Rewiring Tinnitus: How I Finally Found Relief From the Ringing in My Ears

Glenn Schweitzer - 2016
     This is not your typical tinnitus book offering some “miracle cure”. It’s about changing your emotional, physical, and psychological response to the sound, with actionable techniques and specific exercises, so you can finally start to tune it out. It’s about tracking your diet, lifestyle, environment, and health to identify exactly what causes your tinnitus to spike. It’s about improving your overall health, getting better sleep, and reducing the massive amounts of stress and anxiety that tinnitus sufferers deal with on a daily basis. Too many people have been told they just have to "live with it." Too many people have been let down by emotionless doctors and "conventional" or "false" treatments. Too many people have suffered for far too long. It’s time for a change. It's time you found relief. Glenn Schweitzer was 24 years old when a rare, incurable inner ear disorder caused him to develop severe tinnitus. It disrupted nearly every aspect of his life. But today, his tinnitus no longer bothers him at all. Completely by accident, he stumbled on to simple techniques that radically rewired his mental, emotional, and physiological response to the sound.  Through Glenn’s terrifying, yet inspiring story, and with dozens of actionable techniques and tools, you can finally find the relief you deserve, too. You will learn specific techniques to reduce your tinnitus, as well as concrete steps to dramatically improve your quality of life. It may not go away entirely, but it can stop bothering you.  There isn’t a cure for tinnitus, but there is a way forward. You can live in harmony with the sound.

The Ant and the Ferrari

Kerry Spackman - 2012
    this is one of those rare books that will change your beliefs - and in doing so will change your life. tHE ANt AND tHE FERRARI offers readers a clear, navigable path through the big questions that confront us all today. What is the meaning of life? Can we be ethical beings in today's world? Can we know if there is life after death? Is there such a thing as Absolute truth? What caused the Big Bang and why should you care?

Restoring Your Digestive Health:: How The Guts And Glory Program Can Transform Your Life

Jordan S. Rubin - 2003
    It provides a revolutionary wellbeing programme for the millions of people seeking a simple, natural lifestyle change to help ease the pain of their debilitating digestive disorders.

Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine

Mark Sloan
    This 6x #1 Bestselling book Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine brings you everything you've ever wanted to know about near-infrared and red light therapy in one concise, simple and complete guide.What You Will Learn:- What is red light therapy?- How it works?- History of Red Light Therapy- An in depth look at how red light therapy heals- A to Z list of diseases and conditions its scientifically proven to treat- Questions and Answers- BONUS #1: Includes the FREE audiobook of Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine- BONUS #2: Free Red Light Therapy Dose Guide- BONUS #3: Includes FREE coupon for an infrared and red light therapy device- Backed by over 270 scientific and clinical studiesWhatever your disease or condition, there is probably nobody who cannot benefit significantly from near-infrared and red light therapy.

How to Live Dangerously: The Hazards of Helmets, the Benefits of Bacteria, and the Risks of Living Too Safe

Warwick Cairns - 2008
    Yet you'd have to fly every day for the next 26,000 years to assure yourself of dying in a crash. A leisurely canoe ride is more than 100 times deadlier. Think city streets are unsafe? You're more likely to come to harm in your own home, where every year you stand a 1 in 650 chance of being injured by your bed, mattress, or pillows—and each year 800 Americans die in accidents involving soft furnishings.We live in a world governed by fear, where packets of peanuts "may contain nuts" and children must be ever on the alert to "stranger danger." And yet, life expectancy has never been higher. Crime rates have plunged. Even unintentional injuries are down. So if we're so safe, why are we so afraid?How to Live Dangerously is a hilarious, straight-talking look at the things that terrify us. It considers life's real risks, not to mention the often ridiculous methods we've contrived to keep ourselves "safe." It encourages you to ignore fearmongers and embrace a new kind of freedom, in which we all worry a little less—and live a whole lot more.

