification of Joints, Synovial Joints, Joint Development, Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Muscle Tissue</b> -- Overview of Muscle Tissue, Skeletal Muscle, Control of Muscle Tension, Muscle Metabolism, Exercise and Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Smooth Muscle, Clinical Cases: Muscle Disorders, Development of Muscle<br><br><b>The Muscular System</b> -- Overview of the Muscular System, Head And Neck Muscles, Trunk Muscles, Muscles of the Upper Limb, Muscles of the Lower Limb, Clinical Cases and Muscular System Disorders<br><br><b>Nervous Tissue</b> -- Overview of the Nervous System, Neuroglia, Neurons, Collections of Nervous Tissue, Neurophysiology<br><br><b>Central Nervous System (CNS)</b> -- The Brain, Consciousness, Sleep, Language, and Memory, Protection of the Brain, Parts of The Brain Stem, The Cerebellum, The Diencephalon, Cerebral Cortex (or Cerebral Hemispheres), Functional Systems of the Cerebral Cortex, Development of the CNS, Brain Disorders and Clinical Cases, The Spinal Cord, Spinal Cord Anatomy, Disorders and Clinical Cases of the Spinal Cord<br><br><b>Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)</b> -- Sensation, Sensory Receptors, Somatosensory System, Nerves, Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerves, Distribution of Spinal Nerves, Motor Activity, Motor Pathways, Reflexes, Pain, Development of the Nervous System, Disorders of Spinal Nerves and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)</b> -- Autonomic Nervous System, ANS Anatomy, Physiology of ANS,
Mechanical Vibrations
Singiresu S. Rao - 1986
This text gives expanded explanations of the fundamentals of vibration including history of vibration, degree of freedom systems, vibration control, vibration measurement, and more. For engineers and other professionals who want a clear introduction to vibration engineering.