How to Develop Self Confidence and Improve Public Speaking

Dale Carnegie - 2018
    Carnegie harbored a strong love and passion for public speaking from a very early age and was very proactive in debate in high school. He went to the Warrensburg State Teachers College and later onwards became a salesman for Armour and Company in Nebraska. He also moved to New York in the pursuit of a career in acting and gave classes in public speaking at the Young Men's Christian Association.During the early 1930's, he was renowned and very famous for his books and a radio program. When 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' was published in 1930. It became an instant success and subsequently became one of the biggest bestsellers of all time. It sold more than 10 million copies in many different languages. He also began work as a newspaper columnist and formed the Dave Carnegie Institute for Effective Speaking and Human Relations, with several branches globally.Carnegie loved teaching others to climb the pillars of success. His valuable and tested advice was used in many domains and has been the inspiration of many famous people's success. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one’s reaction to them. The most famous and cited maxims in the book are "Believe that you will succeed, and you will," and "Learn to love, respect and enjoy other people."

The Mary-El Tarot (With Landscapes of the Abyss)

Marie White - 2012
    She was born and raised in Southern California and presently lives with her three children in the sultry piedmont forest of North Carolina.I began the Mary-el Tarot in late 1997 when I had my first baby Sophia. 15 years later it is finally being released to the world via Schiffer Books. What a journey! In the early days I decided my big goal with this tarot was to have one that was powerful, beautiful and balanced between male and female energies. This idea grew and evolved as this tarot unfolded, and at the end, I think, represents the greatness of the balanced human soul, which is itself a reflection of the balanced universe. A journey from perfection in innocence to experience and enlightenment. What you should know about the Mary-el Tarot: It has a traditional structure, 22 major arcana, 56 minor arcana, standard names for all. It is built on traditional symbolism. I took the symbolism as found in tarot and illustrated those ideas the best I could. It is not a clone of other tarots, rather a parallel.The whole Mary-el Tarot is built on the symbolism in modern tarot. The Major Arcana is traditional and the Minor Arcana is built on the ideas, symbolism and numerology of the Major Arcana. For example, the 5s are elemental extensions of the Hierophant. The 4s of the Emperor. The 7s the Chariot. Taking this even further the Court cards are, the Pages - Strength. The Knights - the Hanged Man, the Queens-Death. The Kings -Temperance. While there are a lot of associations, ideas and symbolism in these cards the above is the most basic of them - number and element. I think that there is a great objective truth that underlies reality. We can't always see it clearly, though we do feel it, sense it, and are made of it. We each try to describe it using the tools available to us, the trappings of our culture and experience, and this gives rise to different mythologies and religions and systems, esoterics included. Its all the same. I have tried to illustrate that common underlying reality, sometimes using what I thought were the best representative examples of that idea, like Raven Stealing the Sun for the 7 of Swords.The Mary-el tarot is not perfect, not by far!! These things keep evolving!! But it is a journey and hopefully what you find inside will help illuminate a little bit of what you are looking for.

The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards: A 52-Card Deck and Guidebook

Colette Baron-Reid - 2007
    Based on the rich mythology of ancient Britain’s Isle of Avalon and the wisdom teachings of its priestesses, these cards will help you find valuable and powerful insights in all aspects of life as you chart your path and manifest your destiny with clarity and purpose. Their use will shed light on what has been, what needs illumination in the present, and what will weave patterns into the future. The deck will help you discover the potential of your own intuition as you follow the omens and symbols of the Goddess, the Kingdom of the Faeries, Merlin, and the Priestess of magical Avalon. See into the future . . . and discover that you are more than you know!

Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice

Howard Gardner - 1993
    Howard Gardner's brilliant conception of individual competence, known as Multiple Intelligences theory, has changed the face of education. Tens of thousands of educators, parents, and researchers have explored the practical implications and applications of this powerful notion, that there is not one type of intelligence but several, ranging from musical intelligence to the intelligence involved in self-understanding.Multiple Intelligences distills nearly three decades of research on Multiple Intelligences theory and practice, covering its central arguments and numerous developments since its introduction in 1983. Gardner includes discussions of global applications, Multiple Intelligences in the workplace, an assessment of Multiple Intelligences practice in the current conservative educational climate, new evidence about brain functioning, and much more.

Tarot of the Spirit

Pamela Eakins - 1991
    Includes seven monthly meditations, individual readings, and layouts. Every concept presented in the book is essential in its context. Nothing has been reduced, neither has it been convoluted.  Every effort has been made to keep the interpretations clearly understandable.  Both this book and the deck are meant to be referred to again and again.  As the knowledge of the student deepens, the texts will take on greater meaning.

