Book picks similar to
Poezia română actuală (I) by Marin MincuNicolae Coande
Blue River, Black Sea
Andrew Eames - 2009
It flows through more countries than any other river on Earth—from the Black Forest in Germany to Europe's farthest fringes, where it joins the Black Sea in Romania. Andrew Eames' journey along its length brings us face to face with the continent's bloodiest history and its most pressing issues of race and identity. As he travels—by bicycle, horse, boat, and on foot—Eames finds himself seeking a bed for the night with minor royalty, hitching a ride on a Serbian barge captained by a man called Attila, and getting up close and personal with a bull in rural Romania. He meets would-be kings and walks with gypsies, and finally rows his way beyond the borders of Europe entirely.
Mircea Cărtărescu - 1989
This translation of his 1989 novel Nostalgia, writes Andrei Codrescu, "introduces to English a writer who has always had a place reserved for him in a constellation that includes the Brothers Grimm, Franz Kafka, Jorge Luis Borges, Bruno Schulz, Julio Cortazar, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Milan Kundera, and Milorad Pavic, to mention just a few." Like most of his literary contemporaries of the avant-garde Eighties Generation, his major work has been translated into several European languages, with the notable exception, until now, of English.Readers opening the pages of Nostalgia should brace themselves for a verbal tidal wave of the imagination that will wash away previous ideas of what a novel is or ought to be. Although each of its five chapters is separate and stands alone, a thematic, even mesmeric harmony finds itself in children's games, the music of the spheres, humankind's primordial myth-making, the origins of the universe, and in the dilapidated tenement blocks of an apocalyptic Bucharest during the years of communist dictatorship.
Burying the Typewriter: A Memoir
Carmen Bugan - 2012
But eventually her father's behavior was too disturbing to ignore. He wept when listening to Radio Free Europe, hid pamphlets in sacks of dried beans, and mysteriously buried and reburied a typewriter. When she discovered he was a political dissident she became anxious for him to conform. However, with her mother in the hospital and her sister at boarding school, she was alone, and helpless to stop him from driving off on one last, desperate protest.After her father's subsequent imprisonment, Bugan was shunned by her peers at school and informed on by her neighbors. She candidly struggled with the tensions of loving her "hero" father who caused the family so much pain. When he returned from prison and the family was put under house arrest, the Bugans were forced to chart a new course for the future. A warm and intelligent debut, Burying the Typewriter provides a poignant reminder of a dramatic moment in Eastern European history.
The Days of the King
Filip Florian - 2008
War is imminent in central Europe, but the company of a special tomcat, a guardian angel of sorts, helps him to overcome all dangers. In Bucharest, Joseph will meet and fall in love with an attractive nanny, while the prince distances himself from the dentist, seeking to erase all stains from his past, particularly his involvement with a beautiful blind prostitute. But unbeknownst to him, she has given birth to a baby boy with a suspiciously aristocratic nose . Nations are invented and dissolved overnight, kingdoms are for sale, Bucharest grows from a muddy pigsty into an elegant capital city, and love turns everything upside down inThe Days of the King.
The Hunger Angel
Herta Müller - 2009
Leo would spend the next five years in a coke processing plant, shoveling coal, lugging bricks, mixing mortar, and battling the relentless calculus of hunger that governed the labor colony: one shovel load of coal is worth one gram of bread.In her new novel, Nobel laureate Herta Müller calls upon her unique combination of poetic intensity and dispassionate precision to conjure the distorted world of the labor camp in all its physical and moral absurdity. She has given Leo the language to express the inexpressible, as hunger sharpens his senses into an acuity that is both hallucinatory and profound. In scene after disorienting scene, the most ordinary objects accrue tender poignancy as they acquire new purpose—a gramophone box serves as a suitcase, a handkerchief becomes a talisman, an enormous piece of casing pipe functions as a lovers' trysting place. The heart is reduced to a pump, the breath mechanized to the rhythm of a swinging shovel, and coal, sand, and snow have a will of their own. Hunger becomes an insatiable angel who haunts the camp day and night, but also a bare-knuckled sparring partner, delivering blows that keep Leo feeling the rawest connection to life.Müller has distilled Leo's struggle into words of breathtaking intensity that take us on a journey far beyond the Gulag and into the depths of one man's soul.
