Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism

Maria Emmerich - 2009
    William Davis, Author of the New York Times Best seller "Wheat Belly"! Dr. Davis is a leader in his field and he discusses the relevance of the material covered in this book and its importance to modern nutrition theory. Most of the book is updated with the latest nutritional science. Maria is constantly researching the latest science and this edition updates all the latest information to help you get your metabolism back on track. In this book you will learn the tools to lead a healthy lifestyle that you can sustain for the rest of your life. It is based on the food science of how our bodies react to different ingredients. Using these guidelines you can lose weight or maintain a healthy weight while staying full and satisfied. This book covers the science behind nutrition and how our bodies use different elements of our food to function. The last chapter supplies recipes, pantry items, and healthy substitutes to help you use these scientific properties and make healthy meals that not only feed your body what it really needs, but keep you full longer. Some of the topics covered are: - Nutrient Timing - Typical Diet Downfalls - Tired, Toxic Liver - How to Optimize Your Hormones - Menstrual Cycle Timing - Supplements to enhance Weight Loss - Putting it all together: Alternative Flours, Alternative Sweeteners and Pantry List!

Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness through Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, and Western Science

Claudia Welch - 2011
    Between myriad responsibilities, women burn through even the energy gained from sufficient sleep and a healthy diet. The result? Hormonal havoc.In clear, accessible language, internationally renowned doctor Claudia Welch explains hormones from A to Z, specifically how they relate to each other, how and why they become imbalanced, and how women can restore that balance. Welch includes simple diet tips, stress-management techniques, and natural sleep secrets. Using the principles of Ayurveda (popularized in the West by Deepak Chopra) and the holistic sensibility of Dr. Christiane Northrup, Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life gives women the essential tools to achieve the perfect balance between their yin (sex hormones) and yang (stress hormones), and between the body and the mind.

CBD-Rich Hemp Oil - Cannabinoid Nursing 101: Cannabis Medicine is Back

Tina Rappaport - 2014
    Although it has a long history, the recent discovery (1992) of the body's widespread endocannabinoid system (ECS) has thrust cannabis back into the limelight again as a viable medicine. In 2012 over 2.5 million prescriptions were written for medical marijuana in the United States. CBD and THC are both cannabinoids found in cannabis. However, while THC produces a “high” in the user, CBD does not. And now legal CBD-rich hemp oil is available over-the-counter in all 50 states, without a prescription. It was discovered that the Hemp Family of plants (cannabis, marijuana) is loaded with cannabinoids that stimulate our ECS receptor sites. These sites are found in the brain, organs, glands, connective tissue and immune cells and plays regulatory roles in many physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood and memory. The primary purpose of this system revolves around maintaining balance in the body. Cannabinoids found in all varieties of cannabis work in harmony with the cannabinoids we naturally produce when our system is functioning properly. It is now coming to light that we may very well be “Endocannabinoid Deficient” and supplementing with Cannabidiol, known as CBD, may provide just what we’re missing to restore optimum health. The health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) from natural hemp oil is this book's primary focus. It explores the similarities, differences, uses and benefits of hemp, cannabis and medical marijuana along with the interplay of THC and CBD. Their 480 other components are also discussed, such as terpenoids, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins, etc. Make no mistake about it, the endocannabinoid system, although newly discovered, is just as important as any other bodily system, like the muscular, cardiac, circulatory or digestive system. The ECS requires its own specialized medicine as found in the Hemp Family of plants, which is also known as cannabis, and which includes all strains of marijuana. Here is a list of conditions known and/or being researched that may be helped by cannabinoid therapeutics and supplementation: Acne ADD/ADHD Addiction AIDS ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Alzheimer’s Anorexia Antibiotic Resistance Anxiety Atherosclerosis Arthritis Asthma Autism Bipolar Cancer Colitis/Crohn’s Depression Diabetes Endocrine Disorders Epilepsy/Seizure Fibromyalgia Glaucoma Heart Disease Huntington’s Inflammation Irritable Bowel Kidney Disease Liver Disease Metabolic Syndrome Migraine Mood Disorders Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Nausea Neurodegeneration Neuropathic Pain Obesity OCD Osteoporosis Parkinson’s Prion/Mad Cow Disease PTSD Rheumatism Schizophrenia Sickle Cell Anemia Skin Conditions Sleep Disorders Spinal Cord Injury Stress Stroke/TBI 10% of the proceeds from sales of this book will be donated to the American Cannabis Nurses Association in an effort to bring together nurses, to share, integrate and one day certify nurses in the science of endocannabinoid therapeutics in nursing practice.

