Best of
The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set
Donald Ervin Knuth - 1998
For the first time, these books are available as a boxed, three-volume set. The handsome slipcase makes this set an ideal gift for the recent computer science graduate or professional programmer. Offering a description of classical computer science, this multi-volume work is a useful resource in programming theory and practice for students, researchers, and practitioners alike. For programmers, it offers cookbook solutions to their day-to-day problems.
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Richard S. Sutton - 1998
Their discussion ranges from the history of the field's intellectual foundations to the most recent developments and applications.Reinforcement learning, one of the most active research areas in artificial intelligence, is a computational approach to learning whereby an agent tries to maximize the total amount of reward it receives when interacting with a complex, uncertain environment. In Reinforcement Learning, Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto provide a clear and simple account of the key ideas and algorithms of reinforcement learning. Their discussion ranges from the history of the field's intellectual foundations to the most recent developments and applications. The only necessary mathematical background is familiarity with elementary concepts of probability.The book is divided into three parts. Part I defines the reinforcement learning problem in terms of Markov decision processes. Part II provides basic solution methods: dynamic programming, Monte Carlo methods, and temporal-difference learning. Part III presents a unified view of the solution methods and incorporates artificial neural networks, eligibility traces, and planning; the two final chapters present case studies and consider the future of reinforcement learning.
Practical Electronics for Inventors
Paul Scherz - 1998
Instead, it tells you-and shows you-what basic and advanced electronics parts and components do, and how they work. Chock-full of illustrations, Practical Electronics for Inventors offers over 750 hand-drawn images that provide clear, detailed instructions that can help turn theoretical ideas into real-life inventions and gadgets.
Routing TCP/IP, Volume 1
Jeff Doyle - 1998
Routing TCP/IP, Volume 1, Second Edition, includes protocol changes and Cisco features that enhance routing integrity, secure routers from attacks initiated through routing protocols, and provide greater control over the propagation of routing information for all the IP interior routing protocols. Routing TCP/IP, Volume 1, Second Edition, provides a detailed analysis of each of the IP interior gateway protocols (IGPs). Its structure remains the same as the best-selling first edition, though information within each section is enhanced and modified to include the new developments in routing protocols and Cisco implementations. What's New In This Edition? The first edition covers routing protocols as they existed in 1998. The new book updates all covered routing protocols and discusses new features integrated in the latest version of Cisco IOS Software. IPv6, its use with interior routing protocols, and its interoperability and integration with IPv4 are also integrated into this book. Approximately 200 pages of new information are added to the main text, with some old text removed. Additional exercise and solutions are also included.
Thinking in Java
Bruce Eckel - 1998
The author's take on the essence of Java as a new programming language and the thorough introduction to Java's features make this a worthwhile tutorial. Thinking in Java begins a little esoterically, with the author's reflections on why Java is new and better. (This book's choice of font for chapter headings is remarkably hard on the eyes.) The author outlines his thoughts on why Java will make you a better programmer, without all the complexity. The book is better when he presents actual language features. There's a tutorial to basic Java types, keywords, and operators. The guide includes extensive source code that is sometimes daunting (as with the author's sample code for all the Java operators in one listing.) As such, this text will be most useful for the experienced developer. The text then moves on to class design issues, when to use inheritance and composition, and related topics of information hiding and polymorphism. (The treatment of inner classes and scoping will likely seem a bit overdone for most readers.) The chapter on Java collection classes for both Java Developer's Kit (JDK) 1.1 and the new classes, such as sets, lists, and maps, are much better. There's material in this chapter that you are unlikely to find anywhere else. Chapters on exception handling and programming with type information are also worthwhile, as are the chapters on the new Swing interface classes and network programming. Although it adopts somewhat of a mixed-bag approach, Thinking in Java contains some excellent material for the object-oriented developer who wants to see what all the fuss is about with Java.
