Best of
Love Without Conditions
Paul Ferrini - 1993
Rarely has any book conveyed the teachings of the master in such a simple but profound manner. This book will help you to bring your understanding from the head to the heart so that you can model the teachings of love and forgiveness in your daily life.
Tender Warrior: God's Intention for a Man
Stuart K. Weber - 1993
Protector. Friend. Lover. God made you to be each of these…and much more. Stu Weber ’s bestseller, now revised throughout and refreshed with an attractive new look, paints a dramatic and compelling picture of balanced manhood according to God’s vision. Written in a warm, personal style, Weber presents the characteristics of tender warriors—including learning to speak the language of women, watching out for what lies ahead, and keeping commitments—in an upfront, straightforward style that challenges readers to realize God’s plan for men. More than 365,000 copies sold! Some Things Are Worth Fighting For Young men aspire to it. Women admire it. Yet the definition of manhood itself is obscured by a culture in moral free fall. This book cuts through the fog and defines a powerful blueprint for being the man—the Tender Warrior—that God desires for you and your family. You’ll discover that a Tender Warrior: • watches out for what lies ahead—like a wagon train scout; • keeps his commitments, no matter how painful; • has a tender heart beating beneath his armor; • understands his responsibility to his wife, children, and friends; • recognizes that he is “under orders from higher headquarters.” Stu Weber ’s now classic teaching on a man’s vigilance, staying power, and consideration for the women in his life will move you to pursue the man you were created to be. Real Men Are Tender Warriors “I drank Budweiser, smoked Marlboros, and chased women…. Tender Warrior sent me deeper into my heart and soul. When I finished it, I passed it on to a friend, who was supposed to give it back but passed it on to someone else. This book changed his life. It knocked down the walls around his heart. His response: ‘The most important thing that has happened in my life started when you sent me that book.’” —A reader Praise for Tender Warrior“Tender Warrior provides hope for men by challenging their assumptions and shaping their convictions. Read it. Devour it. Then live it. This is the time for real men to emerge.” —Dennis Rainey, executive director, FamilyLife “In a day when our culture is at once confused and concerned over gender identity, men everywhere would to do well to recalibrate their personal compasses by the biblical benchmarks found in Tender Warrior . I highly recommend this book!” —Dr. Bruce Wilkinson , New York Times bestselling author
On Love
Alain de Botton - 1993
The narrator is smitten by Chloe on a Paris-London flight, and by the time they've reached the luggage carousel, he knows he is in love. He loves her chestnut hair and pale nape and watery green eyes, the way she drives a car and eats Chinese food, the gap that makes her teeth Kantian and not Platonic, her views on Heidegger's Being and Time - although he hates her taste in shoes. On Love plots the course of their affair from the initial delirium of infatuation to the depths of suicidal despair, through the (Groucho) "Marxist" stage of coming to terms with being loved by the unattainable beloved, through a fit of anhedonia, defined in medical texts as a disease resulting from the terror brought on by the threat of utter happiness, and finally through the nausea induced and terrorist tactics employed when the beloved begins, inexplicably, to drift away. Alain de Botton is simultaneously hilarious and intellectually astute, shifting with ease among such seminal romantic texts as The Divine Comedy, Madame Bovary, and The Bleeding Heart, a self-help book for those who love too much. He is schematically flawless, funny, funky, and totally engaging. Filled with profound observations and useful diagrams, On Love displays and examines for all of us the pain and exhilaration of love, asking, "Can we not be forgiven if we believe ourselves fated to stumble one day upon the man or woman of our dreams? Can we not be excused a certain superstitious faith in a creature who will prove the solution to our relentless yearnings?"
A Marriage Made in Heaven: Or Too Tired for an Affair
Erma Bombeck - 1993
In this lovingly hilarious look at her 44-years-and-counting marriage to a man she wouldn't trade for anything in the world -- who would finish her sentences? -- Erma Bombeck offers observations as only she can, on:The true test of compatibility: buying a house that "needs work"Surviving parenthood, and the nest that won't stay emptyHow times of struggle are a piece of cake compared to handling successElevating guilt to a sacramentWhat to do with a man who saves instruction manuals; thinks a fishing license makes a great anniversary gift; and, thanks to the remote control, has never seen a television commercialFrazzled mothers wondering who they have to sleep with to get fired from the jobFacing maternity, mortality, and metamorphosis together This entertaining portrait of an American marriage is Erma Bombeck at her most intimate, and her funniest.