Beginner's Luck Guide For Non-Runners: Learn to Run from Scratch to an Hour in 10 Weeks

George Anderson - 2013
    You may have tried and failed in the past to make running stick, but never the less you are determined to master it. You may tell yourself that “running is hard”, or “I’m just not a runner”, but the truth is that anybody can learn to run if they have the right approach. You will likely have many questions; “how do I build up my running distance?”, “how do I stay motivated to run?”, “how do I warm up and cool down?”. All of these and more are covered off within the pages of this book along with a step by step guide to building up your running to 60 minutes. There is more to learning how to run than just going out and seeing how far you can go three days a week. Some people will undoubtedly have success with this method, but for most beginner runners it takes a little more guidance and support to truly master the art of running. More and more beginners are deciding to take their first steps and learn how to run. Races are popping up all over the place geared towards beginner runners and it remains one of the most accessible sports around. Learning how to run should be a fun and rewarding experience in itself, not just a means to achieve a goal. Beginner’s Luck is a complete program that teaches you everything you need to build your confidence as a runner. The program itself removes the pressure of having to stick rigidly to a set rate of progress, and instead allows you to progress at your own pace. If you are a beginner runner who would like to learn how to run for up to an hour AND surprise yourself as to how easy it really is, get Beginner’s Luck and start out on your journey today.

The Low-FODMAP 28-Day Plan: A Healthy Cookbook with Gut-Friendly Recipes for IBS Relief

Rockridge Press - 2014
    Now you can relieve your worst IBS symptoms by adopting a low FODMAP diet. FODMAPs are simple carbohydrates that can be the hidden culprits behind digestive disorders. The Low FODMAP 28-Day Plan, from New York Times and Amazon best-selling publisher Rockridge Press, is a straightforward 4-week plan for removing FODMAPs from your diet and banishing digestive pain forever. With easy guidelines and simple recipes, you’ll learn how to identify and avoid FODMAP foods, and make healthy and delicious FODMAP free meals in your own kitchen. With The Low FODMAP 28-Day Plan you will soothe your digestive system and make it easy to enjoy meals again, with:•105 recipes for delicious, nutritious low FODMAP dishes including Huevos Rancheros, Maple-Soy Glazed Salmon, Butterscotch Pudding, and Spiced Popcorn •A “symptom tracker” so you can log what you’re eating and how it affects your symptoms •An easy-to-follow quickstart guide to help you begin a low FODMAP diet •Comprehensive lists of foods to enjoy or avoid based on their FODMAP content, •10 tips for sticking to a low FODMAP diet when dining out

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

Sally Fallon Morell - 1995
    Nutrition researcher Sally Fallon unites the wisdom of the ancients with the latest independent and accurate scientific research. The revised and updated Second Edition contains over 700 delicious recipes that will please both exacting gourmets and busy parents.

Minding My Mitochondria: How I Overcame Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Got Out of My Wheelchair

Terry Wahls - 2010
    Terry Wahls links micronutrient starvation to the epidemics of chronic disease that are overtaking modern society. She explains the key roles mitochondria play in maintaining a healthy brain and body. Americans are eating so poorly, something we all know to be true, that the majority of Americans are missing key building blocks that are needed for brain cells to be healthy. The result is an epidemic of depression, aggression, multiple sclerosis and early dementia. She then teaches you how to eat for healthy mitochondria, a healthy brain and a healthy body in language that is clear and concise, even for those without a science background. In this book, Dr. Wahls explains basic brain biology in simple terms. She tells us what vitamin, mineral and essential fat building blocks are needed by the mitochondria and other key structures in the brain. Then she explains what foods are good sources for those key nutrients. Over a hundred recipes are provided to help get you started on this new way of eating. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be used to fund research into the benefits of these interventions in others.

