Weight Loss Boss: How to Finally Win at Losing--and Take Charge in an Out-of-Control Food World

David Kirchhoff - 2012
    No wonder obesity among Americans has tripled since the 1960s--and that those prone to weight gain fail over and over to maintain their hard-won goals. Simply put, our brains and environments are stacked against us. Simplistic willpower-based and food-focused diets will never bring lasting change.But a solution is within reach--one that will help readers live better, longer, and more happily.In fact, David Kirchhoff isn't just the President and CEO of Weight Watchers--he's also one of its biggest success stories. In his pursuit of a trim physique, Kirchhoff divulges his slide into full-fledged obesity, his struggles to manage his relationship with food, and to find an exercise regimen that sticks. Drawing on the latest scientific research and numerous other inspiring personal stories, he makes the case that the only recipe for long-term success is to radically shift our mindset when thinking about obesity and adopting a healthy lifestyle that stays with us for good. This requires incorporating positive habits that become second nature, and rigorously managing one's food environment--as well as embracing practical behavior-change tools and other sustainable maintenance strategies. In the light of a new, healthier lifestyle that helps readers look good and feel good, change isn't a burden--it's a release.All author royalties will be donated to Share Our Strength (www.strength.org), a nonprofit organization that supports the goal of ending childhood hunger in the U.S. by 2015.

The Fast Diet: The Simple Secret of Intermittent Fasting: Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer

Michael Mosley - 2013
    You just limit your calorie intake for two nonconsecutive days each week—500 calories for women, 600 for men. You’ll lose weight quickly and effortlessly with the FastDiet.Scientific trials of intermittent fasters have shown that it will not only help the pounds fly off, but also reduce your risk of a range of diseases from diabetes to cardiovascular disease and even cancer. “The scientific evidence is strong that intermittent fasting can improve health,” says Dr. Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging, and Professor of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University.This book brings together the results of new, groundbreaking research to create a dietary program that can be incorporated into your busy daily life, featuring:• Forty 500- and 600-calorie meals that are quick and easy to make• 8 pages of photos that show you what a typical “fasting meal” looks like• The cutting-edge science behind the program• A calorie counter that makes dieting easy• And much more.Far from being just another fad, the FastDiet is a radical new way of thinking about food, a lifestyle choice that could transform your health. This is your indispensable guide to simple and effective weight loss, without fuss or the need to endlessly deprive yourself.

Lean Habits For Lifelong Weight Loss: Mastering 4 Core Eating Behaviors to Stay Slim Forever

Georgie Fear - 2015
    The four staples of lean living are all about adjusting your relationship with food so you can eat what you want, when you want but with a smarter approach. Easy modifications like learning to sense when you are truly hungry and knowing the difference between satisfied and stuffed, will be your stepping-stones to a healthy life in which you don't have to stress about your diet. Millions of dieters are disillusioned by fad diets with celebrity endorsements but no basis in scientific reasoning. Georgie Fear is a registered dietitian and professional weight loss coach with research experience in nutritional science. Her approach is based on research and has been tested and proven on her clientele, including Olympic athletes and NCAA teams. Simply put, Georgie's approach to weight loss is the only non-restrictive, customizable, flexible and effective system that works for life. You don't just learn the habits; you change the way you look at food forever. No more forbidden foods, tiny portions or liquid cleanses--just better awareness and life-long results.

If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight?: Tools to Get It Done

Brooke Castillo - 2006
    I no longer struggle with food and exercising has become a joy that I look forward to doing every day. Shopping in the stores I once used to walk by fills me with great delight, because I can finally wear the kinds of cute clothes that better fit my personality. Once I was able to create a new mind set that I am worth taking great care of myself, I experienced more happiness than I have ever known. For me, freedom from the weight struggle has been worth taking the risk to try again just one more time.' Suyin N. Client San Mateo, CA

