Book picks similar to
The Light Within: What the Prophet Joseph Smith Taught Us about Personal Revelation by W. Jeffrey Marsh
The Life of Nephi, the Son of Lehi, Who Emigrated from Jerusalem, in Judea, to the Land Which Is Now
George Q. Cannon - 1983
It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website ( You can also preview excerpts of the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Title: The Life of Nephi: the Son of Lehi, Who Emigrated From Jerusalem, in Judea, to the Land Which Is Now Known as South America, About Six Centuries Before the Coming of Our Savior; Original Publisher: Salt Lake City: The Contributor Co.; Publication date: 1888; Subjects: Book of Mormon;
Teaching by the Spirit
Gene R. Cook - 1998
Whether you are a first-time teacher or a seasoned veteran, Teaching by the Spirit offers valuable scriptural insights along with tender spiritual stories and practical teaching techniques that will invite the Spirit more fully into all your teaching.
Behold, I Come Quickly: The Last Days and Beyond
Hoyt W. Brewster Jr. - 1994
In this insightful book, the author looks at the teachings of ancient and modern prophets concerning the times we live in now and the times to come. In a clear and straightforward manner, he discusses dozens of signs of the latter days and examines many specific prophecies about what has happened and what will happen--and how we can be prepared for whatever comes. A memorable, easy-to-understand portrait of the last days
As a Thief in the Night: A Resource/Reference Book to Assist in Identifying Kingdoms and Events of the Last Years Before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Roger K. Young - 1991
My Body Fell Off!
B.J. Rowley - 2000
A recent transplant from California to Utah, Bart is just beginning to enjoy the excitement of high school, driving, and dating, when his whole world is turned upside down by the bizarre events transpiring around him. And suddenly, his unusual ability is the only thing standing between life and death for himself and his new-found friends. Now ...imagine trying to explain to ANYBODY about your rare skills and abilities without them thinking you're as crazy as a three-dollar bill and throwing you in the loony-bin for life. My Body Fell Off! delivers a fast-paced, heart-pounding adventure that will leave you gasping at every turn. An adventure that, once begun, will be impossible to put aside until its final, dramatic conclusion.
In Mary's Arms: A Christmas Message for Mothers
Mary Holland McCann - 2016
A Better Heart
Tom Christofferson - 2020
As we understand the love Jesus Christ has for us and our love for Him, and as we study and seek His precious gift of charity, we begin the daily process toward a better heart.
Redefining Joy in the Last Days
Chris Stewart - 2009
Drawing on unforgettable real- life experiences and rich examples from the scriptures, he offers suggestions for reorienting our lives in order to achieve greater joy and happiness even in the most challenging times. Redefining Joy looks at some of life s most difficult questions. But be prepared. The answers may surprise you.
The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith
N.B. Lundwall - 1952
I Can Do Hard Things with God: Essays of Strength from Mormon Women
Ganel-Lyn Condie - 2015
Through the Window of Life: A Vision of the Glorious Future Awaiting the Lord's Followers
Suzanne Freeman - 2005
In the Bible we find that the Savior himself foretold such events. But we are also told that the Lord's followers will find refuge from the storm. How will that occr, and where will that happen?
Doctrinal New Testament Commentary: Volumes 1-3
Bruce R. McConkie - 1972
"How can I," came the answer, "except some man should guide me." Jesus said: "Search the scriptures," and gave the promise, "Whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived." Today the Lord's command is: "Teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom." This Doctrinal New Testament Commentary is designed to enable gospel students to learn and live the doctrines of the New Testament; to grasp the greatness and glory of our Lord's mortal ministry; to comprehend the doctrines of the Master Teacher and of those commissioned by him to reveal pure religion to the world. Salvation centers in Christ. He is the Creator and Redeemer; the Way and the Truth; the Light of the World; the One Man who could say: "Follow thou me." Most of our knowledge of his earth-bound ministry is contained in the four Gospels. It is devoutly hope that this Commentary will help make the Gospels a living reality in the lives of gospel scholars, that it will help them understand what they read. Jesus himself is real; the Gospels are his life story; of him they teach and testify; and a knowledge of them is essential to salvation.
Trails to Testimony: Bringing Young Men to Christ Through Scouting
Bradley D. Harris - 2009
Hinckley said, "There is no more significant work in this world than the preparation of boys to become men . . . who are qualified to live productive and meaningful lives." And President Thomas S. Monson underscores this thought when he says that "It's easier to build boys than to mend them." Bradley D. Harris, professor of recreational management and youth leadership at Brigham Young University, and past member of the LDS Young Mens General Board, challenges parents and youth leaders alike to rediscover the spiritual dimensions of Scouting-to focus on the close relationship that should exist between Scouting and the Aaronic Priesthood. The author's 22-year professional career with the Boy Scouts of America, combined with extensive experience within the Church in various priesthood leadership capacities, gives him invaluable insights into the responsibilities that parents and leaders have in bringing young men to Christ. "The family is the first institution charged with bringing young men to Christ. . . . Working in harmony, the family and the Aaronic Priesthood should create an atmosphere where young men's individual testimonies can . . . flourish." Trails to Testimony is a powerful guide for families and leaders entrusted with the sacred responsibility of teaching and guiding the young men of the Church.