Energy Oracle Cards: A 53-Card Deck and Guidebook

Sandra Anne Taylor - 2013
    The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easy-to-use cards will help you to understand what your consciousness is creating, as well as reveal any hidden blocks that may be delaying your progress. The information they bring will empower and inspire you, for it comes from heavenly messengers, friends from the spirit realm, and your own higher self. All that you need is available to you, so let your intuition soar. Listen to the messages it brings and take your life to wonderful new heights!

The Legend of the Gate-Keeper: Complete Series Box Set

Jeff Gunzel - 2016
    Brave, unwavering in his devotion to the queen, his courage knows no bounds. But it was not always so. Every story must begin somewhere, but some beginnings are darker than others.The Shadow is a prequel to the Legend of the Gate Keeper series. Although this installment features the early years of one of the main characters in the series, it is a standalone, and can be enjoyed with no prior knowledge of the series.Book 1: Land of Shadows - Our story begins here. A blacksmith from the small town of Bryer, Eric believed he would live out his days leading a peaceful life doing the work he loved. But it seems fate had other plans for him. When his home town is attacked, Eric is uprooted from his familiar surroundings and forced to embark on a journey for answers. Only one thing is certain to him now. It's painfully clear that his whole life has been nothing more than a series of lies.Book 2: Siege of Night - Whispers of the Gate Keepers return rage through Tarmerria like a forest fire. Could it be true? Has this mystical figure actually returned? Some have embraced the idea while others want to see Eric dead. Lines have been drawn, sides have been taken. There is only one way to stand for what you believe in. Tarmerria must go to war.Book 3: Lost Empire - The war is over and the city of Taron is still recovering from one of the darkest days in its history. With one battle over, another is about to begin. Our heroes must leave their familiar lands to embark on a journey by sea, far away from Tarmerria.Book 4: Reborn - Is the Gate Keeper some sort of demon? The people of this new land seem to think so. For years they have been tormented by a being with abilities similar to Eric's. So how is this foreigner who washed up on their shores any different? The Gate Keeper must prove himself and transform before their very eyes. In the eyes of the Gods and in those of the people, he must be...reborn.Book 5: The Trials of Ashbarn - The world has seen what Eric can do. Is this the one man who can take down the demon Krytoes? He has proven himself to the mortals, but must now establish himself in the eyes of the Gods themselves. Let the trials begin.Book 6: End of Days - The Gate Keeper has been named... The prophesies have come true... The world as we know it will never be the same...End of Days is the exciting conclusion to "The Legend of the Gate Keeper" series. Join Eric and his friends as they make their final push against the forces of evil.Warning Graphic Content: These books are intended for mature audiences

The Poker Chip

R.O. Lane - 2018
    Vance Brennan falls in love with Lexie Moody, but she marries someone else, who turns out to be a scoundrel. Jeff Warren bets his wife, Lexie, on a game of poker. The winner insists that Warren pay up, and he devises a scheme to have his wife kidnapped and taken to Mexico to pay off his gambling debt. Vance Brennan, who still loves Lexie, goes into Mexico and rescues her. But the Mexican tries to kidnap her once again. Brennan kills that kidnapper and goes after the Mexican to stop him from sending more kidnappers. Brennan marries Lexie and fights to save her life. But at the end, when her former husband, Jeff Warren, threatens to beat her to death, Lexie has to find a way to save herself because nobody else can do it. Another classic western from R. O. Lane.


Alejandro Jodorowsky - 1995
    He realized that it is easier for the unconscious to understand the language of dreams than that of rationality. Illness can even be seen as a physical dream that reveals unresolved emotional and psychological problems. Psychomagic presents the shamanic and genealogical principles Jodorowsky discovered to create a healing therapy that could use the powers of dreams, art, and theater to empower individuals to heal wounds that in some cases had traveled through generations. The concrete and often surreal poetic actions Jodorowsky employs are part of an elaborate strategy intended to break apart the dysfunctional persona with whom the patient identifies in order to connect with a deeper self. That is when true transformation can manifest. For a young man who complained that he lived only in his head and was unable to grab hold of reality and advance toward the financial autonomy he desired, Jodorowsky gave the prescription to paste two gold coins to the soles of his shoes so that all day he would be walking on gold. A judge whose vanity was ruling his every move was given the task of dressing like a tramp and begging outside one of the fashionable restaurants he loved to frequent while pulling glass doll eyes out of his pockets. The lesson for him was that if a tramp can fill his pockets with eyeballs, then they must be of no value, and thus the eyes of others should have no bearing on who you are and what you do. Taking his patients directly at their words, Jodorowsky takes the same elements associated with a negative emotional charge and recasts them in an action that will make them positive and enable them to pay the psychological debts hindering their lives.

