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The Dark of Hot Springs Island
Jacob Hurst
It's comprised of two books: One for players and one for the game master.The Dark of Hot Springs Island is the game master's book. It is a fully illustrated 192 page book. Hot Springs Island is a hexcrawl, and the Dark contains all the details needed to run a sandbox game there. There are 75 locations on the island, and 26 maps ranging from ogre villages to a ruined elven city to the volcanic lair of a vain efreet. Seven factions, 87 interconnected non-player characters and 300 problematic treasures are sure to generate plenty of lingering repercussions each time your players make a decision. Finally, 448 random events and encounter motivations help ensure that every play-through of Hot Springs Island can explode into wildly different outcomes from the same basic parameters.The setting is system neutral, so there are no stats for monsters or prepackaged treasure parcels. No levels are assumed, and there is no path of advancement through this tropical wilderness. The monsters will likely be tough, and the intelligent factions even tougher, but the motivations for (and thus potential leverage against) everything with a modicum of intelligence has been detailed. Combat is expected to be approached like war, and not a perfectly balanced arena skirmish. Crack the mountains. Flood the dungeons, and burn everything to survive.In the event that stats are an absolute must, most all monsters found on the island can already be found in the monster books you own for your system (e.g., efreet, salamanders, ogres, nereids, imps, elementals, etc). If they are not found there, the size and diet has been provided so you can sub in the stats of a "medium sized carnivore" or "large herbivore" as necessary. Finally, there are a few creatures of such size, age, and power that they'd likely be considered demi-gods. For these individuals it will be necessary to spend some time prepping their particulars, but there should be plenty of ramp up time before they make an appearance on the island.A Field Guide to Hot Springs Island is the player oriented companion book to The Dark. It is written "in-character" and can be used by characters in the game world to help identify plants and monsters, translate ancient languages, and as a resource of advice and rumors.
Dread RPG
The Impossible Dream
A super-librarian is needed to remove this false entry from the Goodreads catalogue.**Winner of the 2006 Gold Ennie for innovation.Beyond the door we could hear the highway, the cars, the trucks, the roar of freedom. Beyond the door. But the twenty feet between us and the door, between us and the highway... Only the lighter's dying blue flame interrupted that ocean of darkness... where It waited, just where we left It.Explore hostile worlds of your own creation with Dread, a game carved from the intense emotions buried in your favorite horror stories. Through individually crafted questionnaires, players are coaxed into revealing their characters' abilities, shortcomings, personalities, and fears. These characters are plunged into macabre tales devised by the host. When moments of conflict and peril arise in the story, it is the players' nerves, rather than the whims of dice, that determine the fates of their characters.
Empire of the Petal Throne: The World of Tekumel
M.A.R. Barker
I simply state that it is the most beautifully done fantasy game evercreated. It is difficult for me to envision the possibility of any rival being created in the future.' -E. Gary Gygax~~ Tekumel, the world of fantasy and adventure. The setting for this fantasy campaign game is an alien planet, Tekumel, where a cosmic cataclysm stranded human and extra-territorial invaders eons past. A hostile world of poisonous flora and fauna, with intelligent and vengeful native races! Mankind and its allies must battle for survival with nothing save Medieval technology - but magic aids them . . . and there are certain supernatural powers which may intervene.NEW, EASY-TO-PLAY, ONE-VOLUME EDITION COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED"The Different Worlds "Pink Book" edition.
Alien RPG: Colonial Marines Operations Manual
Andrew E.C. Gaska
Gaska and Paul Elliott. It gives you all the tools you need to run a full open-world campaign as the iconic Colonial Marines. Contents:History & Organization – the inside story of the illustrious Colonial Marine Corps.Creating Marines – expanded character creation rules for grunts of all kinds.Weapons & Vehicles – an extensive chapter with new gear, gloriously illustrated.The Frontier War – the framework and backstory for a Colonial Marines campaign.Factions on the Frontier – the powers that be and their dark agendas.Marine Missions – six thrilling missions for your Marines, playable in any order.The Endgame – the showdown against a deadly enemy, finally revealed.