Positive Personality Profiles: D-i-S-C-over Personality Insights to Understand Yourself and Others!
Robert A. Rohm - 1993
Robert A. Rohm’s Positive Personality Profiles helps readers understand themselves and others. Dr. Rohm’s new book will clearly describe key differences in basic personality types, give practical insights into how people respond, provide keys for understanding your children, and explain methods for working with others.
Talk Before Sleep
Elizabeth Berg - 1993
"Until that moment, I hadn't realized how much I'd been needing to meet someone I might be able to say everything to."They met at a party. It was hate at first sight. Ruth was far too beautiful, too flamboyant. Not at all Ann's kind of person. Until a chance encounter in the bathroom led to an alliance of souls. Soon they were sharing hankies during the late showing of "Sophie's Choice," wolfing down sundaes sodden with whipped cream, telling truths of marriage, mortality, and love, secure in a kind of intimacy no man could ever know. Only best friends understand devil's food cake for breakfast when nothing else will do. After years of shared secrets, guilty pleasures, family life and divorce, they face a crisis that redefines the meaning of friendship and unconditional love.
How to Love a Woman: On Intimacy and the Erotic Life of Women
Clarissa Pinkola Estés - 1993
Est�s teaches that in love relationships, each partner challenges, nourishes, and transforms the other. To achieve this lifelong love requires an understanding of the mysterious internal cycles that fuel relationships.Through irresistible storytelling, How to Love a Woman shows how every relationship fades and expires, only to be reborn in a fresh and strengthened form.
Hurt People Hurt People
Sandra D. Wilson - 1993
And they do so, the author tells us, because of the seemingly inescapable pain in their own lives.In Hurt People Hurt People, Dr. Sandra Wilson brings her years as a professional counselor to bear on a difficult topic that affects many of us.Let her warmth and insight lead you toward a heart of compassion and a ministry of healing for those who hurt others.
A Celebration Of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy
Douglas E. Rosenau - 1993
A bestselling and definitive guide to marital intimacy for Christian couples, learn how to deepen sexual pleasure and enjoy God’s gift of sexual intimacy with your spouse.It can be difficult to find biblically based sexual advice. A licensed psychologist and family therapist, Dr. Douglas Rosenau answers specific and often unasked questions about sexual topics, presenting married couples with detailed techniques and skills to deepen their sexual pleasure and improve their marriages.In this easy-to-read guide, Dr. Rosenau covers topics including:Building a biblical foundation of knowledge about sexual intimacyEnhancing pleasure and enjoying passionate intimacyOvercoming common hurdlesResolving problems and healing brokennessGrounded in Scripture and written by a pioneer of Christian sex therapy, A Celebration of Sex is comprehensive, direct, and honest, treating sex with the respect it deserves and a Christ-like foundation. An excellent tool for premarital education and counseling, it’s a must-read for Christian spouses.
The Dance of Deception: A Guide to Authenticity and Truth-Telling in Women's Relationships
Harriet Lerner - 1993
"Well, I don't do deception" was a common resonse.We all "do deception", often with the intention to protect ourselves and the relationships we depend on. The Dance of Deceptionunravels the ways (and whys) that women show the false and hide the real -- even to our own selves. We see how relationships are affected by lying and faking, by silence and pretending and by brave -- but misguided -- efforts to tell the truth.Truth-telling is at the heart of what is most central in women's lives. It is at the foundation of authenticity and creativity, intimacy and joy. Yet in the name of "honesty", we can bludgeon each other. We can approach a difficult issue with such a poor sense of timing and tact that we can actually shut down the lines of communication rather than widening the path of truth-telling.Sometimes Lerner's advice takes a surprising turn -- for example, when she asks us to engage in a bold act of pretending in order to discover something "more real"; or when she tells us not to parachute down on our family to bring up a "hot issue" without laying the necessary groundwork first.Whether the subject is affairs, family secrets, sexual faking or the challenge of "being oneself", Lerner helps us to discover, speak and live our own truths.
