Best of
Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small
Ted Andrews - 1996
Meet and work with animals as totems and spirit guides by learning the language of their behaviors within the physical world.Animal Speak shows you how to:Identify, meet, and attune to your spirit animalsDiscover the power and spiritual significance of more than 100 different animals, birds, insects, and reptilesCall upon the protective powers of your animal totemCreate and use five magical animal rites, including shapeshifting and sacred danceThis beloved, bestselling guide has become a classic reference for anyone wishing to forge a spiritual connection with the majesty and mystery of the animal world.
Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel
William Buhlman - 1996
. .If you ever wondered what might lie beyond the reality we experience every day, if you've ever thrilled to accounts of out-of-body travel and longer to go alone for the ride, this fascinating, practical guide is for you. America's leading expert on out-of-body travel tells the riveting story of his travels to other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques to guide you on your journey of a lifetime'and beyond.Travel into parallel realities . . .William Buhlman has trained out-of-body travelers in his workshop for more than a decade, teaching people how to project their consciousness outside the limits of their physical bodies and to explore dimensions and worlds beyond everyday life. Now he vividly recounts how own adventures in the parallel universe described in the new-physics theories of Stephen Hawkins, Paul Davies, and Fred Alan Wolf and presents his step-by-step guide to astral travel'including exercises, tips, techniques, and answers to your every question about out-of-body experiences.And discover surprising truths about reality, past lives, the soul, and life after death.Astral travel, Buhlman reveals, not only can expand your conscious'it can help verify the existence of the soul, teach you about past lives, and enhance your daily life. Find out in this compelling handbook for everyone who wants to venture beyond the body and take the ultimate trip.
Legacy from the Stars
Dolores Cannon - 1996
This is our legacy and our heritage. In the history of the cosmos Earth is a young planet. Our souls on the other hand have been around forever and will continue to be around forever. Thus Earth is not our only home. We have lived many lives in unusual environments before deciding to journey here and learn the lessons of Earth. After our schooling is completed on this planet we will journey onward to discover new worlds to explore. The memories of these soul journeys are recorded in our subconscious and in hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon shows that they can be retrieved through regressive hypnosis. She reports dramatic cases where the subjects relived other lifetimes in strange environments-inhabitants of other planets.
The Light Shall Set You Free
Norma J. Milanovich - 1996
Contained within these pages are some of the greatest spiritual teachings from the ancient mystery schools, plus instruction on how to apply these teachings to our everyday lives. Some of the information revealed here has not been made available before now. All of the information, if applied to our everyday lives, has the power to revolutionize the world.In the past, only adept, saints, apostles, mystics, and high priests and priestesses were allowed access to this instruction. With this knowledge, these individuals ruled and empowered themselves and civilizations, using the power that came with this knowledge to create and heal. Common folk leaned heavily on these spiritual elite for solutions to their problems, for the masses had acquired neither the discipline nor the strength of will it took to master the teachings on their own. Learning and applying these truths require lifetimes of discipline and dedication. More importantly, mastering the knowledge demanded that one be accountable for his or her own actions – a responsibility the masses were not ready to accept.The Ascended masters, however, decree that the time has come for everyone to learn these teachings and share in the responsibility for transforming life and the world. Admittance into the Fifth Dimension demands this of all. Therefore, all who read this book must be forewarned that access to this knowledge automatically holds the soul accountable for its part of creation and each will be judged accordingly! The portal now stands open for all to pass through to collectively build the Seventh Golden Age on Earth.
When, Why ...If: An Ethics Workbook
Robin Wood - 1996
A workbook to help you design your own system of ethics, written from a Wiccan perspective.
Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited
Brian L. Weiss - 1996
In a hypnotic trance, Dr. Weiss's young patient summoned memories of many past lifetimes, demonstrated an astonishing ability to transmit transcendental messages, and turned the life of a respectable psychiatrist upside down.CAN YOU FIND YOUR SOULMATE AGAIN?Now Dr. Weiss takes his research one breathtaking step further. He portrays two strangers, Elizabeth and Pedro, who are unaware that they have been lovers throughout the long centuries -- until fate brings them together again. He shows how each and every one of us has a soulmate whom we have loved in past incarnations and who waits to reunite with us now. And he opens up entirely new worlds for all of us everywhere, based on a single, powerful truth...
Into a Timeless Realm: A Metaphysical Adventure
Michael J. Roads - 1996
From naturalist Michael Roads comes a provocative adventure through time and consciousness that completes the acclaimed Nature Wisdom Quartet--Talking with Nature, Journey into Nature, and Journey into Oneness--the intriguing prequel to Roads' true experiences in a world beyond all known reality.
Creative Visualization Meditations
Shakti Gawain - 1996
In each meditation, the author describes specific images and directs the listener through the meditation process.
New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought
Wouter J. Hanegraaff - 1996
This fascinating work presents the first comprehensive analysis of New Age Religion and its historical backgrounds, thus providing a means of orientation in the bewildering variety of the movement. Making extensive use of primary sources, the author thematically analyses New Age beliefs from the perspective of the study of religions. While looking at the historical backgrounds of the movement, he convincingly argues that its foundations were laid by so-called western esoteric traditions during the Renaissance. Hanegraaff finally shows how the modern New Age movement emerged from the increasing secularization of those esoteric traditions during the nineteenth century.