Best European Fiction 2013
Aleksandar HemonAri Behn - 2012
The inimitable John Banville joins the list of distinguished preface writers for Aleksandar Hemon’s series, and A. S. Byatt represents England among a luminous cast of European contributors. Fans of the series will find everything they’ve grown to love, while new readers will discover what they’ve been missing!SLOVAKIA: Balla, Before the BreakupMACEDONIA: Žarko Kujundžiski, When the Glasses Are LostMONTENEGRO: Dragan Radulović, The FaceGEORGIA: Lasha Bugadze, The Sins of the WolfBELGIUM: Paul Emond, Grand FroidARMENIA: Krikor Beledian, The Name under My TongueRUSSIA: Kirill Kobrin, Last Summer in MarienbadMOLDOVA: Vitalie Ciobanu, Orchestra RehearsalIRELAND: Tomás Mac Síomóin, Music in the BoneFINLAND: Tiina Raevaara, My Creator, My CreationHUNGARY: Miklós Vajda, Portrait of a Mother in an American FrameTURKEY: Zehra Çırak, Memory Cultivation SalonPORTUGAL: Dulce Maria Cardoso, Angels on the InsideLATVIA: Gundega Repše, How Important is it to be Ernest?UKRAINE: Tania Malyarchuk, Me and My Sacred CowSPAIN (Castilian): Eloy Tizón, The Mercury in the ThermometersBOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: Semezdin Mehmedinović, My HeartAUSTRIA: Lydia Mischkulnig, A Protagonist’s NemesisFRANCE: Marie Redonnet, Madame Zabee’s GuesthouseLITHUANIA: Ieva Toleikytė, The Eye of the MaplesBULGARIA: Rumen Balabanov, The RagiadUK, ENGLAND: A.S. Byatt, Dolls’ EyesESTONIA: Kristiina Ehin, The Surrealist’s DaughterPOLAND: Sylwia Chutnik, It’s All Up to YouLIECHTENSTEIN: Daniel Batliner, Malcontent’s MonologueSPAIN (Basque): Bernardo Atxaga, Pirpo and Chanberlan, MurderersSERBIA: Borivoje Adašević, For a Foreign MasterSLOVENIA: Mirana Likar Bajželj, Nada’s TableclothDENMARK: Christina Hesselholdt, Camilla and the HorseROMANIA: Dan Lungu, 7 P.M. WifeSWITZERLAND: Bernard Comment, A SonUK, WALES: Ray French, MigrationIRELAND: Mike McCormack, Of One MindICELAND: Gyrðir Elíasson, The Music ShopNORWAY: Ari Behn, Thunder Snow and When a Dollar Was a Big Deal
The Trouble with Being Born
Emil M. Cioran - 1973
In all his writing, Cioran cuts to the heart of the human experience.
Amintiri din copilărie
Ion Creangă - 1877
It contains some of the most characteristic examples of first-person narrative of Romanian literature, is considered by critics Creangă's masterpiece.
Vain Art of the Fugue
Dumitru Țepeneag - 1973
This sequence of events occurs and recurs in remarkably different variations in Vain Art of the Fugue.In one version, the bus driver ignores the traffic signals and is killed in the ensuing crash. In another, the protagonist is thrown off the bus, and as he chases after it, a crowd of strangers joins him in the pursuit.As the book unfolds, the protagonist, his lovers, and the people he meets become increasingly vivid and complex figures in the crowded Bucharest cityscape. Themes, conflicts, and characters interweave and overlap, creating a book that is at once chaotic and perfectly composed.“As you can see, madam, words are getting staler and staler… idiots have used them like so many wheelbarrows… loaded them up with all kinds of idiotic confessions, with all these ideas, each more stupid than the last… in short, with what people call messages.”
The Păltiniș Diary
Gabriel Liiceanu - 1983
This remarkable volume portrays one such story of resistance in Romania during the reign of Ceausescu: that of Constantin Noica, one of the country's foremost intellectuals.The Paltinis Diary is a wonderful homage to an intellectual master and to the power of intellect and freedom. The book will be of interest to philosophers, non-philosophers alike, and to anyone who seeks to grasp the true meaning of survival under totalitarian conditions.
Wheel with a Single Spoke: and other poems
Nichita Stănescu - 2012
In his world, angels and mysterious forces converse with the everyday and earthbound while love and a quest for truth remain central. His startling images cut deep and his grappling—making bold leaps—is full of humor. His poems seduce the reader away from the human.Nichita Stanescu(1933-1983) towers above post-World War II Romanian poetry. His poems are written in clear language while posing profound metaphysical questions. He was born in Ploiesti in 1933 and died in 1983 in Bucharest. He is one of the most acclaimed contemporary Romanian language poets, winner of the Herder Prize and nominated for the Nobel Prize.
Saving My Assassin
Virginia Prodan - 2016
Buried in an unmarked grave in Romania. Obviously, I am not. God had other plans."At just under five feet tall, Virginia Prodan was no match for the towering 6' 10" gun-wielding assassin the Romanian government sent to her office to take her life. It was not the first time her life had been threatened--nor would it be the last.As a young attorney under Nicolae Ceausescu's brutal communist regime, Virginia had spent her entire life searching for the truth. When she finally found it in the pages of the most forbidden book in all of Romania, Virginia accepted the divine call to defend fellow followers of Christ against unjust persecution in an otherwise ungodly land.For this act of treason, she was kidnapped, beaten, tortured, placed under house arrest, and came within seconds of being executed under the orders of Ceausescu himself. How Virginia not only managed to elude her enemies time and again, but how she also helped expose the appalling secret that would ultimately lead to the demise of Ceausescu's evil empire is one of the most extraordinary stories ever told.A must-read for all generations, Saving My Assassin is the unforgettable account of one woman's search for truth, her defiance in the face of evil, and a surprise encounter that proves without a shadow of a doubt that nothing is impossible with God.
The Pastor's Wife
Sabina Wurmbrand - 1970
Sabina Wurmbrand's heart-wrenching story of her imprisonment in Romania speaks of the faithfulness of Christ in every situation.
O scrisoare pierdută
Ion Luca Caragiale - 1884
It premiered in 1884, and arguably represents the high point of his career.
For Two Thousand Years
Mihail Sebastian - 1934
Spending his days walking the streets and his nights drinking and gambling, meeting revolutionaries, zealots, lovers and libertines, he adjusts his eyes to the darkness that falls over Europe, and threatens to destroy him. Mihail Sebastian's 1934 masterpiece, now translated into English for the first time, was written amid the anti-Semitism which would, by the end of the decade, force him out of his career and turn his friends and colleagues against him. For Two Thousand Years is a prescient, heart-wrenching chronicle of resilience and despair, broken layers of memory and the terrible forces of history.