Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony

Stanley Hauerwas - 1989
    Hauerwas and Willimon call for a radical new understanding of the church. By renouncing the emphasis on personal psychological categories, they offer a vision of the church as a colony, a holy nation, a people, a family standing for sharply focused values in a devalued world.

Thrashing About with God: Finding Faith on the Other Side of Everything

Mandy Steward - 2013
    She didn’t find answers so much as she discovered a messy grace that knows no limits and a God that was and is willing to thrash about with her no matter her questions or struggles or doubts. What she found was abundant life, but it didn’t look like she thought it was going to. It was far different, and much deeper. This is a book without “easy” answers that lets those struggling with faith and searching for more know they are not alone.

Messy Church: A Multigenerational Mission for God's Family

Ross Parsley - 2011
    Instead, God wants His church to function as a family—a group of real people who love each other and care for one another’s needs, no matter how messy.   Our culture is dying for the kind of community that only the church can provide—if we are living as God intended: as a family, protecting one another, extending grace, and loving unconditionally.   We are not called to be consumers who ask what the church can offer us. We are called to love deeply, fight fairly, and bring hope to a generation of people starving to belong to something greater than themselves. Welcome to the family. You belong here.

Starving Jesus: Off the Pew, Into the World

Craig Gross - 2007
    A thought-provoking book that takes a modern look at Christianity as seen through the eyes of two church leaders, Starving Jesus issues a wake-up call for readers to stop talking about being spiritual and start being spiritual.

Tongue Pierced: How the Words You Speak Transform the Life You Live

Nelson Searcy - 2015
    They can seem tiny and insignificant, but they have tremendous power. They create our atmosphere, ignite psychological connections, shape our thinking, determine our actions, and ultimately construct our reality. Our words can strengthen relationships or tear people down, lead to success or ruin a lifetime’s legacy. Words can truly change our world. It’s up to you to determine whether that change will be for better or for worse. The words you allow to flow from your mouth will shape your circumstances. This practical guide will show you how to choose your words wisely in order to create the life you want.Includes the “30-Day No Cursing Challenge.”Nelson Searcy is the founding and lead pastor of The Journey Church, with locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, San Francisco, and Boca Raton, Florida, where Nelson and his family reside. Previously, Nelson was director of the Purpose Driven Community at Saddleback Church. He is the author of 10 bestselling books and founder of

Nothing Is Impossible with God: Reflections on Weakness, Faith, and Power

Rose Marie Miller - 2012
    Just thinking about our inadequate resources can fill us with fear and hopelessness. But Rose Marie Miller has a different perspective. For her true weakness is a giftborn out of a deep sense of need, it drives us to Christ and unleashes all the redeeming energy of God’s grace in our lives and others. Rose Marie Miller, a living example of God’s power in weakness, weaves together biblical insights and personal experience and shares a new, gospel-driven way of living where the way up is down, the weak become strong, and the dead receive life. God, for whom nothing is impossible, uses weak people to change the world—and that includes you!

The Sacredness of Questioning Everything

David Dark - 2009
    If that were not so, we wouldn’t live in a world of such rich, God-given complexity in which wide-eyed wonder is part and parcel of the human condition. The possibility of redemption and revolution depends on the questions we ask of God, governments, media, and everyday economies. It is by way of the questions that we resist the conformity that deadens and come alive to visions that redeem.

Economy of Love: Creating a Community of Enough

Shane Claiborne - 2010
    Not big enough, not nice enough, not fast or hip enough.The American dream is based on wanting more. But does God's dream for the world look like the American Dream?In this five-week study, unpack what the patterns of God's kingdom look like compared to the patterns of our world. What is the value of enough, and how do we become more like the God who is close to the poor, the hungry, the meek, and the merciful?Economy of Love will challenge individuals to join in community, journeying together as they begin to consider a new standard of living-a personal economic threshold oriented not around the size of a monthly paycheck, but around the value of enough.

Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire

William T. Cavanaugh - 2008
    Examining pathologies of desire in contemporary "free market" economies, Being Consumed puts forth a positive and inspiring vision of how the body of Christ can engage in economic alternatives. At every turn, Cavanaugh illustrates his theological analysis with concrete examples of Christian economic practices.

In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership

Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1989
    For a society that measures successful leadership in terms of the effectiveness of the individual, Father Nouwen offers a counter definition that is witnessed by a "communal and mutual experience." For Nouwen, leadership cannot function apart from the community. His wisdom is grounded in the foundation that we are a people "called."This beautiful guide to Christian Leadership is the rich fruit of Henri Nouwen's own journey as one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the 20th century.

Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now

Walter Brueggemann - 2014
    In this volume, popular author Walter Brueggemann writes that the Sabbath is not simply about keeping rules but rather about becoming a whole person and restoring a whole society. Importantly, Brueggemann speaks to a 24/7 society of consumption, a society in which we live to achieve, accomplish, perform, and possess. We want more, own more, use more, eat more, and drink more. Keeping the Sabbath allows us to break this restless cycle and focus on what is truly important: God, other people, all life. Brueggemann offers a transformative vision of the wholeness God intends, giving world-weary Christians a glimpse of a more fulfilling and simpler life through Sabbath observance.

The Cost of Discipleship

Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 1937
    One of the most important theologians of the twentieth century illuminates the relationship between ourselves and the teachings of Jesus in this classic text on ethics, humanism, and civic duty.What can the call to discipleship, the adherence to the word of Jesus, mean today to the businessman, the soldier, the laborer, or the aristocrat? What did Jesus mean to say to us? What is his will for us today? Drawing on the Sermon on the Mount, Dietrich Bonhoeffer answers these timeless questions by providing a seminal reading of the dichotomy between "cheap grace" and "costly grace." "Cheap grace," Bonhoeffer wrote, "is the grace we bestow on ourselves...grace without discipleship....Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again, the girl which must be asked for, the door at which a man must know....It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life."The Cost of Discipleship is a compelling statement of the demands of sacrifice and ethical consistency from a man whose life and thought were exemplary articulations of a new type of leadership inspired by the Gospel, and imbued with the spirit of Christian humanism and a creative sense of civic duty.

24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life

Matthew Sleeth - 2012
    Our technological tools allow 24-hour productivity and connectivity, give us more control, and subtlety enslave us to busyness itself. Sabbath is about restraint, about intentionally not doing everything all the time just because we can. Setting aside a day of rest helps us reconnect with our Creator and find the peace of God that passes all understanding. The Sabbath is about letting go of the controls one day a week and letting God be God. So how do we do it?In "24/6, " Dr. Matthew Sleeth describes our symptoms, clarifies the signs, diagnoses the illness, and lays out a simple plan for living a healthier, more God-centered life in a digitally-dazed, always-on world. Sleeth shares how his own family was dramatically transformed when it adopted Sabbath practices and helps readers better understand how their own lives can be transformed - physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually - by adopting the 24/6 lifestyle.

The Glorious Pursuit: Embracing the Virtues of Christ

Gary L. Thomas - 1998
    By examining the virtues of Christ, you'll be introduced to a new way of experiencing Him that is authentic and gives meaning that lasts.

Beloved Dust: Drawing Close to God by Discovering the Truth About Yourself

Jamin Goggin - 2014
    We were formed from the dust, but we were made for life with God. We often accept less. We make promises and set goals to try and grow, but holiness seems impossible. But the Christian life is not about looking or feeling like a Christian. It’s about abiding in God.If communion with God is your goal, self-help strategies and personal resolutions will fail you. But Jesus Christ will not.Drawing deeply from Scripture and narrating their own experiences, Pastor Jamin Goggin and theology professor Kyle Strobel wrote this book to be a companion for your journey with Jesus in the truth of yourself – as his beloved dust. This is not weighing tasks and rewards, but is a process of patience, prayer, and openheartedness.Prayerfully read this book. Prepare your heart for the gifts God has for you. Beloved Dust invites readers to discover the fundamental simplicity and radical transformation of being with God. "Beloved Dust is an intelligent vision for life with God through prayer, and many of its rich images have stayed with me long after I put down the pages." - Shauna Niequist, author of Bread & Wine “In BELOVED DUST, Kyle and Jamin tell us the truth about who we are and why we're here in a way that will draw you closer to God.    Here is great wisdom on spiritual growth and friendship with God; written by two people whose friendship for each is evident—and who will become your friends before the end of the book.” - John Ortberg, author of Soul Keeping  "This is a important look at the most important aspect of life—what a genuine relationship with God really looks like. Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel address our expectations and frustrations about spiritual growth in a hopeful, empowering way. Beloved Dust strikes the rare balance of being rich and deep while remaining practical and engaging. This book delivers on what it means, and doesn’t mean, to grow in a relationship with God.” - Jud Wilhite, author of Pursued, sr. pastor of Central Christian Church  In a culture of pop Christianity that serves a fast food gospel for consumers wanting drive-by spirituality, Goggin and Strobel defy expectations. Their book leads the reader on a slow, inward journey to discover the deeper hunger in their souls--a hunger for God himself. It is a beautiful and gracious exploration of prayer that everyone seeking a truer, deeper, and more authentic life with Christ should read. This book will draw you into a richer communion with God as it did for me, and that is the highest compliment I can possibly offer.  -Skye Jethani, author of WITH and FUTUREVILLE.  "This book in your hands will remind you to stop, to revel in God’s fatherly presence, and to just be. That God is God and you are you, and that you are his, and that our dustiness is a beautiful thing. I am thankful for Jamin and Kyle’s gift to us within these pages." -Tsh Oxenreider, author of Notes From a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World