Hansons Marathon Method: A Renegade Path to Your Fastest Marathon

Luke Humphrey - 2012
    Hansons Marathon Method offers a radical overhaul of marathon training that promises to turn any runner into a true marathoner and help experienced marathoners set new personal bests. Hansons Marathon Method does away with mega long runs and high mileage weekends—two outdated traditions that make most runners miserable. Instead, runners using the Hansons method will gradually build up to the moderate-high mileage required for marathon success, spreading those miles more sensibly throughout the week. Running easy days mixed with precisely paced speed, strength, and tempo workouts, runners will steel their bodies and minds to run the hardest miles of the marathon. Both Beginner and Advanced training programs feature the unique Hansons 16-mile long run which, as part of the Hansons program, is ideal for preparing the body for the marathon. Humphrey explains how runners should set their goal race pace and shows how to customize the Hansons method to their own needs, like adding extra racing, running more miles, and handling training interruptions. Detailed nutrition and hydration chapters help runners pinpoint their personal energy and hydration needs so they know precisely how much to eat and drink during workouts, race week, race day, and for recovery. The Hansons approach to pacing and nutrition means marathoners will never hit the wall. Hansons Marathon Method lays out the smartest marathon training program available from one of the most accomplished running groups in the nation. Using this innovative approach, runners will mold real marathon muscles, train their body to never hit the wall, and prepare to run their fastest marathon.

Running the Edge: Discover the secrets to better running and a better life

Adam Goucher - 2011
    By tapping into the transformative power found in the distance run, Running the Edge inspires readers not only to push their limits as runners, but as human beings in a relentless pursuit of excellence in everything. Borrowing from philosophical notions ranging from humanistic psychology and Buddhist monks, all the way to adrenaline junkies, Alcoholics Anonymous, and even the World of Warcraft, Goucher and Catalano take readers on a pilgrimage of self discovery and personal improvement. Six mirrors guide the way as Running the Edge methodically leads readers to a heightened awareness of their own personal attributes, and compels them to break free from the curse of normal and the chains of average by "running the edge" towards their maximum potentials. Interlaced with rich storytelling along with personal insights offered from elite runners: Alan Webb, Amy Yoder Begley, Chris Solinsky, Dathan Ritzenhein, Galen Rupp, Kara Goucher, and Paula Radcliffe, the book reads at a brisk pace worthy of its subject matter. Although there is a sharp focus on running, the principals and tenets outlined in Running the Edge could be equally applied to almost any passionate pursuit in life. Even non- runners will find the stories and philosophies enlightening, uplifting, and motivating.Fans of the book Running With The Buffaloes by Chris Lear will find an older more introspective Adam Goucher. He pulls no punches as he draws on his faults and short comings both as a runner and as a person. He recognizes the mistakes he has made in his training and life and uses that awareness to propel him forward in a quest of self improvement.

Running with Lydiard

Arthur Lydiard - 2000
    Instructing runners in Finland, Mexico, Venezuela, Denmark, Japan, the USA and New Zealand, Lydiard has continued to refine his methods, and this manual contains information on exercise physiology, diet, injury prevention and cure, discussion of Lydiard's methods and revised training schedules.

Running Strong: The Sports Doctor's Complete Guide to Staying Healthy and Injury-Free for Life

Jordan Metzl - 2015
    Whether you’re a new runner training for your first race or an experienced marathoner, this cutting-edge book will keep you on the road and running faster. With comprehensive, illustrated information on running health and injury prevention, this book is the first to include embedded scan codes that lead readers to videos addressing such issues as shin splints, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and runner’s knee. Not only will runners be able to read about how they can treat and prevent hundreds of medical and nutritional issues, they’ll be able to walk into a top-level video consultation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, from anywhere in the world!