Eat This, Not That!: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution

David Zinczenko - 2007
    The secret? The revolutionary concept that the battle of the bulge is won not through deprivation and discipline, but by making a series of simple food swaps that can save you hundreds – if not thousands – of calories a day.  EAT THIS, NOT THAT! is the only book that holds the food industry accountable for the surreptitious loads of sugar, fat, and sodium stuffed into foods that were once reliable sources of lean nutrition. It arms you with the savvy tricks and insider information you need to eat well in today’s dangerous food landscape. With EAT THIS, NOT THAT! you're the expert in every eating situation, from the frozen food aisle to your favorite fast food joint to your local sports bar. You control your food universe--and lose the pounds you want--because, unlike every other customer, you'll know the smart choices to make--instantly!  Now get this: The pressure from EAT THIS, NOT THAT! is actually reshaping the food landscape to your benefit! Since it’s original publication in 2007, here’s how some restaurants have responded: · Baskin Robbins eliminated its 2,300-calorie Heath Bar Shake.· Outback Steakhouse downsized its Aussie Cheese Fries from 2,900 calories to 2,140 calories.· Macaroni Grill replaced the 1,120-calorie Kids’ Double Mac ‘n’ Cheese with a more reasonable 670-calorie version.· Restaurants such as Quiznos, Red Lobster, and Olive Garden began publishing nutritional information for the first time ever.· And that’s just to name a few!

Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss

Mark Hyman - 2006
    It's embedded in our DNA. Our diet has changed dramatically over the past ten thousand years, but our genetic blueprint has not -- our bodies are not designed to process the types of food we are fed today. It's like putting diesel fuel into a regular car -- it just won't work. And making matters worse is the fact that diets don't work either: less than 6 percent of weight-loss attempts succeed. The average person who goes on a diet actually gains five pounds. But a medical revolution is under way, finally showing us precisely how the powerful forces that keep weight on can actually be reprogrammed to automatically burn fat and keep weight off for good. The concept is simple. By learning how to work with our bodies instead of against them, we can ignite the natural fat-burning furnaces that lie dormant within us. For the first time ever, Dr. Mark Hyman makes this new science of weight loss available to the general public. This medical revolution is based on a groundbreaking concept called nutrigenomics -- the science of how food talks to our genes. This science is actually startlingly simple. Food contains information and instructions for our bodies -- eat the right foods and send instructions of weight loss and health; eat the wrong foods and send messages of weight gain and disease. After spending the last ten years conducting pioneering, hands-on research with over two thousand patients at Canyon Ranch, one of the world's leading health resorts, Dr. Hyman has discovered the seven fundamental causes of obesity. While fad diets have identified one or two of these causes, never before have they all been integrated into a single, simple plan for automatic weight loss -- this is the promise of "UltraMetabolism." "UltraMetabolism" is an easy-to-follow eight-week plan to help you lose weight based on your own unique genetic needs. Since each of our bodies is different and may require more or less of certain nutrients to awaken our fat-burning DNA, Dr. Hyman shows you exactly how to customize the program for your own particular needs. The program includes menus, recipes, and shopping lists, as well as recommendations for supplements and exercise and lifestyle treatments designed to create a healthy metabolism -- an "UltraMetabolism" -- permanent weight loss, and lifelong health.Ultrametabolism Testimonials..".I lost 50 pounds and have kept it off for 4 years.""The last five years have become the healthiest years of my life. Because of Dr. Hyman's program, I have an in-depth understanding of my physical condition and have tailored a weight loss program for my needs. Since following his plan, I've significantly reduced my cholesterol from 240 to 160. In addition, I lost 50 pounds and have kept it off for 4 years."-- Joseph Bernstein Milwaukee, WI"I've dropped 2 dress sizes (so far)...Dr. Hyman literally gave me my life back.""Over the past few years I had gained 70 lbs and felt progressively worse as I bounced from doctor to doctor without any real answers for my weight gain, my migraines, or my many other ailments. Dr. Hyman helped me understand how many of my health issues were due to food allergies. Lab tests showed I was allergic to 28 different foods! I started on the DeTox phase of Dr. Hymans program and within 3 weeks, I lost 11 pounds and my swollen wrists and puffy face went away. I used to wake up extremely exhausted, but now I wake up at 6 am and maintain a constant level of energy throughout the day. No other program gave me a means to discover the real source of my problems. Now I have the energy to play with my 8-year-old and 11-year-old children. My entire family is finally eating healthier, and I've dropped 2 dress sizes (so far!) Dr Hyman literally gave me my life back."-- Audrey Meyer Lampert North Granby, CT"The menu was easy to implement, in spite of my hectic lifestyle...""Through Dr. Hyman's program, I not only dropped my cholesterol from 335 to below 200, but I lost 20 lbs and have kept if off for the last 2 years through his instructions including a specific meal plan, exercise, and supplements. The menu was easy to implement, in spite of my hectic lifestyle and easy to adapt when I traveled to hotels and restaurants. Matter of fact, I went from a pant size of 38 to a 36 and needed to buy a lot of new clothes."-- Cavas Gobhai Cambridge, MA"It was easy! All I needed to do was follow his instructions; in the first 30 days I lost 21 pounds.""Substituting simple foods with other healthy foods that I love helped me lose the cravings for all the junk I used to eat. Dr. Hyman's weight loss program gave me a lot of information about my body. It was easy! All I needed to do was follow his instructions; in the first 30 days I lost 21 pounds. I feel better than I have in 10 years and can now walk up the stairs without losing my breath. I forgot how good I could I feel."-- Deede Dominick Phippsburg, Maine"I was ready for a change, and Dr. Hyman's program helped me prioritize my life.""After I quit smoking three years ago, I snacked a lot in order to forget about smoking. After doing that for 6 months, I gained almost 30 pounds. I was sick and tired of having no energy, and I wanted to feel good again. In addition, I love to shop, and I wanted to buy fancy clothes without having to shop at the big and tall store. I was ready for a change, and Dr. Hyman's program helped me prioritize my life. Since I started in 2003 I have lost over 60 pounds and have maintained the loss. In addition, I've gone from a size 18 to a size 10. When I look at old pictures, I realize that I feel and look better than I did 15 years ago."-- Margarida Glenhage Gothenburg Sweden..".I lost 30 lbs with no exercise.""As a single mother, I was tired of feeling sick all the time and decided to change my life so that I could become healthy for my 3%-year-old daughter. After relearning how to feed myself and my daughter, I lost 30 lbs with no exercise from June to December and I dropped my cholesterol 105 points."-- Nancy Grey DC Bronxville, NY"I lost 30 lbs, went back to a size 4, and no longer have migraines.""After going through an 8-month period of being very sick with hives, having extreme inflammation in my face, and gaining 30 pounds, I found Dr. Hyman's program. Because I went through his simple plan, I uncovered that I am allergic to gluten, the protein in wheat, which was the source of all my problems. After getting on his plan, I lost 30 lbs, went back to a size 4, and no longer have migraines. My husband even noticed the change and went on the program too; so far, he's lost 45 pounds."-- Debbie Gosney Charlotte, NC..".it's easy to jump back on when I occasionally fall off...""This program gave me the satisfaction of being in control of my body and life. I've maintained my 18-pound weight loss since 2002, reduced my glucose levels from 170 to 102, and taken control over my diabetes to the point where I no longer have any symptoms. Going on a program like this is like a religious conversion; it's easy to jump back on when I occasionally fall off and I have more energy than I've ever had. At the age of 71, I run 4 miles a day and feel great."

Flat Belly Diet!

Liz Vaccariello - 2008
    Now, its editors bring you a weight-loss plan that's specifically designed to target your number-one trouble spot: BELLY FAT.For women over 40, belly fat is incredibly stealth and incredibly stubborn. It's also the most deadly, contributing to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and chronic illness than any other type of fat on your body. Finally, science has helped uncover a key dietary weapon in the fight against belly fat. Monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs, help dieters lose more weight--in their bellies specifically--and keep it off longer.Flat Belly Diet! will lead you step by step, day by day, meal by meal toward a flatter belly...and a longer, healthier life.

Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir

Jennette Fulda - 2008
    Actually, more like half her weight. At the time, Jennette weighed 372 pounds.Jennette was not born fat. But, by fifth grade, her response to a school questionnaire asking what would you change about your appearance "was I would be thinner.” Sound familiar?Half-Assed is the captivating and incredibly honest story of Jennette’s journey to get in shape, lose weight, and change her life. From the beginning—dusting off her never-used treadmill and steering clear of the donut shop—to the end with her goal weight in sight, Jennette wows readers with her determined persistence to shed pounds and the ability to maintain her ever-present sense of self.

This Is Why You're Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever): Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More--and Keep the Weight Off

Jackie Warner - 2010
    "Being fat isn't your fault; staying fat is." That's what Jackie Warner, America's favorite no-nonsense celebrity fitness trainer tells her own clients, and that's why no one delivers better results than Jackie does. Now for the first time, Jackie shares her revolutionary program, showing readers the best ways to drop pounds and inches fast, without grueling workouts or deprivation, and keep them off for good! Her two-tiered approach provides a complete nutritional makeover and a failure-proof condensed workout routine PLUS all the emotional support and encouragement you need to get to the finish line and beyond. With Jackie's core principles, you'll discover once and for all which behaviors are making you fat, and which can finally make you thin forever-and some may surprise you: ADD TO LOSE: In Jackie's 2-week jump start, no food is off-limits. You'll actually add food to your diet in order to lose weight. CHEATING IS ALLOWED: Eat clean for 5 days, and then indulge in whatever you want over the weekend! FAT IS NOT THE ENEMY: Fat doesn't make you fat; sugar does! Nothing you eat should contain over 9 grams of sugar SKIP THE CRUNCHES: They just build muscle under the fat. Discover the fastest way to burn calories, tone muscle, and spark your metabolism for rapid fat loss LESS (EXERCISE) IS MORE: Workouts shouldn't take over your day-give Jackie 20-minutes and you'll see results. Find out today why THIS IS WHY YOUR FAT (AND HOW TO GET THIN FOREVER) is your first and last stop on the way to the new fit and healthy you!

Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of the World's Fittest Men, and Discovering Myself

Rich Roll - 2012
    Nearly fifty pounds overweight and unable to climb the stairs without stopping, he could see where his current sedentary life was taking him—and he woke up. Plunging into a new routine that prioritized a plant-based lifestyle and daily training, Rich morphed—in a matter of mere months—from out of shape, mid-life couch potato to endurance machine. Finding Ultra recounts Rich’s remarkable journey to the starting line of the elite Ultraman competition, which pits the world’s fittest humans in a 320-mile ordeal of swimming, biking, and running. And following that test, Rich conquered an even greater one: the EPIC5—five Ironman-distance triathlons, each on a different Hawaiian island, all completed in less than a week. In the years since Finding Ultra was published, Rich has become one of the world’s most recognized advocates of plant-based living. In this newly revised and updated edition, he shares the practices, tools, and techniques he uses for optimal performance, longevity, and wellness, including diet and nutrition protocols. Rich reflects on the steps he took to shift his mindset and leverage deep reservoirs of untapped potential to achieve success beyond his wildest imagination, urging each of us to embark on our own journey of self-discovery.

Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight

Peter J. D'Adamo - 1991
    Peter D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney reveal the simple secret to healthy, vigorous, and disease-free living: basing your diet on your blood type. If you've ever suspected that not everyone should eat the same thing or do the same exercise, you're right. In fact, what foods we absorb well and how our bodies handle stress differ with each blood type. Your blood type reflects your internal chemistry. It is the key that unlocks the mysteries of disease, longevity, fitness, and emotional strength. It determines your susceptibility to illness, the foods you should eat, and ways to avoid the most troubling health problems. In Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. D'Adamo draws on over fifteen years of research to reveal: - Which foods, spices, teas, and condiments help maintain optimal health and ideal weight - Which vitamins and supplements to emphasize or avoid - Whether your stress is relieved better through aerobics or meditation - Whether you should walk, swim or play tennis or golf as your mode of exercise - How knowing your blood type can help you avoid many common viruses and infections and fight back against life-threatening diseases - How to slow down the aging process by avoiding factors that cause rapid cell deterioration Whether your blood type is O, A, B, or AB, Eat Right 4 Your Type will help you design a total health program that's perfect for you. MORE THAN 7 MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE!

