Best of
The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set
Donald Ervin Knuth - 1998
For the first time, these books are available as a boxed, three-volume set. The handsome slipcase makes this set an ideal gift for the recent computer science graduate or professional programmer. Offering a description of classical computer science, this multi-volume work is a useful resource in programming theory and practice for students, researchers, and practitioners alike. For programmers, it offers cookbook solutions to their day-to-day problems.
Thinking in Java
Bruce Eckel - 1998
The author's take on the essence of Java as a new programming language and the thorough introduction to Java's features make this a worthwhile tutorial. Thinking in Java begins a little esoterically, with the author's reflections on why Java is new and better. (This book's choice of font for chapter headings is remarkably hard on the eyes.) The author outlines his thoughts on why Java will make you a better programmer, without all the complexity. The book is better when he presents actual language features. There's a tutorial to basic Java types, keywords, and operators. The guide includes extensive source code that is sometimes daunting (as with the author's sample code for all the Java operators in one listing.) As such, this text will be most useful for the experienced developer. The text then moves on to class design issues, when to use inheritance and composition, and related topics of information hiding and polymorphism. (The treatment of inner classes and scoping will likely seem a bit overdone for most readers.) The chapter on Java collection classes for both Java Developer's Kit (JDK) 1.1 and the new classes, such as sets, lists, and maps, are much better. There's material in this chapter that you are unlikely to find anywhere else. Chapters on exception handling and programming with type information are also worthwhile, as are the chapters on the new Swing interface classes and network programming. Although it adopts somewhat of a mixed-bag approach, Thinking in Java contains some excellent material for the object-oriented developer who wants to see what all the fuss is about with Java.
UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2: Interprocess Communications
W. Richard Stevens - 1998
This book provides coverage of various forms of IPC, including message passing, synchronization, shared memory, and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). It offers a basic introduction to IPC and the problems it is intended to solve.
Programming Windows
Charles Petzold - 1998
And in PROGRAMMING WINDOWS, FIFTH EDITION, the esteemed Windows Pioneer Award winner revises his classic text with authoritative coverage of the latest versions of the Windows operating system—once again drilling down to the essential API heart of Win32 programming. Topics include: The basics—input, output, dialog boxes An introduction to Unicode Graphics—drawing, text and fonts, bitmaps and metafiles The kernel and the printer Sound and music Dynamic-link libraries Multitasking and multithreading The Multiple-Document Interface Programming for the Internet and intranets Packed as always with definitive examples, this newest Petzold delivers the ultimate sourcebook and tutorial for Windows programmers at all levels working with Microsoft® Windows 95, Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows NT®. No aspiring or experienced developer can afford to be without it.An electronic version of this book is available on the companion CD.A Note Regarding the CD or DVDThe print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to
The Pattern on the Stone: The Simple Ideas that Make Computers Work
William Daniel Hillis - 1998
What they don't realize—and what Daniel Hillis's short book brilliantly demonstrates—is that computers' seemingly complex operations can be broken down into a few simple parts that perform the same simple procedures over and over again.Computer wizard Hillis offers an easy-to-follow explanation of how data is processed that makes the operations of a computer seem as straightforward as those of a bicycle. Avoiding technobabble or discussions of advanced hardware, the lucid explanations and colorful anecdotes in The Pattern on the Stone go straight to the heart of what computers really do.Hillis proceeds from an outline of basic logic to clear descriptions of programming languages, algorithms, and memory. He then takes readers in simple steps up to the most exciting developments in computing today—quantum computing, parallel computing, neural networks, and self-organizing systems.Written clearly and succinctly by one of the world's leading computer scientists, The Pattern on the Stone is an indispensable guide to understanding the workings of that most ubiquitous and important of machines: the computer.
OSPF: Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol
John T. Moy - 1998
Part I of this book defines Internet routing in general, and discusses a variety of protocols in addition to OSPF. As an introduction to Internet routing, Moy describes both unicast and multicast routing protocols, along with the techniques to monitor and debug routing in a TCP/IP network. This will be very valuable to a large audience.Part II then delves into the details of one particular routing protocol -- the OSPF protocol. This book provides a detailed description of OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), which was developed by the author. The book explains why OSPF was developed and how it greatly improves network efficiency. It will help engineers to be able to get a better understanding of how to efficiently implement algorithms used in OSPF. It provides a good understanding of how the protocol operates. Each chapter contains exercises to help readers with the subject. This book is unique as it is an up-to-date look at the important topic of routing -- plus it provides the most detail on OSPF available. OSPF is very widely deployed in the Internet, with OSPF implementations offered by virtually all router vendors.