A Map of the Child: A Pediatrician's Tour of the Body

Darshak Sanghavi - 2003
    . . Sanghavi is a vivid and effortless teller of human tales and quite evidently a special doctor, too." —Atul Gawande, author of ComplicationsIn this compelling book, Dr. Darshak Sanghavi takes the reader on a dramatic tour of a child's eight vital organs, beginning with the lungs and proceeding through the heart, blood, bones, brain, skin, gonads, and gut.Along the way, we meet children and families in extraordinary circumstances—a premature baby named Adam Flax who was born with undeveloped lungs, a teenage boy with a positive pregnancy test, and a young girl who keeps losing weight despite her voracious appetite. In a deeply personal narrative, Sanghavi provides a richly detailed—and humanized—portrait of how the pediatric body functions in both sickness and health.

Dr. Kellyann's Cleanse and Reset: Detoxify, Nourish, and Restore Your Body for Sustained Weight Just 5 Days

Kellyann Petrucci - 2019
    Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet and The 10-Day Belly Slimdown is back with her quickest, most effective plan yet: a detoxifying and nourishing cleanse program that liberates every cell of your body from poisons that make you sick, tired, and overweight     Even when you think you are eating and living healthfully, your body naturally becomes depleted over time, making it even more difficult to lose weight and maintain the energy and vitality you need to get through the day. This is something Dr. Kellyann Petrucci experienced firsthand in 2017 while she was writing her last book, doing nonstop TV appearances, and running her business. She gained 20 pounds, her hormones went haywire, and she was at a loss for how to turn things around. She decided it was time to hit the reset button and created her simplest plan yet, specifically designed to help the millions of women who are overweight, overworked, and overextended get reenergized both physically and mentally.      This is a comfortable, incredibly powerful 5-day cleanse protocol that resets your metabolism, giving you the kind of quick, confidence-boosting results you need to get back on a healthy track. The power ingredient in the Cleanse & Reset is collagen, which improves skin elasticity and brings back that coveted youthful glow, eases joint pain, heals leaky gut, supports weight management, and has anti-inflammatory properties. The healing and reparative smoothies, shakes, soups, and bone broth blends that you’ll enjoy on the 5-day cleanse are packed with collagen and can be adapted to any diet, with a focus on modifying the cleanse for the keto diet (along with great collagen alternatives for vegetarians and vegans!). The program also includes an optional 1-day “keto push” that you can follow for an extra boost the day before you begin your cleanse. Dr. Kellyann's Cleanse & Reset will help you slim your body, deep-cleanse your cells, and reclaim your energy and focus so you can start feeling truly good again.

Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way (Wise Woman Herbal Series, #4)

Susun S. Weed - 1986
    Author Susun Weed proposes an anticancer lifestyle, and, if cancer does enter the picture, a six-step plan for healing (sleep is at zero, or "Do Nothing"; surgery is number six, which she terms "Break and Enter"), with various complementary healing techniques included throughout. Weed is careful to point out that supplements and herbs can hurt as much as they can help, and she lists several alternative-medicine techniques that should be avoided no matter what. The steps she does recommend--from herbal oils for breast massage to help detect lumps early to the herbs milk thistle, dandelion, and burdock for women with liver damage from tamoxifen--are explained clearly, sometimes with fascinating quotes from centuries-old books on healing. Weed will draw ire from some readers for recommending that mammograms be avoided. She says they tend to squeeze cancer cells into the bloodstream and can't detect cancer until it's metastatic, which are reasons enough to not have them, and adds that women would be better off by making her suggested anticancer lifestyle changes, paying more attention to their breasts, and performing regular self-exams. The warnings about the dangers of electromagnetic fields, exposure to estrogen, and organochlorides from plastics may frighten some, but Weed means to enlighten and empower. She dedicates the book to environmentalist and Silent Spring author Rachel Carson and poet Audre Lorde, who both died of breast cancer. Extensive herbal resources, a solid glossary, and a thorough index are included.

