Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad-Gita

Swami Rama - 1985
    In Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita, Swami Rama makes this classic scripture accessible to all students by vividly drawing out the psychological concepts found within. The teachings in this book are based on the understanding that the outside world can be mastered only when one's inner potentials are systematically explored and realized.With the guidance and commentary of Himalayan Master Swami Rama, you can explore the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, which allows one to be vibrant and creative in the external world while maintaining a state of inner tranquility. This commentary on the Bhagavad Gita is a unique opportunity to see the Gita through the perspective of a master yogi, and is an excellent version for practitioners of yoga meditation. Spiritual seekers, psychotherapists, and students of Eastern studies will all find a storehouse of wisdom in this volume.

Wicca Covens: A Beginner's Guide to Covens, Circles, Solitary Practitioners, Eclectic Witches, and the Main Wiccan Traditions

Lisa Chamberlain - 2015
    But what is it that has made these people turn their back on the formal, structured religions that encompass the majority of the Western world? In our modern, high-pressured world, many of us fail to take notice the sheer beauty of the natural world surrounding us. In many ways, this is a travesty: the world we live in today seems so completely distant from the one our ancestors lived in, a world where humans and nature were at one, their existence intertwined in the natural cycles of life. Wicca is a new way of life, a religion that takes you back to a more simple time, before the invention of the high-tech gadgetry we see all around us. You will learn to live and appreciate the natural world that surrounds you, celebrating the intricate changes in the seasons and everything they bring — from the bounties of the Summer harvest, to the cold and darkness of the Winter months, as Mother Nature rests in preparation for the next explosive cycle of life that Spring brings. Wicca is a re-incarnation of the very earliest religions, long pre-dating Christianity. Wiccans celebrate and share many of the same beliefs that these early people held, and try to embrace their way of life, all while remaining fully-functional in today's modern world. Getting Started as a Wiccan If you’re sold on this new, exciting, peaceful way of life, that’s great! Good to have you on-board. Unfortunately, and despite this commitment, this is where many people get stumped. One of the biggest questions I hear would-be Wiccans ask: “how do I start practicing Wicca?” The truth is, there is no right answer. If you endeavour to learn as much as possible about this religion, follow the core principals (for example, the Threefold Law), and revere the natural world surrounding you, as far as I’m concerned, you’re a Wiccan. If you’re just starting out, I’m sure this vague answer is of little help to you! That’s why I set out to write this mini-series of books, titled Practicing the Craft. In this particular book, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Wicca traditions – including covens, circles, solitary practitioners, and eclectic witches. Wicca Covens and Other Traditions Practicing magic isn’t compulsory for Wiccans, however many people are inevitably attracted to the religion by the potential to positively change their lives for the better. As such, spellwork is one of the most discussed parts of being Wiccan. If you want to start practicing magic, it can help to join like-minded individuals – also known as a coven. Covens allow you to be a part of a small Wiccan community. They meet regularly to perform rituals, especially on important Wiccan dates – notably the sabbats and esbats. As well as a sense of community, covens are also one of the best places to accelerate your learning. In this book, we’ll be looking at everything you need to know about covens – including the history of covens, their structures, and how to join one. Don’t worry, though – not everyone wants to be part of a coven, and that’s perfectly fine, too. In this book, we’ll be discussing all of your options, including circles and the solitary path. We'll also look at the main Wiccan traditions: Gardnerian, Alexandrian, and Dianic, as well as a handful of less common traditions.

That's Just Your Interpretation: Responding to Skeptics Who Challenge Your Faith

Paul Copan - 2001
    Author Paul Copan has observed that many of these questions emerge as "anti-truth claims" that are part of today's skeptical mind-set. Christians defending their faith often hear slogans and questions such as:Ž It's all relativeŽ Everything is one with the Divine; all else is illusionŽ The Gospels contradict each otherŽ Why would a good God create hell?This book provides incisive answers to slogans related to truth and reality; theism, pantheism/Eastern religion, and naturalism; and doctrinal issues such as the incarnation and truth of Scripture. Each of the twenty-two chapters provides succinct answers and summary points for countering the arguments. Copan's book is accessible for all Christians who want to defend the plausibility of Christianity in the marketplace of ideas. It also includes helpful summary sections, additional resources, and additional documentation in the endnotes for review and discussion.

Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization

Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 2002
    The world's leading Islamicist offers a concise introduction to this rich and diverse tradition of 1.2 billion adherents.In this informative and clear introduction to the world of Islam, Seyyed Hossein Nasr explores the following topics in depth:•What Is Islam?•The Doctrines and Beliefs of Islam•Islamic Practices and Institutions•The History of Islam•Schools of Islamic Thought•Islam in the Contemporary World•Islam and Other Religions•The Spiritual and Religious Significance of Islam

2022: What Will Happen to Us When the Anunnaki Return to Earth In 2022?

