An ancient American setting for the Book of Mormon
John L. Sorenson - 1985
And the book itself provides some intriguing clues. But only recently has enough information come to light to make it possible to place the book in a plausible geographical, historical, and cultural setting. In An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon, Dr. John L. Sorenson, chairman of the Department of Anthropology at Brigham Young University, presents a credible model for an ancient American background for the Book of Mormon. This model takes notice of extensive details given in the Book of Mormon descriptions of the land southward and of the land northward, of battle movements, of cities built and abandoned, of population and demographic data. Hundreds of geographical, historical, and cultural facts fall into place as his model is carried to its logical conclusions. How does Dr. Sorenson proceed? In a word, he asks more questions than he answers. His words are probing and carefully weighed. The results are great surprises and rewarding insights on every page. He asks questions like "Who were these people?" "What might they have looked like?" "Who were their neighbors?" "How many of them were there?" "How did they live, eat, speak, work, or fight?" He finds plausible answers to these questions by matching specific data from reliable archaeological and anthropological studies of Mesoamerica with the entire spectrum of cultural and historical information from the Book of Mormon. An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon is a thorough work of scholarship, a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon.
Of Pigs, Pearls, and Prodigals: A Fresh Look At the Parables of Jesus
John Bytheway - 2010
I can see families doing a different parable each week for Family Home Evening, for example." -The Association for Mormon LettersListen to an interview with John Bytheway from The Cricket and Seagull Fireside article about Of Pigs, Pearls, and Prodigals by Trent Toone (Click Here)Enlighten your study of the New Testament!Bestselling author John Bytheway's fascination with the parables of Jesus Christ grew deeper after his first visit to the Holy Land, where he "beheld in high definition the backdrop for the life and teachings of the Savior." In this insightful volume, he discusses what he has learned about more than thirty parables, sharing cultural background and other information about them and offering ideas for how we can apply them today. Throughout, visual images clarify and enrich the discussion.Beginners and seasoned students alike will enjoy this lively and practical treatment of the Savior's parables.ContentsIntroductionThe Parable of the House Built upon a RockMatthew 7:24-27The Parable of the Sower (of Four Kinds of Soil)Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23The Parable of the Wheat and the TaresMatthew 12:24-30, 36-43The Parable of the Mustard SeedMatthew 13:31-32The Parable of the LeavenMatthew 13:33The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great PriceMatthew 13:44-46The Parable of the Gospel NetMatthew 13:47-40The Parable of the HouseholderMatthew 13:51-52The Parable of the Unmerciful ServantMatthew 18:23-35The Parable of the Laborers in the VineyardMatthew 20:1-16The Parable of the Two SonsMatthew 21:28-31The Parable of the Wicked HusbandmenMatthew 21:33-46The Parable of the Royal Marriage FeastMatthew 22:1-14The Parable of the Ten VirginsMatthew 25:1-13The Parable of the TalentsMatthew 25:14-30The Parable of the Sheep and the GoatsMatthew 25:31-46The Parable of the Seed Growing SecretlyMark 4:26-29The Parable of the Two DebtorsLuke 7:36-50The Parable of the Good SamaritanLuke 10:25-37The Parable of the Foolish Rich ManLuke 12:16-21The Parable of the Barren Fig TreeLuke 13:6-9The Parable of the Chief SeatsLuke 14:7-11The Parable of the Great SupperLuke 14:16-24The Parables of the uncompleted Tower and the King's WarfareLuke 14:28-33The Parable of the Lost SheepLuke 15:3-7The Parable of the Lost CoinLuke 15:8-10The Parable of the Lost (Prodigal) SonLuke 15:11-32The Parable of the Unjust StewardLuke 16:1-8The Parable of the Rich Man and LazarusLuke 16:19-31The Parable of the Unjust Judge (or Importunate Widow)Luke 18:1-8The Parable of the Pharisee and the PublicanLuke 18:9-14The Parable of the PoundsLuke 19:12-27ConclusionSources CitedIndex
The Lost 116 Pages: Reconstructing the Book of Mormon's Missing Stories
Don Bradley - 2016
Those pages containing the only copy of the first three months of the Joseph Smith’s translation of the golden plates were forever lost, and the detailed stories they held forgotten over the ensuing years—until now.In this highly anticipated work, author Don Bradley presents over a decade of historical and scriptural research to not only tell the story of the lost pages but to reconstruct many of the detailed stories written on them. Questions explored and answered include:Was the lost manuscript actually 116 pages?How did Mormon’s abridgment of this period differ from the accounts in Nephi’s small plates?Where did the brass plates and Laban’s sword come from?How did Lehi’s family and their descendants live the Law of Moses without the temple and Aaronic priesthood?How did the Liahona operate?Why is Joseph of Egypt emphasized so much in the Book of Mormon?How were the first Nephites similar to the very last?What message did God write on the temple wall for Aminadi to translate?How did the Jaredite interpreters come into the hands of the Nephite kings?Why was King Benjamin so beloved by his people?Despite the likely demise of those pages to the sands of time, the answers to these questions and many more are now available for the first time in nearly two centuries in The Lost 116 Pages: Reconstructing the Book of Mormon’s Missing Stories.
Behold, I Come Quickly: The Last Days and Beyond
Hoyt W. Brewster Jr. - 1994
In this insightful book, the author looks at the teachings of ancient and modern prophets concerning the times we live in now and the times to come. In a clear and straightforward manner, he discusses dozens of signs of the latter days and examines many specific prophecies about what has happened and what will happen--and how we can be prepared for whatever comes. A memorable, easy-to-understand portrait of the last days
The Message
Lance Richardson - 2000
While his body was being kept alive by medical support equipment, his spirit passed into the world beyond. In "The Message," Lance describes his experience in the world of spirits and delivers to us a message giving a greater understanding of the importance of families and the future of America. He was also taught concerning a most important principle of their society of peace, which, if followed by the people of this great nation, would rescue us from self-destruction.