The Perilous Wilds
Jason Lutes
The main differences between the use of tables in The Perilous Wilds and their use in older RPGs is an emphasis on exploration and discovery over combat encounters, and the baked-in methodology of using randomized results as prompts rather than facts, to be interpreted during play.
Feng Shui: Shadowfist Role Playing
Robin D. Laws
Feng Shui is an action-movie role playing game.
A Field Guide to Hot Springs Island
Jacob Hurst
However, every man and woman savvy enough to stay alive has returned with bags of treasure and a whole bard’s worth of stories. They spoke of steaming jungles filled with magical plants, lost ruins, ravenous creatures, and vengeful, feuding factions. We compiled their firsthand accounts, polished them off with a bit of wild assumption, and wrote it all down in this book—A Field Guide to Hot Springs Island—for people just like you.Now, if you’re wondering why we’re giving you something so useful for so cheap, that’s good. Questions like that are why we picked you. Our angle is simple: The more you know about the island, the longer you stay alive. The longer you stay alive, the richer you’re going to get, and the richer you get, the richer we get because the guild always gets its cut. How rich can you get? Well, so far there have been ten fine fellows who have paid off all their bounties on the mainland and retired in as little as six months, and there’s at least one ex-marine who went on to buy herself a nice little kingdom in the Red Hills.If you’re worried you’ll be at a disadvantage because you’re not clever enough to read, don’t be. There are drawings of every creature we know about, so you can flip through this guide and match our picture with whatever’s currently eating your companion. Then again, even if you can read, many of the things encountered here on Hot Springs have not been recorded elsewhere (that we know of), so the names of places and creatures have emerged over time. We’ve done our best to reference everything by its most popular name, but for every name we’ve written down, there are probably three others that didn’t make the cut.Discoveries are being made daily here on Hot Springs Island, and if you find something new, or uncover something really old—especially if you see an ally die to it—let your guild representative know. We always pay handsomely for good information.----------------------------------------------------------------240 pages. Fully illustrated. Contains 2 short stories, entries for 24 different magical and mundane plants, 34 monsters native to Hot Springs Island, and details about the 6 factions that can be found there.The Field Guide is written "in character" for the world, and is an in game object. Players are encouraged to reference it at the table as it contains plenty of hooks and reasons to travel through the Hot Springs Island sandbox.The Dark of Hot Springs Island is a companion book to the Field Guide, and contains everything a Game Master needs to run a game there (except stats) in the system of their choice.
Palladium Fantasy RPG; Land of the Damned Two: Eternal Torment
Bill Coffin
Art by Truman, Perez, Wilson, Breaux, Johnson and others.
Douglas Seacat
From ferocious packs of ravenous burrow-mawgs to deadly ethereal pistol wraiths that haunt the back roads and forgotten cemeteries, the Monsternomicon is filled with creatures both mundane and supernatural to challenge even the most experienced adventuring parties.This essential full-color guide to the wicked denizens of the Iron Kingdoms gives you everything you need to introduce them into your own adventures.Features:Rich, evocative background information and stats for over 40 monsters.New creature templates for customizing your monsters to fit specific environments and themes.Fully compatible with both the Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game and the upcoming Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Roleplaying Game.
Getting Started With Warhammer Age Of Sigmar
Games Workshop
Inside This Book - The Age of Sigmar: this is a history of the war for the mortal realms; a tale of gods and monster, brave heroes and diabolical villains; - an introduction to the hobby of collecting Citadel miniatures - where to start, what to choose and where to go from there; - a guide to the Grand Alliances - the four major factions in the war for the mortal realms; - Great Rivals: in the mortal realms, a fierce battle rages. The Bloodbound and the Stormcast Eternals are the bitterest of rivals, one side fighting to restore order, the other revelling in absolute chaos. Included here is their story! - 2 full guides to painting: a guide to painting Citadel miniatures in general, with explanations of the types of Citadel paint, brushes and their uses; and detailed, specific guides to painting the miniatures from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter set; - 2 showcases: some amazing collections of Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures sit alongside a variety of stunningly painted individual models by the 'Eavy Metal team; - and of course the full rules for playing games or Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Grab some dice and play right away!
