The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth

Christopher L. Heuertz - 2017
    Far more than a personality test, author Chris Heuertz writes, the enneagram is a sacred map to the soul. Lies about who we think we are keep us trapped in loops of self-defeat. But the enneagram offers a bright path to cutting through the internal clutter and finding our way back to God and to our true identity as God created us.Chris Heuertz’ life was forever changed after he learned about the enneagram 15 years ago. Today, he leads enneagram workshops all over the world. Join Chris as he shows you how this ancient tool can help you awaken to the gifts God has given you, find freedom from your personal patterns of sin and fear, and grow in acceptance of your identity as you grow with God.In conversational style with compelling stories, The Sacred Enneagram will show youHow to understand the 'why' behind your type, beyond caricatures and stereotypesHow to align your type with prayer posturesHow to identify and find freedom from self-destructive patternsHow to grow in spiritual discernmentHow to face your past wounds and step toward healingHow to awaken your unique gifts to serve today’s broken worldChris’s own journey with the enneagram is an accessible introduction and exploration of how the enneagram can change your life, because to the extent that we are transformed, the world will be transformed.

Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life

Ken Robinson - 2013
    When people find their Element, they tune in to their highest levels, and live their best lives. Now, in his new book, Robinson answers the fundamental question: How do I find my Element? With his signature wry wit, Robinson offers a series of practical exercises to help you discover your own talents and passions. Along the way, he tells the stories of many "ordinary" people in all walks of life who have overcome obstacles of every sort to find their Element. And he explores fundamental principles and vital questions to help you find yours: What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you happy? Where are you now? Your answers to these and many others will provide you with invaluable keys to discovering your Element. As concerns about the economy, education, and the environment continue to grow, the need for individuals to find their own Element has never been greater. No matter how old you are, where you are, or what you do now, if you're searching for your Element, this book is for you. It will launch you on the most important quest you've ever undertaken: the quest to discover your true self and the life you really want to lead.

A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted

Will Bowen - 2007
    Big words? Yes, but this is a plan that has already proven itself with millions of people around the world. Pastor Will Bowen developed the life-changing A Complaint Free World plan based on the simple idea that good things will happen for you in abundance if you can just leave your grumbling behind. In a Sunday-morning sermon, Will told his congregation he wanted to make the world a complaint-free zone and, to prove he was serious, he passed out purple bracelets to each church member and offered them a challenge. "If you catch yourself complaining, take the bracelet and move it to the other wrist." Now, less than a year later, more than six million people have taken up the challenge, trying to go twenty-one consecutive days without complaining, criticizing, or gossiping, and in so doing, forming a new, positive habit. By changing your words, you can change your thoughts and then begin to create your life by design. People have shared stories with Will of chronic pain relieved, relationships healed, careers improved, and becoming an overall happier person. Less pain, improved health, satisfying relationships, a better job, being more serene and joyous—sound good? It’s not only possible, it’s probable. Consciously striving to reformat your mental hard drive is not easy, but you can start now by using the steps Bowen presents here. In this book, you can learn what constitutes a complaint, why we complain, what benefits we think we receive from complaining, how complaining is destructive to our lives, and how we can get others around us to stop complaining. You will learn the steps to eradicating this poisonous form of expression from your life. If you stay with it, you will find that not only will you not complain, but others around you will cease to do so as well. In a short period of time, you can have the life you’ve always dreamed of having.

Forgive for Love: The Missing Ingredient for a Healthy and Lasting Relationship

Fred Luskin - 2007
    The problem hasn't gone unnoticed. From relationship therapists to speed-dating, self-help books to online matchmaking, an entire industry has developed to help us navigate the bumpy road of relationships. Yet in spite of the availability of all these resources, many of us still struggle to discover and keep the love of our lives. That is, until now.This groundbreaking book from the frontiers of psychology offers startling new research about the one missing factor that is vital to relationships—forgiveness. A national bestselling author and leading expert on forgiveness, Dr. Fred Luskin shows that no matter how much two people may love each other, their relationship will not succeed unless they practice forgiveness—an approach that most relationship experts continue to ignore.Why is forgiveness an essential tool for relationships? Studies reveal that 70 percent for what we argue about at the beginning of our relationships will never be fully resolved. In other words, our basic needs and behaviors don't change over time. The issues are endless: the socks that always end up on the floor, how often to have sex, the ESPN obsession, working hours, and, of course, friends and family. Without forgiveness, these issues, however big or small, too easily turn into relationship-eroding grudges.Forgive for Love is the solution for your relationship woes, providing the tools you need to find and hold onto the love of your life. Dr. Luskin delivers a proven seven-step program for creating and maintaining loving and lasting relationships, teaching easy-to-learn forgiveness skills that will not only resolve immediate conflicts but improve the overall happiness and longevity of your relationships. Simply put: people in healthy relationships figure out how to forgive their partners for being themselves. They do so because it is nearly impossible to change other people and because none of us are perfect. Forgiveness is the key, and Forgive for Love has the answers.