Healthy Shoulder Handbook: 100 Exercises for Treating and Preventing Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff and other Common Injuries

Karl Knopf - 2010
    With Healthy Shoulder Handbook, you can take yourself off that list. This friendly manual outlines the causes for common shoulder conditions, including shoulder impingement, rotator cuff, tendinitis, dislocation and repetitive motion injuries.Illustrated with over 300 step-by-step photographs, Healthy Shoulder Handbook offers easy-to-follow exercises to: • Build strength • Improve flexibility • Speed up recovery • Prevent injuryHealthy Shoulder Handbook also features specially designed programs to reverse or alleviate the strain from high-risk sports and occupations, including construction work, desk jobs, tennis, golf and more. Follow the approach in this book and you'll be able to quickly get back to the job (or back on the court!) and stay there--pain free!

Natural Solutions to PCOS: How to Eliminate Your Symptoms and Boost Your Fertility

Marilyn Glenville - 2012
    It will help a reader clearly diagnose her condition and tailor a personal plan to manage and eliminate symptoms. It offers a 7-Step Diet to control one's cycle and beat PCOS, information on how to protect one's fertility and conceive, the best supplements and herbs to manage symptoms, lifestyle changes to improve health, and clear guidance on surgical and drug options. This practical handbook will help readers lose weight, clear their skin, protect their fertility, beat PCOS, and live a healthy, happy life.

Back Sense: A Revolutionary Approach to Halting the Cycle of Chronic Back Pain

Ronald D. Siegel - 2001
    Until recently both doctors and patients have misunderstood its true causes and have unwittingly fostered the pain cycle. Back Sense is the groundbreaking book that promises to change the way we approach the problem by proving that almost all chronic back pain is caused by stress and muscle tension, rather than by damage to the spine.On occasion nearly everyone experiences short term back pain--from sore or strained muscles. But for many who come to treat their back gingerly because they fear further "injury," a cycle of worry and inactivity results, which actually increases muscle tightness and leads them to think of themselves as having a "bad back." In reality, most backs are strong and resilient--built to support our bodies for a lifetime. Contrary to popular belief, truly "bad backs" are extremely rare. While seemingly abnormal disks and other parts of the back are, in fact, often present in those who suffer chronic back pain, they are also frequently found in those who have absolutely no pain whatsoever. Back Sense uses the latest scientific research to discredit the perfectly understandable, but counterproductive assumption that back pain is caused by these "abnormalities." Drawing on their work with patients and studies from major scientific journals and corporations such as Boeing, the authors have amassed conclusive evidence proving that stress and inactivity are actually to blame. Since conventional treatments of back problems encourage excessive caution, most sufferers get trapped in a vicious cycle in which concern about pain and physical limitations leads to heightened tension, more pain, and further distress. The authors of Back Sense--all three are former chronic back pain sufferers themselves--have developed a revolutionary self-treatment approach that works. It allows patients to avoid the restrictions and expense of most other treatments. After showing readers how to rule out the possibility that a rare medical condition is the source of their problem, Back Sense clearly and convincingly explains how chronic back pain results from other factors. Building on this idea, the book systematically leads readers toward recapturing a life free of back pain.From the Hardcover edition.