Hillfolk: A Game of Iron Age Drama (DramaSystem)
Robin Laws
Its DramaSystem rules engine, from acclaimed designer Robin D. Laws, takes the basic structure of interpersonal conflict underlying fiction, movies and television and brings it to the world of roleplaying.
Ghost Planets: Adventures of the Xenohistory Corps
Don Bisdorf
Edom Field Manual
Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan
You're on the inside now. You know what must be done to defend Queen and Country, to defend everything we've built, everything we stand for. You deserve access to the innermost sanctum, and this is your key - the EDOM FIELD MANUAL. It will tell you everything you need to know about Operation Edom - what we do, how we do it, and what we're working towards. It will also teach you how to handle our special assets, and how to put them down if they go rogue. For more than a century, the top-secret operation within MI6 codenamed 'Edom' has defended the United Kingdom from the machinations of the Un-Dead. This book describes the operation's history, methods, and tradecraft, initiating you into the innermost secrets of the British vampire program. For players - create your own Edom officers and hunt vampires with the sanction and backing of the British government! Immerse yourself in the clandestine world with eyes-only documents and briefings. Call on Dukes for aid and counsel, gather intel with the aid of Edom's networks of informants, and gear up with specialised anti-vampire weapons and tactics. Use the Fields of Edom campaign frame to play the spies hunting for the stolen Dracula Dossier, or defy your masters and complete the original mission by taking Dracula down for good. For Directors - Build your own Edom with a guide to the operation's structure and methods. Two dozen non-player characters give you a supporting cast for Edom-centred games. Explore Edom's secret history and render its shadowy present in vivid detail. Advice and campaign options help you bring the operation to a thrilling conclusion - or a bloody catastrophe. So watch for the cup-and-blaze mark and the hand signal. Keep your kukri close, and remember your training. Four generations of agents have passed the cup on to you - do not falter at the last!
Fifth Edition Foes
Steve Winter
The monsters in this book should be familiar to anyone who enjoyed the Tome of Horrors supplements (all four volumes of it) published by Necromancer Games during the Third Edition era. Many of these monsters reach back further than those books, though, since they're culled from First Edition volumes such as the Fiend Folio (1981) and Monster Manual II (1983)-and those books drew material from the even older pages of magazines like The Dragon and White Dwarf. So while the stat blocks and powers of these creatures are as up-to-date as we could make them, they also harken back to the very early years of roleplaying games, when any addition to the game-every new monster, spell, or magic item-was completely new and exciting.
Hackmaster Gamemaster's Guide
David S. Kenzer
In the HackMaster equation, you are the most important variable. Why? Because the GameMaster is the backbone of the game. Without you the game is incomplete, a narrative without a storyteller to dramatize the tale, a camera without a director behind the lens, a brilliant score without a conductor. And so on. This black grimoire is the long awaited HackMaster GameMaster's Guide. It is an indispensable weapon in your arsenal; a must for those with a desire to take up the GM's Shield and referee HackMaster. All things HackMaster are made possible by the secrets contained herein. As a HackMaster GM you bear an enormous weight and responsibility on your shoulders: judging and running combat, interpreting the actions of your players, creating adventures, world building, assigning experience, keeping track of Honor, and so on. And that's just at the game. Before the game, you are preparing the adventure for the next session(s) and working on your campaign. For many, you also have to get ready to host the game itself, and sadly, most of you fork out your hard-earned cash for the game books and accessories in order to play the game. In addition, you must constantly work at mastering the rules of the game and honing your skills. Like the captain of a ship at sea, you must constantly strive to maintain your game. Clearly, the role of GameMaster is a daunting job by anyone's standards. But chances are that if you have felt compelled to answer the call, you have the right spirit, drive and determination to rise to the challenge. And fear not! For you are not being sent into the fray unarmed. Armed with this book you are a formidable individual with whom all must reckon. You will gird up your loins, don the armor of confidence that comes with knowing that you are a cut above the run-of-the-mill gamer and proclaim, "The GameMaster is always right!"
