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Textbook of Medical Physiology
Arthur C. Guyton - 1969
Guyton & Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology covers all of the major systems in the human body, while emphasizing system interaction, homeostasis, and pathophysiology. This very readable, easy-to-follow, and thoroughly updated, 11th Edition features a new full-color layout, short chapters, clinical vignettes, and shaded summary tables that allow for easy comprehension of the material.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.Presents short, easy-to-read chapters in keeping with the Guyton and Hall tradition.Provides shaded summary tables for easy reference.Includes clinical vignettes, which allow readers to see core concepts applied to real-life situations.Offers specific discussions of pathophysiology in most clinical areas of medicine.Ensures a strong grasp of physiology concepts through well-illustrated discussions of the most essential principles.Now in full color! Offers access to the full text and other valuable features online via the STUDENT CONSULT website.Uses full-color illustrations throughout, including 486 figures, 277 charts and graphs, 100 brand-new line drawings, and 36 ECGs.Features a new full-color design that makes information more engaging and even easier to read.Updated throughout to reflect the latest knowledge in the field.
Course of Theoretical Physics: Vol. 1, Mechanics
L.D. Landau - 1969
The exposition is simple and leads to the most complete direct means of solving problems in mechanics. The final sections on adiabatic invariants have been revised and augmented. In addition a short biography of L D Landau has been inserted.
Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations
Werner Heisenberg - 1969
Physics and Beyond contains Heisenberg’s most sophisticated statements of his philosophy of quantum theory, and is also a watershed inspiration for the contemporary pragmatist philosophy of science that prevails in academia today.
The Unexpected Universe
Loren Eiseley - 1969
Scrupulous scholarship and magical prose are brought to bear on such diverse topics as seeds, the hieroglyphs on shells, lost tombs, the goddess Circe, city dumps, and Neanderthal man.
The Sciences of the Artificial
Herbert A. Simon - 1969
There are updates throughout the book as well. These take into account important advances in cognitive psychology and the science of design while confirming and extending the book's basic thesis: that a physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for intelligent action. The chapter "Economic Reality" has also been revised to reflect a change in emphasis in Simon's thinking about the respective roles of organizations and markets in economic systems."People sometimes ask me what they should read to find out about artificial intelligence. Herbert Simon's book The Sciences of the Artificial is always on the list I give them. Every page issues a challenge to conventional thinking, and the layman who digests it well will certainly understand what the field of artificial intelligence hopes to accomplish. I recommend it in the same spirit that I recommend Freud to people who ask about psychoanalysis, or Piaget to those who ask about child psychology: If you want to learn about a subject, start by reading its founding fathers." -- George A. Miller
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
R. Buckminster Fuller - 1969
Fuller expresses what may well be his penultimate view of the human condition. Here, in a mood at once philosophical and involved, Mr. Fuller traces man's intellectual evolution and weighs his capability for survival on this magnificent craft, this Spaceship Earth, this superbly designed sphere of almost negligible dimension in the great vastness of space.Mr. Fuller is optimistic that man will survive and, through research and development and increased industrialization, generate wealth so rapidly that he can do very great things. But, he notes, there must be an enormous educational task successfully accomplished right now to convert man's tendency toward oblivion into a realization of his potential, to a universe-exploring advantage from this Spaceship Earth.It has been noted that Mr. Fuller spins ideas in clusters, and clusters of his ideas generate still other clusters. The concept spaceship earth is Mr. Fuller's, and though used by Barbara Ward as the title of a work of her own the idea was acknowledged by her there as deriving from Mr. Fuller. The brilliant syntheses of some fundamental Fuller principles given here makes of this book a microcosm of the Fuller system.
Darwin and the Beagle
Alan Moorehead - 1969
1st Penguin trade 1971 edition paperback vg++ to fine book In stock shipped from our UK warehouse
Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics
Frederick W. Byron Jr. - 1969
Organized around the central concept of a vector space, the book includes numerous physical applications in the body of the text as well as many problems of a physical nature. It is also one of the purposes of this book to introduce the physicist to the language and style of mathematics as well as the content of those particular subjects with contemporary relevance in physics.Chapters 1 and 2 are devoted to the mathematics of classical physics. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 — the backbone of the book — cover the theory of vector spaces. Chapter 6 covers analytic function theory. In chapters 7, 8, and 9 the authors take up several important techniques of theoretical physics — the Green's function method of solving differential and partial differential equations, and the theory of integral equations. Chapter 10 introduces the theory of groups. The authors have included a large selection of problems at the end of each chapter, some illustrating or extending mathematical points, others stressing physical application of techniques developed in the text.Essentially self-contained, the book assumes only the standard undergraduate preparation in physics and mathematics, i.e. intermediate mechanics, electricity and magnetism, introductory quantum mechanics, advanced calculus and differential equations. The text may be easily adapted for a one-semester course at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level.
