Book picks similar to
Cecil Medicine [with eText/Expert Consult Online Access] by Lee Goldman
Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology
Edward C. Klatt - 2000
More than 1,000 questions cover everything from the fundamentals of gross and microscopic pathology to the latest findings in molecular biology and genetics. Based on two of the best-selling, most authoritative pathology textbooks-Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th Edition and Basic Pathology, 7th Edition-Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 2nd Edition is an ideal aid for coursework, self-assessment, and examinations in pathology.Offers more than 1,000 questions that follow the clinical vignette style, emphasizing problem solving over rote memorization. Presented in both single-best-answer and extended-matching formats, they reflect levels of difficulty that prepare students for both examinations and the practice of medicine.Provides an answer and a detailed explanation for every question at the end of each chapter.Includes page references and a parallel organization to both Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease and Basic Pathology, making additional information easy to locate.Presents correlative laboratory, radiologic, and physical diagnostic data to enhance readers' understanding of pathophysiology and to integrate pathology with other medical disciplines.Uses numerous full-color illustrations to test readers' diagnostic skills.Delivers a 73-question chapter covering all subjects that mimics a comprehensive final examination.
Kaplan Medical USMLE Master the Boards Step 2 CK
Conrad Fischer - 2010
Conrad Fischer presents the only full-color USMLE guide on the market to cover the clinical conditions and patient management scenarios tested on the Step 2 CK exam.New from best-selling USMLE author and award-winning medical educator, Dr. Conrad Fischer, comes the only full-color USMLE guide on the market to present the clinical conditions and patient care scenarios encountered on the Step 2 Clinical Knowledge exam. Students take the USMLE Step 2 CK Exam during their final year of medical school. The Step 2 Clinical Knowledge is a multiplechoice exam designed to determine whether the examinee possesses the medical knowled.0ge and understanding of clinical science considered essential for the provision of patient care under supervision. Kaplan Medical USMLE Master the Boards Step 2 CK is the first book that covers the content of the exam in a logical and methodical fashion, emphasizing several categories of residency including:A logical step-by-step approach to patient careAn assessment of severity, prognosis, and next course of action for specific conditionsHow to prioritize while managing, especially in emergency or acute casesAn outline of signs/symptoms and diagnostic or lab tests that signify the need for change in management approaches
Textbook of Medical Physiology
Arthur C. Guyton - 1969
Guyton & Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology covers all of the major systems in the human body, while emphasizing system interaction, homeostasis, and pathophysiology. This very readable, easy-to-follow, and thoroughly updated, 11th Edition features a new full-color layout, short chapters, clinical vignettes, and shaded summary tables that allow for easy comprehension of the material.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.Presents short, easy-to-read chapters in keeping with the Guyton and Hall tradition.Provides shaded summary tables for easy reference.Includes clinical vignettes, which allow readers to see core concepts applied to real-life situations.Offers specific discussions of pathophysiology in most clinical areas of medicine.Ensures a strong grasp of physiology concepts through well-illustrated discussions of the most essential principles.Now in full color! Offers access to the full text and other valuable features online via the STUDENT CONSULT website.Uses full-color illustrations throughout, including 486 figures, 277 charts and graphs, 100 brand-new line drawings, and 36 ECGs.Features a new full-color design that makes information more engaging and even easier to read.Updated throughout to reflect the latest knowledge in the field.
Rapid Interpretation of EKGs
Dale Dubin - 1975
A caption explains the concept illustrated on each page, and a few simple sentences reinforce the concept with interactive (programmed) learning, which links to the following page. Dr Dubin's light and entertaining style, known world-wide, makes learning enjoyable. Practice twelve-lead tracings at the end establish self-confidence, and summarised reference sheets with examples (designed to be copied) provide an excellent review.
Basic Histology: Text & Atlas
Luiz Carlos Uchôa Junqueira - 2005
Revised to reflect the latest research in the field, this book emphasizes the relationships and concepts that link cell and tissue structures with their functions. A bonus image library CD-ROM featuring all the photos and illustrations from the text with "zoom in" and "zoom out" capability is also included.
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease [with Student Consult Online Access]
Vinay Kumar - 2009
A who's who of pathology experts delivers the most dependable, current, and complete coverage of today's essential pathology knowledge. At the same time, masterful editing and a practical organization make mastering every concept remarkably easy. Online access via Student Consult includes self-assessment and review questions, interactive case studies, downloadable images, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets you view slides at different magnifications. The result remains the ideal source for an optimal understanding of pathology. Offers the most authoritative and comprehensive, yet readable coverage available in any pathology textbook, making it ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation as well as for course work. Includes access to the complete contents online via Student Consult, along with self-assessment and review questions, over 100 interactive clinical case studies, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets users view slides at different magnifications.Delivers a state-of-the-art understanding of the pathologic basis of disease through completely updated coverage, including the latest cellular and molecular biology.Demonstrates every concept visually with over 1,600 full-color photomicrographs and conceptual diagrams - many revised for even better quality.Facilitates learning with an outstanding full-color, highly user-friendly design.
