MongoDB: The Definitive Guide

Kristina Chodorow - 2010
    Learn how easy it is to handle data as self-contained JSON-style documents, rather than as records in a relational database.Explore ways that document-oriented storage will work for your projectLearn how MongoDB’s schema-free data model handles documents, collections, and multiple databasesExecute basic write operations, and create complex queries to find data with any criteriaUse indexes, aggregation tools, and other advanced query techniquesLearn about monitoring, security and authentication, backup and repair, and moreSet up master-slave and automatic failover replication in MongoDBUse sharding to scale MongoDB horizontally, and learn how it impacts applicationsGet example applications written in Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby

Git Pocket Guide

Richard E. Silverman - 2013
    It provides a compact, readable introduction to Git for new users, as well as a reference to common commands and procedures for those of you with Git experience.Written for Git version 1.8.2, this handy task-oriented guide is organized around the basic version control functions you need, such as making commits, fixing mistakes, merging, and searching history.Examine the state of your project at earlier points in timeLearn the basics of creating and making changes to a repositoryCreate branches so many people can work on a project simultaneouslyMerge branches and reconcile the changes among themClone an existing repository and share changes with push/pull commandsExamine and change your repository’s commit historyAccess remote repositories, using different network protocolsGet recipes for accomplishing a variety of common tasks

Essential System Administration

Æleen Frisch - 1991
    Whether you are a beginner or an experienced administrator, you'll quickly be able to apply its principles and advice to your everyday problems.The book approaches Unix system administration from the perspective of your job -- the routine tasks and troubleshooting that make up your day. Whether you're dealing with frustrated users, convincing an uncomprehending management that you need new hardware, rebuilding the kernel, or simply adding new users, you'll find help in this book. You'll also learn about back up and restore and how to set up printers, secure your system, and perform many other system administration tasks. But the book is not for full-time system administrators alone. Linux users and others who administer their own systems will benefit from its practical, hands-on approach.This second edition has been updated for all major Unix platforms, including SunOS 4.1, Solaris 2.4, AIX 4.1, Linux 1.1, Digital Unix, OSF/1, SCO Unix Version 3, HP/UX Versions 9 and 10, and IRIX Version 6. The entire book has been thoroughly reviewed and tested on all of the platforms covered. In addition, networking, electronic mail, security, and kernel configuration topics have been expanded substantially.Topics covered include:Starting up and shutting down your system Adding new users Managing processes System security Organizing and planning file systems Planning and performing backups Setting up pointers TCP/IP networking Setting up email Adding terminals and disk drives Setting up and using the accounting system

Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites

Robin Nixon - 2009
    You'll learn how to create responsive, data-driven websites with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript, regardless of whether you already know how to program. Discover how the powerful combination of PHP and MySQL provides an easy way to build modern websites complete with dynamic data and user interaction. You'll also learn how to add JavaScript to create rich Internet applications and websites.Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript explains each technology separately, shows you how to combine them, and introduces valuable web programming concepts, including objects, XHTML, cookies, and session management. You'll practice what you've learned with review questions in each chapter, and find a sample social networking platform built with the elements introduced in this book. This book will help you:-Understand PHP essentials and the basics of object-oriented programming-Master MySQL, from database structure to complex queries-Create web pages with PHP and MySQL by integrating forms and other HTML features-Learn about JavaScript, from functions and event handling to accessing the Document Object Model-Use libraries and packages, including the Smarty web template system, PEAR program repository, and the Yahoo! User Interface Library -Make Ajax calls and turn your website into a highly dynamic environment-Upload and manipulate files and images, validate user input, and secure your applications

Programming Erlang

Joe Armstrong - 2007
    It's used worldwide by companies who need to produce reliable, efficient, and scalable applications. Invest in learning Erlang now.Moore's Law is the observation that the amount you can do on a single chip doubles every two years. But Moore's Law is taking a detour. Rather than producing faster and faster processors, companies such as Intel and AMD are producing multi-core devices: single chips containing two, four, or more processors. If your programs aren't concurrent, they'll only run on a single processor at a time. Your users will think that your code is slow.Erlang is a programming language designed for building highly parallel, distributed, fault-tolerant systems. It has been used commercially for many years to build massive fault-tolerated systems that run for years with minimal failures.Erlang programs run seamlessly on multi-core computers: this means your Erlang program should run a lot faster on a 4 core processor than on a single core processor, all without you having to change a line of code.Erlang combines ideas from the world of functional programming with techniques for building fault-tolerant systems to make a powerful language for building the massively parallel, networked applications of the future.This book presents Erlang and functional programming in the familiar Pragmatic style. And it's written by Joe Armstrong, one of the creators of Erlang.It includes example code you'll be able to build upon. In addition, the book contains the full source code for two interesting applications:A SHOUTcast server which you can use to stream music to every computer in your house, and a full-text indexing and search engine that can index gigabytes of data. Learn how to write programs that run on dozens or even hundreds of local and remote processors. See how to write robust applications that run even in the face of network and hardware failure, using the Erlang programming language.

Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century

Simson Garfinkel - 2000
    Those who worry about personal privacy and identity--especially in this day of technologies that encroach upon these rights--still use Orwell's "Big Brother" language to discuss privacy issues. But the reality is that the age of a monolithic Big Brother is over. And yet the threats are perhaps even more likely to destroy the rights we've assumed were ours.Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century shows how, in these early years of the 21st century, advances in technology endanger our privacy in ways never before imagined. Direct marketers and retailers track our every purchase; surveillance cameras observe our movements; mobile phones will soon report our location to those who want to track us; government eavesdroppers listen in on private communications; misused medical records turn our bodies and our histories against us; and linked databases assemble detailed consumer profiles used to predict and influence our behavior. Privacy--the most basic of our civil rights--is in grave peril.Simson Garfinkel--journalist, entrepreneur, and international authority on computer security--has devoted his career to testing new technologies and warning about their implications. This newly revised update of the popular hardcover edition of Database Nation is his compelling account of how invasive technologies will affect our lives in the coming years. It's a timely, far-reaching, entertaining, and thought-provoking look at the serious threats to privacy facing us today. The book poses a disturbing question: how can we protect our basic rights to privacy, identity, and autonomy when technology is making invasion and control easier than ever before?Garfinkel's captivating blend of journalism, storytelling, and futurism is a call to arms. It will frighten, entertain, and ultimately convince us that we must take action now to protect our privacy and identity before it's too late.

TCP/IP Network Administration

Craig Hunt - 1992
    The book starts with the fundamentals -- what protocols do and how they work, how addresses and routing are used to move data through the network, how to set up your network connection -- and then covers, in detail, everything you need to know to exchange information via the Internet.Included are discussions on advanced routing protocols (RIPv2, OSPF, and BGP) and the gated software package that implements them, a tutorial on configuring important network services -- including DNS, Apache, sendmail, Samba, PPP, and DHCP -- as well as expanded chapters on troubleshooting and security. TCP/IP Network Administration is also a command and syntax reference for important packages such as gated, pppd, named, dhcpd, and sendmail.With coverage that includes Linux, Solaris, BSD, and System V TCP/IP implementations, the third edition contains:Overview of TCP/IP Delivering the data Network services Getting startedM Basic configuration Configuring the interface Configuring routing Configuring DNS Configuring network servers Configuring sendmail Configuring Apache Network security Troubleshooting Appendices include dip, ppd, and chat reference, a gated reference, a dhcpd reference, and a sendmail reference This new edition includes ways of configuring Samba to provide file and print sharing on networks that integrate Unix and Windows, and a new chapter is dedicated to the important task of configuring the Apache web server. Coverage of network security now includes details on OpenSSH, stunnel, gpg, iptables, and the access control mechanism in xinetd. Plus, the book offers updated information about DNS, including details on BIND 8 and BIND 9, the role of classless IP addressing and network prefixes, and the changing role of registrars.Without a doubt, TCP/IP Network Administration, 3rd Edition is a must-have for all network administrators and anyone who deals with a network that transmits data over the Internet.

Game Project Completed: How Successful Indie Game Developers Finish Their Projects

Thomas Schwarzl - 2014
    They teach you how to make games. This book does not show you how to make games. It shows you how to take your game project to the finish line. Many game projects never make it beyond the alpha state.Game Development Success Is All About The Inner Game.Being a successful game developer does not (just) mean being a great programmer, a smart game designer or a gifted artist. It means dominating the inner game of game making. This separates the pros from the wannabes. It's the knowledge of how to stay focused, motivated and efficient during your game projects. It's the skillset of keeping things simple and avoiding misleading dreams of the next overnight success. Finally it's about thinking as a salesperson, not just as a designer, programmer or artist.