The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers
Susan Arrington Madsen - 1998
Eve and Adam: Discovering the Beautiful Balance
Melinda Wheelwright Brown - 2020
To understand her mission, we must first recognize Eve’s proper, elevated place — a noble position beside Adam, with a beautiful, balanced interdependence between them. Their example of enthusiastically embracing mortality with all its accompanying challenges provides meaning, encouragement, and direction for each of us along our complex and sometimes thorny paths home.“For millennia,” writes author Melinda Brown, “the world has dismissed the story of Adam and Eve as simply a choice between good and evil, with the obvious conclusion the Eve chose evil. But on much closer inspection, we can discover, and lead others to discover, that the choice was in fact between certainty and uncertainty, security and risk, fear and faith. Eve’s most remarkable choice had everything to do with stagnation versus progress. Hers was a decision to trust God.”With its in-depth examination of the scriptural account Eve and Adam provides an opportunity for deep pondering and reflection on our own mortal experience and how they draw us, step by step, toward exaltation.
Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt
Patrick Q. Mason - 2015
Latter-day Saints have not been immune to this trend. In recent years, many faithful Church members have encountered challenging aspects of Church history, belief, or practice. Feeling isolated, alienated, or misled, some struggle to stay. Some simply leave. Many search for a reliable and faithful place to work through their questions. The abundance of information online can make them feel frustrated. Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt offers people who struggle with questions and people who love those who struggle practical ways to stay planted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather than attempting to answer every possible question or doubt, Planted presents an empathetic, practical, and candid dialog about the relationship of doubt and faith.
Discourses of Brigham Young: Second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Brigham Young - 1941
Brigham Young, second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and first Governor of Utah, was the founder and chief builder of the Great Intermountain West of the United States of America. He is recognized as one of the foremost colonizers and empire builders of all time. In this book Young is allowed to speak for himself. Excerpts have been made from his many discourses, and these have been arranged to show the coherent system of faith which he continuously taught his people and by which he was enabled to win success for his followers. Partial Contents: The Godhead; The Communication Between God and Man; Pre-existence, the Plan of Salvation; Free Agency; The Power of Evil; The Law of Eternal Progression; The Destiny of Man; Dispensations of the Gospel; The Last Days; The Scriptures; The Priesthood; The First Principles of the Gospel; The Word of Wisdom; The Family; Some Womanly Duties; Obedience; Gratitude, Humility, Devotion, Liberality, Honesty; Happiness and Social Enjoyments; Education; Self Control; Our Fellow-Men; Unity and Cooperation; Thrift and Industry; Wealth; Missionary Work; Visions, Mysteries and Miracles; Trials and Persecution; Political Government; Death and Resurrection; The Spirit World; Eternal Judgment; Salvation; Temples and Salvation for the Dead; Man's Search for Truth and Salvation; Testimony of the Truth; The Church and Kingdom of God on Earth; Some Effects of the Gospel; Joseph Smith the Prophet; and The Settlement in the West. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.
The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal Our Hearts and Homes
James L. Ferrell - 2004
Unlike other books about the atonement, The Peacegiver is written as an extended parable. It tells the story of a man struggling, with the help of a loved one, to come unto Christ. IN reading the rich details of his often difficult journey, we find ourselves embarked on a personal journey of our own. His questions are our questions; his problems, our problems; his discoveries, our discoveries. Along the way, the truths of the gospel are unfolded with surprising clarity and power, illuminating aspects of the atonement that few of us have ever heard or considered before. These surprising implications show us the way to deep and lasting peace in our hearts and homes."My peace I give unto you," the Savior declared. The Peacegiver explores in a deeply personal way what we must do to receive the peace he stands willing to give.
Gospel Doctrine: Sermons and Writings of President Joseph F. Smith (Classics in Mormon Literature)
Joseph F. Smith - 1919
Smith was so long in the public service of the Church that his published sermons and writings would fill many volumes. The difficult problem of the compilers of this volume has been to make a collection of extracts that would do full justice to the man and that, at the same time, could be contained in a volume of moderate size. Every reader who knows Church literature will note the shortcomings of the work; and none more than the compilers. However, incomplete as it may be, this collection is well worth while, for it contains a wealth of gospel wisdom, to instruct, comfort, and inspire the Saints. The literature of the Church has been carefully and systematically searched to discover all of President Smith's public writings and sermons. Those of a historical nature have not been used in this collection, as they may well be made into another volume.
Dean C. Jessee - 2008
Jensen, LDS Church HistorianThe Joseph Smith Papers, Journals, Volume 1: 1832-1839 features Joseph Smith's first five journals. These documents give the reader an appreciation for Joseph Smith's character, his private piety, and his sense of mission. The Joseph Smith Papers, Journals, Volume 1: 1832-1839 also convey Joseph Smith's perspective on the spiritual manifestations experienced in the Kirtland, Ohio, temple, the origins of the 'Mormon War' in Missouri, and the founding of what would become Nauvoo, Illinois — the Mormon city on the Mississippi.The Joseph Smith Papers project will eventually constitute approximately 30 volumes, organized into six series. With access to texts not previously available, and certainly never in one collection, the Joseph Smith Papers project provides new information and insights about Joseph Smith, early Mormonism, and nineteenth-century American religion. Documents include correspondence, journal entries, revelations, translations, discourses, official histories, court cases, and business dealings — qualitatively researched and carefully annotated.
Doctrines of Salvation Vol. III
Joseph Fielding Smith - 1956
The path to salvation and happiness is explored and explained.