Jean-Maximillien De La Croix de Lafayette - 2013
    The MOST IMPORTANT, INFORMATIVE AND EXPLOSIVE BOOK EVER WRITTEN ABOUT THE ANUNNAKI, THEIR WORLD, THEIR RETURN TO EARTH, AND PLAN FOR HUMANITY in:• 2,034 A.D. • 2,031-2,033 A.D. • 2,029 A.D. • 2,028 A.D. • 2,027-2,026 A.D. • 2,026 A.D. • 2,025 A.D. • 2,024 A.D. • 2,022-2023 A.D. • The author, Maximillien de Lafayette, have been so fortunate as to study with the Anunnaki Ulema who are the guardians of this knowledge in Egypt, Iraq, the islands of Arwad and Cyprus. This is the first time he is making use of this depot of knowledge about the Return of the Anunnaki to Planet Earth, and we are very lucky to have access to it. The subjects introduced in this book are explosive. Most important is the fact that it reveals the potential return of the Anunnaki in 2022, and the most frightening transformation that it would bring to the earth. If this is going to happen, a huge number of the people on earth, those grossly contaminated by Grays’ DNA, will be annihilated. You know who they are – the child murderers, the rapists, those who torture, those who abuse, the vicious politicians, the slaves of money and power, etc. Yes, we all know who they are. But the Anunnaki, who have no false sentimentality at all, will not tolerate even a medium level contamination. Unless they do their best to clean themselves during the grace period of the next 9 years, those of mid level contamination will also be destroyed. Those who would manage to clean themselves to a certain degree may possibly (but without any guarantee) be able to escape the burning, smoking earth through special portals, called Ba’abs. For those of us interested in the use of esoteric codes, they are here for you to learn. Each term will teach you how to use it for your benefit, how to apply it not only to your spiritual growth, but to your business, relationships, and daily life. You will learn how to interpret the codes in many ancient languages, how to build a physical amulet/code that will protect certain aspects of your life, and how to develop your psychic and extrasensory powers by simply using these codes. You will learn how the Anunnaki, our original creators, and how God fit into all this. Religion, true and false, will be explored. Jesus, who never really died on the Cross, will be shown as a historical figure, with his wife, Mary Magdalene, with whom he escaped to ancient Marseille. Who were Adam and Eve? Who was the Serpent? How do the gods of Sumer signify to us? The book is arranged in the time-honoured tradition of questions and answers.The return of the Anunnaki is not a new idea. It has been already announced in sacred scriptures, but of course interpreted differently. Some said Jesus is an Anunnaki, and he will return as a cosmic Messiah. A new school of religious thought in Iran suggests that Mohammed will return as a celestial being. And we should not to forget the Rapture and the Gnostics as well. But all of them have their origin in the Anunnaki texts, because these texts were written thousands of years before the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Quran. The book will explore this topic and includes:• What Is Going To Happen To Organized Religions?• How Will The Human Mind Benefit From The Anunnaki Connection?.• What Will Happen To The Teachings Of Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, And Buddha, If The Anunnaki Demolish All Religions And Our Religious Beliefs Systems?• What Will Happen To The Vast Number


SARAH Breskman Cosme - 2020

How to Meditate: 7 Techniques to Meditate Deeper Than Zen

Tao Zen - 2013
    What if every day you work up with a wonderful feeling of peace, warmth, well-being and complete satisfaction? As a world traveled Doctor of Metaphysics for well over 30 years of my life, and as a student of metaphysics all of my life, I can tell you without doubt, that very life you crave is at your fingertips starting right now. This book showcases 7 powerful techniques of meditation that will make you a pro in no time.This book is not like other meditation books which only talk about philosophies and do not give real actionable steps.This book will make you a "Zen monk" if you have an hour to spare each day. Meditation is really simple thing which anyone can do to improve their overall brain performance and happiness. Are you one of those who - -Want to be really happy… not just faking smiles anymore? -Are sick of being tired and bored with life? -Are going through life without enjoying it? -Are so depressed and negative that no one really enjoys spending time with you? Well, I even one of them sounds familiar, this book has come to your rescue. This book is short, simple and no-fluff guide to meditation. I will teach you some of the powerful techniques such as : - Brand New Visual Meditation Matrix World Technique( This technique can increase your IQ beyond 180 points) Never heard before Total Awareness Meditation A Very Powerful Breathing Meditation Powerful concentration exercises and much more!! You must ask for it... Q. I want to know what it feels like to be loved? Q. I want to know what love feels like? Q. I want to know what peace feels like? Q. I want to have an experience of what prosperity is like? Q. I want an experience of that? Q. I want an experience of manifestation in my life? I have put together my life’s works, studies and practices of Metaphysical and Spiritual law, in a way that will help you do just that! You cannot be a true success in life, until you have succeeded within spiritually. When you understand and practice spiritual law, metaphysical law goes into effect. Metaphysics is harnessing your energy and “imagining” exactly what you want to happen in your life. How do you harness and imagine? You Meditate Correctly! You can only get into your inner self to receive answers, fix and reorganize through meditation. Meditation allows us to access our resources, the resources trapped in our mind that want to come out. There is no greater resource than our mind and there is no better way to access that resource than through meditation. And to not make use of this valuable resource of our mind is like going out and buying a real expensive computer system with every imaginable program that has been produced, and never turn the computer on.