The Hidden Plague: A Field Guide For Surviving and Overcoming Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Tara Grant - 2013
    Only a small fraction of those affected have been properly diagnosed, leaving many others to suffer in silence or pursue ill-advised conventional treatment methods that fail to address the cause of this painful condition. Tara Grant, a twenty-year sufferer of HS, has become an underground legend to her Internet community of HS victims by presenting a methodical, self-tested action plan to heal naturally. The centerpiece of her holistic approach rests on the understanding that HS is an autoimmune disorder caused by leaky gut syndrome. With a few simple dietary changes that eliminate certain “trigger” foods, you can heal your gut, restore your skin, reclaim your health, and rid yourself of HS symptoms forever. That’s it—no antibiotics, no experimental surgeries, and no more pain, suffering, or confusion.Q&A with Tara1. What was it about the subject you chose to write about in your book that made you feel so passionate about spreading the word and getting your book published? My motivation for writing this book was the overwhelming response I received from people on the Internet when I originally posted about it in March of 2012. It turns out it’s a pretty common condition, but many people (and doctors) don’t know what it is. It’s pretty standard to visit various doctors, and be told that you have “acne,” or to be subjected to butchering surgeries. There is no treatment for HS, according to the doctors. People with it suffer immensely—in fact, HS is acknowledged to be one of most painful conditions in the world. I’ve even received letters from doctors and nurses who suffer from HS, thanking me for telling them what it is that they have—and for offering them hope. The primary motivating factor for writing this book, however, was an email I received from a 12-year old girl, who said she was going to kill herself because of the pain she was in. I immediately wrote her back, but I never heard back from her. I am desperate to know that she’s okay. I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did as a teenager—I myself thought about suicide on more than one occasion. I’ve had many letters from people who say they want to kill themselves since.2. HS is hard to diagnose, and many doctors aren’t even aware of its existence. How did you get a diagnosis? I’ve had HS since I was thirteen years old, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my mid-30s. Up until then, I saw over forty doctors from four different countries - none of whom could tell me what was wrong with me. I eventually found the name “Hidradenitis suppurativa” in a book about PCOS (also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, which I also had) and could finally put a name to the horrible condition I had suffered from for so long. I took that information to a dermatologist. That’s when I finally got a diagnosis—over twenty years later. At that time, I had already changed to a Primal diet and my HS was drastically better, so I declined the antibiotics and Accutane the doctor prescribed. I also refused to believe what she said: “You have to live with this for the rest of your life.” I knew, as a longtime sufferer of HS, that the doctors I had seen had no clue what they were talking about. My journey was extremely frustrating, and I went through it completely alone. Over the years, I was told I had “adult acne,” and also told that they didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was also told that I was overreacting, not keeping clean enough, and told to lose weight. Not a single doctor showed any compassion, or was willing to look into the matter further. I eventually stopped going to the doctors, and didn’t return until I had already made changes and knew I was on the right track. I knew that if I wanted answers, I had to do the research and experimentation myself. I wasn't interested in how I reacted to different drug, I was interested in healing myself naturally.  I knew that I was on the right track with diet, so I started investigating Robb Wolf’s Autoimmune Paleo Protocol, and made specific tweaks for skin conditions. Results I had seen from others (Dr. Terry Wahls, for example) who had healed themselves from crippling autoimmune conditions were the only motivation I needed. When I started treating HS like an autoimmune condition, it went into remission. There are literally thousands of cases of this happening with different autoimmune conditions all over the world. I was also able to induce flare-ups with specific experimentation. This completely checks with autoimmunity. There isn’t a cure—you will always have the predisposition for autoimmunity—but you CAN go into remission. 3. Do you have any relatives or close friends that became diagnosed after you?  There is no one else in my family with this condition. There is a mistaken belief that HS is hereditary. It is not. However, some families have more than one member affected by it. The reason for this is that HS is autoimmune. In order to get an autoimmune condition, you need to have the gene for autoimmunity. The fact that the autoimmune gene manifests as HS in more than one family member is complete coincidence. If you’re suffering from HS, you more than likely have other autoimmune conditions - and so does your family. Family trees littered with Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, restless legs syndrome, diabetes, Lupus, endometriosis, eczema, psoriasis, HS, and more—all of which are autoimmune—are very common. If you have HS, you have the autoimmune gene, which you did inherit. If your gut becomes leaky, then you will eventually develop an autoimmune condition.4. Do you have advice for anyone seeking medical help for this condition? Read my book first. The Western medical community is still under the mistaken belief that HS is caused by bacteria, hence the prescriptions for antibiotics. They will not be able to help you, and will suggest butchering surgeries and heavy hitting drugs, which often make matters worse. You can’t “cut HS out,” like you do with a cancerous tumor. When you remove an organ or tissue that is being ravaged by an autoimmune response, you open up all your other organs and tissues to attack. That’s why there’s over an 80% chance of reoccurrence of HS after surgery, and people will often start flaring-up in areas that had been clear before. Sometimes, they even develop brand new autoimmune conditions. Luckily, you actually hold the key to healing in your hands. You can heal yourself. If you can avoid infection, then you don’t need doctors—or drugs— to help you go into remission.5. What is the one thing you would stress most to anyone unable to get a copy of your book at this time? Many people with HS are on disability and don’t have a lot of disposable income, or they have been taken advantage of in the past. If this is you, go to your local library and ask them to carry the book. Then, you can borrow it for free. How much does a 1-oz jar of EmuAid cost? Turmeric capsules? Surgery? Doctor visits and prescriptions? We’ve all fallen for so much. I bet if you sat down and tallied up how much you’ve spent on Band-Aids alone for your HS over the years, $26 would be a drop in the bucket. The great thing about this book is that if you are not satisfied, you can request your money back. If you get this 300-page manual and find that there is nothing in it that is of any help, you can ask for a refund from the publisher. Try asking for a refund for EmuAid when it doesn’t work. That being said, I would challenge anyone with HS to read this book and find nothing in it that’s helpful.6. Your book is a very important first step in making the public aware of this illness. Besides the book, how do you plan to raise awareness of HS?My goal is to get on the Dr. Oz show. I figure that will give us the biggest bang for the buck. Many people have HS, but are unaware of what it’s called. They’re too embarrassed to go to the doctor about it. I would encourage all of you to write to the Dr. Oz show and ask them to feature me, and ask your local library to carry the book. The only way we’re going to raise awareness is to GO BIG.

