The Miracle Morning for Transforming Your Relationship: How to Create an Unshakeable LOVE and Unleashed PASSION that Lasts a Lifetime!

Hal Elrod - 2017
    Since then, careers have been launched, goals have been met, and dreams have been realized, all through the power of the Miracle Morning's six Life S.A.V.E.R.S. YES, IT TRULY TAKES ONLY ONE PARTNER TO TRANSFORM A RELATIONSHIP! What's more, you do not need your partner to do the work with you to get the results you want. This is unlike any other "relationship book" you have ever experienced! Empower yourself with the tools and strategies that really work to create the change you deserve in your relationship! (all without needing your partner to participate in the process with you) Now The Miracle Morning for Transforming Your Relationship brings you the proven system used by thousands and thousands of people around the world to create their unshakable love and unleashed passion. Stacey & Paul Martino Bestselling authors and widely-respected experts on relationships finally give us the relationship education that no one else is teaching! DEVELOP A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF YOURSELF, YOUR PARTNER, MEN & WOMEN AND BECOME THE PERSON YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE. The tools and strategies found in this book will empower you to create change in your relationship in ways you never imagined possible: — Learn why mornings matter more than you think when transforming your relationship — Learn how to leverage the most powerful force in relationship today. If you do not know how to use this force for your advantage, then it’ s working against you right now — Gain an understanding of men and women that you have never had before — Learn the secrets to wiping the slate clean and starting anew as Stacey and Paul teach you their proven process to allow you to forgive ANYTHING...yes, anything! — Get the tools and strategies to create the rock-solid relationship that you desire. These are the tools that work in real-life to help you align with your partner as a rock-solid team — Learn how to unleash the passion and bring the spark back after it has fizzled or died completely — Get your roadmap to mastery to create change that lasts beyond this book — Learn how to implement Hal Elrod’s invaluable Life S.A.V.E.R.S. in your daily routine — And much more... Whether you’re in a relationship, or you want to be, you can now discover how to take your love life to the next level by first taking your self to the next level. The Miracle Morning for Transforming Your Relationship is your roadmap to creating the relationship you’ ve always wanted, creating an unshakeable love, and unleashing the passion. TAKE THE NEXT STEP: CLICK 'BUY NOW' AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE! Start giving yourself, your relationship, your family and your life the very best opportunities for success, right now. The Miracle Morning Book Series includes all of the titles below and doesn't have to be read in any particular order.

Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most

Douglas Stone - 1999
    Based on fifteen years of research at the Harvard Negotiation Project, Difficult Conversations walks you through a step-by-step proven approach to having your toughest conversations with less stress and more success. You will learn: -- how to start the conversation without defensiveness-- why what is not said is as important as what is-- ways of keeping and regaining your balance in the face of attacks and accusations-- how to decipher the underlying structure of every difficult conversationFilled with examples from everyday life, Difficult Conversations will help you on your job, at home, or out of the world. It is a book you will turn to again and again for advice, practical skills, and reassurance.

No One's the Bitch: A Ten-Step Plan for the Mother and Stepmother Relationship

Jennifer Newcomb Marine - 2009
    Whether you just want to create a neutral, “business” partnership with the “other woman” in your life—or actually, gulp, become friends—they show you how to reach your goal through ten powerful steps.

If It Hurts, It Isn't Love: And 365 Other Principles to Heal and Transform Your Relationships

Chuck Spezzano - 1996
    Depression is the fear that something new will leave me. When someone gets angry at me, there is a lesson for me to learn. Jealousy is a birthing place. These principles show how to look afresh at one's most important relationships, in a way that heals pain and brings love and forgiveness. After each principle, the author gives brief exercises that nudge readers further, prompting them to absorb the insights even more deeply.

Listful Thinking: Using Lists to Be More Productive, Successful and Less Stressed

Paula Rizzo - 2015
    These successful people, along with CEOs and successful entrepreneurs, all use lists to keep track of their ideas, thoughts, and tasks. Finding enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished and allow for some downtime can be a struggle. It's no wonder so many of us are stressed, overextended, and exhausted. More than half of all American employees feel overwhelmed, according to a study by the nonprofit Family and Work Institute. For the 54 percent of us who feel like we're chasing our own tails, Listful Thinking is here to prove that it doesn't have to be that way. You can still find time to relax, read a good book, and do the things you love. Listful Thinking is the book that will give readers their lives back with indispensible tips on saving time, getting organized, improving productivity, saving money, and reducing stress.

Knight in Shining Armor: Discovering Your Lifelong Love

P.B. Wilson - 1995
    Breaking the holding pattern faced by many women who are waiting for their life partners, Wilson helps them become complete as singles, so they can bring all of their resources into marriage with joyful and realistic expectations.