Barefoot Running and Minimalism: Everything You Need to Know to Make the Healthy Transition to Minimalism and Barefoot Running (Runner's World Essential Guides)

Scott Douglas - 2011
    By introducing a thick layer of cushioning and an elevated heel between the foot and the ground, modern running shoes alter natural running form. But modern running shoes alter form in ways that lead to injury. Therefore, getting back to a more natural running gait by running in little-to-no shoe will lead to improved form, which should lower injury rates.A key reason to run barefoot or in minimalist shoes is to allow your feet to work more naturally, free from the confines and controls of overly engineered running shoes. Unfortunately, too many runners, eager to run more naturally, have gone too far, too fast, from one extreme to the other. The realities of modern life have weakened our feet, ankles, and lower legs, and our bodies have adapted to the shoes we have worn for most of our lives; if we suddenly start running in little-to-no shoe, our bodies are not prepared for the new stresses.Runner's World Essential Guides: Barefoot Running and Minimalism provides historical context, thoughts, advice, and tips on making a healthy transition. The foremost authorities on running on the planet show you how to ease into a transition from conventional running shoes to barefoot running or minimalist shoes, starting with some simple at-home tests to see if your feet already have the strength they need to handle little-to-no shoe. You’ll learn a step-by-step process for safely moving away from doing all your running in big, bulky shoes, including guidelines on how to introduce barefoot running into your regimen.Whether you want to learn more about the barefoot craze that’s swept the nation or you want to introduce barefoot running into your training plan, this indispensable guide contains everything you need to get started!

Barefoot Running Step by Step: Barefoot Ken Bob, the Guru of Shoeless Running, Shares His Personal Technique

Roy M. Wallack - 2011
    Long before anyone else was even talking about barefoot running, he was perfecting the art... Now, after twenty years of teaching, experimenting, and 'merry marathoning' (as he calls it), the first and best source of barefoot-running knowledge is bringing his ideas to print. And it's about time."—Christopher McDougall, author of Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super Athletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen"Ken Bob Saxton, a pioneer of the modern barefoot running movement, has logged more miles in his birthday shoes than just about anyone I know, and he has helped countless people run barefoot. As one would expect, this delightful book, full of wit and wisdom, is an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to run barefoot, avoid injury, and have fun."—Daniel E. Lieberman, professor of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University"This is a wonderful guide from the Godfather of barefoot running!"—Irene Davis, Ph.D., director of Spaulding National Running Center, Harvard Medical SchoolLearn Barefoot Running from the Master!Almost overnight, barefoot running has exploded onto the fitness scene. However, it involves more than simply taking off your shoes. In fact, everything you've learned about barefoot running is probably wrong—unless you've learned it from Barefoot Ken Bob Saxton. The leading instructor and proponent of unshod running, he has completed 76 marathons barefoot, survived an astounding marathon-a-month challenge in 2004, and gone on to top that with 16 marathons in 2006, including four in a 15-day period—all barefoot.Barefoot Running Step by Step separates the facts from the hype, outlines Ken Bob’s personal techniques, and details the latest research on the newest trend in mankind's oldest sport. Whether you barefoot run occasionally, part-time, or full-time, you'll find methods for improving your form, staying injury-free, dramatically improving your speed and performance, and having more fun.The Bent Knee: Here is the hidden secret to perfect running form. Learn how this crucial adjustment will keep you running stronger and injury-free for life.Vibrams and Minimalist Shoes: Barefoot running is not a transition from shoes to minimalist shoes to bare feet. It's the other way around. Discover why you need to run barefoot before you use other footwear.Start From the Head: Proper barefoot form doesn't start at the feet. Discover how to get the correct body biomechanics.Ease Into It: Here are the steps you need to take to make the transition from running in shoes to barefoot running as painless and easy as possible.Improve Speed: Barefoot running's injury reduction benefits are well-touted; however a new landmark study proves that barefooting—even part-time—can make you faster.Barefoot Running Step by Step is filled with series photos and illustrations that show you the "do's" and "don'ts" of barefoot running, the latest research, and Ken Bob Saxton's personal experiences and insights for running barefoot for life.

Hwpo: Hard Work Pays Off Transform Your Body and Mind with Crossfit's Five-Time Fittest Man on Earth

Mat Fraser - 2022
    A student of engineering, Fraser optimized his body like a machine, and his absolute dedication to the training program he designed for himself is now legendary. For years, every single decision he made was weighed against the question: Will this help me win? If the answer was no, he didn't do it. If it would give him even the slightest edge or advantage, he would--no matter the cost. Fraser became a master of identifying his weaknesses and then seeking out training methods to improve them, and he's idolized in the fitness community for his relentless pursuit of peak performance. It's not hard to see why he achieved so much success--but how is a different question.Throughout his career, Fraser has been highly guarded about his specific training techniques (after all, sharing them would not help him win the CrossFit Games). But with his recent retirement from competition, Fraser is finally ready to open up about his path to the podium. HWPO reveals the workouts, training hacks, eating plans, and mental strategies that have helped make him a champion. It's an incredible resource of elite training strategies, illustrated workouts, and motivational stories, and it's a glimpse into the mind of one of the world's greatest athletes. No matter your level of fitness, no matter if you've never attempted CrossFit before, this book is your total training manual.

Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of the World's Fittest Men, and Discovering Myself

Rich Roll - 2012
    Nearly fifty pounds overweight and unable to climb the stairs without stopping, he could see where his current sedentary life was taking him—and he woke up. Plunging into a new routine that prioritized a plant-based lifestyle and daily training, Rich morphed—in a matter of mere months—from out of shape, mid-life couch potato to endurance machine. Finding Ultra recounts Rich’s remarkable journey to the starting line of the elite Ultraman competition, which pits the world’s fittest humans in a 320-mile ordeal of swimming, biking, and running. And following that test, Rich conquered an even greater one: the EPIC5—five Ironman-distance triathlons, each on a different Hawaiian island, all completed in less than a week. In the years since Finding Ultra was published, Rich has become one of the world’s most recognized advocates of plant-based living. In this newly revised and updated edition, he shares the practices, tools, and techniques he uses for optimal performance, longevity, and wellness, including diet and nutrition protocols. Rich reflects on the steps he took to shift his mindset and leverage deep reservoirs of untapped potential to achieve success beyond his wildest imagination, urging each of us to embark on our own journey of self-discovery.

Galloway's 5k and 10k Running

Jeff Galloway - 2007
    Galloway's 5K/10K Running is packed with expert advice, hints, and tips from a former Olympian who has been injury-free for over 25 years. It includes a section dedicated to beginners who simply want to run for fun, as well as a section for those who want to run a specific time. Also featured in this comprehensive volume is easy-to-read advice on medical information, nutrition, fat-burning, aches and pains, getting the right shoes, motivation, and much more.

Runner's World Running on Air: A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Breathing Technique for Runners

Budd Coates - 2013
    Validating his method through a mix of accessible science, Eastern philosophy, and the experiences of test subjects, Coates shows readers how focusing on their breathingbrings their minds and bodies into harmony and helps them run stronger, faster, and more comfortably.Rhythmic breathing increases lung volume; improves awareness and control; helps prevent injury and side stitches; improves running for those with asthma; allows runners to quickly set a pace for quality training and racing; and helps athletes manage muscle cramps. This book reviews the basics of rhythmic breathing, teaching readers how to perform it while walking and, eventually, while running. Weeklongsample schedules from different programs shows readers how to apply the rhythmic breathing scale to any workout. Coates also touches on the importance of stretching, cross-training, and core training and provides detailed training plans and schedules.

Running: The Complete Guide to Building Your Running Program

John Stanton - 2010
    It starts with those basic steps and soon becomes the adventure of a lifetime. Now, in the Running Room's Book on Running, veteran runner/author John Stanton offers expert advice to help you get the most from your running. This wonderfully illustrated book answers all your questions about running, including:- Getting started and keeping it fun- Building a program that works with your lifestyle- Picking the right gear- Running form, posture and breathing- Heart rate training made clear- Types of running—what to do and how to do it- Nutrition for the runner- Strength and cross-training—easy to manage exercise routines- Women's issues related to running and running during pregnancy- Avoiding and dealing with injuries- Mental preperation and the psychology of running- Tips for race day

The Complete Book of Pilates for Men: The Lifetime Plan for Strength, Power Peak Performance

Daniel Lyon Jr. - 2005
    Many books on the subject show lithe female bodies stretched across their covers. Top Pilates instructor Daniel Lyon Jr. aims to break the preconception that Pilates only benefits and appeals to women. "This couldn't be further from the truth," he asserts. "Joseph Pilates was a cigar-smoking boxer, acrobat, and gymnast, and he developed his exercise program from that background for men first." Likewise, Lyon designed this book specifically with men in mind, as the number of male Pilates practitioners -- among them professional athletes, actors, businessmen, and other high-profile personalities -- has rocketed to about three million and continues to grow.For athletes, working stiffs, and men recovering from injuries, Lyon offers the first comprehensive exercise program of its kind. He walks you through forty "traditional mat" exercises and more than sixty "reformer on the mat" exercises -- each one brilliantly illustrated -- in an inspiring self-guided program that adapts to all experience levels and requires nothing more than floor space, an exercise mat, and the desire to look and feel your best. Using the Pilates method of engaging the strongest parts of the body, or the "powerhouse" (Joseph Pilates's term for the abdominals, hips, lower back muscles, and buttocks), and integrating all other body parts from this core, Lyon's program targets trouble spots for men and helps them achieve strong, lean, masculine physiques.The Complete Book of Pilates for Men will deliver quick and long-term results to any man who seeks optimal fitness and a competitive edge in all aspects of his life.

Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training

Mark Rippetoe - 2005
    With all new graphics and more than 750 illustrations, a more detailed analysis of the five most important exercises in the weight room, and a new chapter dealing with the most important assistance exercises, Basic Barbell Training offers the most complete examination in print of the most effective way to exercise.

The Life Plan: How Any Man Can Achieve Lasting Health, Great Sex, and a Stronger, Leaner Body

Jeffry S. Life - 2011
    Jeffry Life before. And if you have, you might have thought, How can this seventy-two-year-old doctor have the body of a thirty-year-old? But his photos are very real, and you can look just as good as he does when you take control of your health. Back in 1998, Dr. Life was sixty years old and a stereotype of the aging man: he was overweight with a noticeable gut and little muscle tone. Even though his own medical practice was thriving, and he thought he knew everything about men’s health, the facts proved differently. His libido was low, which was ruining his self-esteem. He felt tired all the time, yet no amount of sleep made him feel well rested. It wasn’t until a cardiologist read him the riot act that he even considered that change was possible. He then decided to make critical adjustments to his diet and lifestyle, and the results have been nothing short of astounding. More than a decade later, Dr. Life continues to look and feel younger than ever. He knows that if he can make these changes to his body, his sex life, and his health, any man can. In this revolutionary book, he’ll show how you can turn around yourhealth by using the very same program he success-fully created and follows to this day. The Life Plan introduces a healthy aging lifestyle that any man can master, no matter what shape he may be in. It offers: • An action-packed exercise program designed to make working out entertaining as well as improve heart health and increase muscle mass. His program taps into various disciplines—cardio workouts, resistance training, balance and core conditioning, martial arts, and Pilates. • An easy diet, featuring delicious choices, that any man can follow, along with rules for eating out and sample recipes for the single or married guy. • A simple nutrient supplement regimen highlighting the top supplements men may need to halt, and even reverse, the aging process. • A prudent guide to male hormone replacement therapies based on the most up-to-date research.  • Lessons on how to get your doctor to provide the care you deserve. • How to sidestep America’s disease-based approach to medicine and fuel optimal health. • And much more. By following this program you can once again enjoy an active, clear-headed, sexually satisfying, vigorous, and health-filled life, while avoiding late-onset diabetes, heart disease, and other common illnesses and complaints of aging. For men seeking to make over their bodies and turn back the clock, The Life Plan delivers the keys to a fitter body, a stronger immune system, and a richer, fuller life.

Kettlebell - Simple & Sinister

Pavel Tsatsouline - 2013
     - Simple & Sinister will prepare you for almost anything life could throw at you, from carrying a piano upstairs to holding your own in a street fight. - Simple & Sinister will forge a fighter's physique - because the form must follow the function. - Simple & Sinister will give you the strength, the stamina, and the suppleness to play any sport recreationally - and play it well. - If you are a serious athlete, Simple & Sinister will serve as a perfect foundation for your sport-specific training. - If you are a serious lifter, Simple & Sinister will build your strength, rather than interfere with it. Simple & Sinister will achieve all of the above while leaving you plenty of time and energy to do your duty, your job, practice your sport, and have a life. Russian kettlebell power to you! About the author: Pavel Tsatsouline is a former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor, currently a Subject Matter Expert to elite US military and law enforcement special operations units. Pavel introduced the Russian kettlebell to the West in 1998 and started the kettlebell revolution. Dr. Randall Strossen, one of the most respected names in the strength world, stated, "Pavel Tsatsouline will always reign as the modern king of kettlebells since it was he who popularized them to the point where you could almost found a country filled with his converts." Pavel is the Chairman of StrongFirst, Inc. In addition to the gold-standard kettlebell instructor certification StrongFirst.com offers user courses internationally in kettlebell, barbell and bodyweight training.