Discipline Without Shouting or Spanking-Free Chapters: Aggressive Behavior, Behaving Shyly, Fighting Cleanup Routines, Getting Out of Bed at Night, "Hyper" Activity, Lying

Jerry L. Wyckoff - 2012
    It provides proven methods for handling more than 30 of the most common forms of childhood misbehaviors. Practical solutions lead to practical results! These free chapters will help you get started on a calmer path; Aggressive Behavior, Behaving Shyly, Fighting Cleanup Routines, Getting Out of Bed at Night, "Hyper" Activity, and Lying<br><br>Discipline Without Shouting or Spanking offers effective, practical, nonviolent options for correcting the most common behavior problems of preschoolers. You will learn how to deal with misbehavior including temper tantrums, whining, negativity, sibling rivalry, possessiveness, aggressive behavior, resisting bedtime, playing with food, and many more problems -- without shouting or spanking. The authors' advice will help you be a more effective parent and discipline your child in a loving yet firm way, without damaging self-esteem or natural curiosity about the world. This easy-to-use text has been formatted like a first-aid manual for handling misbehavior. It has already helped over 700,000 parents.

Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Mastering Emotions

Jonny Bell - 2014
    Throughout years society has come to believe that our level of IQ will determine the success of a person's life. However, in recent years psychologist have found new insight by studying successful people. The results have been surprising because what determines a person's life success is not IQ but rather EI. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the foundation of living a successful and meaningful life. People who succeed in life have a tremendous awareness of their emotions. Inside this book, you will be on the path of living a life that includes the followingEmotional MasteryAwareness of your own emotions and othersEffortlessly redirecting your emotionsA deeper connection with the people you loveDo not allow your emotions to take over your life and instead master the art of your emotions today!

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done

Peter Bregman - 2011
    Based upon a series of short bite-sized chapters, his approach allows us to safely navigate through the constant chatter of emails, text messages, phone calls, and endless meetings that prevent us from focusing our time on those things that are truly important to us. Mixing first-person insights along with unique case studies, Bregman sprinkles his charming book with pathways which help guide us -- pathways that can get us on the right trail in 18 minutes or less.

The Art of Saying "No" with Grace and Respect

Charlene Richard - 2013
    Or maybe you don’t say “no” and end up spending way too much time and energy doing things you really have no desire to do. How many times have you been at an event or doing some task and you asked yourself, “Why did I agree to this?”The cost of not being able to say “NO” is huge. It robs us of our time, energy, money, joy and sometimes even our health. I get it, you’re a really nice person and you like to help people, and that’s great if you are doing it while still taking care of yourself and spending time with the people you love. It’s not great when it comes at a cost. Many women struggle with saying “No”. Maybe you’re scared that the other person will get angry or be disappointed in you. In my work as a counselor and coach, I have spent the last seven years helping women learn how to say “No” and set boundaries so that they can do the things they really want to do. After reading Dr. Gabor Mate’s book When The Body Says No, I decided it was time to learn how to rock my “No” factor and take better care of myself – so my body doesn’t have to. Want to know my step-by-step plan for learning how to say “No” in a way that is respectful of your loved ones? Learn how to manage your internal freak out and how to say no in a way that is respectful to others yet taking care of your own needs. Happy reading.Feel free to share it with as many women as possible. Share the Love! Much love,Charleneoxox

This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness / Change Your Life & The Alcohol Experiment

Annie Grace - 2019
    Packed with surprising insight into the reasons we drink, it will open your eyes to the startling role of alcohol in our culture. Annie Grace brilliantly weaves psychological, neurological, cultural, social and industry factors with her extraordinarily candid journey resulting in a must read for anyone who drinks. This book, without scare tactics, pain or rules, gives you freedom from alcohol. By addressing causes rather than symptoms it is a permanent solution rather than lifetime struggle. The Alcohol Experiment: There are a million reasons why you might drink. It tastes great. You feel more sociable. Sex is better. It helps you relax. But are you really in control? Whether you’re reading this because you know you drink too much and want to quit, or whether you just want to cut back for a while, this book is for you.The Alcohol Experiment is a 30-day programme with a difference. Each day, it will show you a new way of thinking about booze, and ask you to look a little closer at why we drink, what we get out of it, and whether it’s really the alcohol that’s giving us what we want.