Laws of Form
George Spencer-Brown - 1969
The work is powerful and has established a passionate following as well as harsh critics.
Utopia or Oblivion: The Prospects for Humanity
R. Buckminster Fuller - 1969
This comprehensive volume is composed of essays derived from the lectures he gave all over the world during the 1960's. Fuller's thesis is that humanity - for the first time in its history - has the opportunity to create a world where the needs of 100% of humanity are met. This is Fuller in his prime, relaying his urgent message for earthians critical moment and presenting pioneering solutions which reflect his commitment to the potential of innovative design to create technology that does "more with less" and thereby improves human lives . . . "This is what man tends to call utopia. It's a fairly small word, but inadequate to describe the extraordinary new freedom of man in a new relationship to universe - the alternative
The Human Zoo: A Zoologist's Study of the Urban Animal
Desmond Morris - 1969
Morris finds remarkable similarities with captive zoo animals and looks closely at the aggressive, sexual and parental behaviour of the human species under the stresses and pressures of urban living.
The Lady and the Sharks
Eugenie Clark - 1969
When people ask Dr. Eugenie Clark what they should do when they see a big shark underwater, she responds... "if it's over 40 feet long and has spots, jump on its back and get the ride of your life."
The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton: Volume 5, 1683-1684
Isaac Newton - 1969
Dr Whiteside first reproduces the text of the lectures deposited by Newton in the Cambridge University Library about 1684. In these much reworked, not quite finished, professional lectiones, Newton builds upon his earlier studies of the fundamentals of algebra and its application to the theory and construction of equations, developing new techniques for the factorizing of algebraic quantities and the delimitation of bounds to the number and location of roots, with a wealth of worked arithmetical, geometrical, mechanical and astronomical problems. An historical introduction traces what is known of the background to the parent manuscript and assesses the subsequent impact of the edition prepared by Whiston about 1705 and the revised version published by Newton himself in 1722. A number of minor worksheets, preliminary drafts and later augmentations buttress this primary text, throwing light upon its development and the essential untrustworthiness of its imposed marginal chronology.
Space, Time and Incarnation
Thomas F. Torrance - 1969
The philosophical problems that this involves are bound up with Christian theology, and form the subject of this book. Professor Torrance begins with a critique of modern Protestant thinking, and proceeds to examine the place of spatial and temporal elements in basic theological concepts. He then offers a positive account of the relation of the incarnation to space and time. While related to the work of the great theologians of the past, this study is also supremely relevant to theological thinking in this age of science.
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Simon M. Sze - 1969
Now completely updated and reorganized to reflect the tremendous advances in device concepts and performance, this Third Edition remains the most detailed and exhaustive single source of information on the most important semiconductor devices. It gives readers immediate access to detailed descriptions of the underlying physics and performance characteristics of all major bipolar, field-effect, microwave, photonic, and sensor devices.Designed for graduate textbook adoptions and reference needs, this new edition includes:A complete update of the latest developments New devices such as three-dimensional MOSFETs, MODFETs, resonant-tunneling diodes, semiconductor sensors, quantum-cascade lasers, single-electron transistors, real-space transfer devices, and more Materials completely reorganized Problem sets at the end of each chapter All figures reproduced at the highest quality Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Third Edition offers engineers, research scientists, faculty, and students a practical basis for understanding the most important devices in use today and for evaluating future device performance and limitations.A Solutions Manual is available from the editorial department.
Fundamentals Of Analytical Chemistry
Douglas A. Skoog - 1969
Providing coverage of the principles and practices of quantitative chemistry, this book includes applications throughout industry, medicine, and the sciences.
Christianity and Evolution
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 1969
As a believing scientist, Teilhard wrestled with the problem of presenting to the believer a scientific picture that would enlarge his religious vision and to the scientist a statement of religious ideas that would integrate with his understanding of reality. Foreword by N. M. Wildiers; Index. Translated by René Hague.A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book
The Born-Einstein Letters 1916-55
Max Born - 1969
Their letters span 40 years and two world wars. In them they argue about quantum theory, agree about Beethoven's heavenly violin and piano duets (that they played together when they met) and chat about their families. Equally important, the men commiserate over the tragic plight of European Jewry and discuss what part they should play in the tumultuous politics of the time. Fascinating historically, The Born-Einstein Letters is also highly topical: scientists continue to struggle with quantum physics, their role in wartime and the public's misunderstanding. First published by Macmillan in 1971, this book is re-issued, with a substantial new preface by leading US physicists Kip Thorne and Diana Buchwald, as part of 2005's Relativity Centenary celebrations.