Expedition To The Barrier Peaks
Erfworld: Meet The Jetstones Issue 1 Of Book 2: Love Is A Battlefield
Rob Balder
Unhallowed Metropolis
Jason Soles & Nicci Vega
It has been two hundred years since first the outbreak of the Plague, when without warning the dead rose to feed on the flesh of the living. No nation was spared. Everywhere, the animates, or zombies as they came to be known by the common man, prowled the streets, killing and spreading the infection as they passed. For each victim claimed, a fresh animate rose to join the ranks of the risen. As panic and mass hysteria gripped the public, the cities were abandoned. Countless millions perished in the chaos that followed. Overnight, humanity found itself on the brink of annihilation. Seventy percent of the world's population succumbed to the Plague, secondary epidemics, or the mass starvation that followed. The year was 1905; it was the dawn of a new dark age. In the following decades, the survivors to learned to fight back and to retake what they had lost. Recalling the golden age that had come before, the Neo-Victorians set out to rebuild their shattered nation. Despite the heavy cost in human life, they reclaimed their cities one by one until only the sepulchres, or plague cities, remained under death s dominion. Though the survivors have successfully constructed a new world on the bones of the old, their world remains rife with undreamt of terrors. Launched at GenCon in August 2007, Unhallowed MetropolisTM was written and created by Jason Soles and Nicole Vega. Deeply steeped in Victorian history and science, Unhallowed Metropolis was inspired by the works of Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Nikola Tesla. The game features an incredibly detailed setting, a fast-paced and visceral combat system, an in-depth anatomical study of variety of supernatural horrors, and rules for the creation of alchemical solutions, reanimation of the dead, and the engineering of life itself! Eos Press is a Seattle-based game company founded in 2003 by Hsin Chen and Aron Anderson. In addition to its work on such leading-edge products as Weapons of the Gods, Eos has also partnered with other companies & designers to produce popular games like Creatures and Cultists!, Delta Green, Godlike and Lesser Shades of Evil.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Chris Pramas
You venture into the dark corners of the Empire and deal with the threats that others cannot or will not face. You'll probably die alone in some festering hellhole, but maybe, just maybe, you'll survive foul Mutants, horrible diseases, insidious plots, and sanity-blasting rituals to reap Fate's rewards.Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is a complete game. All you need to play is in this book, some dice, and a group of friends. Inside these covers you'll find: • A quick system for character creation. You can make a character in less than half an hour and jump right into the game. • A simple yet robust set of rules that let you handle everything from social interaction to Chaos mutations.• A unique career-based system of character advancement and over 100 careers - from Assassin and Bone Picker to Troll Slayer and Zealot.• Complete rules for magic, cover both Arcane and Divine Orders and over 175 spells. Power can be had, but beware Tzeentch's Curse!• Details on the Empire and the Old World, from the social order to religion and belief. • A complete introductory adventure, Through the Drakwald. • A new short story by renowned Gaunt's Ghosts author Dan Abnett.
Secrets Of Pact Magic
Dario Nardi
Secrets of Pact Magic is a complete guide for the use of pact magic in your d20 System game, as inspired by medieval Goetian magic. A pact mage summons an ancient spirit to bargain for the brief use of its terrible power. Over one hundred spirits, including elemental and epic spirits, wait to be bound. Each spirit receives a two-page layout with geometric seal, legend, ritual, granted abilities, side-effects, tactical bonuses, and more. A spellcaster can swap spells for a spirit. Included are new races and base classes such as the pact warrior, occult priest, and unbound witch. In addition to feats, spells, prestige classes, creatures, and magic items, thirteen organizations are keyed to constellations of spirits. Game masters can send players to the Apocryphal Desert, the Ravaged Sea, and the Outer Darkness. Includes tools to quickly generate NPCs and design new spirits. Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, v3.5, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Mind's Eye Theatre: Hengeyokai: A Supplement Rulebook For Eastern Shapeshifters
Jackie Cassada
Goblin Quest
Grant HowittKen Hite
Play five goblins each (in sequence, not parallel) and watch them meet hilarious ends while failing to achieve the most basic tasks. Will they survive the dangerous world of the Great Battle Camp and avoid the attentions of brutal orcs, murderous bugbears, mean-spirited hobgoblins and scary wizards? Probably not. But you'll have fun finding out!This Kickstarter edition also contains rules-hacks to let you play the game in different settings, which are:Kobold Quest: Create a machine that will please the Mighty Dragon KingMy Name Is Inigo Montoya Jr: They killed your father - prepare to die!Sean Bean Quest: Play five Sean Beans (in sequence, not in parallel) and attempt to survive all the way to the end of the film.The Cthulhu Files: Go irrevocably insane and then die as you uncover secrets man was not meant to know. You know, for fun.Neither Super, Nor Heroic: Play the caped crusaders that get left out of the comic books.Space Interns: The Explore Corporation wishes you luck on your alien diplomatic mission and reminds you not to damage your red jumpsuit.Regency Ladies, The Roleplaying Game: Fall in love! Made snide remarks at balls! Refuse proposals! Throw your money around!
Lamentations of the Flame Princess Referee Book (Old Grindhouse Edition)
James Edward Raggi IV
Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying Game (3rd Prtg)
Mark Arsenault
now play them! From the pages of the Usagi Yojimbo comic book by Eisner Award-winning artist-creator Stan Sakai, and published by Dark Horse Comics, comes the exciting roleplaying game from Gold Rush Games! Now in it's third printing, with a redesigned back cover! The Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying Game uses the Instant Fuzion game system, a fast and easy rules system, making it an excellent introductory game for new players. Character creation is quick and simple; you'll be playing in minutes! And because the Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying Game is Fuzion-powered, it's compatible with all other Fuzion games, including: Champions: New Milenium, Sengoku, the Bubblegum Crisis RPG, Shards of the Stone: Core, and the Dragonball Z RPG! Also includes conversion notes for the FUDGE RPG! But it's more than just a game. The Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying Game is also a valuable resource for Usagi comic book fans and collectors. It contains: Official Usagi Yojimbo timeline! Character Index! Map of Usagi's Japan! Art and Quotes from Stan Sakai! "Hebi," a limited print short story by Stan Sakai! Original cover art by Stan Sakai and Tom Luth! The Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying Game was nominated for the 1998 Origins Award for Best Rolpaying Game! Usagi Yojimbo is a trademark owned by Usagi Studios and is used under license. Sengoku: Chanbara Roleplaying in Feudal Japan is a trademark owned by Gold Rush Games, a division of Gold Rush Entertainment, Inc. Fuzion is a trademark owned byThe Fuzion Labs Group. Shards of the Stone is a trademark owned by Shards Entertainment/ Champions is a registered trademark owned by Hero Games, Inc. Bubblegum Crisis is a trademark owned by Artmic, Inc. and Youmex, Inc. Dragonball Z is a registered trademark of TOEI Animation CO., Ltd. FUDGE is a trademark owned by Steffan O'Sullivan and is used under license.
Trouble Brewing (Gang Busters Module, Gb1)
Tom Moldvay
TROUBLE BREWING is specially designed for the game judge who needs a background for a GANGBUSTERS campaign. Included here are details for the First Ward of Lakefront City, a series of ready-to-play adventures, over 150 non-player characters, and a special page of full-color car counters to use with the GANGBUSTERS street maps."