Happiness Express

Khurshed Batliwala - 2018
    Art of Living teachers Khurshed and Dinesh have spent the greaterpart of their lives being happy and coaching others to be happy. In Happiness Express they share the secrets behind their smiles.This warm and funny book, which abounds in personalanecdotes and practical tips for everyday well-being,will make Happiness a more integral part of your lifethan ever before. Learn about the importance of rest —keeping your eyes closed is one of the biggest secrets to a long-lasting smile. Figure out the right types of food to eat —a healthy gut oftentranslates into a happier you. Know how physical exercise not only gives you a stronger, healthier body, but even makes your brain younger. Unearth the thrill of learning all over again and give that innatecuriosity you had as a child a second chance. Get over procrastination , the Dark Lord of bad habits, and do thethings that you’ve always wanted to do!

Roar: into the second half of your life (before it's too late)

Michael Clinton - 2021
    In the mid-career group, people who have spent years working are now seeing their industry dramatically evolve and are facing the question: “What does that mean for me in the next twenty years?” At the same time, the post-career population is also going through massive change and dealing with the fact that many of them are not prepared financially, logistically, or emotionally for the next phase of their lives. And while we may want to retire, most of us don’t want to do nothing. With expert insight and approachable techniques, Roar will help you identify fresh goals and take meaningful action to achieve a purposeful life. Featuring a unique and dynamic 4-part process, Roar will show you how to: - Reimagine yourself - Own who you are - Act on what’s next - Reassess your relationships Transformative and invigorating, this is the ultimate roadmap to the latest journey of your life.

Saatnya Dunia Berubah: Tangan Tuhan di Balik Virus Flu Burung

Siti Fadilah Supari - 2007
    Apparently there's a "connection" between the WHO and US. For further information, you could read it by yourself. Very intriguing and fascinating.

The Pursuit - Success is hidden in the journey.

Dexter R. Yager Sr. - 2005
    It's all in the title - The Pursuit; Success is in the journey.

Say Goodbye to Crazy: How to Get Rid of His Crazy Ex and Restore Sanity to Your Life

Tara Palmatier - 2015
    It will give you the answers you need to live a life free of chaos, anger and frustration. Say Goodbye to Crazy is one of the few books that addresses how to cope with a hostile, angry ex-wife whose destructive behavior is overlooked by the courts, the society and sometimes, even your own husband. It is a life-saver. Helen Smith, PhD, forensic psychologist and author of Men on Strike

The Da Vinci Method - Break Out & Express Your Fire

Garret LoPorto - 2005
    Discover and master the fiery temperament shared by great leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and AD/HD-ers. Are you: - Impulsive? - Risk-taking? - Distractible? - Sensation-seeking? - Insightful or Intuitive? Do you: - Crave risk and excitement? - Have an addictive personality? - Rebel against authority? - Think differently? Then you are a DaVinci. Discover the secret genius that drives risk-takers, rebels, entrepreneurs, artists and ad/hd-ers to achieve greatness. Learn how to express this fire and harness it productively. About the Author Garret LoPorto, has been featured in The New York Times, Money Magazine, The Boston Globe and The London Financial Times. He is a successful entrepreneur, CEO, presenter at MIT, U.S. & International patent-pending inventor, and father of two children. He lives with his wife and children in Concord, Massachusetts.

Entrepreneur 5 pm to 9 am

Kanth Miriyala - 2013
    The book has a rich mix of illustrations and anecdotal stories that tells you how you can become an entrepreneur even if you are a student, home-maker or have a full time job and if you are risk-averse.Read this book if you are about to launch your first start-up, or if you’re thinking of doing so.The road-map explained here will:- Tell you how you can realize your dream of being an entrepreneur even if you have a full-time job- Provide you with a widely tested and proven methodology that will dramatically reduce your risk of failure- Help your offering to sell and be profitable before any significant investments are made- Rapidly increase the valuation of your start-up before you take outside funding- Help you create a start-up that YOU would enjoy building — one that’s aligned with your goals in life and leverages your personalstrengths

Power Of The Plus Factor

Norman Vincent Peale - 1986
    Peale shows readers how to use the something extra that is within each of them in order to accomplish the impossible and achieve their true desires.

Against All Odds: A Story Of Courage, Perseverance And Hope

Dhirubhai Ambani

Mach II With Your Hair On Fire: The Art of Vision & Self Motivation

Richard Bliss Brooke - 2001
    Among the revisions is the addition of an entire new chapter on The Art of Deciding that adds a new level of understanding to the personal vision process. First published in 2000, Mach II has inspired thousands of people by taking them on a thought-provoking journey to discover their own destiny and create a powerful personal vision for success. This hardcover edition is a must-have for your personal library, and an excellent gift for friends, graduates, loved ones and prospects. Through Richard's powerful story of personal transformation, Mach II will guide you through: - A powerful and applicable introduction to the art of personal vision and self motivation. -A challenge to personally produce, direct and star in the movie that is your life.