Step-Up to Medicine
Steven Agabegi - 2004
This book was originally written by third-year medical students searching for the perfect review book--not finding it on the market, they wrote it themselves! Now in its third edition, Step-Up to Medicine boils down the full scope of tested pathology in a single ingenious tool. Each element is tailored for immediate content absorption, and an all-new, full-color interior differentiate elements for even faster, more efficient review. And,
Step-Up to Medicine
, third edition provides two types of self-assessment--the kinds of questions you will ask yourself as a clinician plus USMLE-style practice questions. This review book gives you just the Step-Up to the medicine clerkship, accompanying shelf exams, and USMLE Step 2 that you need! NEW Features for this blockbuster edition: Full-color, updated interior design brings the content to you in a rousing, memorable style. Full-color, updated art program illustrates concepts when a picture says it best--plenty of clinical images also supplement topics. New content on evidence-based medicine keeps you current and informed to guide your clinical decision making. Expanded content on drug dosing is added where relevant.CLASSIC Features students swear by: Complete coverage of high-yield medical topics ensures you are test ready Clinical Pearls boxes help you "file away" clinical medicine connections for handy retrieval at test time Quick Hits glimmering in the margins highlight highly testable material--just see how the sparks fly at test timeBONUS Material and study resources: eBook with the fully searchable text is available via thePoint . NEW 300 USMLE-style questions provide another means of self-assessment and practice for those exams NEW Audio clips of breath and heart sounds also available on thePoint
Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues
Henry R. Cheeseman - 1992
Visually engaging, enticing and current examples with an overall focus on business.Legal Environment of Business and E-Commerce; Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property; Contracts and E-Commerce; Domestic and International Sales and Lease Contracts; Negotiable Instruments and E-Money; Credit, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy; Agency and Employment; Business Organizations and Ethics; Government Regulation; Property; Special Topics; Global EnvironmentMARKET Business Law continues its dedication to being the most engaging text for readers by featuring a visually appealing format with enticing and current examples while maintaining its focus on business.
Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy!
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 1998
Chapters cover cancer, infection, immune disorders, genetics, and disorders of each body system, highlighting pathophysiologic processes, resulting signs and symptoms, diagnostic test findings, and current treatments. Reader-friendly features include illustrations, checklists, and full-color miniguides illustrating the pathophysiology of specific disorders.This edition has new full-color miniguides on cancer pathophysiology and neuropathology. A new Focus on Genetics feature identifies gene-related discoveries and their implications for treatment or diagnosis. Review questions and answers follow current NCLEX-RN® requirements and alternate-format questions are included.
Medical Microbiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Patrick R. Murray - 1990
Murray's best-selling book "the most colorful and fun text to read in medical microbiology." Now it's back in an updated New Edition-and it's as succinct, user-friendly, and authoritative as ever. Readers will continue to enjoy its lucid discussions of how microbes cause disease in humans. Expert coverage of basic principles, the immune response, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology ensures they understand all the facts vital to the practice of medicine today. More than 550 brilliant full-color images make complex information easy to understand and illustrate the appearance of disease.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Alan R. Crossman - 1995
It avoids overburdening the reader with topographical detail that is unnecessary for the medical student. Minimum assumptions are made of existing knowledge of the subject.'Key point' boxes for reinforcement and quick revision Glossary of important terms 'Clinical detail' boxes closely integrated with relevant neuroanatomyComplete revision and updating of text. Revision nad expansion of summary chapter, providing overview of entire subject. Clinical material updated to reflect current prevalence of neurological disease. Artwork entirely redrawn for improved clarity and closer integration with text.
Medical-Surgical Nursing (Single Volume): Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems
Sharon Mantik Lewis - 1983
It covers patient care in various clinical settings by employing a unique levels of care approach, discussing nursing implementation at multiple levels. Special features highlight the content that is most relevant and challenging for today's nursing students, including patient teaching, nutrition, drug therapy, cultural and ethnic disparities, and more.Identifies and discusses all levels of nursing management, including Health Promotion, Acute Intervention, and Ambulatory and Home Care, to prepare the nurse to effectively intervene at various stages of illness.Online podcasts feature audio key points summaries for each chapter highlighting important information.Extensive gerontologic content discusses age-related changes for each body system and alerts the nurse to differences often encountered in older patients.Attractive four-color design and over 1,400 full-color illustrations enhance learning by presenting disease processes and related anatomy and physiology more clearly.About 55 thoroughly updated, comprehensive nursing care plans incorporate current NANDA diagnoses, defining characteristics, expected outcomes, interventions with rationales, evaluation criteria, and more.New chapters on Health Disparities, Stress and Stress Management, Infection and HIV, and Nursing Management: Obesity provide a more comprehensive look at the world of medical-surgical nursing.Electronic Resource Summary at chapter openers alert students to additional electronic resources available on companion CD and Evolve.Gender Differences boxes summarize how women and men are affected differently by medical conditions.Drug Alert boxes highlight important considerations applicable to key drugs.A glossary of key terms and definitions contains definitions and page references.NCLEX examination style review questions in each chapter include a focus on prioritization of patient care.All nursing care plans now incorporate NIC and NOC. Companion CD:More than 50 interactive case studies with realistic, 3-D animations to help you visualize disease processes from the inside outA unique Stress-Busting Kit for Nursing Students with strategies for managing your (and your patients') stressA collection of Multimedia Supplements with audio and video clips, plus additional animations375 NCLEX(R) examination-style review questions
Goodman & Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
Laurence L. Brunton - 2005
Updated to reflect all critical new developments in drug action and drug-disease interaction. This is the desert island book of all medical pharmacology - if you can own just one pharmacology book, this is it.
Inorganic Chemistry
Catherine E. Housecroft - 2001
It offers superior coverage of all key areas, including descriptive chemistry, MO theory, bonding, and physical inorganic chemistry. Chapter topics are presented in logical order and include: basic concepts; nuclear properties; an introduction to molecular symmetry; bonding in polyatomic molecules; structures and energetics of metallic and ionic solids; acids, bases, and ions in aqueous solution; reduction and oxidation; non-aqueous media; and hydrogen. Four special topic chapters, chosen for their currency and interest, conclude the book. For researchers seeking the latest information in the field of inorganic chemistry.
Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology
George F. Brooks - 1991
The aim remains to provide a reference to the aspects of medical microbiology particularly important for clinical infections and chemotherapy. Geo. F. Brooks (U. of California, San Francisco), Jane