Who Are You?: The Path of Self-Inquiry
Gangaji - 1996
Investigate the Infinite beyond DeathIn the search for truth, there is only one question that needs to be answered: Who am I? This inquiry into the self is the core of advaita vedanta (radical nondualism) a timeless teaching for breaking free of mental bonds and reclaiming your true identity: the Infinite that is beyond death.On Who Are You? American-born spiritual teacher Gangaji spells out the bedrock principles of self-inquiry a cluster of no-nonsense concepts that reveal how to effortlessly step outside limited psychological conditioning and mental constructs into the freedom, expansiveness, and peace of your own true nature.
The Crystal Stair: Channeled Messages from Sananda (Jesus), Ashtar, Archangel Michael and St.Germain: Guide to the Ascension
Eric Klein - 1996
This new, updated edition further supports those who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the spiritual path during these times of massive planetary change. A timeless work, The Crystal Stair glows with love, truth, hope and inspiration, serving as a remarkable key to unlocking the mystery of the transformation called ascension.
The Waking Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of Our Lives
Ray Grasse - 1996
It is a grammar school friend you have not heard from in 30 years, but just now, while going through a box of old photographs, you came across his picture. Is this coincidence, or do such events have deeper significance? This engaging and penetrating book opens readers to the world of meaningful coincidences. Weaving ancient insights with contemporary teachings on sacred psychology, astrology, and subtle energy. Grasse shows readers how to understand the deeper meaning of the symbols and synchronicities of their everyday lives.
Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics
Jonathan Goldman - 1996
• Includes practical exercises demonstrating how to use sound in healing and meditation, including "Vowels as Mantras" and "Overtoning". • Describes how harmonics can be used as "sonic yoga" for meditation and deep relaxation to enhance energy. • Author won 1999 Visionary Awards for Best Healing-Meditation Album. The Mystery Schools of Egypt, Greece, and Rome understood that vibration is the fundamental active force in the universe and developed specific chants and tones for healing the mind, body, and spirit and achieving altered states of consciousness. Overtone chanting--also called vocal harmonics--is the ability of the human voice to create two or more notes at the same time. Healing Sounds explains how to perform vocal harmonics and experience their transformative and curative powers. An internationally recognized master teacher, the author provides diverse examples of sound healing systems incorporating both mystical and medical traditions--from Tibetan monks' use of tantric harmonics to Dr. Alfred Tomatis' use of Gregorian chanting--and their capacity to affect us on all levels. With many easy-to-follow exercises, Healing Sounds is the first book to show from both the scientific and spiritual viewpoints how to use the transformative power of sound for healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
Living Your Colors: Practical Wisdom for Life, Love, Work, and Play
Tom Maddron - 1996
But what's your colour? Tom Maddron has put together a quick and easy guide that will tell you what your colour says about you and your relationships.
Tarot for Cats: Unlock the Mysteries of Your Nine Lives!
Regen Dennis - 1996
Anyone who has observed a cat being spooked by a crumpled piece of paper or going through an elaborate grooming process knows that cats are beings of superstition and ritual. And now, for the first time, cats have a new guidebook to that most telling aid to prophecy: the Tarot deck. Tarot for Cats instructs all cats -- from the pampered Persian to the scrappy alley cat -- how to read and learn from the Tarot deck (with only minimal help from human companions).Included in this delightful package are an actual 22-card deck and a full-color 64-page book, containing detailed explanations of each card's symbolism and psychic implications, the history of the feline Tarot, and sample card readings. This is the perfect gift for the cat who is wondering whether the future holds a trip to the vet or a long, leisurely nap
Defending sacred ground
Alex Collier - 1996
In the last 31 years, I have been given so much information, that I would askyou to write down your questions, otherwise, it may not be brought up. There are some positive aspectsto the information, and there is some information that is not very positive. There is absolutely nothing wecannot resolve if we stick together.What I mean by that is that we don't turn on each other. To have us turn on each other is definitelysomething that they are trying to get us to do - to divide us.The problems in the world that we have on the government level are just a symptom of a much biggerproblem. I believe it was Bill Cooper, much to his credit, who said several years ago - when you put theET's in the middle of this thing, it absolutely makes sense. He's absolutely right. I am going to be presenting the Andromedan perspective as to what is going on, who we are, and some material aboutour past history They have comments about all of our history.
The Art of Psychic Protection
Judy Hall - 1996
The simple and effective psychic protection tools explained in this book include visualizations, flower remedies, gems and talismans, as well as practical advice for avoiding psychic compromises.
Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution
Amorah Quan Yin - 1996
This wider history of our solar system restores the long-forgotten connection of humankind with Venus, Mars, Maldek, and Earth. The truth about our ancient past is uncovered, helping us to remember the experiences that have caused us to function dualistically, and guiding us toward karmic wholeness as unified and divine beings.