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Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
1 John (Bible #62), ESV
Because "God is light" (1:5), Christ's followers overcome evil doers who seek to servert them. The one who lives in and among them--God's Son--is greater than the spirit of "the antichrist" now in the world (4:3-4). To believe in the name of the Son of God is to know the assurance of eternal life (5:13).
The New Testament (King James Version)
Despite a plethora of new translations in the second half of the twentieth century, the King James Version retains its power and appeal because "it has the intrinsic value of a classic and is an enduring masterpiece."Drury outlines the fascinating history of this magisterial translation, marveling at the "patient generosity" with which the translators sifted through and distilled a century of previous scholarship. He points out that their work has endured not only because of the astonishing care they took to reflect faithfully the syntax of the original Hebrew and Greek–which enabled them to dispense with the densely entangled prose style that characterized English writing at the time–but also because of their concern to writers from Milton to Coleridge to George Eliot. From the doctrinal richness of the letters of St. Paul to those four masterpieces of storytelling, the Gospels, The New Testament has served as a source of inspiration for centuries.To quote George Steiner on the centrality of the Bible: "What you have in hand is not a book. It is the book. That, of course, is what 'Bible' means. It is the book which, not only in Western humanity, defines the concept of a text. All our other books, however different in matter or method, relate, be it indirectly, to this book of books…All other books are inhabited by the murmur of that distant source."
The HarperCollins Study Bible: Fully Revised & Updated
Completely revised and updated, this edition incorporates the latest scholarship and findings as well as incorporating new diagrams, charts, and maps—25% revised or new material.
The Book of Confidence
Father Thomas de Saint-Laurent
religious book
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita, Volume Ii
Mahendranath Gupta
It contains the dialogues of the Bengali saint Ramakrishna wrtten in almost stenographic accuracy. This edition is different translation of the Swami Nikhilananda Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna which was published in the forties and showed the restraint of that era.
Modern King James Version of the Holy Bible
The 1963 edition has been out of print for over 34 years, being replaced by this more readable and improved edition of the same Bible.The Modern King James Version of the Bible is an update of the Authorised King James Version in today's English. Besides the language update, it has these differences:1) Many older editions of the KJV have a center column in which they suggest a better translation, many of these suggestions have now been put into the text.2) The names of animals of the Bible have been corrected according to scientific studies today;3) The titles to the Psalms and names of places have been translated to their actual meaning rather than their original name, such as Hor-hagidgad=The Hole in the Cleft.4) Those places which are incorrect have been changed (e.g. 'Passover' instead of 'Easter'; 'Joshua' instead of 'Jesus' in Hebrews 4; 'expanse' is replaced by 'firmament'; 'eunoch' for 'officer'; 'Let it not Be ' for 'God forbid'; 'came into being' for 'made' in John 1:3);5) places where the King James Version paraphrases have been replaced by a direct translation from the original;6) the Greek names for Old Testament characters are given the same name as in the King James Version;7) money, titles, weights, etc. are translated as they are in the original King James Version (e.g. denarius instead of penny).The reviser has no thrust in words, nor left out words, in order to establish some personal belief as to what the Bible ought to say. The Modern King James Version can be easily understood in the pew when t speaker is using the King James Version.
Holy Scripture: The Ground And Pillar Of Our Faith, Volume Iii: The Writings Of The Church Fathers Affirming The Reformation Principle Of Sola Scriptura
David T. King
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the principle is illegitimate because, she claims, it is unhistorical. By this she means that sola Scriptura is a theological novelty in that it supposedly has no support in the teaching of the early Church. Roman apologists charge that the teaching on Scripture promoted by the Reformers introduced a false dichotomy between the Church and Scripture which elevated Scripture to a place of authority unheard of in the early Church. The Church of Rome insists that the early Church fathers, while fully endorsing the full inspiration of the Old and New Testaments, did not believe in sola Scriptura.This volume is a compilation of the teaching of the Church fathers on the primacy, sufficiency and ultimate authority of Scripture. It contains one of the most extensive documentations of the patristic understanding of Scripture in the English language brought together in one volume. The editors have gone to great lengths to provide the primary sources where the quotations can be found in the original works, where appropriate.The documentation provided reveals in the clearest possible terms the Church fathers’ belief in the material and formal sufficiency of Scripture. By material sufficiency we mean that all that is necessary to be believed for faith and morals is revealed in Scripture. Formal sufficiency means that all that is necessary for faith and morals is clearly revealed in Scripture, so that an individual, by the enablement of the Holy Spirit alone, can understand the essentials of salvation and the Christian life. Page after page gives eloquent testimony to the supreme authority that Scripture held in the life of the early Church and serves as a much needed corrective to Rome’s misrepresentation of the Church fathers and her denigration of the sufficiency and final authority of Scripture.
Psalm 23: The Shepherd With Me [Bible Study Leader Kit w DVDs]
Jennifer Rothschild
Many women know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in their lives. This beloved psalm can breathe new life into women who are weary and unsure of their next steps. It's more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life. In this 7-session study by Jennifer Rothschild, gain fresh insight and encouragement from Psalm 23. Explore the depths of God's compassionate care while debunking the self-reliance myth. Learn how your vulnerability is not a liability because you can trust the Shepherd's goodness throughout each season of life.
The End: A Study Of The Book Of Revelation
Scott Hahn
Scott Hahn, the Greek word apocalypse was used by ancient Jews to refer to the moment, following the seven-day wedding ceremony, when the bridal couple went into the huppah, or bridal tent, and the bride removed her veil for the first time. It was the moment of unveiling when the bride revealed herself as she really was. In the same way, Dr. Hahn says the final book of the New Testament is an ultimate unveiling, the moment when the Lord of the Universe reveals Himself to His Bride, the Church. In a dramatic Bible Study, Dr. Hahn demonstrates why this little-studied book contains many of the keys to understanding the Gospels. He explains that, for those students willing to examine the historical background to the New Testament, the Book of Revelation actually summarizes the central doctrines of Faith. Scott outlines the four principal ways of interpreting this book by referring to: (1) past events, (2) stages in Church history, (3) future events and (4) ongoing spiritual struggles of individual Christians and the Church.
Meet Your Spiritual Father
Mark Miravalle
Now, renowned Marian scholar and popular author Dr. Mark Miravalle brings an oft-forgotten, but great, saint out of the shadows: St. Joseph. Learn to entrust yourself (as Jesus did) to the Just Man, the Blessed Virgin Mary's most chaste and humble spouse and your spiritual father.
No Greater Love Workbook
Edward Sri
The Hebraic Roots Version Scriptures
Institute for Scripture Research
The Hebraic-Roots Version (HRV) Scriptures is published by the Institute for Scripture Research (ISR).The Tanak (Old Testament) portion is translated primarily from the Hebrew Masoretic Text but contains over 2000 footnotes giving important alternate readings from the Aramaic Peshitta Tanak, Aramaic Targums, Dead Sea Scrolls, Greek Septuagent, and Samaritan Pentateuch.The New Testament portion is the first and only New Testament to be translated from Aramaic and Hebrew manuscripts.