The Soul Of The Ape
Eugène N. Marais - 1969
Early this century Eugène Marais, journalist, lawyer, poet and natural scientist, travelled to the wild Northern Transvaal and lived for three years at close quarters with a troop of chacma baboons.The Soul of the Ape is the record of his experiences and observations.Lost for forty years, the manuscript was only recently discovered and Robert Ardrey, who dedicated his African Genesis to Marais, believes that it 'presents better than any other book published thus far, the dawning humanity in the psyche of the higher primates.'The Soul of the Ape is both a rare personal document and a pioneering study of the primitive mind.
Monarch of Deadman Bay: The Life and Death of a Kodiak Bear
Roger A. Caras - 1969
The Insects: Structure and Function
Reginald F. Chapman - 1969
This textbook brings together basic anatomy and physiology and relates them to behavior. Coverage emphasizes the roles of different functional systems in the context of the whole organism using studies of many different species as examples. Unlike other texts, The Insects does not dwell on classification, opting instead to take an in-depth look at physiology, providing any biologist with a better basic understanding of how insects work. A long-awaited update of a well established standard text and respected reference work for students and researchers in zoology, entomology and physiology, this fourth edition has been rewritten throughout, while retaining the successful structure of the earlier editions. Illustrations have been augmented with electron micrographs, and expanded reference sections will make this volume a valuable addition to all biologists' bookshelves.
The Hudson River: A Natural and Unnatural History
Robert H. Boyle - 1969
Studies the history, characteristics, and natural wildlife of the Hudson and the ways in which man has enriched or devastated the river.
The Emergence of Man
John E. Pfeiffer - 1969
From wilderness to metropolis in 15,000,000 years--the unfolding story of human evolution & the human condition, as revealed by new discoveries in archeology & primate behavior.
The International Wildlife Encyclopedia, Volume 1
Maurice Burton - 1969
Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry
Marvin Minsky - 1969
It marked a historical turn in artificial intelligence, and it is required reading for anyone who wants to understand the connectionist counterrevolution that is going on today.Artificial-intelligence research, which for a time concentrated on the programming of ton Neumann computers, is swinging back to the idea that intelligence might emerge from the activity of networks of neuronlike entities. Minsky and Papert's book was the first example of a mathematical analysis carried far enough to show the exact limitations of a class of computing machines that could seriously be considered as models of the brain. Now the new developments in mathematical tools, the recent interest of physicists in the theory of disordered matter, the new insights into and psychological models of how the brain works, and the evolution of fast computers that can simulate networks of automata have given Perceptrons new importance.Witnessing the swing of the intellectual pendulum, Minsky and Papert have added a new chapter in which they discuss the current state of parallel computers, review developments since the appearance of the 1972 edition, and identify new research directions related to connectionism. They note a central theoretical challenge facing connectionism: the challenge to reach a deeper understanding of how "objects" or "agents" with individuality can emerge in a network. Progress in this area would link connectionism with what the authors have called "society theories of mind."
Textbook Of Radiology And Imaging
David Sutton - 1969
The book is organized by body system and incorporates an integrated, multi-modality approach to radiological diagnosis. The emphasis in on the clinical effectiveness of contemporary imaging practice. The text is supported with abundant high-quality illustrations.Comprehensive overview of contemporary radiological practiceEmphasises a multi-modality approach to diagnosisHighly selective and current list of references for further investigationAbundant illustrations (almost 5,000 radiological images as well as many graphs and tables) clarify and enhance the text whenever appropriateIncreased coverage of mammography, radiology imaging of trauma, transplantation and oncologyAll chapters thoroughly revised, deleting obsolete techniquesApproximately 30% of the illustrations are brand newHighlights the latest technical advances in CT, MR, Ultrasound and radionuclide agents
Data Reduction And Error Analysis For The Physical Sciences
Philip R. Bevington - 1969
The text is for use in one-term numerical analysis, data and error analysis, or computer methods courses, or for laboratory use. It is for the sophomore-junior level, and calculus is a prerequisite. The new edition includes applications for PC use.
Modern Earth Science
William L. Ramsey - 1969
Information, Mechanism and Meaning
Donald M. MacKay - 1969
Most of this collection concerns MacKay's abiding preoccupation with information as represented and utilized in the brain and exchanged between human beings, rather than as formalized in logical patterns of elementary propositions.
The Ethnography of Franz Boas: Letters and Diaries of Franz Boas Written on the Northwest Coast...