Speed Secrets: Professional Race Driving Techniques
Ross Bentley - 1998
Includes discussion of practice techniques, chassis set-up, and working with your pit chief.
The Strip-Built Sea Kayak: Three Rugged, Beautiful Boats You Can Build
Nick Schade - 1998
Using high-quality, computer-generated illustrations and photographs to explain key techniques, the book provides complete plans and measurements for three different kayaks: 1) A simple solo craft for beginners, 2) A high-performance solo kayak for intermediate paddlers, and 3) A tandem design for two paddlers. With its easy-to-follow guidance and instructions, The Strip-Built Sea Kayak makes top-notch kayaks accessible to budget-minded paddlers.
The Night Sky Observer's Guide : Vol. 1
George Robert Kepple - 1998
In the first half of the 20th century the telescope deluxe for the amateur was the 6-inch refractor. However, such telescopes were so expensive that very few amateurs could afford them: the majority of stargazers had to content themselves with instruments in the 60mm range. Consequently, most observing guides published during that time emphasized double and multiple stars, with honorable mention for variable stars and planetary nebulae, objects which do well in long focal length refractors. Webb's 1858 Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes and Olcott's 1936 Field Book of the Skies were not superceded for so many decades simply because the average amateur instrument did not dramatically improve during the century after Webb. By the 1950s the mass-produced or homemade 6-inch parabolic mirror brought medium-sized optics into the price range of the average amateur, and with it the emission nebulae, open clusters, and galaxies that had been seen only as amorphous blobs-if seen at all-in small refractors. The The 1948 Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens had already displaced the classic Norton's Star Atlas as the frontline sky-chart for amateurs, but the observing guides badly needed rewriting. However, not until the 1970s and Burnham's Celestial Handbook was there an observing guide worthy of the 6-in
The Night Sky Observers Guide Vol. 2
George Robert Kepple - 1998
In the first half of the 20th century the telescope deluxe for the amateur was the 6-inch refractor. However, such telescopes were so expensive that very few amateurs could afford them: the majority of stargazers had to content themselves with instruments in the 60mm range. Consequently, most observing guides published during that time emphasized double and multiple stars, with honorable mention for variable stars and planetary nebulae, objects which do well in long focal length refractors. Webb's 1858 Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes and Olcott's 1936 Field Book of the Skies were not superceded for so many decades simply because the average amateur instrument did not dramatically improve during the century after Webb. By the 1950s the mass-produced or homemade 6-inch parabolic mirror brought medium-sized optics into the price range of the average amateur, and with it the emission nebulae, open clusters, and galaxies that had been seen only as amorphous blobs-if seen at all-in small refractors. The The 1948 Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens had already displaced the classic Norton's Star Atlas as the frontline sky-chart for amateurs, but the observing guides badly needed rewriting. However, not until the 1970s and Burnham's Celestial Handbook was there an observing guide worthy of the 6-in
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
John O. Bird - 1998
The coverage takes students from the fundamentals of the subject, to the completion of a first year degree level course. Thus, this book is ideal for students studying engineering for the first time, and is also suitable for pre-degree vocational courses, especially where progression to higher levels of study is likely. John Bird's approach, based on 700 worked examples supported by over 1000 problems (including answers), is ideal for students of a wide range of abilities, and can be worked through at the student's own pace. Theory is kept to a minimum, placing a firm emphasis on problem-solving skills, and making this a thoroughly practical introduction to these core subjects in the electrical and electronic engineering curriculum. This revised edition includes new material on transients and laplace transforms, with the content carefully matched to typical undergraduate modules. Free Tutor Support Material including full worked solutions to the assessment papers featured in the book will be available at http: // Material is only available to lecturers who have adopted the text as an essential purchase. In order to obtain your password to access the material please follow the guidelines in the book. * Revised edition now includes additional material on Transients and Laplace transforms* Highly practical text, including hundreds of examples and problems throughout to aid student learning* Free instructor's manual provides full worked solutions to assessment papers
Introduction to Airborne Radar (Aerospace & Radar Systems)
George W. Stimson - 1998