Psychic perception: The magic of extrasensory power

Joseph Murphy - 1971
    Parapsychology, Spirituality

Doing Magic: A Course in Manifesting an Exceptional Life (Book 2)

Genevieve Davis - 2014
    In these two books, I outline the exact steps which enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to manifesting one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read The Secret and all the great Law of Attraction books - writers like Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting love, money, happiness or abundance, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by spirituality and the whole New Age Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… this book is for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvelous journey of wonder and adventure. Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, laid the groundwork for becoming a magical person, while this second book, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for attracting wonderful things into your life. The plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex manifestation techniques only once the basics are mastered. So many people fail with manifestation and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And these books will show you how. My intention is that this book will allow you to become a true creator of your own exceptional life, reawakening and rekindling your belief and interest in Spirituality, The Law of Attraction, Reality Creation, Cosmic Ordering or whatever you wish to call it. I prefer simply to call it Magic.

Rich By Retirement: How Singaporeans Can Invest Smart and Retire Wealthy

Joshua Giersch - 2016
    Rich By Retirement gives simple, low-cost investment advice that's tailored for the Singaporean market and for Singaporean investors. It'll help you get started with investing - in Singapore and in overseas markets; you'll learn how to save and invest for the long term; and you'll even have some fun along the way. Here's what you'll learn: * How to start an emergency fund to cover those unexpected expenses; * Whether you really need all those insurance policies; * How to invest in Singapore without paying high costs; * How to buy into overseas markets and diversify your investments; * How to turn your first investments into an investment that'll last the rest of your life; * How to spot - and avoid! - an investment scam; * And ten simple rules for investing for the long term. Rich By Retirement is friendly and easy to follow, so you can read it and put the investment strategies into action straight away. It's written for the regular investor, so anyone can use its advice, whether you're a new investor or already well-off. And the book explains why you're doing what you're doing; you get more than just a strategy, you'll learn how and why it works.

Deal Me in: Twenty of the World's Top Poker Players Share the Heartbreaking and Inspiring Stories of How They Turned Pro

Stephen John - 2009
    Poker's biggest players, such as Phil Ivey (2009 WSOP Main Event Finalist), Johnny Chan, Phil Hellmuth, Doyle Brunson and Daniel Negreanu give first-person accounts of their personal journeys and the key moments in their rise to the top of the poker pantheon. These stories will teach, inspire and make you laugh. Deal Me In humanizes the larger-than-life personalities, allowing the reader to understand more about poker strategy through the trials and errors of the best players in the game. Each poker legend tells his or her own story in the book including: Doyle Brunson, Phil Hellmuth, Daniel Negreanu, Phil Ivey, Annie Duke, Johnny Chan, Chris Jesus Ferguson, Carlos Mortensen, Chau Giang, Jennifer Harman, Allen Cunningham, Howard Lederer, Erik Seidel, Chad Brown, David Devilfish Ulliott, Layne Flack, Scotty Nguyen, Annette Obrestad, Tom Dwan and the 2008 Main Event winner Peter Eastgate.

Asherah: The Warrior Princess: A Fantasy Romance (The Goddesses Trilogy Book 1)

Rubina Ramesh - 2020
    She is forced to seek the help of the ancient God and her husband, Lord El, whom she married at a young age. But there she falls in love with Lord El's stable hand, Hanish.Hanish…Hanish knows his limits. He knew falling in love with Asherah was forbidden.The Love…They're both bound by duty - one to her kingdom and the other to his master - and so they try their best to fight the growing attraction between them.Will this forbidden love ever reach fruition? When Asherah discovers the truth about Sandor, will it sabotage her love for Hanish? Or will the truth about her marriage to Lord El destroy her forever?Caught between three men, Asherah has to travel to her past to know her present. Will her heart finally recognize her true love? Grab a copy of Asherah now to find out.

Tin Thoughts (The Downfall Saga Book 2)

Chris Mccready - 2015
    He should be relieved, happy even, yet he is left with more questions than answers.In his quest to discover his heritage, he has a single clue to follow, a man named Eamon. When dangers appear from unexpected sources, he embarks on a collision course between his search for answers and helping his friends survive.His journey will test his physical limits, his resolve, and ultimately what he’s willing to sacrifice.