The Wisdom of Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing During the Change

Christiane Northrup - 2006
    Christiane Northrup has earned a place as one of America’s most trusted medical advisors.In The Wisdom of Menopause, she once again challenges convention with this inspiring look at one of the most commonly misunderstood female health issues. The “change” is not simply a collection of physical symptoms to be “fixed,” Dr. Northrup claims, but a mind/body revolution that brings the greatest opportunity for growth since adolescence. The choices a woman makes now–from the quality of her relationships to the quality of her diet–have the power to secure her health and well-being for the rest of her life. Through her personal story and many fascinating case histories, Dr. Northrup shows:• How menopause jump-starts changes in the brain, issuing a dramatic wake-up call to body, mind, and emotions• How to ensure the long-term health of breasts, bones, and heart• How the body adjusts naturally to changing hormones• Why bestselling drugs like Premarin may not be the best choice• How to deal with metabolism shifts, weight gain, sexual problems, and appearance issues• How to negotiate the challenges of “the empty nest” and midlife marriageAnd much more. In a book destined to be a classic, Dr. Northrup shows women how they can make menopause a time of personal empowerment and positive energy–emerging wiser, healthier, and stronger in both mind and body than ever before.

The Other Side of Impossible: Ordinary People Who Faced Daunting Medical Challenges and Refused to Give Up

Susannah Meadows - 2017
    True stories about people who triumphed over seemingly impossible medical diagnoses using untraditional, inventive therapies and perseverance and about what scientists are discovering on the psychology of healing and the mind-body connection from the author of the New York Times Magazine article about her own son, The Boy with the Thorn in his Joints, which led to this book about other families.

Move Your DNA Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement

Katy Bowman - 2014
    It examines the differences between the movements in a typical hunter - gatherer's life and the movements in our own. It shows the many problems with using exercise like movement vitamins instead of addressing the deeper issue of a poor movement diet. Bet of all, Move Your DNA contains the corrective exercises, habit modifications, and simple lifestyle changes we need to make in order to free ourselves from disease and discover our naturally healthy, reflex driven selves. From couch potatoes to professional athletes, new parents to seniors, readers will love Katy's humorous, passionate, and above all science based guide to restoring your body and reclaiming your life.

The Cure is in the Cupboard: How to Use Oregano for Better Health

Cass Ingram - 1997
    The Cure Is in the Cupboard: How to Use Oregano for Better Health (Revised Edition)

Cayenne Pepper Cures (Miracle Healers from the Kitchen)

Sharon Daniels - 2012
    It is more powerful than any other." - Dr. Richard Schulze, Medical Herbalist from off to you! You've just plunged into a wealth of information that hardly any professional doctors have a clue about. Get ready to relish in the brilliance of the kitchen miracle that surgeons shun and doctors disgrace.A sea of unknown, unrevealed information awaits you. This book will act as your guide, so that you will soon be able to harness the full power of cayenne - the herb I once took for granted, and the herb that I now owe my health.Everyone out there seems to be promoting good health. Well, that's great. Good health is something that needs to be promoted. You need herbs, not drugs. You need nature, not synthetics. You need to use the proven, natural, side-affect-free healers that the earth is full of, not the clear, cold liquids that scientists processed through a test tube.If I had the time, I'd drive from house to house, shaking people out of their beds and telling them to wake up to the miracles of cayenne. But I can't, so I've got the next best thing.This report, which I've been compiling for a while, is brimming with the fiery brilliance of cayenne and all that I've found out about it.For example, cayenne has been known to cure 17 big diseases. It has been known to stop a heart attack in a matter of minutes. It can sharpen your vision better than the most powerful contact lenses available. It can expand your arteries like anything, giving the blood room to really flow and travel everywhere, from your arms (giving you strength) to your brain (giving you better brainpower). It can cure arthritis and much, much more.If your heart can't pump enough blood to a certain area, take cayenne pepper.Because if you're on prescription medications, you could take up to a year (or more!) to heal. But if you take cayenne, you could cut it down to a month or two.Did you know that if you take garlic in the right proportions, you can bring your blood pressure back to normal in three months?Well, if you add cayenne, you could cut that down to three days.Cayenne can unclog your kidneys and your sinuses, allow you to breathe freely and restore broken, bleeding gums to normal. Cayenne, in short, is a kitchen miracle.I owe my health to cayenne. I hope that by reading this report, you soon will too.To your health,Sharon Daniels