Digital Typography
Donald Ervin Knuth - 1998
The present volume, in the words of the author, is a legacy to all the work he has done on typography. When he thought he would take a few years' leave from his main work on the art of computer programming, as is well known, the short typographic detour lasted more than a decade. When type designers, punch cutters, typographers, book historians, and scholars visited the University during this period, it gave to Stanford what some consider to be its golden age of digital typography. By the author's own admission, the present work is one of the most difficult books that he has prepared. This is truly a work that only Knuth himself could have produced.
Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4: Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching
Robert Sedgewick - 1998
Christopher Van Wyk and Sedgewick have developed new C++ implementations that both express the methods in a concise and direct manner, and also provide programmers with the practical means to test them on real applications. Many new algorithms are presented, and the explanations of each algorithm are much more detailed than in previous editions. A new text design and detailed, innovative figures, with accompanying commentary, greatly enhance the presentation. The third edition retains the successful blend of theory and practice that has made Sedgewick's work an invaluable resource for more than 250,000 programmers! This particular book, Parts 1n4, represents the essential first half of Sedgewick's complete work. It provides extensive coverage of fundamental data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, and related applications. Although the substance of the book applies to programming in any language, the implementations by Van Wyk and Sedgewick also exploit the natural match between C++ classes and ADT implementations. Highlights Expanded coverage of arrays, linked lists, strings, trees, and other basic data structures Greater emphasis on abstract data types (ADTs), modular programming, object-oriented programming, and C++ classes than in previous editions Over 100 algorithms for sorting, selection, priority queue ADT implementations, and symbol table ADT (searching) implementations New implementations of binomial queues, multiway radix sorting, randomized BSTs, splay trees, skip lists, multiway tries, B trees, extendible hashing, and much more Increased quantitative information about the algorithms, giving you a basis for comparing them Over 1000 new exercises to help you learn the properties of algorithms Whether you are learning the algorithms for the first time or wish to have up-to-date reference material that incorporates new programming styles with classic and new algorithms, you will find a wealth of useful information in this book.
Perl Cookbook
Tom Christiansen - 1998
Perl Cookbook is a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for anyone programming in Perl. The book contains hundreds of rigorously reviewed Perl "recipes" and thousands of examples ranging from brief one-liners to complete applications.The second edition of Perl Cookbook has been fully updated for Perl 5.8, with extensive changes for Unicode support, I/O layers, mod_perl, and new technologies that have emerged since the previous edition of the book. Recipes have been updated to include the latest modules. New recipes have been added to every chapter of the book, and some chapters have almost doubled in size.Covered topic areas include: • Manipulating strings, numbers, dates, arrays, and hashes • Pattern matching and text substitutions • References, data structures, objects, and classes • Signals and exceptions • Screen addressing, menus, and graphical applications • Managing other processes • Writing secure scripts • Client-server programming • Internet applications programming with mail, news, ftp, and telnet • CGI and mod_perl programming • Web programmingSince its first release in 1998, Perl Cookbook has earned its place in the libraries of serious Perl users of all levels of expertise by providing practical answers, code examples, and mini-tutorials addressing the challenges that programmers face. Now the second edition of this bestselling book is ready to earn its place among the ranks of favorite Perl books as well.Whether you're a novice or veteran Perl programmer, you'll find Perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition to be one of the most useful books on Perl available. Its comfortable discussion style and accurate attention to detail cover just about any topic you'd want to know about. You can get by without having this book in your library, but once you've tried a few of the recipes, you won't want to.
Instructor's Manual to Accompany Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Julie Sussman - 1998
It contains discussions of exercises and other material in the text as well as supplementary material, additional examples and exercises, and teaching suggestions. An appendix summarizes the Scheme programming language as used in the text, showing at what point in the text each element of Scheme is introduced.
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming
Joseph C. Giarratano - 1998
The first half of the book concentrates on the theoretical base of expert systems, and offers a broad overview of Artificial Intelligence and its relation to expert systems. The second half of the text focuses on application, with the introduction of the CLIPS expert systems tool, and its new object-oriented language, COOL. All chapters end with an extensive problem set designed to reinforce knowledge.
VI Editor Pocket Reference (Pocket Reference
Arnold Robbins - 1998
Even those who know vi often make use of only a small number of its features.The vi Editor Pocket Reference is a companion volume to O'Reilly's updated sixth edition of Learning the vi Editor, a complete guide to text editing with vi. New topics in Learning the vi Editor include multi-screen editing and coverage of four vi clones: vim, elvis, nvi, and vile.This small book is a handy reference guide to the information in the larger volume, presenting movement and editing commands, the command-line options, and other elements of the vi editor in an easy-to-use tabular format.