Your Simple Guide to Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: The 3-step plan to transform your health

Roy Taylor - 2021
    In this pocket version of his bestselling Life Without Diabetes, Professor Roy Taylor offers a brilliantly concise explanation of what happens to us when we get type 2 and how we can escape it.Taylor's research has demonstrated that type 2 is caused by just one factor - too much internal fat in the liver and pancreas - and that to reverse it you need to strip this harmful internal fat out with rapid weight loss.In simple, accessible language, Taylor takes you through the three steps of his clinically proven Newcastle weight loss plan and shows how to incorporate the programme into your life.Complete with FAQs and inspirational tips from his trial participants, this is an essential read for anyone who has been given a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes and wants to understand their condition and transform their outcomes.

The Healing Power of Water

Masaru Emoto - 2006
    Emoto, “magnificent…genius…His research in spiritual consciousness is positively masterful.” This book will transform your world view. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s first book, The Hidden Message in Water, told about his discovery that crystals formed in frozen water revealed changes when specific, concentrated thoughts were directed toward them. He also found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words showed brilliant, complex and colourful snowflake patters. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative though formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of this research creates a new awareness of how we can positively impact the Earth and our own personal world. This book takes you further and deeper into how you can affect your own personal healing by reading it.

The LDN Book: How a Little-Known Generic Drug — Low Dose Naltrexone — Could Revolutionize Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer, Autism, Depression, and More

Linda Elsegood - 2016
    Administered off-label in small daily doses (0.5 to 4.5 mg), this generic drug is extremely affordable and presents few known side effects. So why has it languished in relative medical obscurity? The LDN Book explains the drug’s origins, its primary mechanism, and the latest research from practicing physicians and pharmacists as compiled by Linda Elsegood of The LDN Research Trust, the world’s largest LDN charity organization with over 19,000 members worldwide. Featuring ten chapters contributed by medical professionals on LDN’s efficacy and two patient-friendly appendices, The LDN Book is a comprehensive resource for doctors, pharmacists, and patients who want to learn more about how LDN is helping people now, and a clarion call for further research that could help millions more.

