Best of
Insights from a Prophet’s Life: Russell M. Nelson
Sheri Dew - 2019
Nelson took advantage of every opportunity to learn and become more. In Insights from a Prophet's Life, Sheri Dew takes us through the life of President Nelson from childhood to the current day. This unique collection of life experiences is told in short episodes from the purpose of helping readers gain their own personal insights. For if we have much to learn from what a prophet says, surely we have much to learn from how a prophet lives.
The Heavens Are Open
Wendy Watson Nelson - 2019
And He will speak to you, too.That is the powerful testimony of Sister Wendy W. Nelson, wife of President Russell M. Nelson, as she shares her personal witness of truths that will increase our capacity to receive and act on revelation from the heavens. In this volume, she offers a number of ideas for things we can do—and stop doing—in order to understand the Spirit’s direction more clearly.“All I have witnessed, all I have experienced tells me that our Father wants to communicate with each one of His children and will do so commensurate with our desire and earnest seeking,” writes Sister Nelson. This remarkable book will help readers learn how to open that door.
The Priesthood Power of Women: In the Temple, Church, and Family
Barbara Morgan Gardner - 2019
Nelson recently voiced a concern that “too many of our brothers and sisters do not fully understand the concept of priesthood power and authority. I fear that too many of our brothers and sisters do not grasp the privileges that could be theirs.”Some are surprised to learn that priesthood authority, privileges, and power apply to women as well as men. On the other hand, many women feel undervalued, voiceless, and marginalized regarding the priesthood. Our limited understanding and frustration often stems from the priesthood being taught too narrowly.The Priesthood Power of Women relies on the standard works and teachings of the living prophets to help all members, especially women, more fully understand God's power and take full advantage of the powers, blessings, and privileges available to them in this mortal journey by
clarifying truth regarding the priesthood, for both men and women.
further expanding our knowledge of the priesthood, and
strengthening and empowering us as we seek to better fulfill our priesthood responsibilities and make full use of priesthood privileges.
Silent Souls Weeping: Depression—Sharing Stories, Finding Hope
Jane Clayson Johnson - 2019
In Silent Souls Weeping, bestselling author and nationally-recognized journalist Jane Clayson Johnson hopes to change the LDS dialogue and cultural stigmas surrounding mental illness. She vulnerably shares her own experience with depression along with the experiences of many other Latter-day Saints, offering support to those suffering and understanding to those loving someone with depression.
The Divine Gift of Forgiveness
Neil L. Andersen - 2019
The Divine Gift of Forgiveness is organized in such a way that readers can choose the section or chapter that applies most to them and study it without having to have read from cover to cover. Leaders can similarly recommend specific chapters to those with whom they work. Filled with powerful doctrine along with stories and experiences, this book will help all readers become more devoted disciples of the Savior.
David Butler - 2019
Each one of them tells a story—a story about who He is, what He does, and how He shows up in our individual lives.The name Redeemer comes from a Hebrew word that means someone who will rescue or save by any means. Some days that is as a sacrificing Lamb, and other days it is as a loyal Advocate.Who Jesus was in the past—the Good Shepherd, the Mighty Jehovah, the Unfailing Deliverer—is who He still is today. As we learn about how He came into the lives of those in the scriptures, we begin to anticipate and see how He comes into our own stories.
The Power of Stillness: Mindful Living for Latter-day Saints
Jacob Z. Hess - 2019
But for some, an over-emphasis on “doing” can cause us to go through the motions and miss the deep, rich spiritual power that can come from being still. Sometimes, we try to dig ourselves out of feeling spiritually drained by doing more. When that doesn’t work, we can feel stuck—and arrive at one of two conclusions: the Church “formula”’ isn’t working so it must have been wrong to begin with, or maybe something is wrong with us?There is a third alternative—that our spirituality could reignite by approaching it from a more “mindful” place. When it feels like we’re on a runaway train, mindfulness returns us to a peaceful place where we can observe our thoughts and feelings without jumping on board with them. Using Latter-day Saint vernacular and examples, The Power of Stillness explores the ways in which mindfulness can deepen testimonies of the gospel. Practicing mindful principles can reinvigorate the joy inherent in our faith and helps us feel calmer, more present and engaged in our lives, and more spiritually connected to our Savior.
Come, Follow Me - For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2019
Includes full-page gospel art and tips for improving personal and family study of the scriptures.
