Best of
Teaching to Change Lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make Your Teaching Come Alive
Howard G. Hendricks - 1987
Based on seven proven, easy-to-grasp laws any teacher can apply, Howard Hendricks's classic teaching manual is a must-read for anyone who wants to teach with power and passion, excitement and excellence.
In the Middle: New Understandings about Writing, Reading, and Learning
Nancie Atwell - 1987
One of the rare breed of teachers who do know this is Nancie Atwell. - The New York TimesReading this book can be revolutionary. . . . Atwell leads us to new understandings of teaching and learning in a workshop classroom. - Voices from the Middle When first published in 1987, this seminal work was widely hailed for its honest examination of how teachers teach, how students learn, and the gap that lies in between. In depicting her own classroom struggles, Nancie Atwell shook our orthodox assumptions about skill-and-drill-based curriculums and became a pioneer of responsive teaching. Now, in the long awaited second edition, Atwell reflects on the next ten years of her experience, rethinks and clarifies old methods, and demonstrates new, more effective approaches.The second edition still urges educators to "come out from behind their own big desks" to turn classrooms into workshops where students and teachers create curriculums together. But it also advocates a more activist role for teachers. Atwell writes, "I'm no longer willing to withhold suggestions and directions from my kids when I can help them solve a problem, do something they've never done before, produce stunning writing, and ultimately become more independent of me."More than 70 percent of the material is new, with six brand-new chapters on genres, evaluation, and the teacher as writer. There are also lists of several hundred minilessons, and scripts and examples for teaching them; new expectations and rules for writing and reading workshops; ideas for teaching conventions; new systems for record keeping; lists of essential books for students and teachers; and forms for keeping track of individual spelling, skills, proofreading, homework, writing, and reading.The second edition of In the Middle is written in the same engaging style as its predecessor. It reads like a story - one that readers will be pleased to learn has no end. As Atwell muses, "I know my students and I will continue to learn and be changed. I am resigned - happily - to be always beginning for the rest of my life as a teacher."
Free at Last: The Sudbury Valley School
Daniel Greenberg - 1987
Free at Last is also chock-full of stories that illustrate the many unique features of this highly original model.“Age mixing is Sudbury Valley’s secret weapon. I never could make heads or tails of age segregation. People don’t live their lives in the real world separated by age, year by year. Kids don’t all have the same interests or abilities at a particular age.“Anyway, we soon found out how children mix when they are left to their own devices. They mix. Just like real people. The principle is always the same: if anyone wants to do something, they do it. Interest is what counts. If the activity is on an advanced level, skill counts. A lot of little kids are much more skillful than older ones at a lot of things.“When the skills and rate of learning aren’t all on the same level, that’s when the fun begins. The kids help each other. They have to, otherwise the group as a whole will fall behind. They want to, because they are not competing for grades or gold stars. They like to, because it’s terribly satisfying to help someone else and succeed at it. And it’s terribly pleasing to watch. Everywhere you turn at school, age mixing confronts you.”
Literacy: Reading the Word and the World
Paulo Freire - 1987
. . Literacy provides an articulate and courageous response.Harvard Educational ReviewEvery chapter . . . asks teachers to thing again about how they teach, what they want for their pupils, and how to get on with it. Times Educational Supplement[This] book directs our attention to literacy in its broadest sense so that we can better evaluate the shortcomings of our work as educators at all levels of learning. Contemporary Sociology
Learner English
Michael Swan - 1987
Learner English has chapters focusing on major problems of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and other errors as well as new chapters covering Korean, Malay/Indonesian and Polish language backgrounds.
WP230 - Piano for the Young Beginner - Primer A
James Bastien - 1987
After Primer A and B the student would continue with Level 1.
Spinning Inward: Using Guided Imagery with Children for Learning, Creativity & Relaxation
Maureen Murdock - 1987
It presents simple exercises in guided imagery designed to help young people ages three through eighteen to relax into learning, focus attention and increase concentration, stimulate creativity, and cultivate inner peace and group harmony.The use of guided imagery has been internationally recognized as an effective method of "whole brain" learning. The author's approach will have special appeal to parents and teachers who are frustrated by an educational system that seems to reward only those children who excel at verbal, linear learning. With the exercises in this book, young people can discover learning styles that are effective and enjoyable for them. These techniques of guided imagery offer adults as well as children a unique way to tap the wealth of creativity and wisdom within.