Lavishly produced in full color, the book was quite unlike any commercially published radar book produced by the major technical publishers. The combination of clear, understandable writing and the unparalleled illustrations established the text-reference as a 'must-have' for engineers, technicians, pilots, and even sales and marketing people within the radar and aerospace industry. The book was authored by veteran Hughes engineer and Technical Manager George W. Stimson, a publications specialist. Individual chapters were thoroughly reviewed by the appropriate experts within the Hughes Radar Systems Group. The book was initially available 1983-1987 only to those within the Hughes family: employees and customers, primarily the military. Restriction was lifted in 1987. Hughes went through three printings and 40,000 copies 1983-1993, mostly by word-of-mouth testimonials and demand. Upon retirement from Hughes, George Stimson successfully negotiated for the rights to the book and made an agreement with SciTech Publishing to do a major revision of the text to update it. The resulting Second Edition has been overwhelmingly positive and a best-seller. Second Edition The revision is extensive: thirteen entirely new chapters cover the technological advances over the fifteen years since publication, two chapters considered obsolete have been deleted entirely, three chapters are extensively rewritten and updated, two chapters have been given new sections, and fourteen chapters have been given minor tweaks, corrections, and polishing. The book has grown from 32 chapters to 44 chapters in 584 efficiently-designed pages. Efforts have been made to bring more even-handed coverage to radars developed outside of Hughes Aircraft, while older and less important Hughes radars have been deleted or abbreviated. Chapter 44 catalogs many of the cutting edge radars in functioning aircraft and near-service aircraft in early stages of production. The book's appeal is to a diverse audience: from military pilots and radar officers eager to gain a sound technical understanding of the complex systems that their lives depend upon, on up through technicians, marketing, and sales people, to the radar system design specialists, who may 'know all that stuff' but who deeply admire the expression and thus use the book to teach others who have questions. The market encompasses companies directly involved in the radar business and those on the periphery, college professors of engineering and physics themselves, along with students in aviation, aeronautics, and electromagnetics and radar courses. The cross-disciplinary and multi-level demand for the book shows that the book should not be pigeon-holed as just a radar book for electrical engineers. Virtually anybody with a knowledge of high school algebra, trigonometry, and physics will be able to read and absorb most of the material.
OSPF: Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol
John T. Moy - 1998
Part I of this book defines Internet routing in general, and discusses a variety of protocols in addition to OSPF. As an introduction to Internet routing, Moy describes both unicast and multicast routing protocols, along with the techniques to monitor and debug routing in a TCP/IP network. This will be very valuable to a large audience.Part II then delves into the details of one particular routing protocol -- the OSPF protocol. This book provides a detailed description of OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), which was developed by the author. The book explains why OSPF was developed and how it greatly improves network efficiency. It will help engineers to be able to get a better understanding of how to efficiently implement algorithms used in OSPF. It provides a good understanding of how the protocol operates. Each chapter contains exercises to help readers with the subject. This book is unique as it is an up-to-date look at the important topic of routing -- plus it provides the most detail on OSPF available. OSPF is very widely deployed in the Internet, with OSPF implementations offered by virtually all router vendors.
Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
Murray R. Spiegel - 1998
Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.This Schaum's Outline gives you More than 2,400 formulas and tables Covers elementary to advanced math topics Arranged by topics for easy referenceFully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time--and get your best test scores!
Homesteading the Noosphere
Eric S. Raymond - 1998
Raymond about the social workings of open-source software development. It follows his previous piece "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" (1997).The essay examines issues of project ownership and transfer, as well as investigating possible anthropological roots of the gift culture in open source as contrasted with the exchange culture of closed source software. Raymond also investigates the nature of the spread of open source into the untamed frontier of ideas he terms the noosphere, postulating that projects that range too far ahead of their time fail because they are too far out in the wilderness, and that successful projects tend to relate to existing projects.Raymond delves into the contrast between the stated aims of open source and observed behaviors, and also explores the underlying motivations of people involved in the open source movement.
Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4: Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching
Robert Sedgewick - 1998
Christopher Van Wyk and Sedgewick have developed new C++ implementations that both express the methods in a concise and direct manner, and also provide programmers with the practical means to test them on real applications. Many new algorithms are presented, and the explanations of each algorithm are much more detailed than in previous editions. A new text design and detailed, innovative figures, with accompanying commentary, greatly enhance the presentation. The third edition retains the successful blend of theory and practice that has made Sedgewick's work an invaluable resource for more than 250,000 programmers! This particular book, Parts 1n4, represents the essential first half of Sedgewick's complete work. It provides extensive coverage of fundamental data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, and related applications. Although the substance of the book applies to programming in any language, the implementations by Van Wyk and Sedgewick also exploit the natural match between C++ classes and ADT implementations. Highlights Expanded coverage of arrays, linked lists, strings, trees, and other basic data structures Greater emphasis on abstract data types (ADTs), modular programming, object-oriented programming, and C++ classes than in previous editions Over 100 algorithms for sorting, selection, priority queue ADT implementations, and symbol table ADT (searching) implementations New implementations of binomial queues, multiway radix sorting, randomized BSTs, splay trees, skip lists, multiway tries, B trees, extendible hashing, and much more Increased quantitative information about the algorithms, giving you a basis for comparing them Over 1000 new exercises to help you learn the properties of algorithms Whether you are learning the algorithms for the first time or wish to have up-to-date reference material that incorporates new programming styles with classic and new algorithms, you will find a wealth of useful information in this book.
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Volume II: Detection Theory
Steven M. Kay - 1998
This is a thorough, up-to-date introduction to optimizing detection algorithms for implementation on digital computers. It focuses extensively on real-world signal processing applications, including state-of-the-art speech and communications technology as well as traditional sonar/radar systems. Start with a quick review of the fundamental issues associated with mathematical detection, as well as the most important probability density functions and their properties. Next, review Gaussian, Chi-Squared, F, Rayleigh, and Rician PDFs, quadratic forms of Gaussian random variables, asymptotic Gaussian PDFs, and Monte Carlo Performance Evaluations. Three chapters introduce the basics of detection based on simple hypothesis testing, including the Neyman-Pearson Theorem, handling irrelevant data, Bayes Risk, multiple hypothesis testing, and both deterministic and random signals. The author then presents exceptionally detailed coverage of composite hypothesis testing to accommodate unknown signal and noise parameters. These chapters will be especially useful for those building detectors that must work with real, physical data. Other topics covered include:Detection in nonGaussian noise, including nonGaussian noise characteristics, known deterministic signals, and deterministic signals with unknown parametersDetection of model changes, including maneuver detection and time-varying PSD detectionComplex extensions, vector generalization, and array processing The book makes extensive use of MATLAB, and program listings are included wherever appropriate. Designed for practicing electrical engineers, researchers, and advanced students, it is an ideal complement to Steven M. Kay's Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Vol. 1: Estimation Theory (Prentice Hall PTR, 1993, ISBN: 0-13-345711-7).
Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Richard Durbin - 1998
For example, hidden Markov models are used for analyzing biological sequences, linguistic-grammar-based probabilistic models for identifying RNA secondary structure, and probabilistic evolutionary models for inferring phylogenies of sequences from different organisms. This book gives a unified, up-to-date and self-contained account, with a Bayesian slant, of such methods, and more generally to probabilistic methods of sequence analysis. Written by an interdisciplinary team of authors, it is accessible to molecular biologists, computer scientists, and mathematicians with no formal knowledge of the other fields, and at the same time presents the state of the art in this new and important field.
Vehicle and Engine Technology
Heinz Heisler - 1998
It is particularly suitable for students covering craft level City and Guilds courses, but it goes into sufficient depth to be of use to higher level students.