The Road to Mecca

Muhammad Asad - 1954
    In this extraordinary and beautifully-written autobiography, Asad tells of his initial rejection of all institutional religions, his entree into Taoism, his fascinating travels as a diplomat, and finally his embrace of Islam.

The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations in Light of the Quran and Sunnah

محمد صالح المنجد - 1997
    Therefore, a Muslim home should be a decent and comfortable residence which nurtures the Muslim family. In order to be so, your home life must be based on intimacy, love, sincerity, truthfulness, honesty and the like. All these concepts and others are just applications of the Islamic principles. The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations presents necessary advice about building such a home. Acquiring this information will enable you to make your home the most secure and enjoyable place for yourself and your family.

The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order: An Interpretation of the Rosicrucian Allegory An Explanation of the Ten Rosicrucian Grades

Paul Foster Case - 1989
    Paul Foster Case. He explains that Rosicrucianism is based upon earthly organizations, but on personal unflodment, and clearly describes the distinctive marks of a Rosicrucian. The treatise is divided into two main parts by Dr. Case. The first is a careful examination and interpretation of the principle Rosicrucian maneifestos, the Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio Fraternitatis. The second part is an explanation of the Rosicrucian Grade system, as applied to the diagram of the Tree of Life and Tarot attributions. By participating in the outlined procedures, aspirants are put on the right track of preparing themselves for union with the Higher Self, which may or may not include group work with an outer order or fraternity. The first editions of 1927, 1928 and 1933 were of limited publication. The fourth and most complete expansion of the text by Paul Case ws finished in 1937, revised by him in 1953 just before his death , and published in by Weiser in 1985. It represents the full maturity of his thought on this subject.

Al-Qur'an - The Miracle of Miracles

Ahmed Deedat
    Al-Qur'an - The Miracle of Miracles is a brief exposition of the Text, Scope, Infallibility and Authenticity of the Last Testament, Al-Qur'an.Read online free at

An easy guide to meditation

Roy Eugene Davis - 1978
    Some practical benefits of regular superconscious meditation practice: stress is reduced, the body's immune system is strengthened, thinking becomes well-ordered and rational, intellectual and intuitive powers improve, biologic aging processes are slowed, appreciation for living is enhanced, spiritual growth progresses naturally.

The Four Noble Truths

Ajahn Sumedho - 1992
    A small booklet of edited talks given by Ajahn Sumedho on the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome by spiritual means.

Questions to a Zen Master: Political and Spiritual Answers from the Great Japanese Master

Taisen Deshimaru - 1985
    True religion is the highest Way, the absolute Way: zazen."Here, Deshimaru, the author of True Zen, offers practical suggestions for developing unitary mind-body consciousness through the principles of zazen (translated literally as "seated meditation"). Advice is given on posture, breathing, and concentration, and concepts such as karma and satori are clearly explained.

Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?: Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World

Brian D. McLaren - 2012
    It's the start of one of the most important conversations in today's world. Can you be a committed Christian without having to condemn or convert people of other faiths? Is it possible to affirm other religious traditions without watering down your own? In his most important book yet, widely acclaimed author and speaker Brian McLaren proposes a new faith alternative, one built on "benevolence and solidarity rather than rivalry and hostility." This way of being Christian is strong but doesn't strong-arm anyone, going beyond mere tolerance to vigorous hospitality toward, interest in, and collaboration with the other. Blending history, narrative, and brilliant insight, McLaren shows readers step-by-step how to reclaim this strong-benevolent faith, challenging us to stop creating barriers in the name of God and learn how affirming other religions can strengthen our commitment to our own. And in doing so, he invites Christians to become more Christ-like than ever before.