Leap of Faith: Quit Your Job and Live on a Boat

Ed Robinson - 2013
    This is a story about one couple who made that dream come true. The author shares what it feels like to experience ultimate freedom, and outlines the steps they took to get there. The story includes tales from their travels, social commentary on the state of today's American society, and a simple financial plan that will benefit anyone, regardless of their future goals. Throughout the narrative the reader is treated to dolphins and manatees, pelicans and osprey, blue skies, blue water and white sand beaches. Tropical music plays a role as well. Read how music inspired them to execute their plan. Follow along as they transform from everyday working drones to carefree boat bums and beachcombers. This book will make you rethink how you look at life, and money.

15 Practical Tips to Improve Yourself

Paula Renaye - 2016
    So why aren’t we? The answer is generally pretty simple: What we say we want and what we do are two very different things. We say we want to be happy, but we make choices that bring us pain. We say we want our lives to be different, but we don’t do anything different. We talk a good game, but we don’t live it. This quick read summarizes some of the self-improvement strategies. We hope you are able to be honest with yourself and see the value in simply “saying it like it is.” When we take the courageous path and hold ourselves—and each other—accountable, we open the door to joy.So, take a deep breath and dive in!

I Still Deserve It: Affirmations for women who refuse to give up on love

Derrick Jaxn - 2017
     Well, look no further. This book contains the affirmations necessary to retrain your mind and redirect your energy in the direction of your destiny. Read to understand and meditate on these passages regularly, and watch everything about your life improve starting with your perspective.

Positive Mental Attitude: The Science of Success by Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill - 2013
    It contains the material from “Think and Grow Rich,” “The Law of Success” and others. Anyone who uses even a few of the 17 Principles of Success will be successful. Highlight what works for you, review your notes, and launch your career.The book has a linked table of contents for easy reference.Napoleon Hill's work has touched the lives of countless thousands through his lectures, teachings, and prolific writings. His internationally known books Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success have become the standards of motivational literature against which all others are measured. To make available in perpetuity the success principles he spent a lifetime identifying and sharing with others, on August 21, 1962, Dr. Hill and his wife, Annie Lou, founded the Napoleon Hill Foundation. A not-for-profit corporation, the Foundation's sole purpose is to continue to spread his philosophy of success through the co-operation and support of others, rather than at their expense. The 17 principles of success he quantified in his writings and lectures aid not only the individual who practices them, but all those with whom he comes in contact, as well. Those principles along with his lifelong published works and yet unpublished manuscripts, recordings, and courses comprise the legacy Dr. Hill endowed in the Foundation. Dr. Hill enjoyed close friendships with many of the turn-of-the-century business leaders who played a significant role in shaping the destiny of America and the world. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Theodore Roosevelt, and Alexander Graham Bell were but a few who freely shared the secrets of how they attained their success with Dr. Hill.Andrew Carnegie so strongly believed in the universal principles of success that he sponsored the research and writing that became the first authoritative treatise on the subject, the Personal Success Philosophy of Achievement by Napoleon Hill. This practical self-study program will help you thoroughly understand and apply the 17 principles of success in your own life, to achieve any goal — however ambitious.

The Millionaire Map: The Ultimate Guide to Creating, Enjoying, and Sharing Wealth

Jim Stovall - 2013
    Trump On the heels of the best-selling success of The Ultimate Gift and the major motion picture from 20th Century Fox based on that book, Jim Stovall brings you The Millionaire Map. "This is the book I wished was available 30 years ago when I was desperate and broke with only a dream of one day being a millionaire. Now, as a multimillionaire, I want to share the wisdom I've gained from the journey and provide other travelers with a map to guide them on their journey." -- Jim StovallThe Millionaire Map Reveals:You can't expand your wallet until you expand your mind.Becoming a millionaire is not just about all the things you want to have, but it's about the things you want to do and give.In order to climb to the financial peak, you've got to crawl out of the valley of debt.You will either voluntarily control your money now, or it will force its control on you later.The vast majority of people never arrive at their destination-not because they don't have what it takes but because they don't manage what they have.

No-Fail Habits

Michael Hyatt - 2020
    Our work follows us home, even on weekends and vacations.The result is stress, burnout, and strained relationships. Ironically, burning the candle at both ends makes work quality suffer too.Days full of busyness, where you go to bed wondering where all the time went and why so little got done, is primarily the product of habit. One action triggering another that fills every moment of the day, crowding out anything that's not an emergency.It's automated overwork. And when a person succumbs to the stress and leaves for greener pastures, this “burnout pattern” follows them around from one job to the next.But there's good news . . .Self-automation can become your advantage as well.And it's all laid out in the newest book from Michael Hyatt & Company, No-Fail Habits.No-Fail Habits reveals how you can permanently drop habits that don't serve you.You'll also discover how to identify negative triggers and replace them with actions, habits, and rituals that free your time and give you the mental space for deep work—the fertile soil of accomplishment.No-Fail Habits is the blueprint for leveraging habits to build a life of success at work and in your personal life. No-Fail Habits will help you achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Social Skills: Top 10 Mistakes That Destroy Your Charisma… and How to Avoid Them

