Marjorie Pay Hinckley - 2004
Sister Hinckley looked at life with a twinkle in her eye. Her genuine interest in others made them care a little more for each other. Her quiet, constant support of her husband showed what an eternal partnership could be like here and now. Most of all, her shining faith was a beacon of hope for thousands, even millions of people across the world. Sister Hinckley's legacy of love and faith and humor is preserved, in large part, in the many letters she wrote over the course of the years. Letters is a sampling of those marvelous communications, a look behind the scenes at the life of an extraordinary but somehow delightfully "real" woman, wife, and mother. The letters run the spectrum of experience: her trials as a young mother, her musings sent to adult children, her observations on her travels, her words of love to grandchildren. In them, a portrait emerges of a woman whose life is not so different from our own, a woman who took the everyday experiences of her world and made of them something beautiful and lasting. "Of all the things that she left behind when she passed away at the age of ninety-two," write her five children in the introduction to this book, "we treasure nothing more then her letters and postcards. We hear her voice; she returns to our circle and helps us remember earlier times. In the touch of the paper and the tidy, small handwriting we are tangibly connected again." Readers everywhere will appreciate the opportunity for this final, tangible connection with a much-loved friend.
The Power of Everyday Missionaries
Clayton M. Christensen - 2013
Clayton Christensen admits that he and his wife, Christine, felt that way in the past too. But they also recognized the tremendous blessings associated with the work, and they wanted to learn how to share the gospel in ways that would be natural and rewarding. Clayton's expertise as an innovator kicked in, and he set out with friends and family members to find a more effective approach to member missionary work. Their refreshing perspectives are presented in this book, which includes inspiring, unusual stories that demonstrate the effectiveness of the ideas. Chances are, you'll discover you're already doing a lot of the things mentioned, and with just a little tweak here and there, you'll be sharing the gospel naturally as part of your everyday interactions. Along the way, you'll feel the deep joy that comes from helping others discover the most precious blessing in the world: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
A New Witness for the Articles of Faith
Bruce R. McConkie - 1985
McConkie examines each article in great, inspiring detail. He sheds new light on many subjects, including faith and belief, the nature of the Father and the Son, the mission of the Holy Ghost, the Atonement, spiritual gifts, and more.
Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days
John Pontius - 2012
Visions of Glory is a mesmerizing and fascinating read that you will not be able to put down.
Teachings of Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson - 2011
Monson is the must-have companion to the bestselling, acclaimed biography of President Monson, To the Rescue. This book will be invaluable to readers because it -provides President Monson's teachings in topical format, and includes statements on more than 130 topics, from a discussion on the Aaronic priesthood through comments directed to the youth. -gives quick, easy access to statements on vital gospel topics covering more than a half century of President Monson's teaching. -is the ideal, reliable source for modern prophetic guidance on a host of subjects. -outlines what we should know and how we should live in our time. -includes a scripture index so readers can find what President Monson has taught about specific scriptural passages. -includes a page at the front of the book for readers to record their testimony about the impact of the prophet's teachings in their own lives. This book will be the authoritative collection of our beloved prophet's teachings and an invaluable resource for all who are involved in teaching the gospel.
The Other Side of Heaven
John H. Groberg - 1996
At the urging of many people whom I admire, I have attempted to describe some of the experiences and feelings I encountered those many years ago. The main purpose of this book is to emphasize the overwhelming need for faith in our lives. I realize that in some ways I am describing a time and a place and circumstances that no longer exist. Yet in other ways, I am describing feelings and challenges that are as old as time and as fresh as the morning sun. I am convinced that regardless of the physical background or the decade our life's experiences are cast against, the need for love and faith to bring meaning to our lives and reason for our decisions remains unchanged. I do not apologize for the time, the place, or the circumstances described, as that was the way it was. I suppose most people who have passed through this planet earth have lived and died closer to the type of life described herein than the hectic one we live in America today. We all need more faith, and I know we can learn from others. In looking back and reading letters and other items written at the time, I have tried to describe how I felt then. I had no feeling that I was going into a particularly hard situation or that things were going to be tough. I had no thought of doing anything unusual, but rather simply wanted to do my best to get through each day doing as much good and as little damage as possible.
Living a Covenant Marriage
Douglas E. Brinley - 2004
Brinely received his Ph.D. in family studies from Brigham Young University.style="mso-spacerun: yes"> He is an author or co-author of six books on marriage and family, including Between Husband and Wife: Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy. He is a professor of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University. He and his wife, Geri Rosine Brinley, are the parents of six children and a foster daughter.style="mso-spacerun: yes"> The family resides in Provo, Utah.
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Daniel K. Judd received an M.S. degree in family science and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Brigham Young University. He is an associate professor and department chair of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. He and his wife, Kaye Seegmiller Judd, are the parents of four children and live in Orem, Utah.
Contributors to this Volume
Elder Bruce C. Hafen, Douglas E. Brinley, Daniel K. Judd, Marlene Williams, Kent Brooks, Terrance Olsen, Brent A. Barlow, Kenneth Matheson, Charles. B. Beckert, Rory Reid, Sherrie Mills Johnson, Guy Dorius, and John Livingstone.