21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox

Roni DeLuz - 2007
    Enjoy vibrant health and maximum weight loss with Roni DeLuz’s clear, step-by-step detox plans—and you can even choose one of three different programs: the “MiniFast” weekend detox for first-timers, or the “SuperFast” or “MasterFast” plans for more committed detoxers.

Extreme Transformation: Lifelong Weight Loss in 21 Days

Chris Powell - 2015
    Whether you're looking to lose the baby weight, that last ten pounds, or several hundred, this is the program that can change your life forever. They share their most effective secrets for weight loss success through diet and exercise and go into detailed focus on how to develop a powerful, sustainable mental change to keep the weight off forever. With their help, readers will "see" the hidden path of transformation; be guided through fast and fun exercises; enjoy loads of recipes (both quick and gourmet) along with advice for food shopping, preparation, and more! With an incredible expansion of the Carb-cycling core that has driven Chris's first two national bestsellers, the Powells guide you from the very first step to reach your ideal weight and transition to lifelong maintenance--high-impact results in as little as three weeks.

It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

Dallas Hartwig - 2012
    Your success story begins with "The Whole30," Dallas and Melissa Hartwig's powerful 30-day nutritional reset.Over the last three years, their underground Whole30 program has quietly led tens of thousands of people to weight loss, improved quality of life and a healthier relationship with food—accompanied by stunning improvements in sleep, energy levels, mood and self-esteem. More significantly, devotees of their program have reported the "magical" elimination of hundreds of lifestyle-related diseases and conditions.Now, Dallas and Melissa detail the theories behind the Whole30, summarizing the science in a simple, accessible manner. It Starts With Food will show you how certain foods may be having negative effects on how you look, feel and live—in ways that you'd never associate with your diet. More importantly, they outline their life-long strategy for Eating Good Food in one clear and detailed action plan designed to help you create a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation and put an end to unhealthy cravings, habits, and relationships with food.Infused with their signature wit, tough love and common sense approach, It Starts With Food is based on the latest scientific research and real-life experience, and includes success stories, a shopping guide, a meal planning template, a 30-day meal plan with creative, delicious recipes, and much more.

The Potato Hack: Weight Loss Simplified

Tim Steele - 2016
    This potato diet simply called for one to eat nothing but potatoes for a few days at a time, promising that fat men become as “lean as they ought to be.” One hundred and sixty-seven years later, we are fatter and sicker than ever, but the potato diet still works. Potatoes contains natural drug-like agents that affect inflammation, hunger, insulin, sleep, dreams, mood, and body weight. The potato is the best diet pill ever invented. The potato hack is a short-term intervention (3-5 days) where one eats nothing but potatoes. This short mono-food experiment will strengthen your immune system and provide you with all of the nutrition you need to remain energetic, sleep great, and, as a side-effect, lose weight. The potato hack will help you develop a new relationship with food, hunger, taste, and yourself. The potato hack is not just for the overweight. As noted in 1849, anyone with digestive complaints who follows an all-potato diet for a few days at a time will find their digestion improves greatly. Modern science shows that simple diets high in fiber create an intestinal microbiome that is highly diverse and stable. This diversity and stability is lacking in most people and leads to digestive complaints like Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and Small intestinal bacterial overgrowths (SIBO). The "modern dyspeptic gut" affects millions of people and costs billions of dollars annually. The answer might be as simple as 3-5 days of potatoes. You don't need this book to do the potato hack. Just eat potatoes until full every day for 3-5 days. It really is that simple! This book explains the science behind the potato hack, some variations on the basic hack, recipes, and what to do if it does not work as advertised. Also found in The Potato Hack is a comprehensive review of resistant starch, gut health, potato history, and a growing guide for those that want to grow their own. Most of the photography throughout the book was done by award-winning photographer, Ann Overhulse. The artfully photographed potatoes found on the cover and on 30 pages within are well worth the full price of the book. Guaranteed that after reading The Potato Hack, you will never look at potatoes the same.