Serve No Master: How to Escape the 9-5, Start up an Online Business, Fire Your Boss and Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur or Digital Nomad

Jonathan Green - 2016
    He's not content with just sharing a few ideas - instead this traveling renegade is taking aim at every roadblock that keeps people from achieving their goals. From "not enough money" to "lack of connections" to "not enough time" to "I just can't seem to do it", Jon's taking laser aim at all the excuses, and breaking things down into small, simple steps that anyone can take to become wealthier, better connected, more talented, and more free. It doesn't matter if you're already working at home, squeezing in a little extra time after your job, or you don't even have a plan yet. Serve No Master isn't just a book - it's a system designed to smash the chains and give you a better financial outlook and more free time to do what you love.You're going to discover how to:–Break the cycle of information buying and take action on your knowledge –Develop a killer business plan that takes full advantage of your skills –Get one-on-one time with the key players in your industry - even if you don't have experience –Create books, compose videos, and blaze through online tasks in a fraction of the time –Develop passive income and get paid over and over for what you do - with real examples –Slash risks and expenses so you spend less and earn more –Create effortless, unbreakable habits that fit into your life routine. –Get free upgrades at hotel rooms, save thousands of dollars on rent, get wild discounts on cruises around the world, and travel like a boss Jonathan also covers how other people impact your bottom line - whether that's in negotiations with potential customers and partners, making friends and family more accepting of your lifestyle, and making time for the things that really matter. magine sitting down with Jon and getting a one-on-one strategy session, full of practical information and built for the structure of your life. This book will teach you everything you need to know to get ready for the great adventure that is life without a master. From choosing the right tools and strategies all the way through building the unstoppable confidence you need to succeed.

Productivity Hacks: 500+ Easy Ways to Accomplish More at Work--That Actually Work!

Emily Price - 2018
    We all know about Post-It notes and to-do lists—and now, with this handy guide you can take productivity to the next level! Learn to use technology to your advantage, schedule your time wisely, and organize your materials for maximum efficiency. Some of Productivity Hacks’s easy-to-implement tips include utilizing “do not disturb” features on your phone and computer to avoid distractions, scheduling a specific time to check your email instead of shifting focus again and again, and creating templates for your most-used email responses so you don’t need to do the same work twice—and many more! From accomplishing more in the workplace to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, these tips will help hone your focus and time management skills in simple, manageable steps. You’ll be amazed how much more you can achieve over the course of a day!

The Millionaire Morning

Lewis Howes - 2017
    The Morning Mindset, Habits, and Routines of Millionaires!

The Making of Hero: Four Brothers, Two Wheels and a Revolution that Shaped India

Sunil K. Munjal - 2020

Becoming Rich: A Method for Manifesting Exceptional Wealth (A Course in Manifesting Book 4)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
     In Becoming Rich, you’ll not only learn the precise details of how you can use Magic to transform your entire financial world and start bringing money flowing to you. You’ll also have the chance of winning a sizeable donation to your chosen favourite charity — but I’ll get to this in a moment. So, why Magic? Only a few years ago I lived in a tiny flat, working twelve hours a day in a factory for minimum wage. Today, I live in a beautiful home by the sea, often earning more in one month than I used to in an entire year. In this book you will discover the steps that enabled me to turn my financial life around in this amazing, life-changing way. The change in my financial circumstances was so dramatic, it makes more sense to describe it as involving Magic than anything else. And when money starts to come tumbling your way in a manner that goes far beyond mere coincidence and luck, you will no longer doubt that Magic exists. Yet my finances were actually the last thing I mastered ‘magically’. I felt cursed, blocked, financially stuck for ages. But having got things right once or twice, I went on to discover that, even after a lifetime of poverty, money turned out to be the very easiest thing of all to manifest using Magic. And I went on to bring an unbelievable amount of money into my life. If you’re jaded by the whole New Age Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… this book is for you. Because this is a practical book, offering concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. You’re looking at this book because you need money, and it’s now time to bring that money into your life. The plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, trying to manifest huge sums of money off the bat … but making very simple yet crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is just a load of nonsense. Then they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. But I can assure you it does work. And you can make it work. This book will show you how. My intention is make sure that Becoming Rich will allow you to become a true creator of your own financial life, reawakening and rekindling your belief and interest in The Law of Attraction, Reality Creation, Cosmic Ordering or whatever you wish to call it. I prefer simply to call it Magic. But there’s a bit more magic to come… Why? Because this time, I’m giving a huge slice of the book’s profits back to you! (Or, at least, to those you care about.) For every copy sold, I will put $1 into a fund, to be awarded to the favourite chosen charity of one lucky reader on 21st June 2016. The more copies sold, the bigger the donation will be. Full details for entering the draw can be found inside the book. Read Becoming Rich and you’ll believe in Magic, too!