Ultimate Guide to Link Building: How to Build Backlinks, Authority and Credibility for Your Website, and Increase Click Traffic and Search Ranking

Eric Ward - 2012
    Who links to a site and how they link to it is one of the most important factors that search engines rely on when ranking results. But how do marketers control this? Link building expert Eric Ward provides the answers.Sharing little-known techniques for link building via social media platforms, blogs, partnerships, public relations, articles, and more, Ward teaches marketers which link-building techniques will maximize the quality links that point to their site, allowing them to charm both search engines and customers and which methods to avoid.This one-of-a-kind guide details a variety of link building tools, tactics, and techniques illustrated by case studies, expert interviews, and resources. Ward leaves no opportunity unexplored, and no link-building questions unanswered.

Unnatural Talent: Creating, Printing and Selling Your Comic in the Digital Age

Jason Brubaker - 2013
    While the publishing industry struggles to adapt to the rapidly changing digital world, independent artists now have the ability to build a successful and lucrative brand completely on their own with a little hard work and some Internet savvy. Now there's nothing stopping you from getting your book in front of thousands or even millions of people. Suddenly you can't blame anyone for not giving you a chance. You can only blame yourself for not trying. So roll up your sleeves, sharpen your pencils and fire up your Internet because we are about to make and sell comics! Jason Brubaker's graphic novel reMIND raised over $125,000 in pre-order sales on Kickstarter, won the Xeric Award and made ALA's Great Graphic Novels for Teens List. This book is a collection of his thoughts, strategies and practical lessons developed during his experience writing, drawing and self-publishing reMIND.

How I Made Over $42,000 in 1 Month Selling My Kindle eBooks

Cheryl Kaye Tardif - 2012
    And I'm about to tell you HOW I did all that.I don't normally tell people how much money I make, but I believe writers need to know it IS possible to earn a real income from your books. Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can—if you have the right combination of criteria and techniques. In this book, I'll share with you what I believe are four key elements you must have in place to see high sales. And I'll reveal the strategic techniques I used during my KDP Select promotions that resulted in earning over $42,000—with $32,000 of that from ONE title alone.Not only did I earn over $42,000 in ebook sales, I was contacted by one of the leading literary agencies in New York. The chairman noticed my success when my one title made #4 in the Top 100 Bestselling Kindle ebooks, right under The Hunger Games trilogy. Since then, I've signed with another agent for foreign rights.So, if you're ready to earn some real money with Select, let's begin…

Citizen Marketers: When People Are the Message

Jackie Huba - 2006
    They clarify the context and importance of technological and societal shifts that are changing the nature of customer expectations and relationships.

The Battle of $9.99: How Apple, Amazon, and the Big Six Publishers Changed the E-Book Business Overnight

Andrew Richard Albanese - 2013
    This blow-by-blow account charts how five of America’s six largest publishers, afraid that bookselling powerhouse Amazon's $9.99 price for Kindle e-books would undermine the industry, spent a few frantic weeks in early 2010 deep in negotiations with Apple to introduce a new business model for e-books, just in time for the launch of the iPad and the iBookstore. The catch is, it all may have been illegal.From Publishers Weekly senior writer Andrew Richard Albanese comes the story of how the e-book business changed in a heartbeat. Based on voluminous evidence gathered for Apple's trial, it is the story of how corporate titans fought it out behind the scenes and why the case matters to anyone who has ever bought an e-book.

The Sandler Rules: 49 Timeless Selling Principles and How to Apply Them

David H. Sandler - 2010
    Never ask for the order. Get an I.O.U. for everything you do. Don t spill your candy in the lobby.Until now, these unique rules (and 45 more) were given out only to Sandler Training clients in special seminars and private coaching. After three decades of proven success, the secrets are out in The Sandler Rules. And when salespeople know the rules, they get results.Early in his sales career, David Sandler observed that some salespeople work hard and struggle for every deal, while others consistently, and almost effortlessly, uncover new opportunities and close sales. Why is it, he wondered, that two salespeople selling the same product in the same market can have such different results?Are great salespeople born with a special gift--perhaps the right personality? Were they better educated? Did they have more experience? Were they just lucky to find themselves in the right places at the right times with the right people? No, they simply understood human relationships.Using Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis, Sandler devised a selling system and distilled forty-nine unforgettable rules that are frank, sometimes fun, and always easy to put to use. Sandler Training CEO David Mattson, coauthor of Five Minutes with VITO, delivers this fresh and often funny guidebook, filled with real-world tactics for successful prospecting, qualifying, deal-making, closing, and referral generation.In the first week of release, the Amazon ranking of The Sandler Rules shot to:#1 in the Sales and Selling category#2 in Hot New Releases--business books#3 in business books#23 worldwide!