Feynman And Computation
Anthony J.G. Hey - 1998
Feynman made profoundly important and prescient contributions to the physics of computing, notably with his seminal articles “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” and “Simulating Physics with Computers.” These two provocative papers (both reprinted in this volume) anticipated, decades before their time, several breakthroughs that have since become fields of science in their own right, such as nanotechnology and the newest, perhaps most exciting area of physics and computer science, quantum computing.The contributors to this book are all distinguished physicists and computer scientists, and many of them were guest lecturers in Feynman’s famous CalTech course on the limits of computers. they include Charles Bennett on Quantum Information Theory, Geoffrey Fox on Internetics, Norman Margolus on Crystalline Computation, and Tommaso Toffoli on the Fungibility of Computation.Both a tribute to Feynman and a new exploration of the limits of computers by some of today’s most influential scientists, Feynman and Computation continues the pioneering work started by Feynman and published by him in his own Lectures on Computation. This new computation volume consists of both original chapters and reprints of classic papers by leaders in the field. Feynman and Computation will generate great interest from the scientific community and provide essential background for further work in this field.
C++ FAQs
Marshall P. Cline - 1998
In this book, the authors concentrate on those issues most critical to the professional programmer's work, and they present more explanatory material and examples than is possible on-line. This book focuses on the effective use of C++, helping programmers avoid combining seemingly legal C++ constructs in incompatible ways. Each question-and-answer section contains an overview of the problem and solution, fuller explanations of concepts, directions for proper use of language features, guidelines for best practices and practices to avoid, and plenty of working, stand-alone examples. This edition is thoroughly cross-referenced and indexed for quick access.
Forbes Greatest Technology Stories: Inspiring Tales of the Entrepreneurs and Inventors Who Revolutionized Modern Business
Jeffrey S. Young - 1998
The sheer power and mobility that technology has made available to millions of people around the world surpasses anything we could have dreamed of 50 years ago. Most historians of the high-tech revolution tend to focus on the exploits of men and women of scientific genius, invoking names such as Babbage, von Neuman, and Turing. But as this account shows, while science may have provided the fuel, business was the engine that drove the epic shift from the Machine Age to the Digital Age.
Windows NT Device Driver Development
Peter Viscarole - 1998
You will learn: vital information about the internal design and architecture of the Windows NT operating system; Critical information on the implementation of standard Windwows NT kernel mode drivers; Key information on the workings of Windows NT I/O Manager, including how I/O requests are described and passed among drivers; and detailed technical information on interrupt management and synchronization issues.
Software Engineering Classics: Software Project Survival Guide/ Debugging the Development Process/ Dynamics of Software Development
Steve Maguire - 1998
The trio are from the Best Practices series, emphasizing practical, process-oriented techniques and timeless tips.
Schaum's Outline of Fundamentals of Computing with C++
John R. Hubbard - 1998
This student-friendly study guide leads you step-by-step through the entire computer science course, giving you 420 problems with fully worked solutions and easy-to-follow examples for every new topic. You get complete explanations of data abstraction, recursion, Standard C++ container classes, searching, sorting algorithms, and other complex concepts, simplified and illustrated so they're easy to grasp. You also get additional practice problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. This superb study guide covers the entire course, from logic to libraries. If you're taking introduction to computer science, this book will be your best friend. It's perfect for independent study, too!
Windows NT Shell Scripting
Tim Hill - 1998
Divided into three parts, this authoritative guide covers the native Windows NT scripting language, including shell command syntax; proven, ready-to-use scripts for solving common problems and accomplishing specific tasks; a wealth of otherwise undocumented commands; all Windows NT scripting commands, comprehensively referenced and organized by functional group for ease of use; and case studies that demonstrate how these techniques are currently being used to solve real problems.
