Book picks similar to
Actuality, Possibility, and Worlds by Alexander R. Pruss


Encounter The Enlightened: Conversations With The Master

Sadhguru - 2001
    In a milieu where life is seen as toil, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev opens an entirely new possibility - to play with life whichever way you want, to live life intensely but go through it unscarred.

Reason for the Hope Within

Michael J. Murray - 1998
    Unfortunately, most of this excellent work has not reached general readers. Reason for the Hope Within was produced specifically to make available the best of contemporary Christian philosophy in a clear, accessible—and highly relevant—manner. Fourteen of America's rising Christian philosophers cover many of the traditional themes of Christian apologetics as well as topics of special relevance to today's world:the problem of evilthe possibility of miraclesthe existence of heaven and hellEastern religionsReligion and scienceChristianity and ethicsReason for the Hope Within provides readers with the most up-to-date resources for thinking about and defending the Christian faith. Contributors: Douglas Blount Robin Collins J. A. Cover William C. Davis Scott A. Davison Daniel Howard-Snyder Frances Howard-Snyder Trenton Merricks Caleb Miller Michael J. Murray Timothy O'Connor John O'Leary-Hawthorn Thomas D. Senor W. Christopher Stewart

The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry

Rupert Sheldrake - 2012
    The fundamental questions are answered, leaving only the details to be filled in. In this book, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows that science is being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas. The 'scientific worldview' has become a belief system. All reality is material or physical. The world is a machine, made up of dead matter. Nature is purposeless. Consciousness is nothing but the physical activity of the brain. Free will is an illusion. God exists only as an idea in human minds, imprisoned within our skulls. Sheldrake examines these dogmas scientifically, and shows persuasively that science would be better off without them: freer, more interesting, and more fun.In The God Delusion Richard Dawkins used science to bash God, but here Rupert Sheldrake shows that Dawkins' understanding of what science can do is old-fashioned and itself a delusion.

Free Will

Gary Watson - 1982
    This volume brings together some of the most influential contributions to the topic of free will during the past 50 years, as well as some notable recent work.

Wholeness and the Implicate Order

David Bohm - 1980
    Although deeply influenced by Einstein, he was also, more unusually for a scientist, inspired by mysticism. Indeed, in the 1970s and 1980s he made contact with both J. Krishnamurti and the Dalai Lama whose teachings helped shape his work. In both science and philosophy, Bohm's main concern was with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular. In this classic work he develops a theory of quantum physics which treats the totality of existence as an unbroken whole. Writing clearly and without technical jargon, he makes complex ideas accessible to anyone interested in the nature of reality.

A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History

Manuel DeLanda - 1997
    A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History sketches the outlines of a renewed materialist philosophy of history in the tradition of Fernand Braudel, Gilles Deleuze, and Félix Guattari, while engaging — in an entirely unprecedented manner — the critical new understanding of material processes derived from the sciences of dynamics. Working against prevailing attitudes that see history merely as the arena of texts, discourses, ideologies, and metaphors, De Landa traces the concrete movements and interplays of matter and energy through human populations in the last millennium. The result is an entirely novel approach to the study of human societies and their always mobile, semi-stable forms, cities, economies, technologies, and languages.De Landa attacks three domains that have given shape to human societies: economics, biology, and linguistics. In each case, De Landa discloses the self-directed processes of matter and energy interacting with the whim and will of human history itself to form a panoramic vision of the West free of rigid teleology and naive notions of progress and, even more important, free of any deterministic source for its urban, institutional, and technological forms. The source of all concrete forms in the West’s history, rather, is shown to derive from internal morphogenetic capabilities that lie within the flow of matter—energy itself.A Swerve Edition.

Irreligion: A Mathematician Explains Why the Arguments for God Just Don't Add Up

John Allen Paulos - 2007
    In Irreligion he presents the case for his own worldview, organizing his book into twelve chapters that refute the twelve arguments most often put forward for believing in God's existence. The latter arguments, Paulos relates in his characteristically lighthearted style, "range from what might be called golden oldies to those with a more contemporary beat. On the playlist are the firstcause argument, the argument from design, the ontological argument, arguments from faith and biblical codes, the argument from the anthropic principle, the moral universality argument, and others." Interspersed among his twelve counterarguments are remarks on a variety of irreligious themes, ranging from the nature of miracles and creationist probability to cognitive illusions and prudential wagers. Special attention is paid to topics, arguments, and questions that spring from his incredulity "not only about religion but also about others' credulity." Despite the strong influence of his day job, Paulos says, there isn't a single mathematical formula in the book.

Ontology of the Accident: An Essay on Destructive Plasticity

Catherine Malabou - 2009
    Bodily and psychic transformations do nothing but reinforce the permanence of identity. But as a result of serious trauma, or sometimes for no reason at all, a subject's history splits and a new, unprecedented persona comes to live with the former person - an unrecognizable persona whose present comes from no past and whose future harbors nothing to come; an existential improvisation, a form born of the accident and by accident. Out of a deep cut opened in a biography, a new being comes into the world for a second time. What is this form? A face? A psychological profile? What ontology can it account for, if ontology has always been attached to the essential, forever blind to the alea of transformations? What history of being can the plastic power of destruction explain? What can it tell us about the explosive tendency of existence that secretly threatens each one of us? Continuing her reflections on destructive plasticity, split identities and the psychic consequences experienced by those who have suffered brain injury or have been traumatized by war and other catastrophes, Catherine Malabou invites us to join her in a philosophic and literary adventure in which Spinoza, Deleuze and Freud cross paths with Proust and Duras.

