When You Can't Do It Alone

Brent L. Top - 2008
    But what happens when you experience challenges and difficulties that leave you so spiritually exhausted that you can't see God's hand in your life? As a newly called mission president for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, author Brent L. Top experienced a severe emotional and spiritual crisis. Desperate for help, he discovered that knowing where to turn is not enough; we must allow the Savior to rescue us. With remarkable candor, this gospel teacher shares a deeply personal story as he describes six essential ways to survive whatever trials we face. With compassion and understanding, he offers practical suggestions on how to say focused on Christ and take hold of His outstreched hand when the storms of life are raging. This insightful and encouraging book is a must for anyone dealing with adversity.

Drawing on the Powers of Heaven

Grant Von Harrison - 1979

Power to Become: Spiritual Patterns for Pressing Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ (Spiritual Patterns, #3)

David A. Bednar - 2014
    In fact, we have been commanded to do so. But how?In Power to Become, Elder David A. Bednar explores how the Savior makes possible His divine commission, "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect" (3 Nephi 12:48).Chapters in this thought-provoking book highlight the importance of the Atonement, the spiritual gift of personal peace, the importance of priesthood ordinances, and the responsibility we have to obey willingly and endure valiantly."As we increase in learning about the Savior and His gospel," Elder Bednar writes, "as we strive with ever greater consistency to act in His doctrine, ordinances, and covenants, then we are blessed with power through His Atonement to increasingly become like Him." Power to Become introduces vital tools we all can use to invite these eternally significant blessings into our lives.

The Holy Temple

Boyd K. Packer - 1980
    It examines in appropriate detail the doctrines and practices which surround that holy building, and particularly their implications for the individual Church member.Part one offers the Lord's invitation: "Come to the temple." It sets forth the requirements for attendance- basically, preparation through worthiness- and the attitude and behavior appropriate for those attending that holy place on the first and all subsequent occasions. Part two deals in brief fashion with the ancient temples then turns to the central human figure in the work of the temple- Elijah the Prophet, who anciently held the keys relative to the sealing power of the priesthood. Malachi's prophecy and the human tradition about Elijah's return in the latter days are impressively set forth.Elijah's return and all that it means for the happiness and salvation of mankind are the themes of parts three and four. Following early Restoration scenes, here is the Kirtland Temple built at great personal sacrifice. Dedicated, it fulfills a major purpose in the glorious visions of April 3, 1836, the Savior himself introducing three heavenly beings who then convey priesthood keys. One of these is Elijah. Thereafter the revelations progressively develop the doctrine of temple work for both the living and the dead; under divine direction temple ceremonies are introduced and participants eagerly flock to the Nauvoo Temple; through President Wilford Woodruff the supporting work of lineage linking is clarified by revelation; and the spirit of Elijah is manifest both in and out of the Church as genealogical research and temple work blossom, temples multiply, and those beyond the veil assist those involved in the work here.The endowment with its sacred covenants and its elevating symbolic instruction, the sealing ordinance, and the other temple ceremonies are discussed sensitively and authoritatively.

To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson

Heidi S. Swinton - 2010
    Monson. Beginning with President Monson's family heritage and his early years in Salt Lake City, it included his vocational preparation and his career in the world of journalism. More important, this inspiring book recounts his lifetime of Church service. Called as a bishop at the age of twenty-two, as a mission president at thirty-one, and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve at age thirty-six, he has traveled the globe to minister to the Saints for more than fifty years. This book shares many of his personal experience, from his visits behind the Iron Curtain to his contributions on the Scriptures Publication Committee and in the missionary and welfare areas; it also provides up-to-the-minute information about his work as Church President.Filled with wonderful photographs and little-known accounts, this biography is a portrait of a leader who ministers both to the one and to the many, and who is completely dedicated to doing whatever the Lord prompts him to do.

The God Who Weeps: How Mormonism Makes Sense of Life

Terryl L. Givens - 2012
    We encounter appealing arguments for a Divinity that is a childish projection, for prophets as scheming or deluded imposters, and for scripture as so much fabulous fiction. But there is also compelling evidence that a glorious Divinity presides over the cosmos, that His angels are strangers we have entertained unawares, and that His word and will are made manifest through a sacred canon that is never definitively closed. What we choose to embrace, to be responsive to, is the purest reflection of who we are and what we love. That is why faith, the choice to believe, is in the final analysis, an action that is positively laden with moral significance."As humans, we are, like the poet John Keats, "straining at particles of light in the midst of a great darkness." And yet, the authors describe a version of life's meaning that is reasonable—and radically resonant. It tells of a God whose heart beats in sympathy with ours, who set His heart upon us before the world was formed, who fashioned the earth as a place of human ascent, not exile, and who has the desire and the capacity to bring the entire human family home again.