The Having of Wonderful Ideas and Other Essays on Teaching and Learning
Eleanor Duckworth - 1987
While touching on many subjects--from science, math, and poetry to learning, teaching, thinking, evaluation, and teacher education--each of these essays supports the author's deeply felt belief that "the having of wonderful ideas is the essence of intellectual development." The revised Third Edition of this indispensable classic on Piaget and teaching features a new introduction, a new chapter on critical exploration in the classroom, and a renewed belief in the need to educate children about peace and social justice.Praise for Previous Editions!"A classic-to-be."--Instructor"A striking example of how Piaget's work could well be applied to education--to advantage and with delight."--School Psychology International" she explains in her inspiring account of the exhilarating process of teaching and learning, now we all have the opportunity to create wonderful ideas."--Educational Leadership"...admirably confirms Eleanor Duckworth's ability to express complex ideas and profound insights with clarity, good sense, and relevance for classroom practice."--The Journal of Educational Thought
To Teach, to Love
Jesse Stuart - 1987
This great Kentucky novelist, short story writer, poet, and teacher writes about his boyhood, his elementary school and high school experiences, and his days at Lincoln Memorial University. He tells of teaching in a one room rural schoolhouse, his experiences as a county school superintendent, and his stay as a teacher at American University in Cairo, Egypt. He explains what classroom methods worked best, and why, and speculates on what has gone wrong with American schools.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs
Sue Bredekamp - 1987
This newer edition resulted from nearly a decade of lively discussion, ongoing research, and a broader base of experience following the first edition.
Up Your Score (2011-2012 edition): The Underground Guide to the SAT
Larry Berger - 1987
And every year, colleges are becoming more competitive. Throw the weakened economy into the mix, and it creates a perfect storm for Up Your Score: a book of invaluable test-taking wisdom, the only book written by "been-there-done-that" kids, the only guide that kids will enjoy using. It’s proven to work—the students who created Up Your Score all nailed the SAT and went on to the colleges of their choice, including this year's 2,400-scoring guest editor.A guerrilla guide that's a perfect complement (and reality check) for the student who has already tried Princeton Review or Kaplan, Up Your Score injects real-life humor and attitude into the dry business of test prep. Its vocabulary is rich and lively with examples that kids will relate to, and with proven tricks to make definitions memorable. It covers the eight main issues of math, with test-wise, problem-solving techniques. To help students ace the writing section, it addresses the 13 most important grammar rules to know. And it shows how to "psych out" the test: How to think like the SAT. How to prepare the essay in advance. The best ways to fill in answer circles and other strategies to save precious minutes. Plus, tips for maintaining concentration, why it's always better to guess than to leave a question unanswered, and a recipe for energy-boosting Sweet & Tasty 800 Bars (and how to smuggle them into the testing hall).FREE: An iPod download to help users learn the 600 key vocabulary words.
Creative and Mental Growth
Viktor Lowenfeld - 1987
Creative and intellectual growth are the basis of any educational system, and it is the hope that this book can contribute to an understanding of the importance of this area so as to make the education of children a joyful and meaningful experience.
Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together
Jeanne Gibbs - 1987
**Please see the NEW EDITION titled "Reaching All by Creating Tribes Learning Communities" by Jeanne Gibbs ISBN:0932762417 Copyright 2006
The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary Of Chemistry
Jane Wertheim - 1987
-- Great Study AIDS -- Topics arranged thematically so that words are explained in context-- Fully integrated system of cross referencing plus a comprehensive index-- Illustrated Dictionary of Science contains recommended Web sites
Workjobs; Activity Centered Learning For Early Childhood Education
Mary Baratta-Lorton - 1987
A classic collection of 104 math and language-learning activities that use everyday materials to teach young children number sequences, perception, and more.
Smart Kids with School Problems: Things to Know and Ways to Help
Priscilla L. Vail - 1987
Concise and authoritative, this much-needed guide is a welcome resource for parents, and teachers.
Martin Bygate - 1987
In the final section the author suggests practical ways in which teachers can gain a better understanding of the role of oral classroom activities.
Learning the Skills of Peacemaking: A K-6 Activity Guide to Resolving Conflicts, Communicating, & Cooperating
Naomi Drew - 1987
Chock full of in-depth, hands-on activities, blackline masters, program evaluaion forms, scripts, roleplays and more, it foster deep understanding in students of win-win guidelines and skills for keeping the peace. Also includes an effective peer mediation program with forms, training guide, script, and group role plays. Additional information on parent involvement and leading parent workshops included. A rich resource
The Compact Survey Of The Bible
John F. Balchin - 1987
Each of the 66 chapters contains a clear, concise examination of every book of the Bible. The well-planned format helps give an immediate grasp of the general contents of each book plus imporant background details showing the context in which the book was originally written.
The Writing Workshop: A World of Difference
Lucy Calkins - 1987
It is organized according to the major themes of the accompanying videotape.
Towards a Reading-Writing Classroom
Andrea Butler - 1987
The integration of reading and writing instruction has been proved to be a valuable instructional approach, and this book not only outlines basic research, but offers sensible applications for the classroom teacher.