Obvious Adams (Illustrated): The Story of a Successful Businessman

Robert Rawls Updegraff - 2013
    Hardly anyone has heard of it, but those who do swear by it, and they tend to be some of the world's top copywriters. For example, Gary Bencivenga, who retired in 2003 as the world's most effective and highest paid copywriter, named Obvious Adams as one of the most important copywriting and business books he's ever read. Some say that Bencivenga was given the book by David Ogilvy himself, the father of modern advertising. And some even whisper that the allegorical character of Obvious Adams is a veiled reference to Claude Hopkins, whose work is studied by serious marketers to this day. So make use of this treasure that you hold in your hands. Read it once, to enjoy the story. Then read it a second time, to appreciate the wisdom that it shares. Make notes in the margins, and carefully apply what you learn - and your future customers will thank you for having done so!

Content Marketing for Nonprofits: A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money (The Jossey-Bass Nonprofit Guidebook Series)

Kivi Leroux Miller - 2013
    . .but is anyone paying attention?In her follow-up to The Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause, Kivi Leroux Miller shows you how to design and implement a content marketing strategy that will attract people to your cause, rather than begging for their attention or interrupting them with your communications. Youll learn how to plan, create, share, and manage relevant and valuable content that inspires and motivates people to support your nonprofit in many different ways.Inside: Eye-opening look at how nonprofit marketing and fundraising is changing, and the perils of not quickly adapting Up-to-date guidance on communicating in a fast-paced, multichannel world How to make big-picture strategic decisions about your content, followed by pragmatic and doable tactics on everything from editorial calendars to repurposing content Real-world examples from 100+ nonprofits of all sizes and missions  This book is your must-have guide to communicating so that you keep the supporters you already have, attract new ones, and together, change the world for the better.

How to Publish and Sell Your Article on the Kindle (and Nook!): 12 Tips for Short Documents

Kate Harper - 2011
    Topics include: • How to get royalties from selling articles.• Proper pricing.• How to submit articles to the "Kindle Singles" (special Amazon category). • Best ways to sell articles.• Representing articles accurately in e-Reader bookstores.• Avoiding unnecessary costs. • Image formatting.Tips are also applicable for a variety of mobile devices such as the Barnes and Noble Nook and Apple ipad. You will learn how to publish your article in a word processor, without having to learn HTML coding. Instructional Appendices Include: • How to create table of contents and internal links.• Solving formatting problems.• Converting your article to a Kindle device.• Easy preview options before you publish.• A curated list of the 50 best resources for finding free Kindle books, software, podcasts, help forums and the best blogs on Kindle publishing (10,300 words).About the Author: Kate Harper has taught art and computer classes in the San Francisco Bay Area and enjoys creating visual step-by-step guides for non-technical users. She is a credentialed adult education instructor in the state of California, and is inspired by technologies that encourage people to be more creative.

The Author's Guide to Working with Book Bloggers

Barb Drozdowich - 2013
    Based on survey answers from over 700 bloggers, this book contains down to earth, basic information that will help every author understand the book blogger world. Although there are many sources of book reviews, this book will focus specifically on the benefits the online reader world can bring to you and your book.In this book you’ll learn about who book bloggers are and where to find them as well as learn all about these essential promotional tools: The Query The Review The Giveaway The Guest Post The Book Blurb/Cover Graphic Feature The Cover Reveal…and so much more!Discover how to move comfortably in the blogging world, putting your best foot forward. Learn to introduce yourself to coveted reviewers to obtain valuable reviews and promotion of your book.Whether you are a new author or have many titles under your belt, let the award-winning The Author’s Guide to Working with Book Bloggers demystify the promotion of your book.Pick up a copy today!

Find It, Fix It, Flip It!: Make Millions in Real Estate - One House at a Time

Michael Corbett - 2006
    He then covers every step from purchase to sale: - Get the profit-making house at the price you can afford- Make the improvements that make you millions- Insider secrets that save you thousands- Take advantage of the market's ups and downs- Sell your home tax free and pocket the profitsFilled with practical tips, illustrated with before-and-after case studies and easy to use charts and worksheets, Find It, Fix It, Flip It! offers the insider expertise needed to tap into an exciting--and potentially limitless--new source of income and financial independence.

Make It Till You Make It: 40 Myths & Truths About Creating

Brendan Leonard - 2016
    Nobody gets tapped with a magic wand and suddenly has the ability to produce art, music, photos, films, or writing—they just do it. And you probably should too. Make It Till You Make It breaks down 40 myths and truths about the pursuit of creative expression, whether you want to make $0 a year doing your thing or $100,000 a year.

Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy and the New Science of Desire

Martin Lindstrom - 2008
    His startling results shatter much of what we have long believed about what seduces our interest and drives us to buy. Among his finding:Gruesome health warnings on cigarette packages not only fail to discourage smoking, they actually make smokers want to light up. Despite government bans, subliminal advertising still surrounds us – from bars to highway billboards to supermarket shelves. "Cool” brands, like iPods trigger our mating instincts. Other senses – smell, touch, and sound - are so powerful, they physically arouse us when we see a product. Sex doesn't sell. In many cases, people in skimpy clothing and suggestive poses not only fail to persuade us to buy products - they often turn us away .Companies routinetly copy from the world of religion and create rituals – like drinking a Corona with a lime – to capture our hard-earned dollars. Filled with entertaining inside stories about how we respond to such well-known brands as Marlboro, Nokia, Calvin Klein, Ford, and American Idol, BUYOLOGY is a fascinating and shocking journey into the mind of today’s consumer that will captivate anyone who’s been seduced – or turned off – by marketers’ relentless attempts to win our loyalty, our money, and our minds. Includes a foreword by Paco Underhill.

Profit Hacking: The Web Entrepreneur's 3 Part Formula For Maximizing Success

Steven Daar - 2014
    In fact, almost every entrepreneur & business owner at some point or another has fallen into the trap of investing themselves into a complete WOMBAT (Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time). The majority of the time when a well-intentioned entrepreneur falls into a WOMBAT, it happens when they lose sight of the Profit Hacking Formula. The 3 parts of the formula are the only things you can focus on improving that will increase your profits. There are sections in Profit Hacking dedicated to showing you exactly how to ‘hack’ and subsequently scale each of those 3 Pillars. You will also discover the leverage points “hidden” in your business (the places where just a little bit of effort and improvement yield massive gains) & the fastest way to double your monthly profits. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner, a brand new entrepreneur, or work in digital marketing, Profit Hacking will help you grow the bottom line. In this no-fluff, highly-actionable book, Steve Daar shows how you can turn your business into a machine that attracts prospects & leads like a magnet, effectively converts them into buyers, and convinces them to become lifelong customers + advocates for your company. Pulling from years as an entrepreneur, investing thousands of hours & tens of thousands of dollars into self-directed marketing education, and managing over $1,300,000 in online advertising spend for Fortune 500-level businesses, he reveals to the reader how to reach the full profit potential of their business. Through this book, you will learn: • The ‘Secret’ To Significant Traffic Increases…and it almost certainly isn’t what you’re thinking • Tips for Massive Scale & Growth in your business • The Undeniable Formula for hacking your profits Profit Hacking shows you PRECISELY how to maximize every marketing activity you do from this day forward. How to maximize the value of each visitor, prospect, lead, customer, and client your business attracts (and how to get more of them). Banish the WOMBATs. Stop wasting your time, money, and effort on ineffective tactics & strategies. Learn how to grow your business faster & more effectively than ever before through the Profit Hacking principles.

SEO 2016: Learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO Books Series)

R.L. Adams - 2015
    It's certainly no walk in the park. And, depending on where you've been for your information when it comes to SEO, it might be outdated, or just flat-out wrong. Why is that? Search has been evolving at an uncanny rate in recent years. And, if you're not in the know, then you could end up spinning your wheels and wasting valuable and precious time and resources on techniques that no longer work. The main reason for the recent changes: to increase relevancy. Google's sole mission is to provide the most relevant search results at the top of its searches, in the quickest manner possible. But, in recent years, due to some mischievous behavior at the hand of a small group of people, relevancy began to wane. SEO 2016 :: Understanding Google's Algorithm Adjustments The field of SEO has been changing, all led by Google's onslaught of algorithm adjustments that have decimated and razed some sites while uplifting and building others. Since 2011, Google has made it its mission to hunt out and demote spammy sites that sacrifice user-experience, focus on thin content, or simply spend their time trying to trick and deceive their way to the top of its search results. At the same time, Google has increased its reliance on four major components of trust, that work at the heart of its search algorithm: Trust in Age Trust in Authority Trust in Content Relevancy In this book, you'll learn just how each of these affects Google's search results, and just how you can best optimize your site and content to ensure that you're playing by Google's many rules. And, although there have been many algorithm adjustments over the years, four major ones have shaped and forever changed the search engine landscape: Google Panda Google Penguin Google Hummingbird Google Mobilegeddon We'll discuss the nature of these changes and just how each of these algorithm adjustments have shaped the current landscape in search engine optimization. So what does it take to rank your site today? In order to compete at any level in SEO, you have to earn trust - Google's trust that is. But, what does that take? How can we build trust quickly without jumping through all the hoops? SEO is by no means a small feat. It takes hard work applied consistently overtime. There are no overnight success stories when it comes to SEO. But there are certainly ways to navigate the stormy online waters of Google's highly competitive search. Download SEO 2016 :: Learn Search Engine Optimization Lift the veil on Google's complex search algorithm, and understand just what it takes to rank on Google searches today, not yesterday.