Endowed from on High: Understanding the Symbols of the Endowment
John D. Charles - 1998
It is literally a gift - a gift of God's power. While carefully maintaining the sacred confidentiality of the temple ordinances, this book provides scriptural correlations which will open up rich new areas of understanding. Once you read this inspired information, you will be better informed about the scriptural authority and symbolism of the sacred ordinances. You will be better prepared and motivated to apply scriptural symbols in your life and strive to become more like Christ. Within these pages are more than twenty scriptural symbols which correlate with the temple service. The central focus of these symbols is found in Brigham Young's oft-quoted statement of the ceremony's ultimate purpose: to enable recipients to pass by the angelic sentinels who guard the entrance to God's kingdom as they "walk back to the presence of the Father." Endowed from on high teaches that revelation occurs during the endowment, that promises are required before blessings are granted, that covenants are the channels through which blessings flow, and that the Lord is voluntarily "bound" when we obey His commandments. This is a unique and reverential guide to growth in the most sacred of all areas of our relationship with the Savior and our heavenly Father. Reading and pondering Endowen From On High will be a choice experience for all Church members.
A Marvelous Work and a Wonder
LeGrand Richards - 1950
Richards, a Presiding Bishop and Ordained One of the Twelve Apostles, offers an outline prepared to assist missionaries in their study and presentation of the gospel in a systematic and logical manner. Contents: The Position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; The Visit of the Father and the Son; Personality of the Father and the Son; False Doctrines and Universal Apostasy; A Marvelous Work and a Wonder to Come Forth; The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon; The Book of Mormon Fulfills Bible Prophecies; Evidences of the Divinity of the Book of Mormon; Restoration of Priesthood Authority; The Ordinance of Baptism; The Mission of the Holy Ghost; Setting up the Kingdom of God Upon the Earth; The Mission of Elijah; Marriage for Time and for All Eternity; The Gathering of Israel; Israel in the Latter Days; The Coming of Elias; The True Church, A Missionary Church; Fundamental Differences Between Salvation and Exaltation; Whence Cometh Man?; Why Is Man Here?; Where Is Man Going?; The Sabbath Day; Predestination and Foreordination; The Word of Wisdom; The Law of Tithing; and By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them.
House of Learning: Getting More from Your Temple Experience
M. Richard Walker - 2010
This insightful book from a former temple president and matron is designed to help.Engagingly written, with many personal experiences and practical applications, House of Learning outlines ways any Latter-day Saint, novice or seasoned, can prepare to be receptive to the spiritual teachings of the temple. It outlines the traits we need to develop to be in the proper frame of mind and heart for temple attendance. Then it explains a simple process through which we can unlock the spiritual meaning of the ordinances—including how they apply in our lives—and make the temple our house of learning.
The Faith Experiment
Laurel Christensen - 2012
She had put limits on her life that our Father in Heaven had never meant for her to experience. We all do it. But there is a way out—and that way is to have faith."Consider the possibility that God sees the potential for your life in a way that you have not seen yet—or are afraid to see," writes Laurel. "He is ready for you to choose to become the person He has always known you to be." You'll resonate to her stirring invitation to choose faith over fear.
For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards
Jen Hatmaker - 2015
People are the best and worst thing about the human life.Jen Hatmaker knows this all too well, and so she reveals how to practice kindness, grace, truthfulness, vision, and love to ourselves and those around us. By doing this, For the Love leads our generation to reimagine Jesus' grace as a way of life, and it does it in a funny yet profound manner that Christian readers will love. Along the way, Hatmaker shows readers how to reclaim their prophetic voices and become Good News again to a hurting, polarized world.
No Ordinary Women
Elaine S. Dalton - 2016
Dalton writes, "As daughters of God, we are each unique and different in our circumstances and experiences, and our part matters because we matter. We are no ordinary women. We are elect, and each of us has a unique, divine mission to perform." Having had the opportunity to travel throughout the world and serve and work among women young and old and in between, Sister Dalton has seen firsthand how the Lord has blessed each of us with distinct and divine talents. And when we use those gifts to become righteous women of influence on the people and the world around us, there is no limit to the good we can achieve. Sister Dalton highlights many of the qualities we are blessed with as women of covenant in these latter days. Though many of us may feel that we have only a small part to play in the building of the Lord's kingdom, Sister Dalton helps us to recognize that "by small and simple things are great thing brought to pass" (Alma 37:6). As we reflect on our roles within our spheres of influence and commit to act as disciples of Christ in whatever we do, we discover that we truly are capable of great things and that our work and contributions in the kingdom are anything but ordinary.
The Second Comforter: : Conversing with the Lord Through the Veil
Denver Carlos Snuffer Jr. - 2006
It is an Odyssey through the greatest principles, ordinances and meanings of the Latter-day Saint faith in a comprehensive narrative. It will change the way you think of yourself, and of your life.
Mormon Scientist: The Life and Faith of Henry Eyring
Henry J. Eyring - 2008
Maxwell told a grandson of Henry Eyring's, You need to write your grandfather's story. This is that story of Henry Eyring, perhaps the most acclaimed scientist ever to come from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a book about science and Mormonism, written to be easily understood by newcomers to both subjects. It demonstrates why one of the Church's highest-profile intellectuals was also one of its humblest believers. In fact, this story of Henry Eyring shows how intellect and belief go hand-in-hand and how simple, faithful people can change the world.