Python Pocket Reference
Mark Lutz - 1998
Hundreds of thousands of Python developers around the world rely on Python for general-purpose tasks, Internet scripting, systems programming, user interfaces, and product customization. Available on all major computing platforms, including commercial versions of Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, Python is portable, powerful and remarkable easy to use.With its convenient, quick-reference format, "Python Pocket Reference," 3rd Edition is the perfect on-the-job reference. More importantly, it's now been refreshed to cover the language's latest release, Python 2.4. For experienced Python developers, this book is a compact toolbox that delivers need-to-know information at the flip of a page. This third edition also includes an easy-lookup index to help developers find answers fast!Python 2.4 is more than just optimization and library enhancements; it's also chock full of bug fixes and upgrades. And these changes are addressed in the "Python Pocket Reference," 3rd Edition. New language features, new and upgraded built-ins, and new and upgraded modules and packages--they're all clarified in detail.The "Python Pocket Reference," 3rd Edition serves as the perfect companion to "Learning Python" and "Programming Python."
The UNIX CD Bookshelf
O'Reilly Media Inc. - 1998
Now O'Reilly's CD Bookshelf gives you convenient online access to your favorite books on your CD-ROM drive.The UNIX CD Bookshelf contains a powerhouse of UNIX Animal books from O'Reilly plus the complete text and software from UNIX Power Tools -- all readable with your Web browser on a convenient CD-ROM. A bonus hard-copy book, UNIX in a Nutshell, System V Edition, is also included.In addition to UNIX Power Tools, you'll find the complete text of the following books: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4th Edition; Learning the vi Editor, 5th Edition; sed & awk, 2nd Edition; Learning the Korn Shell; and UNIX in a Nutshell, System V Edition.Never has it been easier to learn, or look up, what you need to know online. Formatted in HTML, The UNIX CD Bookshelf can be read by any Web browser. The books are fully searchable and cross-referenced. In addition to individual indexes for each book, a master index for the entire library is provided.
UNIX Unleashed [With Contains a Variety of Programs & Utilities]
Robin Burk - 1998
This book will help the reader understand the nuances of the major Unix variants including SVR4, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, BSD, IRIX, SunOS, and Linux.It will help the reader decide which Unix shell works best for their particular situation. Other topics such as Kernel Configuration, Networking, User Administration, and File Management are covered extensively for the administrator who wants a variety of options to choose from for best performance.The book also provides in-depth coverage of configuring and optimizing mail, DNS, HTTP and other services many companies deploy across their intranet and on the Internet.
Effective Com: 50 Ways to Improve Your Com and MTS-Based Applications
Don Box - 1998
With COM fully established as Microsoft's key middle-tier technology for object-oriented, distributed applications development, the lessons learned from numerous successful deployments have yielded important techniques and best practices for COM's most effective use.
Ones and Zeros: Understanding Boolean Algebra, Digital Circuits, and the Logic of Sets
John R. Gregg - 1998
Ones and Zeros follows the development of this logic system from its origins in Victorian England to its rediscovery in this century as the foundation of all modern computing machinery. Readers will learn about the interesting history of the development of symbolic logic in particular, and the often misunderstood process of mathematical invention and scientific discovery, in general. Ones and Zeros also features practical exercises with answers, real-world examples of digital circuit design, and a reading list. Ones and Zeros will be of particular interest to software engineers who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of computer hardware. Outstanding features include: a history of mathematical logic, an explanation of the logic of digital circuits, and hands-on exercises and examples.
Programming Microsoft Visual C++
David J. Kruglinski - 1998
And "Programming Visual C++, Fifth Edition", is the newest edition of the book that's become the industry-standard text. Newly expanded and updated, it offers the same detailed, comprehensive coverage that's consistently made this title the best overall explanation of the capabilities of this powerful, complex development tool. "Programming Visual C++, Fifth Edition", delivers authoritative guidance on: Fundamentals GDI, event handling, dialog boxes, memory management, SDI and MDI, printing, and help.Advanced topics: multithreading, DIBs, ODBC, and DLLs COM creating document objects, ActiveX Controls, and components; automation; and using wizards and compiler extensions that support COM C++ programming for the Internet Windows Sockets, MFC WinInet, and ISAPI extension programs for Microsoft Internet Information Server. An enclosed CD-ROM contains valuable sample source code and sample applications developed for the book-all of which makes this volume an indispensable tool that every professional will keep close at hand.Building on the solid achievements of its predecessors, the latest edition provides important new coverage, including:An overview of control development with ATLA full discussion of the latest database programming enhancementsA valuable explanation of recent COM improvementsA comprehensive examination of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 controls.