Chance and Change: Ecology for Conservationists
William Holland Drury - 1998
Charging that most of the environmental movement has ignored or rejected the changes in thinking that have infiltrated ecological theory since the mid 70s, William Drury presents a convincing case that disorder is what makes the natural world work, and that clinging to romantic notions of nature's grand design only saps the strength of the conservation movement. Drury's training in botany, geology, and zoology as well as his life-long devotion to work in the field gave him a depth and range of knowledge that few ecologists possess. This book opens our eyes to a new way of looking at the environment and forces us to think more deeply about nature and our role in it.Chance and Change is intended for the serious amateur naturalist or professional conservationist. Drury argues that chance and change are the rule, that the future is as unpredictable to other organisms as it is to us, and that natural disturbance is too frequent for equilibrium models to be useful. He stresses the centrality of natural selection in explaining the meaning of biology and insists the book and the laboratory must be checked at all times against the real world. Written in an easy, personal style, Drury's narrative comes alive with the landscape—the salt marshes, dunes, seashores, and forests—that he believed served as the best classroom. His novel approach of correlating landscape evolution with ecological principles offers a welcome corrective to discordance between what we observe in nature and what theory tells us we should see.
Bgp4: Inter-Domain Routing in the Internet
John W. Stewart - 1998
As the means by which Internet destinations are communicated between subscribers and service providers, BGP4 provides a critical function for Internet operations. Whether you are associated with an Internet service provider or are a system administrator at an organization whose business depends heavily on the Internet, a background in BGP4 is essential. BGP4: Inter-Domain Routing in the Internet provides a practical introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite and to routing in general. This concise guide describes the BGP protocol in clear terms and explains messages and rules for processing information through the protocol. In addition to illustrating low-level details of the protocol, the author examines the conceptual way that BGP works in practical networks, the way that BGP4 interacts with other parts of a network, and other details important to its operation. This book also covers the many extensions that have been made to the original specification to increase the protocols usability and scope of operation. Specifically, you will find coverage of such
Improving Machinery Reliability
Heinz P. Bloch - 1998
This essential text clearly describes the reliability improvement and failure avoidance steps practiced by best-of-class process plants in the U.S. and Europe.
How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper
Robert Day - 1998
Each edition of this popular work has quickly become an Oryx bestseller, and the new fifth edition has been extensively revised to reflect the significant impact of the Internet and other electronic resources on the writing and publishing of scientific papers.This new edition presents seven new chapters that cover the topics of equipment and software; electronic publishing formats; the Internet and the World Wide Web; publishing on the World Wide Web; electronic journals; e-mail and newsgroups; and searching for information on the Web. Many chapters from the previous edition have also been revised and updated.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
Robert Lafore - 1998
Algorithms are the procedures that software programs use to manipulate data structures. Besides clear and simple example programs, the author includes a workshop as a small demonstration program executable on a Web browser. The programs demonstrate in graphical form what data structures look like and how they operate. In the second edition, the program is rewritten to improve operation and clarify the algorithms, the example programs are revised to work with the latest version of the Java JDK, and questions and exercises will be added at the end of each chapter making the book even more useful. Educational Supplement Suggested solutions to the programming projects found at the end of each chapter are made available to instructors at recognized educational institutions. This educational supplement can be found at, in the Instructor Resource Center.
The Jesus Crisis
Robert L. Thomas - 1998
Though evangelicals reject many extreme conclusions of liberal scholars, some have adopted their same methodology in the interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels, creating a crisis in evangelical scholarship. The authors show how adopting such methodologies are affecting the next generation of pastors, teachers, and scholars.
Analytical Dynamics
Haim Baruh - 1998
In addition, there are over 140 examples and 350 homework problems.