Born to Change the World: Your Part in Gathering Israel
Brad Wilcox - 2019
Live Up to Our Privileges: Women, Power, and Priesthood
Wendy Ulrich - 2019
After all, the scriptures tell us, "Now the great and grand secret of the whole matter . . . consists in obtaining the powers of the Holy Priesthood" (D&C 128:11). Especially in recent years, prophets and apostles have assured that women as well as men can serve in the Church, the temple, and the family with priesthood authority and priesthood power. How can women more fully exercise that holy authority in their daily service and work?Best-selling author and acclaimed psychologist Wendy Ulrich explains how, following the Savior's examples, women can act within priesthood authority and covenants to fulfill their individual missions, help save the human family, and empower rising generations. By qualifying for the gifts of the Holy Ghost and the temple endowment, women can nourish, teach, serve, pray, lead, heal, parent, prophesy, minister, and testify with priesthood power.This book will help you grow in power in the priesthood as you better understand the priesthood authority women have been given, learn to clarify and live your deepest values, and hone the skill of discerning and acting on the promptings of the Holy Ghost—ultimately growing toward your highest spiritual potential.The very promises made by oath and covenant to those who bear the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods were extended by Joseph Smith to the Relief Society sisters. He organized them "after the pattern of the priesthood" and promised: "If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates. . . .[You] can come in the presence of God." These promises and privileges belong to all who wish to claim them.
Living the Parables
Hank Smith - 2019
The parables of Christ contain a wealth of guidance, but the deeper meaning of His words can sometimes be difficult to decipher. Now, best-selling authors Hank Smith and Kathryn Jenkins—known and loved for their ability to approach gospel topics in a clear, light, and understandable way—take a careful look at the finer points of the Savior's stories. They uncover the profound spiritual lessons hidden within and illustrate practical and accessible application for our day. In Living the Parables: Applying Christ's Teachings to Our Lives, readers are presented with commentary from generations of Church leaders and religious scholars, as well as modern-day interpretations of the underlying significance of each account. This volume will inspire followers of Christ to draw on the power of His Atonement by embracing a deeper understanding of His parables.
You Are More Than Enough: You Are Magnificent
Ganel-Lyn Condie - 2019
Featuring lessons taught through scripture, Church leaders, and personal experience, this inspirational book highlights the eternal strength inherent in and available to every woman. Readers will laugh, cry, and feel supported as they live their earthly missions with renewed peace and confidence. From the innate beauty of daughters of God to the gift of self-acceptance to the transcendent power of Christ's grace, sisters in every stage of life will be inspired to live more freely and fearlessly by learning to embrace their eternal potential and realize they are already more than enough--they are magnificent."--
Creating a Christ-Centered Home: 12 Teachings of Jesus to Strengthen Our Families
Emily Belle Freeman - 2019
They were basic. And they were—and are—essential. In Creating a Christ-Centered Home, you will discover how to fill your family's hearts with the principles Jesus taught in the most sacred of classrooms: the home.There is a humility that comes when we invite the Lord into our most private spaces. Within the hush we hear the gentle whisper of His voice, we experience the touch of His hand, and we feel the prompting to rise. Invite Him in, and experience the added measure of peace, strength, courage, and hope that comes when Jesus Christ becomes the central focus of your home.
From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday
Stephen R. Christiansen - 2019
It began with His triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem and ended with His glorious Resurrection from the dead. But what occurred between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? Author Stephen R. Christiansen’s inspiring work invites readers to explore and understand the events of the final week of Jesus Christ’s mortal ministry in vivid detail, with discussion of events ranging from the Last Supper to Christ’s Atonement to His Crucifixion.Far more than a simple chronological account, this volume inspires thoughtful study, emotional connection, and personal revelation. With chapters designed to be read during each day of Holy Week, it gives readers the unique opportunity to delve into Christ’s final acts and contemplate compelling daily questions.Come to more fully understand the Savior’s final week, His ultimate sacrifice, and His role in your life as you discover the eternal implications of what occurred from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
The Holy Spirit: His Identity, Mission, and Ministry
Robert L. Millett - 2019
Holy As You Are: Seeking Divine Moments in Your Ordinary Extraordinary Life
Christie Gardiner - 2019
In Holy As You Are, best-selling author Christie Gardiner seeks to close the gap reminding women of the holy attributes they already possess and how they can accomplish extraordinary ordinary things that will forever change the landscape and heart-scape of their worlds.With a wealth of spiritual guidance and upbeat wisdom that doesn’t shy away from difficult topics, this inspired volume challenges readers to look at their tragedies and triumphs and everything in between as sacred opportunities to choose holiness. What if ordinary is extraordinary? What if you are Holy As You Are?