Philosophy of Technology
Don Ihde - 1998
Philosophy of Technology is a clear introduction to one of philosophy's newest issues. Don Ihde critically examines the impact of technological developments on various cultures throughout history-from the earliest feats of engineering and architecture to the cutting-edge developments in artificial intelligence- with an aim to understanding the human implications within a world technological culture.Using a wide variety of concrete examples and illustrations, including artificial intelligence, robotics, and nuclear energy, the author looks at both the current situation and future directions. In a final chapter, he takes the position that the foundational concern for the twenty-first century is the global environment, followed closely by multiculturality and its effect on technoculture, the future of warfare, and the distribution of wealth in a world economy.Special FeaturesProvides an introduction to the best and most recent literature on the subject Places the philosophy of technology within the overall project of philosophy Provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the main issue in the field Promotes understanding of the special role of philosophical criticism Contains a wealth of often humorous and highly imaginative examples that have become the hallmark of this author
The Artist's Guide to GIMP: Creative Techniques for Photographers, Artists, and Designers (Covers GIMP 2.8)
Michael J. Hammel - 1998
The latest version of GIMP (2.8) brings long-awaited improvements and powerful new tools to make graphic design and photo manipulation even easier—but it's still a notoriously challenging program to use.The Artist's Guide to GIMP teaches you how to use GIMP without a tedious list of menu paths and options. Instead, as you follow along with Michael J. Hammel's step-by-step instructions, you'll learn to produce professional-looking advertisements, apply impressive photographic effects, and design cool logos and text effects. These extensively illustrated tutorials are perfect for hands-on learning or as templates for your own artistic experiments.After a crash course in GIMP's core tools like brushes, patterns, selections, layers, modes, and masks, you'll learn:Photographic techniques to clean up blemishes and dust, create sepia-toned antique images, swap colors, produce motion blurs, alter depth of field, simulate a tilt-shift, and fix rips in an old photoWeb design techniques to create navigation tabs, icons, fancy buttons, backgrounds, and bordersType effects to create depth, perspective shadows, metallic and distressed text, and neon and graffiti letteringAdvertising effects to produce movie posters and package designs; simulate clouds, cracks, cloth, and underwater effects; and create specialized lighting Whether you're new to GIMP or you've been playing with this powerful software for years, you'll be inspired by the original art, creative photo manipulations, and numerous tips for designers.Covers GIMP 2.8
Nerds 2.0.1
Stephen Segaller - 1998
By building a network of computers, he believed the government could avoid buying so many new ones for academic research. From these modest Cold War beginnings a global networking industry has flourished, creating virtual communities, online shopping, the ubiquitous e-mail, and immense fortunes. Stephen Segaller's timely book draws on interviews with more than seventy of the pioneers who have used their technological genius and business skills to make incompatible systems work together, to make networking user-friendly, and to create a new global communications medium that rivals the telephone system or television in its scope and reach.Nerds 2.0.1 tells the dramatic, often comical story of how the world's computers have come to be wired together over the last thirty years. This paperback reprint contains new material to update the picture of this still-evolving saga.
Rendering With Radiance: The Art And Science Of Lighting Visualization (Morgan Kaufmann Series In Computer Graphics And Geometric Modeling)
Greg Ward Larson - 1998
This text is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing the complete source code and documentation for the Radiance UNIX suite. In addition to teaching how to use the software, it includes five application chapters and extensive coverage of the underlying calculation methods.
Computing Calamities: Lessons Learned from Products, Projects, & Companies That Failed
Robert L. Glass - 1998
This book is organized into six short sections, each featuring a collection of articles relating to a particular type of computer-industry disaster.
Descriptive Complexity
Neil Immerman - 1998
This book is a relatively self-contained introduction to the subject, which includes the necessary background material, as well as numerous examples and exercises.
Gigabit Ethernet Technology & Applications for Hith-Speed LANs
Rich Seifert - 1998
Furthermore, it provides a seamless upgrade path from existing 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s Ethernet networks. All of the skills, tools, training, and experience gained from using lower-speed Ethernet LANs can be applied to the new technology, easing the pain of migration. Appropriate for anyone involved with LAN technologiesaenetwork planners, designers and administrators, equipment and applications developers, technical salespeople, studentsaethis book provides a thorough explanation of Gigabit Ethernet and the principles on which it was built. Gigabit Ethernet explains the technology in clear terms, exploring the implications for its application and operation in real-world LANs. You will learn how to identify appropriate application environments for Gigabit Ethernet, as well as how to integrate it with other technologies, make intelligent choices about products and features, and set realistic expectations about performance. In this comprehensive book, you will find essential information on: The history of Gigabit Ethernet and the rationale behind its
Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
Eric Ladd - 1998
Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2 gives Web developers this information in a concise tutorial/reference style that contains lots of code examples and real world solutions. This book not only teaches the most popular technologies, but shows Web developers how to build the most popular Web applications, including animation, interactive forms, Web databases, e-commerce, and Web broadcasting.