Eclipse of Reason

Max Horkheimer - 1947
    First published in 1947, Horkheimer here explores the ways in Nazism - that most irrational of political movements - had co-opted ideas of rationality for its own ends. Ultimately, the book is a warning of the ways this might happen again and, as such, this is a book that has never appeared more timely.

Even More Notes From the Universe: Dancing Life's Dance

Mike Dooley - 2008
    Even More Notes from the Universe combines Mike Dooley's pithy and inspiring messages, direct from the Universe, to help you start living the life of your dreams -- today. Focusing on the desired results joyfully and with gratitude is infinitely more engaging than struggling and stressing about them. Relax, laugh, and enjoy the footwork the Universe has to share. Whether your dance is the tango, hula, or one of your own creation, dancing life's dance begins with that first brave step. The music has always been playing your favorite tune, yet hearing it requires action. And right on cue, your unfailing partner, the Universe, begins choreographing players and events in a waltz of miracles, moving heaven and earth to align the future of your dreams with your present circumstances. Nothing is impractical, impossible, or out of reach. Your thoughts create worlds, your words shape the future, and the steps you take unleash the magic behind creation. In this third book in the Notes from the Universe trilogy, Mike Dooley brings a fresh perspective from your most loyal friend.

Emmanuel's Book II: The Choice for Love

Pat Rodegast - 1989
    A beautifully written sequel to the inspirational Emmanuel's Book, with an introduction by Ram Dass. The Choice For Love offers insight into difficult relationships, aging, illness and healing, learning from AIDS and much more.

Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction

Harry J. Gensler
    It will help students to think more clearly about how to form their moral beliefs in the wisest and most rational way. The basic approaches to metaethics and normative ethics are related to specific issues, particularly those of racism, education, and abortion. Written in a clear and concise way by an experienced textbook author, Ethics will also be of interest to the general reader.Unique features of the textbook: * boxed key ideas* Glossary of philosophical terms* Chapter summaries and study questions * Annotated further reading and Internet Web resourcesThere is an associated website for teachers and students at

Natural Law: or Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy

Robert Anton Wilson - 1987
    No government, no leaders, no authority, no rules, and complete freedom of action Egoism, solipsism, anarchism, and other heresies -- now revealed to corrupt your mind "...unabashed rhetorical mudslinging on a high intellectual level..". -- Hakim Bey"An appropriately savage attack on the 'natural law' doctrines of certain 'libertarian' pundits". -- The Egoist"This is Wilson at his non-fiction best..". -- FreFanzineA continuing episode in the critique of natural rights theories started by L.A. Rollins' The Myth of Natural Rights, Wilson lets fly at Murray Rothbard, George Smith, Samuel Konkin and other purveyors of the "claim that some sort of meta-physical entity called a 'right' resides in a human being like a 'ghost' residing in a haunted house". An entertaining, informative and well-thought-out book that should be read by anyone who has ever been attracted to any ideology.

Wisely Stupid

Zeeshan Najafi - 2013
    In spite of seeming completeness, he suffered from inner chaos and restlessness which resulted in constant panic attacks. And suddenly everything stopped and he was helpless. He recognizes his incurable illness and decides to end his life but fortunately he fails before the attempt. But, his destiny unfolds a rare experience and he sees things which he thought did not exist. He leaves everything that he possessed behind and sets off on a random journey. Jako travels and experiences things which were beyond his imagination. He meets people who deceive and delude him, though he travelled to find answers, Jako returns home with treachery and delusion. On his way back, Jako reaches a small town with an isolated beach. He stays there meets a mysterious traveler; at first, Jako was confused to consider this man as a guardian angel or a mentalist. But as time passes they get along and this mysterious man solves all the riddles that surround Jako. They both sit at the beach and discuss life, Destiny, Freewill, Dreams, Dejavu's, Reality, Hypocrisy, Philosophy, Pleasure, God, Beauty, Love, Infatuation, Psychology, Wisdom, Intellect, Happiness, Boredom. Jako throws strange questions at this man and he answers them with wise stories. Jako answers all his questions by himself. Jako finishes his remarkable journey and returns home rehabilitated. P.S. : Kindly write a few words/lines review about this book. It will inspire others to read it.

A Week With Enya: We live blind...

Amar B. Singh - 2019
    Where we don't, we read, we ask, we learn and then, we solve! What happens when there are no answers though? When nobody in the world knows! When we see the need to invent Gods even if we can't discover Him. Through a string of poems, the author narrates such an experience with his non-verbal and autistic daughter, Enya. What started as a week of babysitting for him soon became a seeking to change her into 'normal'. But, that seeking ended up transforming the seeker!The narrative in the form of poetry touches upon the revelation that comes out of desperation of not finding an answer at all and therefore, the thoughts getting tired of themselves and the mind taking a back seat. In that silence, the author says, things become clear and all aspects of life show their inter-relation! The intellect gives way to the intelligence, the body and mind as 'me' gives way to the world as 'me'! The mind map once seen, one starts to see the true nature of the 'me' and that perspective and clarity make everything clear and possible in life...