Miss Tizzy
Libba Moore Gray - 1993
They love her colorful house and her colorful clothes, but most of all they love the special attention she pays to them all. Together, they bake cookies, make pictures full of sunshine and butterflies for folks who have stopped smiling, play dress-up, put on puppet shows and parades, or stretch out on bright quilts in Miss Tizzy's backyard of an evening to sing moon songs.When Miss Tizzy becomes ill and takes to her bed, the children know just what to do to let her know she is missed and loved. Here's a picture book certain to touch the hearts of children of any age.
The Myth of Male Power
Warren Farrell - 1993
This is what bestselling author Warren Farrell discovered when he took a stand against established views of the male role in society, and pursued o course of study to find out who men really are. Here are the eye-opening, heart-rending, and undeniably enlightening results...
Ray Shell - 1993
"A powerhouse".--Maya Angelou.
Getting Love Right: Learning the Choices of Healthy Intimacy
Terence T. Gorski - 1993
No matter what your history, Getting Love Right can explain how to build and maintain healthy intimacy, including: * How to recognize if you are in a compulsive, apathetic, or healthy relationship * How to become a person who is capable of healthy intimacy * How to choose a healthy partner If you are in a relationship or want to be in one, Terence T. Gorski will teach you that love isn't just something that happens -- love is something you can learn.
The Intimacy Struggle: Revised and Expanded for All Adults
Janet Geringer Woititz - 1993
It goes on for all of us as long as we live. To be intimate is to be close, to be vulnerable, qualities that are very different from the survival skills we learned. This book will help clarify the issues for you.You can learn to:Identify family myths to make you wonder whether having a healthy, intimate relationship is possible.Know the questions to ask to find out whether you and your partner have a long-term future together.Be aware of misunderstandings that can sabotage your relationship.Express your feelings and fears so as to avoid misunderstandings.Find our what to do when your relationship is not working.Create good relationships.Acquiring intimacy skills can be difficult, but through understanding and effort, they can be learned. This insightful book is a good place to begin.
He's Scared, She's Scared: Understanding the Hidden Fears That Sabotage Your Relationships
Steven Carter - 1993
Authors Stephen Carter and Julia Sokol explore why modern men and women are torn between the desire for intimacy and the equally intense need for independence. Drawing on numerous interviews and real-life scenarios, and written with humor, insight, and the kind of wisdom gained by personal experience, He's Scared, She's Scared offes guidance for all of us who want genuine, sustained intimacy with our romantic partners.
The Hospitality Commands: Building Loving Christian Community: Building Bridges to Friends and Neighbors
Alexander Strauch - 1993
Showing Christ's love to others in a home environment may be the only means Christians have to reach their neighbors for Christ.Ideal for church leaders, The Hospitality Commands will also make a difference among the members of your congregation. It expounds every Scripture on the subject, explores all the biblical examples, and lists the biblical fruits of Christian hospitality. Also included are study questions and assignments for group discussion, making it an excellent resource for small groups and adult Sunday school classes.
Creating Union: The Essence of Intimate Relationship
Eva Pierrakos - 1993
It provides insights into the deeper meaning of inevitable relationship difficulties. With a wise and gentle voice it will guide you in resolving difficulties while compassionately answering practical questions about sexuality, spirituality, divorce, fear of intimacy, creating mutuality, and how to keep the spark alive in long-term relationships.
Take Me to Paris, Johnny
John Foster - 1993
In this unforgettable memoir, John Foster recounts the life and death of his lover, Juan Cespedes. This unlikely love story takes in much of the twentieth century seen from the angle of the outsider: Juan is the refugee from oppression, the immigrant trying to make it, the early victim of a spreading plague. John is the sophisticate from a first-world culture, who fully embraces his unexpected love. This is the rarest of things--a book full of intelligence and laughter that tells of terrible events with intimacy and grace.
The Key to Self-Liberation
Christiane Beerlandt - 1993
This work shows the psychological-emotional origins and solutions of disease. It thoroughly treats an enormous variety of illnesses a... Full description
Daws: A Man Who Trusted God
Betty Skinner - 1993
This moving historical account, drawn from the memories of those whose lives Dawson touched and from the author’s firsthand knowledge, will both encourage you in your faith and inspire you to action.