Special Edition Using HTML 4
Molly E. Holzschlag - 1998
By honing in on the daily realities of site design needs, the superfluous elements of the language are set aside, and real-world solutions are provided in a clear and concise fashion. You will learn which tools are best, how to code HTML, and the basic principles of Web publishing and graphic design. You will also learn how to take your sites into the next millennium with highly interactive and competitive technologies, including secure transactions, databases, audio and video, and practical programming techniques.
Mastering Visual Basic 6 [With Includes All of the Example Code from the Book...]
Evangelos Petroutsos - 1998
Inside, you'll master the environment, the features, and the techniques that are key to professional Windows programming. Clear, in-depth instructions from a Visual Basic expert provide essential knowledge through scores of practical examples. Detailed coverage includes: * building custom stand-alone applications* working with forms* creating and deploying ActiveX controls* mastering Visual Basic drawing and graphics methods* programming databases* using recursive programming* optimizing your code* enhancing applications with multimedia* extending Visual Basic with the Windows API, OLE, and VBA* building Web-based applications with Visual Basic
Sams Teach Yourself Delphi 4 in 21 Days
Kent Reisdorph - 1998
The tutorial information for programmers and developers will include complete coverage of Delphi 4 s enhanced features with a client/server emphasis. Topics will include compatible component development, enterprise-wide integration, Internet enabling tools, Intranet development and beginning coverage of Borland s MIDAS architecture. No other tutorial offers this level of coverage. A Sams Teach Yourself book is the perfect introduction to an upper-level development tool such as Delphi. Note: This book and CD will be an all new edition both book and CD content.The most complete beginning level tutorial for Delphi 4Coverage of Delphi 4 s new features with a focus on enabling applications for Internets and Intranets, client/server environments, and basic component creationUses the effective 21-day teaching tool to walk a new programmer through component construction and programming in Delphi
Gigabit Ethernet: Migrating to High-Bandwidth LANs
Jayant Kadambi - 1998
This text includes description of the operation of a gigabit ethernet network including a comparison of performance issues with high speed LAN alternatives. It will cover different types of implementations such as desktop, workgroup, backbone.
Complete Computer Repair Textbook
Cheryl A. Schmidt - 1998
Concepts are presented in a buliding-block fashion giving readers an opportunity to understand PC repair topics. This book focuses on hardware and basic networking. It is packed with program examples and exercises that will help prepare any technician for a complicated computer problem. The content conforms to A+ Objectives and is held to the highest of standards. For those who want to prepare and pass the A+ certification examination.
Programming with Java
Barry Holmes - 1998
It is intended for a broad audience of first-year students in science, engineering and business where a knowledge of programming is thought to be essential.
Topological Methods in Hydrodynamics
Vladimir I. Arnold - 1998
It describes the necessary preliminary notions both in hydrodynamics and pure mathematics with numerous examples and figures. The book is accessible to graduates as well as pure and applied mathematicians working in hydrodynamics, Lie groups, dynamical systems, and differential geometry.
Combinatorial Algorithms: Generation, Enumeration, and Search
Donald L. Kreher - 1998
Topics include backtracking and heuristic search methods applied to various combinatorial structures, such as: CombinationsPermutationsGraphsDesignsMany classical areas are covered as well as new research topics not included in most existing texts, such as: Group algorithmsGraph isomorphismHill-climbingHeuristic search algorithmsThis work serves as an exceptional textbook for a modern course in combinatorial algorithms, providing a unified and focused collection of recent topics of interest in the area. The authors, synthesizing material that can only be found scattered through many different sources, introduce the most important combinatorial algorithmic techniques - thus creating an accessible, comprehensive text that students of mathematics, electrical engineering, and computer science can understand without needing a prior course on combinatorics.
ADO 2.0 Programmer's Referenc E
Alex Homer - 1998
ADO is the core technology for accessing all kinds of data including relational databases, mail servers, Active Directory, text and other document files, and data in other non-standard formats. It is supplied with many development environments, including Microsoft Visual Studio, C++, Visual Basic, and as part of the Windows NT operating system.What's Great About this Book?