Nonclassical Physics: Beyond Newton's View
Randy Harris - 1998
The text covers the basics while also providing optional, marked, self-contained sections and exercises, both at the same level as the main text and at a more advanced level. Explanations on the basic terms are offered, centering on the main ideas, and special progress and applications sections discuss advances, lingering mysteries and important applications related to chapter material. A range of problems, from easy to advanced, help students test their understanding, and boxed essays explain points of particular interest or address more complex ideas touched on in the main text.
Intersection Theory
William Fulton - 1998
This book develops the foundations of the theory and indicates the range of classical and modern applications. The hardcover edition received the prestigious Steele Prize in 1996 for best exposition.
Inner Torment: Living Between Conflict and Fragmentation
Salman Akhtar - 1998
These patients seem to be living between conflict and fragmentation. Working with them. poses many technical challenges. How does one meet their ego needs without gratifying their regressive wishes? Do affirmative interventions work better than interpretive ones when the patient is in deep emotional turmoil? What is the role of the patient's nonverbal communications? What are developmental interventions? How does one manage the countertransference risks inherent in treating such patients? Integrating diverse psychoanalytic traditions with his own theoretical and, clinical insights, Salman Akhtar provides answers to these and other important questions in this realm. He weaves the existing conceptual schisms and technical diversity into an integrated theory and technique. In a truly original contribution, he delineates certain ubiquitous human fantasies (e.g., "someday" and "if only" fantasies of optimism and nostalgia, and fantasies of powerful psychic tethers that bind us to others) and shows how their pathological variants underlie the suffering of these patients. Akhtar's book is full of poignant clinical vignettes that clearly illustrate his technical interventions.
C++ FAQs
Marshall P. Cline - 1998
In this book, the authors concentrate on those issues most critical to the professional programmer's work, and they present more explanatory material and examples than is possible on-line. This book focuses on the effective use of C++, helping programmers avoid combining seemingly legal C++ constructs in incompatible ways. Each question-and-answer section contains an overview of the problem and solution, fuller explanations of concepts, directions for proper use of language features, guidelines for best practices and practices to avoid, and plenty of working, stand-alone examples. This edition is thoroughly cross-referenced and indexed for quick access.
Acoustics: Architecture, Engineering, The Environment
Charles M. Salter Associates Inc. - 1998
Case studies draw on the firm's 22 years of experience as acoustical engineers, and drawings and diagrams help explain what can't be seen, only heard. Acoustics ". . . takes what could be a dry, academic manual and infuses it with the energy of real-life solutions."
ASM Handbook, Volume 07: Powder Metal Technologies
ASM International - 1998
It includes new articles on emerging technol
Managing Afs: The Andrew File System
Richard Campbell - 1998
It shows how AFS solved the distributed file system problem, and covers how to extend AFS usage to very large sites. It also presents a cogent business case for using AFS.
Programming with Java
Barry Holmes - 1998
It is intended for a broad audience of first-year students in science, engineering and business where a knowledge of programming is thought to be essential.
Cisco IOS Solutions for Network Protocols Volume I: IP
Cisco Systems Inc. - 1998
Covers the latest in IP routing for both Enterprise and Service Provider network environments. Contains configuration scenarios for technologies including BGP, IGRP, OSPF, RIP, RSVP and Multicast Routing.IP Networking Protocols, Vol I will help readers perform their jobs at a higher level. It offers system optimization techniques, which will strengthen result increase productivity and improve efficiency. This volume which covers configuration examples and how to implement them on a network.