Meek and Lowly

Neal A. Maxwell - 1987
    (Moroni 7:44.) Why is meekness such an important requirement for salvation? What does it mean to be meek? How can we attain meekness? In Meek and Lowly, Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, discusses this critical-but often misunderstood-principle. "The rigorous requirements of Christian discipleship are clearly unattainable without meekness," he writes. "In fact, meekness is needed in order to be spiritually successful, whether in matters of the intellect, in the management of power, in the dissolution of personal pride, or in coping with the challenges of daily life." The first step, Elder Maxwell claims, is to take upon us the Savior's yoke and to learn about Him and His teachings. Other requirements are to develop humbleness of mind; to be humble in our dealings with others, particularly those whom we lead; and to overcome the deadly sin of pride. Elder Maxwell also explains the relation between meekness and the grace of God, the blessings that come through being meek, and the examples of meekness found in the lives of prophets both ancient and modern. "Meekness, though lowly, has its own quiet majesty," he concludes, for "by being yoked to Jesus and His gospel, we are drawn closer to Him. Proximity only increases our meekness."

That We Might Have Joy

Howard W. Hunter - 1994
    Hunter asked members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "How often do we think of the Savior? How deeply and gratefully and how adoringly do we reflect on his life? How central to our lives do we know him to be?"    Living a more Christlike life has long been a theme of President Hunter's messages to the Saints. That We Might Have Joy presents thirty-two of these messages, each expressing his testimony that "Christ's way is not only the right way, but ultimately the only way to hope and joy."    The book is arranged in four parts"Making Christ Our Exemplar," "A Plea for Unity," "Facing Trials and Tribulations," and "Becoming Disciples of Christ." Each chapter within these sections draws from the scriptures an important message illustrating how using the Savior's life and teachings as our guide can lead to greater peace of mind and joy.    President Hunter summarizes well this theme in his talk entitled "Facing Trials and Tribulations": "Our task is to have the gospel in our lives and to be a bright light, a city set on a hill, that reflects the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the joy and happiness that will always come to every people in every age who keep the commandments."

Lectures on Faith

Joseph Smith Jr. - 1835
    Lectures on Faith occupies a station of respect as part of original literature produced by the Prophet of the Restoration and the bright minds associated with him. With a new compilation of commentary from modern-day prophets and apostles, this edition of Lectures on Faith keeps these doctrinal diamonds accessible. This seminal volume is a precious reminder to Latter-day Saints of their unique doctrinal heritage. It is an essential resource for those seeking the blessings inherent in a careful study of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Search for Happiness

M. Russell Ballard - 1993
    Russell Ballard explains the Church and LDS beliefs in a clear and inoffensive way. Elder Ballard discusses the Apostasy, the need for the Restoration, the Book of Mormon, the priesthood, the plan of salvation, the Articles of Faith, the Word of Wisdom, temples, missionary work, and benefits of living the gospel. Through personal experiences he reveals how the gospel has benefitted him and concludes by bearing his testimony. You can feel confident in giving this book to nonmember--or less active--friends and family.

I Hate It When Exercise Is the Answer: A Fitness Program for the Soul

Emily Watts - 2009
    Read any pamphlet in your doctor's office. Like it or not, you'll find that exercise seems to be the prescription for just about every ill, from diabetes to heart disease to depression to (ironically) fatigue.Luckily, exercise bikes, dumbbells, and spandex suits are not needed in these 31 exercises to help keep our spirits in shape. I Hate It When Exercise Is the Answer is filled with funny, easy-to-relate-to stories that also come with lessons, such as: how a tax return can teach us perspective, how a big cookie teaches about assumptions, and what an engine-free car has to do with adjusting our expectations. In her lighthearted and conversational style, author Emily Watts offers ideas to improve our spiritual and emotional fitness. In just one short month, you could be a better, happier, more spiritual you!This is one fitness tool that won't end up gathering dust in the corner of your room.

From Baptist Preacher to Mormon Teacher

Wain Myers - 2015
    This former Baptist preacher tells his fascinating story of following the Spirit’s voice and ultimately becoming a convert in the LDS church. This remarkable true story will inspire you to follow your own promptings and share truth wherever you find it.

The Mother's Mite: Why Even Our Smallest Efforts Matter

DeAnne Flynn - 2011
    As mothers, grandmothers, nurturers, and caregivers, we are often tempted to view our ordinary daily contributions as an endless string of undersized tasks, none of which seem worthy of any special consideration. But they are. This collection of small-and-simple moments provides reassurance that although our small offerings may not seem significant at the time, these tiny tributes undeniably make an immeasurable difference to those we love. • Each true story concludes with an unexpected gift, an offering far greater than the act of service. • Includes recipes and ideas to inspire your own "mother's mites." • A perfect Mother's Day gift for women in all stages of life.

Why Isn't God Answering Me?

Gerald N. Lund - 2018

Refuge and Reality: The Blessings of the Temple

John H. Groberg - 2012