Windows 3.11 for Dummies
Andy Rathbone - 1998
Now, Andy has updated Windows(R) 3.11 For Dummies(R) to bring you the latest information about how Windows can make your PC more efficient and a lot easier to use. Features a Special Preview of Windows 98, Including:New features of Windows 98 including what has changed from Windows 3.11 and Windows 95 What to expect from Windows 98, and how it will change the way you use your PC What hardware you need to run Windows 98 Help for deciding if and when you should upgrade to Windows 98 Advice for taking advantage of all that Windows 98 has to offer! Inside, find helpful advice on how to:Use all the handy features of Windows 3.1 and 3.11 Run DOS programs under Windows with no sweat Install Windows programs when they come without an installation program Customize Windows for optimized use Navigate the File Manager easily Use and move icons on your desktop Run Windows for Workgroups 3.11 -- including networking and special features of WFW
Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Web Application Construction Kit
Ben Forta - 1998
Author and ColdFusion master Ben Forta starts by covering the fundamentals of Web-based database design and then proceeds to show you how to do everything from create data-driven pages to build complete applications, implement security mechanisms, integrate with e-mail, interact with Macromedia Flash, and more. From design and installation to application deployment and troubleshooting, this guide’s got ColdFusion covered, including all the features new to the latest version: structured business reports, rich forms, Enterprise Manager (which lets users cluster multiple ColdFusion servers on a single machine), and more!
Mr. Bunny's Guide to ActiveX
Carlton Egremont III - 1998
Bunny, you get Mr. Bunny's Guide to ActiveX, an outrageously funny technical book parody. Between the beginner-oriented table of contents (each page is listed, along with its page number) and the incredibly annoying index (every entry says "See ActiveX"), you will find page after page of printed words and space-wasting screen shots, just like a real technical book. But how many technical books include an adventure story? Mr. Bunny and his befuddled friend Farmer Jake visit a fantasy world based on Microsoft's ActiveX technology and the popular Visual Basic programming language. Although the twisted techno-babble, deranged graphics, and offbeat analogies are based on real technology, it's all done for laughs. Any resemblance to actual learning is purely accidental.This is the first technology book by Carlton Egremont III, author of numerous lengthy grocery lists (unpublished), one or two letters to his mom (unsent), and a doodle on page 117 of the Rochester Public Library's copy of Mob), Dick (overdue). Mr. Bunny's Guide to ActiveX makes a lovely gift for the nerd who has everything, and is perfect for propping up uneven table legs. For the high-tech parent there is simply no better anti-dote to yet another bedtime reading of The Velveteen Rabbit or the OLE 2 Programmer's Reference. Just like Carlton, you and your children will come to believe in a talking bunny, a befuddled farmer, and a technology called Active X.
Alpha Risc Architecture For Programmers
James S. Evans - 1998
It introduces assemblers, debuggers, instruction formats, addressing, branch instructions, logical operations, and many other key fundamentals of processor architecture. It delivers real-world guidance for solving practical programming problems.
Essential Virtual Reality Fast: How to Understand the Techniques and Potential of Virtual Reality
John A. Vince - 1998
You'll see how important it is to understand the part human factors have to play in creating a good VR system (sound, sight, touch and balance) and take a look at a working VR system. You'll get the answers to questions like: What hardware and software is used? How does multi-user VR work? Can you network VR? What are the applications? What is the future for VR? And you'll have a far better understanding of the impact these exciting techniques will have on our everyday lives.
Cisco IOS Dial Solutions Documentation from the Cisco IOS Reference Library
Cisco Systems Inc. - 1998
Through the use of real-world examples, it provides the reader with the most current technologies available and teaches how to effectively implement and support these technologies on a network.After reading this book, administrators will possess a greater understanding of dial-up solutions and the hardware, protocols, and services involved. Hence, they will be able to make more intelligent, cost-effective and quantifiable networking decisions for their environment.Cisco Dial Solutions offers system optimization techniques, which will strengthen results, increase productivity and improve efficiency.
Number Theory: A Programmer's Guide
Mark Herkommer - 1998
. . the first book to survey a full range of problems in number theory and apply it to the real world for real programmers. With many examples and solutions written in highly portable C, this down-to-earth guide shows you one step at a time how to apply number theory to computing tasks such as :
Finding prime numbers and factorization
Solving Diophantine Equations
Trial-and-error solution strategies
Algorithm design
Multiple precision arithmetic
If you've grown weary of number theory programming books that purport to be for programmers, and refer to computers as "computing machines," then you're ready for Mark Herkommer's Number Theory. In this one essential resource, you'll get a modern nuts-and-bolts take on number theory that caters to practically all your on-the-job programming needs - in language you can understand and put to work right away.
Guide to Networking Essentials
Ed Tittel - 1998
Ideal for professionals looking to gain insight into the latest in Networking technologies, this title has been completely revised and now includes coverage on broadband, wireless, and Linux.