Franz Boas - 1969
The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton: Volume 3
Isaac Newton - 1969
Ancillary documents include, in Part 1, papers on the integration of algebraic functions and, in Part 2, short texts dealing with geometry and simple harmonic motion in a cycloidal arc. Part 3 reproduces, from both manuscript versions of Newton's Lectiones Opticae and from his Waste Book, mathematical excerpts from his researches into light and the theory of lenses at this period. An appendix summarizes mathematical highlights in his contemporary correspondence.
The Sexual Code: The Social Behaviour Of Animals And Men
Wolfgang Wickler - 1969
E-Z Chemistry (Ace Chemistry the E-Z Way!)
Joseph A. Mascetta - 1969
Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for Chemistry: The Easy Way, Sixth Edition, ISBN 978-1-4380-1210-0, on sale August 6, 2019.Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product.
The Rules of Algebra: (Ars Magna)
Girolamo Cardano - 1969
A primer on "the great art" of algebra, it contains the first revelation of the principles for solving cubic and biquadratic equations, along with other innovations. Author Girolamo Cardano (1501-76) was famous not only for his prodigious gifts as a mathematician, but also for his skills as a physician, astrologer, and gambler. Cardano's novel approach to the treatment of scientific problems reflects the spirit of his era, the zenith of the Italian Renaissance.Long unavailable, except in rare Latin editions, Cardano's masterpiece is newly accessible in this excellent English translation by T. Richard Witmer. Adapted to modern mathematical syntax, it will appeal to both historians and mathematicians. Oystein Ore, a renowned mathematician and historian of science, provides an informative introduction, and the text is complemented by 26 black-and-white illustrations.
They All Ran Wild: The Animals And Plants That Plague Australia
Eric C. Rolls - 1969
Applied Numerical Methods
Brice Carnahan - 1969
The main feature of this volume is that the various numerical methods are not only discussed in the text, but are also illustrated by completely documented computer programs. Many of these programs relate to problems in engineering and applied mathematics. The reader should gain an appreciation of what to expect during the implementation of particular numerical techniques on a digital computer.
Two Logics: The Conflict between Classical and Neo-Analytic Philosophy
Henry Babcock Veatch - 1969
CONTENTS- Introduction: the battle of the books renewed- A logic that can't say what anything is- Alternative logics: a what-logic and a relating-logic- The what-statements of a what-logic: why they are not analytic truths- The what-statements of a what-logic: why they are not synthetic truths- The disabilities of a relating-logic: the fallacy of inverted intentionality- The world as seen through a relating-logic- A what-logic and its supposed commitment to essences and substantial forms- Induction as conceived by a relating-logic and a what-logic- The picture of the world derived from the inductions in a relating-logic- Deductive explanation: a likely case study in surrealism?- From deductive explanation in general to historical explanation in particular- A short digression from history into ethics- Conclusion: epilogue or epitaph?
Sensory Deprivation: Fifteen Years of Research
John Peter Zubek - 1969
Plant Variation and Evolution
David Briggs - 1969
European botanists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries used this variation to classify different kinds into a hierachy of family, genus, and species. Although useful, these classifications were based on a belief in the fixity of species and the static patterns of variation. Darwin's theory of evolution changed this view; populations and species varied in time and space and were part of a continuing process of evolution. The development of molecular techniques has transformed our understanding of microevolution and the evolutionary history of the flowering plants. This revised, extended edition describes the historical background to plant variation studies and considers the remarkable insights that molecular biology has recently given into the processes of evolution in populations of cultivated, wild and weedy species; the threats of extinction faced by many endangered species and the wider evolutionary history of the flowering plants as revealed by cladistic methods.
Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results
David Ruelle - 1969
Its treatment of the infinite system limit has not been superseded, and the discussion of thermodynamic functions and states remains basic for more recent work. The conceptual foundation provided by the Rigorous Results remains invaluable for the study of the spectacular developments of statistical mechanics in the second half of the 20th century.
Field Guide to Snow Crystals
Edward R. LaChapelle - 1969
It describes the types of snow crystals, how they are formed, and how they change after they have been deposited, and explains the various systems of classification that have been developed. Beautiful and detailed photographs taken by the author illustrate crystals and their metamorphism under various conditions.
The Immortalist
Alan Harrington - 1969
Within the last few years "[W]e have circled the moon, harnessed nuclear energy, artificially reproduced DNA, and now have the biochemical means to control birth; why should death itself, the Last Enemy, be considered sacred and beyond conquest?
Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces. (Am-61), Volume 61
John Milnor - 1969
(AM-61), Volume 61, will be forthcoming.
Seeds, Spades, Hearths, and Herds
Carl O. Sauer - 1969
Originally published under the title Agricultural Origins and Dispersals: The Domestication of Animals and Foodstuffs