Stuart Killan - 2018
    The people walking past her stopped in their tracks and recognized that a star was in their midst.In an instant, fans engulfed Marilyn and it took some time for the photographer to protect her from the crowd.Marilyn knew that charisma is something you can turn on and off.And even if you’re making all the mistakes inside, the short simple guide will show you how to fix them. The #1 charisma myth everyone believes, and why it’s false Introverts can’t be charismatic – think again The real truth about charisma At a party someone - here’s what not to do when introducing them Charisma secrets from a 300 year old novel The Dale Carnegie method (taught to millions) to be instantly memorable 5 conversation tips you can use to talk to anyone So if you want to be someone with a “magnetic presence”Where people are actually excited to talk to you… Scroll up and hit “buy now with 1 click” to receive your book instantly

How to Discover Best-Selling Nonfiction eBook Ideas - The Bulletproof Strategy

Steve Scott - 2013
    You can't write about any topic and expect it will become a best selling eBook. The truth is the Amazon marketplace is full of fickle readers. Most will only read a specific type of nonfiction book. If you're not writing about these topics then no one is going to buy your book. It's that simple!As an expert on niche research, I know what it takes to find proven, profitable markets. I use four free websites to discover where people are spending money. In my book, I show you these sites. Plus I teach you how to find the right niche that matches your background and personal interests.Generate Hundreds Of Book Ideas and Publish Your 1st, 2nd, and 100th Best-Selling Kindle BookThe key to making a killing on Kindle is to follow a publisher's model. You don't succeed with a single title. Your best best is to locate a hidden niche full of hungry buyers who will buy everything you publish. That's how the top authors really make money with Amazon eBooks.My guide details an additional four websites for exploring any market topic. You won't have to guess what people will buy. Instead you'll do a special type of research to decipher the language they use and locate the problems they encounter on a daily basis. In addition, you'll discover the right way to get hundreds of profitable nonfiction book ideas.Discover 7 Secrets Of Highly Effective Kindle AuthorsYou'll need the right philosophy to win at the Amazon game. I've examined top-selling Kindle authors and discovered they have a specific mindset that leads to hundreds of daily sales. My guide details these 7 "highly effective" secrets and shows how you can adopt these winning habits.Use 5 Different Ways To "Hack" AmazonAll the market research in the world won't matter if you pick the wrong market. The only way to publish a best-selling book is to know if it' something Amazon readers will buy.Fortunately I know the secret to determining the profitability of any nonfiction book idea. Specifically I use five tools to "hack" Amazon's algorithm. You'll learn:1. How to determine the average daily sales of any published title2. The quickest way to find related books in your marketplace3. A simple trick for discovering "hidden" book ideas4. My system for turning an unprofitable idea into a title that readers want5. How to use the top selling charts to find what's currently popular in your market.There is a goldmine of information on Amazon. You just need the right tools to do the digging. With my "5 Amazon Hacks," you'll know...within minutes...if you have a best-selling book idea. Then all you have to do is write and publish your title!Would You Like To Know More?Get started right away and locate those best-selling nonfiction book ideas.Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy button' now.

Tales from a Financial Hot Mess

Frances Cook - 2019
    and how to have more of it.Are you stymied by debt? Clueless about where your paychecks go?Journalist, podcaster and reformed money mess Frances Cook is here for you. Tales from a Financial Hot Mess is the story of Frances getting her money sh*t sorted. With no idea where she was going wrong and what to do about it, she took it upon herself to learn from the best – and soon found out that the fixes were right in front of her the whole time. (She just needed to wise up a bit.)Frances learned the hard way so you don’t have to.Dishing up a brilliant, often hilarious personal narrative, proven financial advice, handy how-tos (and please-don’ts) and many expert insights (from 22 actual experts), this book will guide you along the rocky path to financial freedom – however that might look for you.Tales from a Financial Hot Mess is the real deal – not another bulleted, tabled, graphed lecture from a financial advisor who’s never had issues with money. Read it and enjoy – who knows, you might learn a thing or two.What have you got to lose?

Overcoming Shyness: Break Out of Your Shell and Express Your True Self

Erik Myers - 2017
    It's divided into two sections. The first section on mindset explores lifestyle changes, new ways of thinking, and using imagination for you instead of against you to expand your identity and know your true self. Journaling and psychological counseling are recommended as well as finding mentors and an online community, such as the author's. The second section on back pocket tips provides several tools and techniques, such as smiling, the ABCs of body language, the 3-foot rule, the 4 magic words to initiate a conversation and the key to maintaining it, active listening, and the secret sauce, that are guaranteed to get you out of your cramped shell and into the exciting world of social Interaction. The author writes from experience with compassion, wit, and insight so that you feel like you're having a heart-to-heart conversation with an understanding friend.