Doing Objects in Microsoft Visual Basic 6
Deborah Kurata - 1998
For each design, this guide takes you step-by-step through a case study. Doings Objects in Visual Basic 6 shows you how to build ActiveX EXEs, ActiveX DLLs and ActiveX controls, how to create database objects using the universal data access strategy, OLE DB, and ADO. It details how to use the new Data View window, the new Data Environment designer, access a database using ADO, the new CallByName function, build data-aware classes, and use the new data binding features. Also find how to create three-tiered, object-oriented database applications using these new technologies and pull all that you've learned together into a functioning application.
Internetworking Technologies Handbook
Kevin Downs - 1998
It provides the reader with the most current technologies for wide area networks (WANs) and teaches how to effectively implement these technologies on a network. This second edition contains updated information on the following: Multicast; Voice over IP; Integrated Voice and Data; Pix Firewall; Firewall Technology; IP Layer 3 Switching; and Dial Information.
Visual Basic 6.0 Business Objects
Rockford Lhotka - 1998
Basically, these are the processes that deal with some input data and mediate the appropriate business response. Whether this be a stock-withdrawal from a warehouse supply system, an invoice-sender or whatever, writing the code in such a way that it can be used by an entire organization to maintain coherent information on the business is worthwhile. Visual Basic 6 classes can be exposed as ActiveX objects. This allows the developer to use DCOM to enable objects to communicate between machines. Also, objects can be both called and scripted by Active Server Pages and controlled by Microsoft Transaction Server, so that they are accessible through a web browser. Tied to these new server-side technologies from Microsoft, we can see that Visual Basic is a great tool to implement such a system. The book does this for a variety of client-server designs, to show how to design and deploy business objects. This book is aimed at experienced application developers, who have developed applications in Windows using Visual Basic. It will also appeal to intermediate-level programmers because it presents co
Creative Recording, Vol 1: Effects & Processors
Paul White - 1998
That original series became recommended reading in universities and colleges all over the U.S. and ran into several reprints. Now fully revised and updated, this new edition is bigger and more comprehensive than ever before. Published in two parts, Part One comprises an easy-to-understand guide to using signal processors and effects devices in contemporary music recording. It includes multieffects, MIDI control and tube equipment, with a detailed description of each type of processor and effect as well as many examples of applications in real-life recording situations.
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Diane Zak - 1998
It uses Visual Basic 6.0 to teach programming concepts. This market-leading book has distinguished itself from other Windows books because of its unique two-pronged approach. First, this book teaches programming concepts using a task-driven, rather than a command-driven, approach. By working through the tutorials, which are each motivated by a realistic case, individuals learn how to use programming applications that they are likely to encounter in the workplace. Second, the content, organization, and pedagogy of this book exploits the Windows environment. This edition now includes creating reports using the print statement, as well as two full chapters on database access using ADO data control, SQL, and the DBGrid control.
Extra Life: Coming Of Age In Cyberspace
David S. Bennahum - 1998
These original techno-kids grew up with home-brew programs, secret computer access codes, and arcades where dedicated video gamers fought to extend their play by earning “extra life.” In that era of gleeful discovery, driven by a sense of adventure and a surge of power, kids found a world they could master, one few grownups could understand.In this fast-paced, real-life tale set in the bedrooms, computer rooms, and video arcades of the ’80s, popular media chronicler David S. Bennahum takes readers back to his initiation into this electronic universe, to his discovery of PONG at age five. We follow him from video game addiction—his Bar Mitzvah gift was an Atari 800 with 48K of RAM—to his ascent to master programmer with the coveted title of “Super User” in his high school’s computer room. Bennahum reflects on how computers empowered him and his friends to create a world of their own.We see how their geekiness, grounded in roleplaying, iterative thinking, and systems analysis led to a productive, social existence—the “extra life” they found on the other side of the screen. Hilarious, poignant, and packed with little-known computer lore, Extra Life is a grand digital adventure set against the background of the emerging information age.
Getting Started with MATLAB 5: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
Rudra Pratap - 1998
Its broad appeal lies in its interactive environment with hundreds of built-in functions for technical computation, graphics, and animation. It also provides easy extensibility with its own high-level programming language. Getting Started with MATLAB 5: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers gets students started in MATLAB quickly and easily, in a few short hours. Chapters one and two provide a thorough introduction to the basics and five self-guided lessons. Remaining chapters cover useful and interesting elementary, advanced, and special MATLAB functions.