Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous!

Rory Freedman - 2005
    And they'll guide you on making intelligent and educated decisions about food. They may be bitches, but they are skinny bitches. And you'll be one too--after you get with the program and start eating right.

Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating

Walter C. Willett - 2001
    Dr. Walter Willett’s research is rooted in studies that tracked the health of dieters over twenty years, and in this groundbreaking book, he critiques the carbohydrate-laden diet proposed by the USDA. Exposing the problems of popular diets such as the Zone, South Beach, and Atkins, Dr. Willett offers eye-opening research on the optimum ratio of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and the relative importance of various food groups and supplements. Find out how to choose wisely between different types of fats, which fruits and vegetables provide the best health insurance, and the proportions of each to integrate into their daily diet.

The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain

Steven R. Gundry - 2017
    Stephen Gundry believes that these defense strategies make the seemingly virtuous plants that we consume every day--fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds--far less "good for us" than we assume. Dr. Gundry outlines the health hazards posed by lectins. The main sources of lectins in the American diet include conventionally-raised dairy products, beans, and other legumes, wheat and grains, and specific vegetables and fruitsWith a full list of lectin-containing foods and simple substitutes for each; a step-by-step detox and eating plan; and easy lectin-free recipes, The Plant Paradox illuminates the hidden dangers lurking in your salad bowl—and shows you how to eat whole foods in a whole new way.

The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet

Robb Wolf - 2010
    Written by Robb Wolf, a research biochemist who traded in his lab coat and pocket protector for a whistle and a stopwatch to become one of the most sought after strength and conditioning coaches in the world. With Robb's unique perspective as both scientist and coach you will learn how simple nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes can radically change your appearance and health for the better.

The PE Diet: Leverage your biology to achieve optimal health.

Ted Naiman - 2019
     All of us WANT to achieve optimum wellness, but not all of us know how. There are some basic levers that drive health in one of two directions: towards perfection, or towards chronic degenerative disease. If you understand the principles that govern your physiology, you can achieve complete mastery over your own body composition and become the best possible version of yourself. The P:E Diet is the SIMPLEST and MOST PRACTICAL diet and exercise book ever written. Once you understand the core tenets of your biology, you will know HOW to increase your lean mass while decreasing your fat mass—and you will know WHY it works. The P:E Diet breaks down every single dietary strategy into one incredibly simple metric: PROTEIN versus ENERGY. The protein to energy ratio explains EVERY SINGLE DIET PHENOMENON. The P:E Diet breaks down the cause of the obesity epidemic and the solution using this one powerful weapon. This is not ‘paleo’ or ‘keto’ or ‘low carb’ or ‘low fat’ or ‘plants versus animals’ or ‘calorie counting’—instead this is one MASTER CONCEPT that explains the success of EVERY SINGLE DIETARY STRATEGY out there. This book completely TRANSCENDS ALL OF THE DIET CAMPS and explains why they ALL offer some value—and once you understand this underlying principle, you unlock EVERY DIET. The P:E Diet explains EXACTLY why FOOD CHOICE is everything — once you choose WHAT to eat, your body will tell you HOW MUCH to eat. This approach teaches you how to eat INTUITIVELY to achieve your goals, without unnecessary tracking or micromanaging quantity.
 The exercise portion of this book is just as revelatory: all you need for the optimum adaptive response to exercise is to generate MAXIMUM TENSION in your muscles for the MAXIMUM TIME possible. All exercise can be broken down into three exercise motions: PUSH, PULL, and LEGS. This requires NO EQUIPMENT WHATSOEVER and can be accomplished with bodyweight only. By maximizing INTENSITY and FREQUENCY you can build muscle with absolute MINIMUM TIME. Packed with hundreds of photos and illustrations, The P:E Diet is a life-changing knowledge bomb that absolutely anyone and everyone should read. PLEASE NOTE: MAY NOT WORK ON ALL KINDLE DEVICES! Will work well on the Kindle App but may not work on all Kindle devices.

Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health

Ken D. Berry - 2017
    If you've been misled by bad medical advice your health will suffer. It is time you discover the truth. Medical research is expanding so quickly that only the most dedicated doctors can keep up with it all. Is your doctor that dedicated? Lies My Doctor Told Me reveals the truth behind the lies told by well-meaning doctors. Whether it's recommending a low-fat diet, or warning you to avoid the sun, these medical lies can cause really harm to your health. Does your doctor still recommend that you avoid cholesterol and eat lots of whole-grains? What about a paleo diet or ketogenic diet, have they been mentioned in an office visit? So much of the nutrition and lifestyle advice doctors give is just plain wrong, and that can be dangerous. This book will help you sort through the medical myths and the outright lies, and begin to develop a health partnership with your doctor. This book will teach you: --the truth about whole wheat's effect on the human body --whether milk is good for you --the facts about fat intake on your heart health --how the Food Pyramid came into existence --the dangers and benefits of hormone therapy --the truth about salt --how doctors think about prevention and nutrition --much more Order LIES MY DOCTOR TOLD ME today, as your first step towards a better diet, better health, and a better relationship with your doctor.

The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess

Lou Schuler - 2005
    This book is for the woman whos ready to throw down the Barbie weights and start a strength and conditioning program that will give her the body she wants. Illustrated.

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

Sally Fallon Morell - 1995
    Nutrition researcher Sally Fallon unites the wisdom of the ancients with the latest independent and accurate scientific research. The revised and updated Second Edition contains over 700 delicious recipes that will please both exacting gourmets and busy parents.

The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body

Cameron Díaz - 2013
    By her own candid admission, though, this fit, glamorous, but down-to-earth star was not always health-conscious. Learning about the inseparable link between nutrition and the body was just one of the life-changing lessons that has fed Cameron’s hunger to educate herself about the best ways to feed, move, and care for her body. In The Body Book, she shares what she has learned and continues to discover about nutrition, exercise, and the mind/body connection.Grounded in science and informed by real life, The Body Book offers a comprehensive overview of the human body and mind, from the cellular level up. From demystifying and debunking the hype around food groups to explaining the value of vitamins and minerals, readers will discover why it’s so important to embrace the instinct of hunger and to satisfy it with whole, nutrient-dense foods. Cameron also explains the essential role of movement, the importance of muscle and bone strength and why we need to sweat a little every day.The Body Book does not set goals to reach in seven days or thirty days or a year. It offers a holistic, long-term approach to making consistent choices and reaching the ultimate goal: a long, strong, happy, healthy life.

Food Rules: An Eater's Manual

Michael Pollan - 2008
    In this age of ever-more elaborate diets and conflicting health advice, Food Rules brings a welcome simplicity to our daily decisions about food. Written with the clarity, concision and wit that has become bestselling author Michael Pollan's trademark, this indispensable handbook lays out a set of straightforward, memorable rules for eating wisely, one per page, accompanied by a concise explanation. It's an easy-to-use guide that draws from a variety of traditions, suggesting how different cultures through the ages have arrived at the same enduring wisdom about food. Whether at the supermarket or an all-you-can-eat buffet, this is the perfect guide for anyone who ever wondered, "What should I eat?"

Eat Rich, Live Long: Mastering the Low-Carb & Keto Spectrum for Weight Loss and Longevity

Ivor Cummins - 2018
    The unique nutritional program outlined in Eat Rich, Live Long is designed by experts to help you feel great while you eat delicious and satisfying foods. Millions of people have gotten healthy through low-carb plans over the years--and a growing number have discovered the wonderful benefits of ketogenic (Keto) nutrition. Many are confused, though, about how low-carb they should go. Now, Eat Rich, Live Long reveals how mastering the low-carb/Keto spectrum can maximize your weight loss and optimize your health for the long term. In this book, Ivor Cummins, a world-class engineer and technical master for a huge global tech corporation, and Dr. Jeff Gerber, a family doctor who is widely regarded as a global leader in low-carb nutrition, team up to present their unique perspectives from their extensive clinical, medical, and scientific/research experience. Together, Cummins and Gerber crack the code that shows you how to eat the foods you enjoy, lose weight, and regain robust health. They reveal how the nutritional "experts" have gotten it so wrong for so long by demonizing healthy natural fats in our diets and focusing on cholesterol and LDL as the villains. In fact, as the authors reveal by drawing on the latest peer-reviewed global research, eating a high percentage of natural fats, a moderate amount of protein, and a low percentage of carbs can help you lose weight, prevent disease, satisfy your appetite, turn off your food cravings, and live longer. The heart of Eat Rich, Live Long is the book's prescriptive program, which includes a 7-day eating plan, a 14-day eating plan, and more than 50 gourmet-quality low-carb high-fat recipes -- illustrated with gorgeous full-color photographs -- for breakfasts, lunches, appetizers, snacks, dinners, drinks, and desserts. Low-carb never tasted so good! Nutritional sacred cows are constantly being challenged in the media. How much fat should we eat -- and which kinds of fats are best? Which fats can contribute to diabetes, heart disease, and early mortality? Does a high-protein diet increase muscle mass and lead to vigorous health -- or can it promote aging, cancer, and early mortality? Which vitamins and minerals should we be taking, if any? How do we change our metabolism so that our bodies burn fat instead of all the sugars we consume? Does intermittent fasting really work? Eat Rich, Live Long lays out the truth based on the latest scientific research. Eat Rich, Live Long will change the way you look at eating. Meanwhile you will lose weight – and look and feel great.