31 Days to Radically Reduce Your Expenses: Less Stress. More Savings.

Kalyn Brooke - 2016
    What if there were an easier way to not only cut costs on things you need but also make room for the things you actually want? 31 Days to Radically Reduce Your Expenses provides the tools you need to do exactly that—and so much more. As you explore the ideas packed inside these pages, you’ll discover: - The one trick to never pay full price for gas again - How to get a refund on phone data you don’t even use - The secret to a smaller mortgage payment - How to cancel your cable and still watch your favorite shows - The retail schedule every store uses to discount clothes ….plus hundreds of other expense-reducing tips! Consider this your personal roadmap to find more money at the end of every month, make lasting change, and start saving for what truly matters. FREE BONUS: Also includes access to nine printable worksheets to help you apply everything you learn in a practical way.

Beat the Forex Dealer: An Insider's Look Into Trading Today's Foreign Exchange Market

Agustin Silvani - 2008
    It is one of egos and money, where millions of dollars are won and lost every day and phones are routinely thrown across hectic trading desks. This palpable excitement has led to the explosion of the retail FX market, which has unfortunately spawned a new breed of authors and gurus more than happy to provide misleading and often downright fraudulent information by promising traders riches while making forex trading 'easy'. Well I'll let you in on a little secret: there is nothing easy about trading currencies. If you don't believe me then stop by Warren Buffet's office and ask him how he could lose $850m betting on the dollar or ask George Soros why his short yen bets cost him $600m not once but twice in 1994. What's wrong with these guys, don't they read FX books? In reality, the average client's trading approach combined with the unscrupulous practices of some brokers make spot FX trading more akin to the games found on the Vegas strip than to anything seen on Wall St. The FX market is littered with the remains of day traders and genius 'systems, ' and to survive in the long-run traders have to realize that they are playing a game where the cards are clearly stacked against them. Have you ever had your stop hit at a price that turned out to be the low/high for the day? Bad luck perhaps? Maybe. What if it happens more than once? Do you ever feel like the market is out to get you? Well guess what, in this Zero Sum game it absolutely is. Covering the day-to-day mechanics of the FX market and the unsavoury dealings going on, Beat the Forex Dealer offers traders the market-proven trading techniques needed to side-step dealer traps and develop winning trading methods. Learn from an industry insider the truth behind dirty dealer practices including: stop-hunting, price shading, trading against clients and 'no dealing desk' realities. Detailing the dealer-inspired trading techniques developed by MIGFX Inc, consistently ranked among the world's leading currency trading firms, the book helps turn average traders into winning traders; and in a market with a 90% loss rate winning traders are in fact quite rare! More than just a simple manual, Beat the Forex Dealer brings to life the excitement of the FX market by delivering insights into some of the greatest trading triumphs and highlighting legendary disasters; all written in an easy to read style. Make no mistake about it there is a lot of money to be made in currency trading, you just have to know where to look. Sidestepping simple dealer traps is one way of improving your daily p&l, but it is surely not the only one. Successful trading comes down to taking care of the details, which means skipping the theoretical stuff and providing only up-to-date, real-life examples while sharing the FX trading tips that have proved so profitable over the years. By stripping away the theory and getting down to the core of trading, you too will find yourself on the way to beating the forex dealer!

Oprah Winfrey: 50 Life and Business Lessons from Oprah Winfrey

George Ilian - 2016
    This self-made billionaire is far more than a talking head, however: she has leveraged her public profile to make a $3 billion fortune. She is the richest African American, and greatest black philanthropist, in history. Oprah has honorary doctorates from both Duke and Harvard Universities, and in 2013 President Barack Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her rise from childhood poverty in rural Mississippi, and her teenage years as a single mother in inner city Milwaukee, having become pregnant aged just 14, is nothing short of a miracle. Even in fairytales, heroines don’t triumph over adversity like this. Additionally You Get 2 Bonus Ebooks - 69 Ways to Make Money From Home - Bitcoins Beginner’s Guide

Shares Made Simple: A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market

Rodney Hobson - 2007
    Financial journalist Hobson tears away the mystique and jargon that surrounds the stock market and takes readers step-by-step through the most basic concepts of investing.

I See Your Dream Job: A Career Intuitive Shows You How to Discover What You Were Put on Earth to Do

Sue Frederick - 2009
    She illuminates the negative patterns stopping you in your tracks and teaches you to remove them. You walk away with a fresh perspective on your life's direction, and a realization of how powerful you truly are. This is a book for:Anyone who feels stuck in a jobAnyone who feels unfulfilled at workAnyone who questions if they're on the right trackAnyone who yearns to do something more creativeAnyone who dreams of a different pathAnyone who has been firedAnyone who has been downsizedAnyone who is underpaid and underappreciatedAnyone who simply wants something different"