Hell, A Final Word: The Surprising Things I Found in the Bible

Edward Fudge - 2012
    But, between the extremes of universal salvation and everlasting torment, there shines a third view, known as annihilationism or conditional immortality, claiming the most biblical support of all.

Hunting Magic Eels: Recovering an Enchanted Faith in a Skeptical Age

Richard Beck - 2021
    Increasing numbers of us don't believe in God anymore. We don't expect miracles. We've grown up and left those fairytales behind, culturally and personally.Yet five hundred years ago the world was very much enchanted. It was a world where God existed and the devil was real. It was a world full of angels and demons. It was a world of holy wells and magical eels. But since the Protestant Reformation and the beginning of the Enlightenment, the world, in the West at least, has become increasingly disenchanted.While this might be taken as evidence of a crisis of belief, Richard Beck argues it's actually a crisis of attention. God hasn't gone anywhere, but we've lost our capacity to see God.The rising tide of disenchantment has profoundly changed our religious imaginations and led to a loss of the holy expectation that we can be interrupted by the sacred and divine. But it doesn't have to be this way. With attention and an intentional and cultivated capacity to experience God as a living, vital presence in our lives, Hunting Magic Eels, shows us, we can cultivate an enchanted faith in a skeptical age.

Jesus, M.D.: A Doctor Examines the Great Physician

David Stevens - 2001
    His touch extended grace to the sick and sinful of ancient Palestine and left a miracle in its wake. And his ministry hasn't ceased. Today, he looks for willing hearts and hands through which he can heal a needy world.Dr. David Stevens knows. His eleven years at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya have shown him more than the drama and sacrifice of missionary medicine. In Jesus, M.D. Dr. Stevens shares the insights he has gained into the character, power, and purposes of the Great Physician and what it means for you to follow in his footsteps.This is more than a book of dramatic, true-life stories. It is an inspiring and challenging invitation to partner with Jesus in his "practice," accompanying him on his rounds to people whose lives he wants to make whole. Discover how to participate with him in bringing his healing touch to your corner of the world. You don't need a medical education--just determination to trust God as your "attending physician," your mentor, your source of guidance, discipline, and encouragement.Dr. Stevens takes you inside stories from the Bible to obtain challenging perspectives and life-changing truths. You'll also get an inside look at life-or-death surgeries; the tense, powerful relationship between resident and attending physicians; the overcrowded patient quarters of a missionary hospital; what it's like to improvise an emergency facial reconstruction; and much more. Best of all, you'll gain surprising insights from the life and methods of Jesus, the ultimate doctor, in his ministry to desperately needy people two thousand years ago . . . and today.Electrifying, moving, and thought-provoking, Jesus, M.D. will help you see your relationship with God and your world in a brand-new light. Your life is filled with incredible possibilities waiting to unfold one by one as you walk in the presence and provision of Dr. Jesus.

The Most Misused Stories in the Bible: Surprising Ways Popular Bible Stories Are Misunderstood

Eric J. Bargerhuff - 2017
    In this concise yet thorough book, Eric J. Bargerhuff helps you fully understand the meaning of David and Goliath, Jonah and the Big Fish, the Woman Caught in Adultery, and other well-known Bible stories.Providing fascinating historical and scriptural insights, Bargerhuff helps you sort through modern-day distortions of fifteen well-known Bible stories and grasp their original meaning and purpose for us today.

Shrink: Faithful Ministry in a Church-Growth Culture

Tim Suttle - 2014
    In the culture of today’s church, successful leadership is often judged by what works, while persistent faithfulness takes a back seat. If a ministry doesn’t produce results, it is dropped. If people don’t respond, we move on. This pursuit of “greatness” exerts a crushing pressure on the local church and creates a consuming anxiety in its leaders. In their pursuit of this warped vision of greatness, church leaders end up embracing a leadership narrative that runs counter to the sacrificial call of the gospel story.When church leaders focus on faithfulness to God and the gospel, however, it’s always a kingdom-win—regardless of the visible results of their ministry. John the Baptist modeled this kind of leadership. As John’s disciples crossed the Jordan River to follow after Jesus, John freely released them to a greater calling than following him. Speaking of Jesus, John said: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Joyfully satisfied to have been faithful to his calling, John knew that the size and scope of his ministry would be determined by the will of the Father, not his own will. Following the example of John the Baptist and with a careful look at the teaching of Scripture, Tim Suttle dares church leaders to risk failure by chasing the vision God has given them—no matter how small it might seem—instead of pursuing the broad path of pragmatism that leads to fame and numerical success.