The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom

Melissa Hartwig Urban - 2014
    Get started on your Whole30 transformation with the #1 New York Times best-selling The Whole30. Since 2009, Melissa Hartwig Urban's critically-acclaimed Whole30 program has quietly led hundreds of thousands of people to effortless weight loss and better health—along with stunning improvements in sleep quality, energy levels, mood, and self-esteem. The program accomplishes all of this by specifically targeting people’s habits and emotional relationships with food. The Whole30 is designed to help break unhealthy patterns of behavior, stop stress-related comfort eating, and reduce cravings, particularly for sugar and carbohydrates. Many Whole30 participants have described achieving “food freedom”—in just thirty days.   Now, The Whole30 offers a stand-alone, step-by-step plan to break unhealthy habits, reduce cravings, improve digestion, and strengthen your immune system. The Whole30 prepares participants for the program in five easy steps, previews a typical thirty days, teaches the basic meal preparation and cooking skills needed to succeed, and provides a month’s worth of recipes designed to build confidence in the kitchen and inspire the taste buds. Motivating and inspiring with just the right amount of signature tough love, The Whole30 features real-life success stories, an extensive quick-reference FAQ, detailed elimination and reintroduction guidelines, and more than 100 recipes using familiar ingredients, from simple one-pot meals to complete dinner party menus.

Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease

Robert H. Lustig - 2012
    Now, in this much anticipated book, he documents the science and the politics that has led to the pandemic of chronic disease over the last 30 years.In the late 1970s when the government mandated we get the fat out of our food, the food industry responded by pouring more sugar in. The result has been a perfect storm, disastrously altering our biochemistry and driving our eating habits out of our control.To help us lose weight and recover our health, Lustig presents personal strategies to readjust the key hormones that regulate hunger, reward, and stress; and societal strategies to improve the health of the next generation. Compelling, controversial, and completely based in science, Fat Chance debunks the widely held notion to prove “a calorie is NOT a calorie”, and takes that science to its logical conclusion to improve health worldwide.

Perfect Health Diet: Regain Health and Lose Weight by Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat

Paul Jaminet - 2010
    They embarked on five years of rigorous research. What they found changed their lives— and the lives of thousands of their readers. In Perfect Health Diet, the Jaminets explain in layman's terms how anyone can regain health and lose weight by optimizing nutrition, detoxifying the diet, and supporting healthy immune function. They show how toxic, nutrient-poor diets sabotage health, and how on a healthy diet, diseases often spontaneously resolve. Perfect Health Diet tells you exactly how to optimize health and make weight loss effortless with a clear, balanced, and scientifically proven plan to change the way you eat—and feel—forever!

The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest

Dan Buettner - 2008
    What's the prescription for success? National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner has traveled the globe to uncover the best strategies for longevity found in the Blue Zones: places in the world where higher percentages of people enjoy remarkably long, full lives. And in this dynamic book he discloses the recipe, blending this unique lifestyle formula with the latest scientific findings to inspire easy, lasting change that may add years to your life.Buettner's colossal research effort, funded in part by the National Institute on Aging, has taken him from Costa Rica to Italy to Japan and beyond. In the societies he visits, it's no coincidence that the way people interact with each other, shed stress, nourish their bodies, and view their world yields more good years of life. You'll meet a 94-year-old farmer and self-confessed "ladies man" in Costa Rica, an 102-year-old grandmother in Okinawa, a 102-year-old Sardinian who hikes at least six miles a day, and others. By observing their lifestyles, Buettner's teams have identified critical everyday choices that correspond with the cutting edge of longevity research-and distilled them into a few simple but powerful habits that anyone can embrace.