How to Love Yourself (and Sometimes Other People): Spiritual Advice for Modern Relationships

Meggan Watterson - 2015
    Told from the unique vantage points of authors Meggan Watterson and Lodro Rinzler, this book explores staying anchored in the foundation of self-love as you navigate the natural (and often stormy) cycle of a relationship. Their dual perspectives as teachers and scholars of Christian mysticism and Buddhism make for a rich and fascinating dialogue that covers everything from sex, self-worth, falling in (and out of) love, deep friendships, to breakups—and how to maintain an open heart through it all.   At its core, this book is about learning to love yourself no matter what. Meggan and Lodro suggest that you are worthy of love, both self-love and the love of others. They aren’t experts on how to get that man or lady to fall in love with you, nor are they experts on how to have “the perfect relationship.” They are spiritual teachers who know that relationships have a life of their own, and can speak to the human element of what it means to experience them fully. In the process, they share deeply personal, revealing, honest anecdotes and spiritual practices to assist you with the inevitable ebbs and flow of love in all its manifestations.

Imperfect Control: Our Lifelong Struggles With Power and Surrender

Judith Viorst - 1998
    Now, in her wise and perceptive new book, Imperfect Control, she shows us how our sense of self and all our important relationships are colored by our struggles over control: over wanting it and taking it, loving it and fearing it, and figuring out when the time has come to surrender it. Writing with compassion, acute psychological insight, and a touch of her trademark humor, Viorst invites us to contemplate the limits and possibilities of our control. She shows us how our lives can be shaped by our actions and our choices. She reminds us, too, that we sometimes should choose to let go. And she encourages us to find our own best balance between power and surrender.

Happiness 365: One-a-Day Inspirational Quotes for a Happy You

Deena B. Chopra - 2014
    There will be days that it is going to be hard to hold your head high and put a smile on your face. However, happiness is a choice; and sometimes, you just occasionally need a boost to remind yourself of that fact. It is intuitive that people who smile and cut out negativity from their life will live longer, healthier lives. You hear it in TED talks, read it on blogs, and physicians (and psychologists) use it as a mantra. Stress and anger cause health complications that make life harder than it needs to be. It will also leave you with higher medical bills, which will cause more stress if you are struggling financially. This book is designed to help give you that small happiness boost you may require at any time. It provides a variety of quotes, new and older, to help you put perspective on your mood, regardless of where you are at in your life. It is organized for quotes to be consumed once per day, however we welcome you to peruse through the pages until you find one that resonates with you at that specific moment. No matter who you are, be it a teenager or in later stages of life, whether you are married or divorced, an entrepreneur or a career professional, or even unemployed, choosing to be happy helps you in all facets of your life. Take it a day at a time, and find the quotes that speak to your needs for the day. Read, reflect and refocus when the stress and trials of the day attempt to derail your mood. You deserve to be happy so find it in your mind.

The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery

Brianna Wiest - 2020
    Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it—for good.Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile. But by extracting crucial insight from our most damaging habits, building emotional intelligence by better understanding our brains and bodies, releasing past experiences at a cellular level, and learning to act as our highest potential future selves, we can step out of our own way and into our potential.For centuries, the mountain has been used as a metaphor for the big challenges we face, especially ones that seem impossible to overcome. To scale our mountains, we actually have to do the deep internal work of excavating trauma, building resilience, and adjusting how we show up for the climb.In the end, it is not the mountain we master, but ourselves.

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself

Shad Helmstetter - 1986
    Any amount of inspirational reading will only provide us with techniques that could work if put into practice. This book explains the principles of self-talk - a unique way of reversing negativity, optimizing outlook, focusing plans and achieving success. The key is in affirming, telling yourself the right things which then reflect in a more positive lifestyle.

Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others

John C. Maxwell - 1997
    Learn the tactics to interact more effectively with people, and watch your organizational success go off the charts!In Becoming a Person of Influence, Maxwell and Dornan help people, regardless of their occupation, reach their full influential potential:Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasmParents will connect with their children on a deeper levelCoaches will see players blossomPastors will reach more peopleSalespeople will break recordsAuthors Maxwell and Dornan have spent most of their lives raising up influencers. With humor, heart, and unique insight, they share what they have gained from decades of experiences in both business and nonprofit areas. Their insights are practical and easy to apply to everyday life.