Graph Databases

Ian Robinson - 2013
    With this practical book, you’ll learn how to design and implement a graph database that brings the power of graphs to bear on a broad range of problem domains. Whether you want to speed up your response to user queries or build a database that can adapt as your business evolves, this book shows you how to apply the schema-free graph model to real-world problems.Learn how different organizations are using graph databases to outperform their competitors. With this book’s data modeling, query, and code examples, you’ll quickly be able to implement your own solution.Model data with the Cypher query language and property graph modelLearn best practices and common pitfalls when modeling with graphsPlan and implement a graph database solution in test-driven fashionExplore real-world examples to learn how and why organizations use a graph databaseUnderstand common patterns and components of graph database architectureUse analytical techniques and algorithms to mine graph database information

Distributed Systems For Fun and Profit

Mikito Takada - 2013

VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive

Frank Denneman - 2011
    It covers the basic steps needed to create a vSphere HA and vSphere DRS cluster and to implement vSphere Storage DRS. Even more important, it explains the concepts and mechanisms behind HA, DRS and Storage DRS which will enable you to make well educated decisions. This book will take you in to the trenches of HA, DRS and Storage DRS and will give you the tools to understand and implement e.g. HA admission control policies, DRS resource pools, Datastore Clusters and resource allocation settings. On top of that each section contains basic design principles that can be used for designing, implementing or improving VMware infrastructures and fundamental supporting features like (Storage) vMotion, Storage I/O Control and much more are described in detail for the very first time. This book is also the ultimate guide to be prepared for any HA, DRS or Storage DRS related question or case study that might be presented during VMware VCDX, VCP and or VCAP exams.Coverage includes: HA node types HA isolation detection and response HA admission control VM Monitoring HA and DRS integration DRS imbalance algorithm Resource Pools Impact of reservations and limits CPU Resource Scheduling Memory Scheduler DPM Datastore Clusters Storage DRS algorithm Influencing SDRS recommendationsBe prepared to dive deep!

Database Management Systems

Raghu Ramakrishnan - 1997
    Coherent explanations and practical examples have made this one of the leading texts in the field. The third edition continues in this tradition, enhancing it with more practical material. The new edition has been reorganized to allow more flexibility in the way the course is taught. Now, instructors can easily choose whether they would like to teach a course which emphasizes database application development or a course that emphasizes database systems issues. New overview chapters at the beginning of parts make it possible to skip other chapters in the part if you don't want the detail.More applications and examples have been added throughout the book, including SQL and Oracle examples. The applied flavor is further enhanced by the two new database applications chapters.

Computer Science: An Overview

J. Glenn Brookshear - 1985
    This bookpresents an introductory survey of computer science. It explores thebreadth of the subject while including enough depth to convey anhonest appreciation for the topics involved. The new edition includesreorganization of some key material for enhanced clarity (SoftwareEngineering and Artificial Intelligence chapters), new and expandedmaterial on Security and Data Abstractions, more on ethics anddifferent ethical theories in Chapter 0. Anyone interested in gaining athorough introduction to Computer Science.

Windows 8.1 For Dummies

Andy Rathbone - 2013
    Parts cover: Windows 8.1 Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know - an introduction to the dual interfaces, basic mechanics, file storage, and instruction on how to get the free upgrade to Windows 8.1.Working with Programs, Apps and Files - the basics of finding and launching apps, getting help, and printingGetting Things Done on the Internet - instructions for connecting a Windows 8.1 device, using web and social apps, and maintaining privacyCustomizing and Upgrading Windows 8.1 - Windows 8.1 offers big changes to what a user can customize on the OS. This section shows how to manipulate app tiles, give Windows the look you in, set up boot-to-desktop capabilities, connect to a network, and create user accounts.Music, Photos and Movies - Windows 8.1 offers new apps and capabilities for working with onboard and online media, all covered in this chapterHelp! - includes guidance on how to fix common problems, interpret strange messages, move files to a new PC, and use the built-in help systemThe Part of Tens - quick tips for avoiding common annoyances and working with Windows 8.1 on a touch device

Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide: A Distributed Real-Time Search and Analytics Engine

Clinton Gormley - 2014
    This practical guide not only shows you how to search, analyze, and explore data with Elasticsearch, but also helps you deal with the complexities of human language, geolocation, and relationships.If you're a newcomer to both search and distributed systems, you'll quickly learn how to integrate Elasticsearch into your application. More experienced users will pick up lots of advanced techniques. Throughout the book, you'll follow a problem-based approach to learn why, when, and how to use Elasticsearch features.Understand how Elasticsearch interprets data in your documentsIndex and query your data to take advantage of search concepts such as relevance and word proximityHandle human language through the effective use of analyzers and queriesSummarize and group data to show overall trends, with aggregations and analyticsUse geo-points and geo-shapes--Elasticsearch's approaches to geolocationModel your data to take advantage of Elasticsearch's horizontal scalabilityLearn how to configure and monitor your cluster in production