Paul: 90 Days on His Journey of Faith

Beth Moore - 2010
    Millions have been drawn to her inspired lessons, and the media has called her “America’s Bible teacher.” The PERSONAL REFLECTIONS series continues to reintroduce Beth’s most beloved character-driven books, expanding them into 90-day experiences that include nearly all of the text from her original work, plus thoughtful questions and journal space to engage readers throughout this special time of study.Paul: 90 Days on His Journey of Faith is the new presentation of Moore’s enduring favorite, To Live Is Christ. Indeed, life with Christ meant a 180-degree turn for the apostle Paul who went from Christian basher to Christian chapmion, from church attacker to church father. When Jesus captured Paul’s soul, He got all of him. The same can be true for you.

The Big Idea: Focus the Message—Multiply the Impact

Dave Ferguson - 2007
    They decided to avoid the common mistake of bombarding people with so many little ideas that they suffered overload. They also recognized that leaders often don t insist that the truth be lived out to accomplish Jesus mission. Why? Because people s heads are swimming with too many little ideas, far more than they can ever apply. The Big Idea can help you creatively present one laser-focused theme each week to be discussed in families and small groups. The Big Idea shows how to engage in a process of creative collaboration that brings people together and maximizes missional impact. The Big Idea can energize a church staff and bring alignment and focus to many diverse church ministries. This book shows how the Big Idea has helped Community Christian Church better accomplish the Jesus mission and reach thousands of people in nine locations and launch a church planting network with partner churches across the country. This book is part of the Leadership Network Innovation Series."

Finally Comes the Poet

Walter Brueggemann - 1959
    Too often technical reason and excessive religious certitude reduce the gospel to coercive, debilitating pietisms that mask the text's meaning and freeze the hearers heart.With skill and imagination, Brueggemann demonstrates how the preacher can engage in daring speech-differently voiced and therefore differently heard. This speech, as suggested by the Bible itself, is poetic speech, enabling the preacher to forge communion in the midst of alienation, bring healing out of guilt, and empower the hearer for missional imagination. As an alternative to theological/homiletical discourse that is moralistic, pietistic or scholastic, Brueggemann proposes preaching that is artistic, poetic, and dramatic. The basis for the 1989 Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale Divinity School, Finally Comes the Poet is a unique and transforming guide for powerful preaching.

Seeing the Unseen

Joe Beam - 1998
    Based on Biblical principles, Seeing the Unseen helps you fight back against the enemy. In today’s world, Satan seems to be everywhere, and he seems to have the advantage. But the enemy is not of this world, and the war is in the spiritual world. Satan is trying to attack you and destroy your faith, and the only way to defeat him is to fight back. In this newly revised and updated bestseller, Joe Beam reveal Satan's powerful weaponry—his lies, deceptions, and manipulations—and unmasks his strategy to destroy your life and those you care for. This book will show you his plans and tactics, and teach you where he is likely to strike next and how to fight him. Based on a dedicated study of God’s word, this book is filled with stories of tragedy and triumph and will give you the tools you need to defeat the enemy.

Shifting Atmospheres: Discerning and Displacing the Spiritual Forces Around You

Dawna DeSilva - 2017
    You can take dominion over the supernatural environment for the Kingdom of God! Dawna De Silva presents a strategy for spiritual victory. Get ready to discern the enemy's tactics and learn how to use your weapons of warfare to enforce Jesus' victory over forces that war against your mind, your family, and your region!  Don’t be blind to the unseen reality—every Christian is in the midst of a supernatural conflict.  Don’t fall victim to the enemy! Every Christian can release God’s power into places and situations under the influence of evil.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can transform your spiritual environment from darkness to light. Dawna De Silva shows you how. Through her revelatory teaching, you will learn to… Discern the spiritual atmospheres and forces at work around you Draw from the Holy Spirit’s presence within you to release God’s Kingdom power Demonstrate the authority of Jesus over the powers of darkness Join the fight! When God’s Kingdom advances, darkness must flee. *Enhance your learning with the companion e-Course, DVD study and interactive manual.