The Pearl of Greatest Price: Mormonism's Most Controversial Scripture
Terryl Givens - 2019
The authors track its predecessors, describe its several components, and assess their theological significance within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Four principalsections are discussed, along with attendant controversies associated with each. The Book of Moses purports to be a Mosaic narrative missing from the biblical version of Genesis. Too little treated in the scholarship on Mormonism, these chapters, produced only months after the Book of Mormon waspublished, actually contain the theological nucleus of Latter-day Saint doctrines as well as a virtual template for the Restoration Joseph Smith was to effect.In The Pearl of Greatest Price, the author covers three principal parts that are the focus of many of the controversies engulfing Mormonism today. These parts are The Book of Abraham, The Book of Moses, and The Joseph Smith History. Most controversial of all is the Book of Abraham, a production thatarose out of a group of papyri Smith acquired, along with four mummies, in 1835. Most of the papyri disappeared in the great Chicago Fire, but surviving fragments have been identified as Egyptian funerary documents. This has created one of the most serious challenges to Smith's prophetic claims theLDS church has faced. LDS scholars, however, have developed several frameworks for vindicating the inspiration of the resulting narrative and Smith's calling as a prophet. The author attempts to make sense of Smith's several, at times divergent, accounts of his First Vision, one of which iscanonized as scripture. He also assesses the creedal nature of Smith's Articles of Faith, in the context of his professed anti-creedalism. In sum, this study chronicles the volume's historical legacy and theological indispensability to the Latter-day Saint tradition, as well as the reasons for itsresilience and future prospects in the face of daunting challenges.
Finding Temple Symbols
Cami Evans - 2019
. . Angel Moroni! Join Lucy as she finds features on and around the temple--like the gate, fountains, spires, and more--that remind her of important gospel principles. This reverent seek-and-find book introduces children to the idea of symbols and prepares them to enter the temple some day.
Joseph Smith's 21st Century View of the World: Truths He Knew Before the World Accepted Them
John David Lamb - 2019
Relying upon Joseph’s teachings, Dr. John David Lamb—award-winning professor of chemistry at BYU—draws fascinating parallels between the latest scientific discoveries and revelations received by the Prophet Joseph, including • The idea that God is not supernatural in the traditional sense, but rather is both the author of and participant in nature, which matches the modern scientific understanding that nature is underpinned by immutable laws that apply in all places at all times. • The nature of light and electromagnetism and its relationship to the spirit. • The teaching that “there is no kingdom in which there is no space,” which relates to the principle of atoms and the idea that the universe is mostly made up of nothing. Uniting science and faith, this book paints a mesmerizing picture of the universe around us. Strengthen your testimony that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that his revelations foreshadowed truths revealed through science only after his lifetime.
Gathered in One: How the Book of Mormon Counters Anti-Semitism in the New Testament
Bradley J. Kramer - 2019
Kramer shows how the Book of Mormon counters anti-Semitism in the New Testament by approaching this most Christian of books on its own turf and on its own terms: literarily, by providing numerous pro-Jewish statements, portrayals, settings, and structuring devices in opposition to similar anti-Semitic elements in the New Testament; and scripturally, by connecting with it as a peer, as a divine document of equal value and authority, which can add these elements to the Christian canon (as the Gospel of John can add elements to the Gospel of Matthew) without undermining its authority or dependability.In this way, the Book of Mormon effectively “detoxifies” the New Testament of its anti-Semitic poison without weakening its status as scripture and goes far in encouraging Christians to relate to Jews respectfully, not as enemies or opponents, but as allies, people of equal worth, importance, and value before God.
Come, Follow Me - For Primary: New Testament 2019
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2019
The Book of Mormon Journal Pink Floral-- No Index
Deseret Book - 2019
All the text of the Book of Mormon as well as large, lined margins will give you a larger canvas to express your thoughts, document insights you've received, or create your own visual art, illuminations, or calligraphy, enhancing your daily study and creating a record that will endure.
Who Is Truth: Reframing Our Questions for a Richer Faith
Jeffrey L. Thayne - 2019
Favorite Scriptures of 100 American Leaders
Michael K. Winder - 2019
In this sweeping collection, historian and lawmaker Mike Winder explores selections from the Bible, Quar'an, Book of Mormon, and more that have influenced presidents and first ladies, congressmen, and senators. Study for yourself the truths that have shaped and defined this great nation.
The Rise of the Latter-day Saints: The Journals and Histories of Newell K. Knight
William G. Hartley - 2019
The Parables of Jesus: Revealing the Plan of Salvation
John W. Welch - 2019
When Life Gets You Down, Rise Up!
Kacey McCallister - 2019
This unthinkable trial could have broken him, but from that day forward he chose to rise above his circumstances and learn to live without limits. For those struggling to find hope in the depths of physical, spiritual, or emotional trials, this incredible story of one man’s unbreakable courage will inspire and motivate readers to not only survive but thrive amidst life’s challenges.A true testament to the power of the human spirit, When Life Gets You Down, Rise Up! demonstrates the refining power that can be found in the midst of overwhelming odds, a power available to all who will take hold of it and rise.