The New Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet: Rev Your Metabolism and Improve Your Health with the Latest Science of Weight Loss

Arthur Agatston - 2019
    The New Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet combines the good fats and healthy carbs of the world-famous heart-healthy program with the advanced nutrition science of keto-all in a doctor-approved plan that is easier than strict keto diets.The original South Beach Diet defined the cutting edge of healthy weight loss. Now the creator of the classic plan combines his signature diet with the latest, most cutting-edge advances in healthy eating that are the basis for the ketogenic diet. With a new emphasis on good carbs, healthy fats, and quality proteins, The New Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet takes the powerful fundamentals of the original South Beach Diet and adds the fat-burning principles of keto. Dr. Arthur Agatston cuts through the confusion around keto and low carb diets and gives readers a step-by-step 28-day eating plan that increases satisfaction, decreases appetite, and makes it easy to lose weight and keep it off. He also explains why strict ketosis is not necessary to achieve results; the effectiveness of intermittent fasting; and the relationship between yo-yo-dieting and sugar addiction.This plan offers the benefits of keto and low carb without the pitfalls. As this new book reveals, you can boost your metabolism and put your body safely into fat-burning mode with a diet that's more flexible and more sustainable than traditional keto. And that's not all: in addition to long-term weight loss, the South Beach Keto-Friendly plan can boost mental sharpness, reduce inflammation and pain, increase your energy, and improve diabetes and heart health. Includes around 100 recipes, full-color photos, and an easy-to-follow 28-day meal plan.

The Probiotics Revolution: The Definitive Guide to Safe, Natural Health Solutions Using Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods and Supplements

Gary B. Huffnagle - 2007
    Now an internationally recognized scientist at a top U.S. medical school—one of the leading researchers in the field—sheds light on the extraordinary benefits of these natural health superstars. Thanks to an explosion of research in recent years, one thing is clear: probiotics, the healthy bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract, are the body’s silent partners for good health, optimizing the power of the immune system to fight disease and the “bad” germs we fear. But how do they work? And in the face of factors like stress and poor diet, which decrease their numbers, how do you keep your supply well stocked? Here is an up-to-the-minute, highly accessible guide to probiotics and the foods and supplements that contain and support them—many of which may be in your diet already. Discover:The key role of probiotics and prebiotics in restoring healthy balance to our bodies, improving immune system functioning, and curbing inflammationHow to use probiotic foods and supplements to prevent and relieve allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections, and the negative side effects of antibiotic useNew evidence that probiotics may help fight asthma, cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia—and even obesityNatural sources of prebiotics, the nutrients that help make the digestive tract more hospitable for probiotic bacteriaThe Probiotics Revolution also includes a step-by-step plan for incorporating the many food sources of probiotics and prebiotics into your diet, a complete buyer’s guide to probiotic supplements, and how to introduce probiotics to your family and children.From the Hardcover edition.

Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

Charlotte Gerson - 2007
    One half, boosted by dazzling high technology, shows brilliant results in handling acute diseases and emergencies. The other half, dealing with chronic degenerative conditions, is lagging behind, unable to offer more than symptomatic treatment for the most widespread distressing conditions ranging from cancer, heart disease and hypertension to diabetes, arthritis and morbid obesity. It is assumed that these and other "diseases of modern civilization" are both inevitable and incurable.Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases contradicts all such assumptions. As a complete guide to the theory and practice of Gerson Therapy, developed over 80 years ago by Dr. Max Gerson, MD (1881-1959), it shows that the increasingly denatured, nutritionally empty, toxic modern diet is the main cause of today's worsening health crisis. This book offers the solution in the form of a brilliant, precision-built nutritional program that eliminates the underlying causes of disease, leading to lasting cures. This program is best know for its success in curing many types of cancer, but it also has an excellent track record with a large number of other degenerative conditions. These days, cancer researchers all over the world produce results that mirror one or another of Dr. Gerson's discoveries, developed over many years of clinical practice. Unfortunately, such partial insights are of little use. The Gerson Therapy, as a proven method of healing, contains them all — and more. It is up to the individual, who wants to improve or regain his or her health and make use of it.