You're Not Crazy And You're Not Alone

Stacey Robbins - 2013
     Stacey explores the common areas that women with Hashi's struggle: like perfectionism and self-rejection -- and common past experiences -- like abuse or injury. Stacey inspires women to look at their lives, and Hashimoto's differently, and to use this diagnosis as an opportunity for inner healing, greater happiness, and loving themselves.

Lifting the Fog: A specific guide to inattentive ADHD in adults

Michael Carr - 2012
    There are many differences between inattentive ADHD and the hyperactive/impulsive form of ADHD, and much of the generic information about "ADHD" isn't particularly helpful for those with the inattentive ADHD. Adults with inattentive ADHD are neither impulsive or hyperactive, but often have greater problems with issues such as absent mindedness and lack of confidence.Lifting the Fog isn't just another book on ADHD is provides specific information about how inattentive ADHD affects adults and how it differs from other forms of ADHD. It also includes useful information on the different treatment options available and provides a range of practical tips for helping manage the negative effects of inattentive ADHD.

The Portable Therapist: Wise and Inspiring Answers to the Questions People in Therapy Ask the Most...

Susanna McMahon - 1994
    With compassion, wisdom and enlightening ideas, this book encourages you to be true to yourself, develop social interests and discover the positive, capable, confident human being you are meant to be.

The Teacher's Guide to Self-Care: Build Resilience, Avoid Burnout, and Bring a Happier and Healthier You to the Classroom

Sarah Forst - 2020

Mother Hunger: How Adult Daughters Can Understand and Heal from Lost Nurturance, Protection, and Guidance

Kelly McDaniel - 2021

The Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner

Arthur E. Jongsma Jr. - 2000
    Clinicians with adolescent clients will find this up-to-date revision an invaluable resource.

Awaken Your Power Within: Let Go of Fear. Discover Your Infinite Potential. Become Your True Self.

Gerry Hussey - 2021

How To Do No Contact Like A Boss!: A Guide to Detaching from Toxic Relationships for Intuitives, Empaths & Sensitives

Kim Saeed - 2015
    Being part of a healthy love relationship has been shown to increase longevity and improve mental well-being. On the other hand, being at the receiving end of emotional abuse has the opposite effect. The long-term effects from being in a constant fight-or-flight state often lead to complete dysfunction – especially for intuitives, empaths, and highly sensitive people.Intuitives, Empaths, and HSPs have an innate drive to facilitate healing in others. Unfortunately, they usually ignore their own needs in doing so. In general, an intuitive/empath/HSP is non-violent, non-aggressive and leans more towards being the peacemaker. Any area filled with disharmony creates internal distress, and if they find themselves in the middle of a conflict, they will strive to resolve the situation as quickly as possible, if not avoid it all together. Essentially, they associate with the life force, healing, and the urge to create what was not there before, such as when they try to “fix” people or situations, or help others heal and awaken.Because of these natural tendencies, Intuitives/Empaths/HSPs often finds themselves staying in a relationship with a toxic personality for too long. Empaths often have a track record of developing codependent behaviors in childhood to deal with the overwhelm of unfairness in the world and to please others, which they usually carry into their adult relationships…until a soul crisis happens where they are forced into awakening – as is often the outcome of exiting toxic relationships with narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths.How to Do No Contact like a Boss explains the reasons for going No Contact and takes the reader from the initial planning stages, exit strategies, the moment of No Contact, what to expect in the days that follow, and how to deal with a persistent and/or abusive ex who refuses to respect one’s request for No Contact. Also included are alternative healing methods that address what traditional therapy often overlooks.

Dementia: The One-Stop Guide: Practical advice for families, professionals, and people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

June Andrews - 2015
    Hundreds of millions of people are affected by the dementia of parents, partners, siblings or friends. And as much of the world struggles with an aging population, dementia is set to become ever more of a challenge for societies and individuals.But still, most people who are diagnosed, or who are dealing with the diagnosis of a loved one, feel as though they are alone. Dementia: The One-Stop Guide aims to fill this gap, providing practical information and support for living with, or caring for, dementia.With clear and sensible information about recognising symptoms, getting help, managing financially, staying at home, treatment, being a carer and staying positive, this guide will help those with dementia and their families to make sure that they can stay well and happy as long as possible.