Programming Windows
Charles Petzold - 1998
And in PROGRAMMING WINDOWS, FIFTH EDITION, the esteemed Windows Pioneer Award winner revises his classic text with authoritative coverage of the latest versions of the Windows operating system—once again drilling down to the essential API heart of Win32 programming. Topics include: The basics—input, output, dialog boxes An introduction to Unicode Graphics—drawing, text and fonts, bitmaps and metafiles The kernel and the printer Sound and music Dynamic-link libraries Multitasking and multithreading The Multiple-Document Interface Programming for the Internet and intranets Packed as always with definitive examples, this newest Petzold delivers the ultimate sourcebook and tutorial for Windows programmers at all levels working with Microsoft® Windows 95, Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows NT®. No aspiring or experienced developer can afford to be without it.An electronic version of this book is available on the companion CD.A Note Regarding the CD or DVDThe print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to
String Theory (2 Volume Set) (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
Joseph Polchinski - 1998
Volume 1, An Introduction to the Bosonic String, provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. Volume 2, Superstring Theory and Beyond, begins with an introduction to supersymmetric string theories and progresses to a broad presentation of the important advances of recent years. Both volumes contain an annotated reference section, and a detailed glossary of important terms and concepts. Many exercises are included to re-inforce the text's main points as well as stimulate additional ideas. The volumes are an essential text/reference for graduate students and researchers in theoretical physics, particle physics and relativity.
Waite Group's Visual Basic Source Code Library (The Waite Group)
Brian Shea - 1998
For Visual Basic programmers of all levels, this book offers you as a beginner a useful source for new ideas and insight, and as an experienced programmer a vast collection of well-organized information to further your ability. This book will specifically help you add to your own librabry of functions and modules- that you use over and over -by presenting more than 200 complete functions, listings, and routines that have been proven and tested by Visual Basic professionals. Consisting of logical sections for the programmer, this book makes it easy for you to find the function you need. Whether you're a beginning or experienced Visual Basic programmer, The Waite Group's Visual Basic Source Code Library will have you creating better programming in no time.
Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic (Mps)
Mandelbrot Set International Ltd - 1998
New to this edition is material on new data access technologies, accessibility issues for the physically challenged, increased support for IIS, BackOffice and mixed language programming, and enterprise support for server side objects, such as the component gallery and Microsoft Transaction Server. The accompanying CD-ROM contains sample code and valuable utilities developed and tested by the authors, The Mandelbrot Set.
Numerical Methods for Engineers: With Software and Programming Applications
Steven C. Chapra - 1998
*Retaining its comprehensive yet accessible and user-friendly style, this edition incorporates new examples and techniques *Includes excellent applications sections with a variety of engineering problems *contains software-based examples and engineering-oriented problems
The Architect's Portable Handbook
Pat Guthrie - 1998
This indispensable time-saver, following the CSI Masterformat "RM", is the proven, one-stop resource architects, builders, and contractors need to get organized on a new job.Pat Guthrie has made this handy reference a portable aide-memoir, with: -- Checklists for planning, programming, and project management-- General unit costs for major building materials, systems, and construction-- Codes and standards information-- Materials and specifications checklistsand a great deal more. Organized in the same sequence as a typical job progression, this mini-encyclopedia of design criteria helps the architect, designer, or building contractor stay on top of even the most complex job, from preliminary cost estimates to sizing structural members.The Architect's Portable Handbook, a best-seller in its first edition, has been updated to include 1997 building codes and the latest standards information, updated costs from BNI, and many examples showing new techniques and procedures.
Cisco Router Ospf Design & Implementation Guide
William R. Parkhurst - 1998
It covers the latest version. OSPF 2, and also discusses the protocol's constraints. An essential reference for all Cisco network engineers and technicians -- especially those studying for the notoriously difficult CCIE exam, which demands full knowledge of OSPF to pass.
Essays on Otherness
Jean Laplanche - 1998
In spite of the influence of his work over the last thirty years, remarkably little has been available in English. Essays On Otherness presents for the first time in English many of Laplanche's key essays and is the first book to provide an overview of his thinking. It offers an introduction to many of the key themes that characterise his work: seduction, persecution, revelation, masochism, transference and mourning. Such themes have been increasingly both in psychoanalytic thought and in continental philosophy, social and cultural theory, and literature making Essays On Otherness indispensable reading for all those concerned with the implications of psychoanalytic theory today.
Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
Eric Ladd - 1998
Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2 gives Web developers this information in a concise tutorial/reference style that contains lots of code examples and real world solutions. This book not only teaches the most popular technologies, but shows Web developers how to build the most popular Web applications, including animation, interactive forms, Web databases, e-commerce, and Web broadcasting.
Understanding Mass Spectra: A Basic Approach
R. Martin Smith - 1998
It is useful for identifying and quantifying individual compounds or families of compounds in a complex mixture. Interpreting mass spectra is not an easy subject, and the field continues to become even more complex.
Developing User Interfaces
Dan R. Olsen - 1998
Today, computers are inexpensive commodities, like television sets, and ordinary people control and interact with them. This new paradigm has led to a burgeoning demand for graphics-intensive and highly interactive interfaces.Developing User Interfaces is targeted at the programmer who will actually implement, rather than design, the user interface. Most user interface books focus on psychology and usability, not programming techniques. This book recognizes the need for programmers to collaborate with usability experts and psychologists, so topics such as the principles of visualization, human perception, and usability evaluation are touched upon. Yet the primary focus remains on those tools and techniques required for programming the complex user interface. * Focuses on advanced programming topics* event handling* interaction with geometric objects* widget tool kits* input syntax* Useful to programmers using any language--no particular windowing system or tool kit is presumed, examples are drawn from a variety of commercial systems, and code examples are presented in pseudo code* The basic concepts of traditional computer graphics such as drawing and three-dimensional modeling are covered for readers without a computer graphics background.
Concurrent Programming: The Java Programming Language
Stephen Hartley - 1998
Many client and server applications benefit from their design as object-oriented programs with multiple threads of control. An object-oriented language with built-in threads, Java is ideal for concurrent programming and developing multi-threaded applications. Demand for programmers skilled in object-oriented design and concurrency will only grow in the future, making concurrent programming and the Java programming language increasingly important to programming students and professionals. Designed for students and professionals, Concurrent Programming: The Java Programming Language provides a practical, demonstrative introduction to the issues and concepts in concurrent programming, operating systems, the client-server model, and multiple threads. It features numerous Java example programs as stand-alone applications rather than as simple applets, showing readers how to utilize the Java programming language to write programs that use semaphores, monitors, message passing, remote procedure calls, and the rendezvous for thread synchronization and communication. Each example program includes output from one or more sample runs. Multithreading issues such as race conditions, critical sections, mutual exclusion, and condition synchronization are covered. Several thread communication tools used extensively in client server programming--message passing, the rendezvous, and remote procedure calls--are also described. An algorithm animation package, written in Java, is used in several of the example programs. The book concludes with a brief introduction to parallel processing with Java. Concurrent Programming: The Java Programming Language is suitable for a concurrent programming course or as a supplement in an operating systems class. Professional programmers will also find the presentation accessible. All source code for the book is available by anonymous ftp from and from the World Wide Web at http: // shartley/ConcProgJava/index.html.
Front Panel: Designing Software For Embedded User Interfaces
Niall Desmond Murphy - 1998
Front Panel shows you how to leverage object methods -- even when you are using assembler or C. Take a look at these topics : - Event handling patterns for graphical and non-graphical user interfaces - Using objects for graphical interfaces - The pros and cons of C & C++ in embedded systems - Using simulations and prototypes to test your design - Looking at the human side of the user interface interaction - Finite state machines & table driven software The enclosed disk contains C and C++ programming examples that show how to structure the data to be manipulated by the user, and how to queue and process user events. If you design and build embedded systems, Front Panel will make your applications more effective -- and more successful.; Develop efficient and maintainable software that presents intuitive user interactions. You get C programming examples that show how to structure the data to be manipulated by the user, and learn how to queue and process user events. Includes a discussion of graphic interfaces, and usability issues.
Advanced Ip Routing In Cisco Networks
Terry Slattery - 1998
Written by two veteran Cisco pros, including the first person outside of Cisco to earn the CCIE, it shows you how to: