Angels: Agents of Light, Love, and Power

Donald W. Parry - 2013
    Brother Parry, who has spoken about angels at BYU Education Week, has painstakingly researched what we can learn from the scriptures and from statements of modern prophets about angels and their missions. Chapters in this book focus on such topics as what angels are, what powers and abilities they are given, how they communicate with mortals (including their interaction with little children), what missions and roles they are assigned, how they restore priesthood and keys, how they reveal truth and teach the doctrines of the gospel, and what their roles will be in the Second Coming and during the Judgment. It includes a discussion of how angels minister to and comfort mortals, and about the role of guardian angels.

Receiving Answers to Our Prayers

Gene R. Cook - 1991
    In Receiving Answers to Our Prayers, Elder Cook examines some of the most important principles and practices of prayer, which the Lord has taught us through scripture and through living prophets. By illustrating those principles through examples and many true-life stories, he shows that the Lord does answer prayers and suggests ways we can become more receptive to the answers the Lord sends. Elder Cook focuses on the difficult question of why answers do not always come in ways we expect and what we can do then to increase our faith.


David Butler - 2020
    This is a promise so incredible that at times it can be hard to wrap our minds around, much less apply. What, exactly, does it mean to have the gift of the Holy Ghost daily, and how can it help us?Following up David Butler's bestselling Almighty and Redeemer, this engaging book for teens walks readers through the various roles the Spirit takes in our lives. From the comforter to witness to guide to companion, Spirit helps readers learn what the Holy Ghost can do for them, how to recognize His promptings, and how to use His promises and privileges in their lives on a day-to-day basis.

Redefining Joy in the Last Days

Chris Stewart - 2009
    Drawing on unforgettable real- life experiences and rich examples from the scriptures, he offers suggestions for reorienting our lives in order to achieve greater joy and happiness even in the most challenging times. Redefining Joy looks at some of life s most difficult questions. But be prepared. The answers may surprise you.

To Draw Closer To God: A Collection Of Discourses

Henry B. Eyring - 1997
    Eyring explains some of the ways we can claim these promises. In his thoughtful, spiritual style, he discusses such topics as learning to hear the Lord's voice, choosing to be good, overcoming trials of faith, strengthening the family, surrendering to Christ, and helping others draw closer to the Lord. Elder Eyring writes, "Yield your heart unto God. Ask him what it is he would have you do. Know that he will have prepared a way for you to do it, even under great difficulties. Ask him how he would have you share what you have with others, and you will feel his love. He lives and he loves you. He wants you to come home again." If you would like to have the Spirit of the Lord with you more often, if you would like to feel closer to your Father in Heaven and have him be closer to you, you'll appreciate the insights and messages in this collection of inspiring discourses

Live Up to Our Privileges: Women, Power, and Priesthood

Wendy Ulrich - 2019
    After all, the scriptures tell us, "Now the great and grand secret of the whole matter . . . consists in obtaining the powers of the Holy Priesthood" (D&C 128:11). Especially in recent years, prophets and apostles have assured that women as well as men can serve in the Church, the temple, and the family with priesthood authority and priesthood power. How can women more fully exercise that holy authority in their daily service and work?Best-selling author and acclaimed psychologist Wendy Ulrich explains how, following the Savior's examples, women can act within priesthood authority and covenants to fulfill their individual missions, help save the human family, and empower rising generations. By qualifying for the gifts of the Holy Ghost and the temple endowment, women can nourish, teach, serve, pray, lead, heal, parent, prophesy, minister, and testify with priesthood power.This book will help you grow in power in the priesthood as you better understand the priesthood authority women have been given, learn to clarify and live your deepest values, and hone the skill of discerning and acting on the promptings of the Holy Ghost—ultimately growing toward your highest spiritual potential.The very promises made by oath and covenant to those who bear the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods were extended by Joseph Smith to the Relief Society sisters. He organized them "after the pattern of the priesthood" and promised: "If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates. . . .[You] can come in the presence of God." These promises and privileges belong to all who wish to claim them.

Living the Parables

Hank Smith - 2019
    The parables of Christ contain a wealth of guidance, but the deeper meaning of His words can sometimes be difficult to decipher. Now, best-selling authors Hank Smith and Kathryn Jenkins—known and loved for their ability to approach gospel topics in a clear, light, and understandable way—take a careful look at the finer points of the Savior's stories. They uncover the profound spiritual lessons hidden within and illustrate practical and accessible application for our day. In Living the Parables: Applying Christ's Teachings to Our Lives, readers are presented with commentary from generations of Church leaders and religious scholars, as well as modern-day interpretations of the underlying significance of each account. This volume will inspire followers of Christ to draw on the power of His Atonement by embracing a deeper understanding of His parables.

Bad Guys of the Book of Mormon

Dennis Gaunt - 2011
    But for every good guy in the Book of Mormon, there is a bad guy as well—Laman and Lemuel, Korihor, King Noah, Amalickiah. We can learn lessons from their lives as well. Each chapter recaps the story from the scriptures, including the lessons not learned by the bad guy, and ends with a call to action by providing application ideas and questions to ponder. Written in a light, conversational style, this book for teens and young adults is filled with quotes from latter-day prophets and insightful personal experiences to illustrate some of the lifechanging spiritual lessons we can learn from the bad guys of the Book of Mormon. "I loved this book! I never thought that I'd like a gospel book, but this one was fun and actually written for young people. I read it in one sitting! I loved the humor ('Hello, Moroni. My name is Ammoron. You killed my brother. Prepare to die!') as well as the questions to ponder." —Amy, age 15

Hard Times and Holy Places

Kristin Warner Belcher - 2009
    First diagnosed with bi-lateral retinoblastoma at the age of seven months, she had feared blindness since childhood. Ironically, the treatment that had saved her life as a baby was responsible for the radiation- induced cancer that again threatened her life as an adult. Now a wife and mother of two young sons, she faced her greatest challenge. Five major surgeries within the space of five months left her physically and emotionally devastated-- and completely blind. Yet during that horrendous time, Kris discovered moments of spiritual strengthening that became holy places in her life-- places where she could feel the purifying, transforming power of Christ that enabled her to survive and to learn how to live in a world of darkness. Compelling, honest, and at times humorous, her story and the insights she gained will help others find hope and healing in the midst of their own trials.

The Second Comforter: : Conversing with the Lord Through the Veil

Denver Carlos Snuffer Jr. - 2006
    It is an Odyssey through the greatest principles, ordinances and meanings of the Latter-day Saint faith in a comprehensive narrative. It will change the way you think of yourself, and of your life.

All Things New: Rethinking Sin, Salvation, and Everything in Between

Fiona Givens - 2020

The Faith of a Scientist

Henry Eyring - 1967
    Famed LDS scientist Henry Eyring discusses his convictions that science and religion, properly understood, are not two separate worlds but an interlocking unity.

The Other Eminent Men of Wilford Woodruff

Vicki Jo Anderson - 1994
    Every parent needs resources that will add to the spiritual roots, and to the moral foundation their children build their lives upon. As we are shown how God has inspired eminent people in their pursuit of excellence, we see how to find His guidance in our lives. When we plant in their hearts a view of history as a legacy to live up to, children are empowered to prepare for, and then perform, the missions God sent them to earth to accomplish.”

The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner

Ezra Taft Benson - 1986
    Book by Ezra Taft Benson

Mothers of the Prophets (revised edition)

Leonard J. Arrington - 1987
    We know how she hid the gold plates from thieves, wrote Joseph's history, and was fiercely loyal to her son as he helped restore the gospel of Jesus Christ in this dispensation. But what of the mothers of other latter-day prophets? What were they like? What stories do we know of their lives? Each of the 14 prophets and presidents of the church since Joseph Smith had a mother who taught and influenced him as much as Lucy Mack influence Joseph. Their stories are perhaps not as well known to us, but are just as powerful.----------------------------[From the back flap]In this newly revised edition of Mothers of the Prophets, you will get to know these remarkable women, who taught their children to love the gospel and love the Lord. You will be moved by their stories and touched by their faith. Originally written by the father-daughter team of Leonard J. Arrington and Susan Arrington Madsen, this revised edition was recently updated by daughter and granddaughter Susan Arrington Madsen and Emily Madsen Jones. Expanded to include all the mothers of the latter-day prophets through President Gordon B. Hinckley, and enhanced with photographs throughout, this book is a must have for anyone interested in Church history or anyone who is curious about the power of a mother's influence.----------------------------[From the back]David McKay, father of the Prophet to David O. McKay, was telling his family about his mission to Scotland. As he described the fields of heather, the music of bagpipes, the imposing castles, and the thousands of sheep dotting the hillsides, one of his sons asked him if he had seen any miracles while on his mission. David's eyes immediately met those of his wife, Jeanette, and putting his arm around her and pulling her clothes, he replied, "Your mother is the greatest miracle I have ever seen on this earth." Filled with such stories, Mothers of the Prophets is a book that will both inspire and delight. In these pages, you will come to know and love the mothers of the latter-day prophets. And your testimony will be strengthened as you see how the Lord sent each of his prophets to a home with a mother that would love, nurture, and teach him--helping to prepare him for his calling to leave the Church in this dispensation.