This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness / Change Your Life & The Alcohol Experiment

Annie Grace - 2019
    Packed with surprising insight into the reasons we drink, it will open your eyes to the startling role of alcohol in our culture. Annie Grace brilliantly weaves psychological, neurological, cultural, social and industry factors with her extraordinarily candid journey resulting in a must read for anyone who drinks. This book, without scare tactics, pain or rules, gives you freedom from alcohol. By addressing causes rather than symptoms it is a permanent solution rather than lifetime struggle. The Alcohol Experiment: There are a million reasons why you might drink. It tastes great. You feel more sociable. Sex is better. It helps you relax. But are you really in control? Whether you’re reading this because you know you drink too much and want to quit, or whether you just want to cut back for a while, this book is for you.The Alcohol Experiment is a 30-day programme with a difference. Each day, it will show you a new way of thinking about booze, and ask you to look a little closer at why we drink, what we get out of it, and whether it’s really the alcohol that’s giving us what we want.

The Secret Language of Feelings: A Rational Approach to Emotional Mastery

Calvin D. Banyan - 2002
    That language is a voice within us. Sometimes it is as soft as a whisper; sometimes it is as loud as a roar. It is an important voice, which, when fully understood, gives you a kind of guidance that no other voice can. The information in The Secret Language of Feelings was revealed during thousands of hours of working with hypnotherapy clients at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services. It came from clients who spoke to us both in the normal waking state and in the state of hypnosis. You do not need to undergo hypnotherapy in order to benefit from this book; however, it would make a perfect companion book for anyone involved in any therapy process or working on self-improvement. The Secret Language of Feelings gives you a rational and reliable approach to understanding and responding to your feelings and emotions. It shows you how to create a more satisfying life right now! You will learn how to overcome anger, guilt, frustration, sadness, loneliness and even "everyday" depression. You will better understand yourself, your family and the people you interact with on a daily basis. In short, The Secret Language of Feelings offers the key to emotional rescue and beyond to happiness and success in life.

The Power of Validation: Arming Your Child Against Bullying, Peer Pressure, Addiction, Self-Harm, and Out-of-Control Emotions

Karyn Hall - 2010
    Children who are validated feel reassured that they will be accepted and loved regardless of their feelings, while children who are not validated are more vulnerable to peer pressure, bullying, and emotional and behavioral problems.The Power of Validation is an essential resource for parents seeking practical skills for validating their child’s feelings without condoning tantrums, selfishness, or out-of-control behavior. You’ll practice communicating with your child in ways that instantly impact his or her mood and help your child develop the essential self-validating skills that set the groundwork for confidence and self-esteem in adolescence and beyond (Amazon).One of the authors (Melissa H. Cook) is a parent and a psychotherapist who came up with the idea for this very book by her research in the field as a counselor and by her own experiences as a mother to her own three children. The Lollipop Story, which is a story in the beginning of the book, is a a true interaction between Melissa and her oldest son.

Ethics In Counseling And Psychotherapy: Standards, Research And Emerging Issues

Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel - 1997
    Numerous case studies, followed by the author's analysis of the cases, helps you structure your thinking and apply professional standards to complex cases. Coverage includes ethics, legal research, and the professional literature in major topics in ethics (such as consent, confidentiality, and multiple relationships) and in applied settings (such as community mental health, private practice, schools, and teaching/research).

Creative Interventions for Troubled Children and Youth

Liana Lowenstein - 1999
    A wealth of innovative tools for practitioners working with children in individual, group, and family counseling. Geared to 4-16 year-old clients.

Take Charge of Your Life: How to Get What You Need with Choice-Theory Psychology

William Glasser - 2011
    William Glasser details the choice theory-a science of human behaviors and principles for regaining and maintaining internal control-and the role it can play in helping you regain your personal freedom and choice. "Take Charge of Your Life, " a revision of his 1984 book, "Control Theory, " includes choice-theory applications. He explains choice theory using personal examples and illustrative stories that allow you to learn how to improve your relationships and take charge of your actions. Topics include marital and relationship problems, parenthood, alcoholism, diseases, and psychosomatic disorders. For each situation discussed, Glasser ties behavior to the pictures of what people want in their heads. He explains how the pictures got there and how people can choose new behaviors to get what they really want. In "Take Charge of Your Life, " Glasser offers a real model of empowerment. He shows how you can become a part of the equation that adds happiness and connection to the world in which you live now and to the world of future generations.