When Life Is Changed Forever
Rick Taylor - 1993
Within these helpful pages the author skillfully offers the sure hope that life can be lived fully again…while facing the truth that it can never be the same.Here is an honest journey into the depths of God’s love for all those who have experienced the complicated and often conflicting emotions brought about by the death of someone near.There are no simple platitudes, quick solutions or moralistic exhortations here. Just biblical truth gently taught through authentic life experience that provides the deep hope of a God who is big enough to handle the worst of our pain. —Howard G. Hendricks, Distinguished Professor, Dallas Theological SeminaryDr. Taylor’s reference to “changed forever” describes the heartache of a loss that eventually lessens but never leaves. If you have been touched by the death of someone dear, you’ll find compassion and hope within these pages. You can transcend your personal grief by experiencing God’s purpose and promise for your life. —June Hunt, Hope for the Heart
Everyday Acts and Small Subversions: Women Reinventing Family, Community and Home
Anndee Hochman - 1993
and to understand that when we throw away that rule book we are not alone."--Ms.¶"A wonderful trove of experimentation and possibility."--The Women's Review of Books¶"This book is a homecoming!"--Philadelphia Daily News
Angels Within Us: A Spiritual Guide to the Twenty-Two Angels That Govern Our Everyday Lives
John Randolph Price - 1993
In a step-by-step process that includes meditations, practical exercises, and examples of angelic conversations experienced by the author and others, you will meet the Angel of Unconditional Love and Freedom, catalyst of all angels. You will then learn about the twenty-one other angels whose energies are attuned to such realms as: Illusion and Reality; Creative Wisdom; Abundance; Power and Authority, and more. THE ANGELS WITHIN US guides you to that exalted and natural existence where you can be as cosmically whole, vibrant, strong, and free as you were created to be.
Love's Witness: Five Centuries of Love Poetry by Women
Jill Hollis - 1993
This delightful and highly original collection redresses that imbalance, and shows that on the subject of romantic and sexual love women can be just as eloquent as men -- or moreso. Here, the bitter and the sweet mingle as women from the last five hundred years write about jealousy, fikleness, exhiliaration, the pain of parting, and the transience of love. Included are poems from a huge range of women's love poetry which has remained largely invisible since the fifteenth century, as well as poems by well-known names such as Stevie Smith, Emily Dickenson, Christina Rossetti, Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Edith Wharton, Katherine Mansfield Amy Lowell, George Eliot and even Queen Elizabeth I.
Impossible Love, Or, Why the Heart Must Go Wrong
Jan Bauer - 1993
Jan Bauer examines the erotic structures of irresistible attraction with love stories of the classic past and the lives of people today.
Real Parents, Real Children: Parenting the Adopted Child
Holly Van Gulden - 1993
This practical, informative book covers topics of vital importance to adoptive parents with sensitivity and insight. The authors bring years of experience to the complex emotional issues that parents will negotiate, and expert advice on establishing a healthy, loving parent-child relationship.
Marianne Williamson on Intimacy
Marianne Williamson - 1993
In her lectures Intimacy and Control,and Real Intimacy, Marianne challenges us to focus not on 'getting' th eperfect partner.Marianne tackles modern romantic ideals when she tells us that a relationship with one person cannot fullfill all needs. Drawing from A COURCE IN MIRACLES,Marianne illustrates how "our primary relationship is with the universe." By removing the barriers to intimacy with all people-- in love, at work and with friends. If we show up fully for our own lives, Marianne assures us, others will show up for us too.Marianne Williamson continues to expand the growing international audience for her profound yet down-to-earth interpretations of A COURCE IN MIRACLES,the revolutionary self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy.
Interpersonal Diagnosis and Treatment of Personality Disorders
Lorna Smith Benjamin - 1993
This influential work helps clinicians resolve questions of overlap among diagnostic categories, offers specific and sensible suggestions for treatment interventions, and describes common transference problems in therapy.
Families at the Crossroads: Beyond Tradition & Modern Options
Rodney Clapp - 1993
. . Lifelong monogamy was ideal . . . Mothers should stay home with children . . . premarital sex was to be discouraged . . . Heterosexuality was the unquestioned norm . . . popular culture should not corrupt children. Today not a single one of these expectations is uncontroversial" writes author Rodney Clapp. In response many evangelicals have been quick to defend the so-called traditional family, assuming that it exemplifies the biblical model. Clapp challenges that assumption, arguing that the "traditional" family is a reflection more of the nineteenth-century middle-class family than of any family one can find in Scripture. At the same time, he recognizes that many modern and postmodern options are not acceptable to Christians. Returning to the biblical story afresh to see what it might say to us in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Clapp articulates a challenge to both sides of a critical debate. Named one of the Best Books of 1995 by the London Bible College Bookshop.
PowerTalk!: Where Love Begins (Powertalk!)
Leo F. Buscaglia - 1993
He helps us see love as a conscious decision, and describes how it can be developed through practice. Tape # 2: An interview with Dr. Leo BuscagliaAnthony Robbins is joined by the famous UCLA teacher whose course, Love 1-A, taught his students that love is a learned emotion. Dr. Buscaglia demonstrates why he is such a beloved speaker and renowned author on the subject of love.Special BonusA booklet summary of highlights from How to Make Love All the Time - Dr. Barbara De Angelis' bestseller that has taught millions how to keep the magic of love alive, and master that quality that turns sex into making love, pleasure into ecstasy, and partnership into union.
She Taught Me to Eat Artichokes: The Discovery of the Heart of Friendship
Mary Kay Shanley - 1993
It is a story that shows us how love, revealed one precious petal at a time, will finally uncover the rare and tender richness of the heart.
Twin Souls: Finding Your True Spiritual Partner
Patricia Joudry - 1993
The authors, who have researched the subject of twin souls for over 30 years, explain how to find your true partner, how to recognize that partner, and what to do when you succeed.
Boundaries and Relationships: Knowing, Protecting and Enjoying the Self
Charles L. Whitfield - 1993
Here bestselling author and psychotherapist Charles Whitfield blends theories and dynamics from several disciplines into practical knowledge and actions that your can use in your relationships right now.This comprehensive book opens with clear definitions and descriptions of boundaries, a self-assessment survey and a history of our accumulated knowledge. Going deeper, it describes the 10 essential areas of human interaction wherein you can improve your relationships. These include age regression, giving and receiving (projection and projective identification), triangles, core recovery issues, basic dynamics, unfinished business and spirituality. It shows in countless practical ways how knowledge of each of these is most useful in your recovery and everyday life.
Don't Let Jerks Get the Best of You: Advice for Dealing with Difficult People
Paul D. Meier - 1993
Paul Meier takes a look at how selfish humans are. Through light hearted episodes, Dr. Meier sheds light on how individuals act as jerks, how to become aware of manipulation, and identifying our own "jerk" tendencies. Don't Let Jerks Get the Best of You! provides laughs while at the same time showing ways to take control of our lives and build relationships with confidence, trust, and joy.
60 Things God Said About Sex
Lester Sumrall - 1993
Lester Sumrall shows you that the best way to have sex is God's way.
Hidden Keys of a Loving, Lasting Marriage
Gary Smalley - 1993
Truly joyful marriages are a lot of work!In Hidden Keys of a Loving, Lasting Marriage, bestselling author Gary Smalley shares the principles of strong marriages. He points out the common problems between husbands and wives. And he shows how to turn those troubles into teamwork.Hidden Keys of a Loving, Lasting Marriage explores:Two reasons why marriages failHow to meet the needs of your spouseHow a husband's lack of affection weakens a marriageCrucial differences between men and womenHow to motivate your spouse to listen to youThis book is a combination of Smalley's earlier published works, If Only He Knew and For Better or for Best. The first half of the book discusses the husband's part in building a successful relationship. The second half of the book shows how wives can nurture their marriages. Good marriages require both husband and wife working together to understand, appreciate, and honor one another. This book shows you how to do just that.
When the Vow Breaks: A Survival and Recovery Guide for Christians Facing Divorce
Joseph Warren Kniskern - 1993
More important, he shows how God continues to work in people’s lives to provide hope and encouragement in the aftermath of divorce. Kniskern also provides important insights about how to seek reconciliation, secure proper marriage counseling, find a good attorney, and negotiate settlements and custody issues.
Addictive Relationships: Why Love Goes Wrong in Recovery
Terrence T. Gorski - 1993
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