The First 100 Days: A Pastor's Guide

T. Scott Daniels - 2011
    Not only do these pastors have to transition into a new congregation and community, but they also have to think about building strong relationships with other influential people in the area. Almost every day, pastors of new churches face unexpected hardships and challenges. Some of the issues are financial mismanagement from their predecessor, moral or ethical misbehavior, or unresolved conflict that has just been suppressed long enough to find a new pastor. The fact is, pastors of new churches need guidance. The First 100 Days is for these pastors who need some guidance and insight to help them lead with godly wisdom and purpose during the first few months.

Stand Against the Wind: Fuel for the Revolution of Your Soul

Erwin Raphael McManus - 2006
    When the storms of life blow-as they most certainly will-are you going to stand strong, bend, or break? Popular author Erwin Raphael McManus suggests that you discover how to rise above the normal reaction and learn to stand against the wind.Through thought-provoking chapters, McManus takes readers on a journey of transformation through the landscape of their character-from where they start out "Running Free," through "Rising Out of the Ashes," developing "Divine Imagination," and finally, reaching the "Greatness of Servanthood."Readers, ages 18-35, will appreciate this international consultant's expertise on culture, change, leadership, and creativity.

Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth

David Wilkerson - 1986
    But he also brings a message of courage and comfort--a call to return to God with all our hearts and to fulfill God's purposes for us as His beloved children.

Basic Bible Interpretation

Roy B. Zuck - 2002
    Roy Zuck points out that it is essential for understanding and teaching the Bible properly, essential as a step beyond observation, and essential for applying the Bible correctly. He discusses the challenges of Bible interpretation, considers the problems of Bible interpretation, explores the history of Bible interpretation, and defines key terms--all in a practical, down-to-earth way. Though Dr. Zuck's many years of teaching and scholarship are evident in this book, he has written in language understandable to all who are serious about bible study and who want to know better what Scripture means. Basic Bible Interpretation lives up to its title. It deals with the basics and doesn't confuse the reader with extraneous material. It focuses on the bible as the Word of God and handles that Word with "reverence and godly fear." It tells us how to interpret this marvelous Book, and even gives the reader opportunity to put the principles into practice. In every way, this book is a practical tool for the serious student who wants to study the Bible and apply its truths. Warren W. Wiersbe Author, Conference Speaker Having taught and written in the area of hermeneutics for almost thirty years, I am convinced that there is no more important course in the seminary curriculum for training in the scriptures. As Roy Zuck has so ably demonstrated, we cannot know the message of the bible for today until we know its meaning. Dr. Zuck's work is intensely biblical and comprehensive but at the same time it is simple and uncomplicated. This is a book we have needed for many years and I praise the Lord that it is now available. Earl D. Radmacher Chancellor, Professor of Systematic Theology Western Seminary At last! A book on hermeneutics you can understand. Dr. Zuck has drawn heavily on his many years of teaching in the seminary classroom to present an excellent treatise on biblical interpretation. While this book will be well received in the classroom, it is one that I will be wholeheartedly recommending to my congregation. While the scholarship is clearly present, it is nevertheless most readable and understandable by the average layperson. This book will make a valuable contribution to your ability to comprehend the Scriptures. Louis A. Barbieri Senior Pastor Des Plaines Bible Church Des Plaines, Illinois

Come and See: Everything You Ever Wanted in the One Place You Would Never Look

Todd Wagner - 2017
      Todd Wagner invites readers to experience the adventure, goodness, and fullness of life that God has intended for humankind from the beginning of time and especially today through His provision through His people. Weekly meetings of mostly bored adults who regularly attend services have nothing to do with God’s vision for His people. Wagner paints the picture of a perfect Father’s intention to bring His people into an adventurous life full of authentic relationships, powerful transformation, and seemingly impossible significance and meaning.