How To Make Him BURN With Desire...Only For YOU (FOR WOMEN ONLY Book 2)

Lanie Stevens - 2013
    There are a few chapters dedicated to what men have shared with me about things that will make them leave a relationship or be unhappy with their mate. However, this book is to empower you (women) and help you get ANY man to desire you. Get any man without making changes to your looks, behavior or personality. If you decide to make changes it will just be to improve yourself AND because that is what you desire. Let's face facts, most relationship books tell you "what you need to do to change yourself" and attract a man. Some tell you that you need to be a "bitch" and others that you need to be a "pussycat"…really? Just like there are all kinds of reasons you are attracted to a certain man, there are all kinds of reasons he will be attracted to you. Why would you arbitrarily change anything about yourself? What if the thing you change would be the ONE thing he would like about you? There are a few things that I found ALL men hate: 1) women who let themselves go physically; 2) women who "nag, bitch and complain"; and 3) women who use the "bait and switch" to get their man. I will cover those things in the book BUT this book is not written to change you. This book will have men desiring you (and only you) in spite of what you look like, your personality, physical appearance or outward desirability. You will learn a technique that can be used at any time and place. A technique that will have him wanting you and thinking about you with desire….whenever you please. Ladies, the power of the pussy is not located between your legs. It is located between your ears! You just don't know how to use it…yet! In "Pussy Whip" A Guide To Control Your Man I taught you a technique that will change your life. Did you read it and listen? This book will take it a step further and add desire to your capabilities. You don't need to remember how long to look in someone's direction, how many times to bat your eyelashes, whether you should call him or not, how many dates before having sex….silly dating books written by people who don't know my technique. If you want to change yourself to attract a man...go for it! It you want to have a man (any man) desiring you using one simple technique... then this is the one book you need. One technique to have ANY man panting after YOU!!! It may be a total stranger OR the man who sleeps next to you each night. He will think of you with a burning desire! Lanie Stevens is the author of: Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book One Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book Two Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book Three "Pussy Whip" A Guide To Control Your Man (non-fiction) How To Make Him BURN With Desire…Only for YOU (non-fiction)

10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men: Understand His Mind And Capture His Heart

Sabrina Alexis - 2015
     For as far back as humanity goes, women have struggled to understand why men behave the way they do. Does he like me? Why won’t he commit? Why doesn’t he text back? Does he mean what he says? Why is he withdrawing? How does he really feel? These are just a few examples of questions that women all over the world are desperate to know the answers to… and now they can, once and for all. This book takes a look at the most common relationship scenarios—the ones that cause the most confusion—and explains everything. It provides a breakdown of the male psyche, as well as honest confessions from the authors and men who were brave enough to share their stories. 10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men will free you from all your doubts and confusion and give you the gift of clarity. You will never again feel the need to try to figure him out… instead you can bask in the joy of just understanding exactly why he does what he does.

Why He Didn't Call You Back: 1,000 Guys Reveal What They Really Thought About You After Your Date

Rachel Greenwald - 2009
    One minute there was a potential romance happening, and the next? He vanished, inexplicably. If you knew why men reacted in these ways, you could do something about it next time when the right guy comes along. So Rachel Greenwald did what you’re too embarrassed to do yourself. As a renowned dating coach with a Harvard MBA, she applied business savvy to the dating world by conducting in-depth "Exit Interviews" with 1,000 single men, asking them why they hadn’t called back after a date or online flirtation. By refusing to accept glib responses such as "There was just no chemistry," she extracted unabashedly honest and raw answers. It turns out that men leave women hanging for clear, consistent reasons. The Top Ten Date-Breakers–revealed here in Greenwald’s unique research–are the result of signals that women of all ages send unknowingly, but are easily fixed. Citing true anecdotes and case studies, this book examines the most frequent date-breakers that men confessed, and offers practical advice on how you can avoid them. Greenwald’s goal isn’t for you to pretend to be someone you’re not, but rather to keep the ball in your court. By using her research results as a guide to tweak your comments and gestures, you’ll have more men asking to see you again. Then you can accept or decline their invitations: you’re doing the selecting–not them. In today’s increasingly complex dating world, both online and offline, learning how to maximize your dates is essential. With a fresh and entertaining behind-the-scenes vantage point, Why He Didn’t Call You Back offers simple solutions that empower women to choose the men they really want to date.

Available Parent: Expert Advice for Raising Successful and Resilient Teens and Tweens

John Duffy - 2014
    Dr. John Duffy's The Available Parent is a revolutionary approach to taking care of teens and tweens. Teenagers are often left feeling unheard and misunderstood, and parents are left feeling bewildered by the changes in their child at adolescence and their sudden lack of effectiveness as parents. The parent has become unavailable, the teen responds in kind, and a negative, often destructive cycle of communication begins. The available parent of a teenager is open to discussion, offering advice and solutions, but not insisting on them. He allows his child to make some mistakes, setting limits, primarily where health and safety are concerned. He never lectures -- he is available but not controlling. He is neither cruel nor dismissive, ever. The available parent is fun and funny, and can bring levity to the most stressful situation. All of that is to say, there are no conditions to his availability -- it is absolute.

The Best Advice I Ever Got on Marriage: Transforming Insights from Respected Husbands and Wives

Jim Daly - 2012
    The names of these husbands and wives, like their experiences, will be familiar to anyone who's ever said 'I do.' But the transforming advice these couples received when they needed it most is what will motivate newlyweds as well as golden-years couples to strengthen their ties and keep their lifelong bond growing.

It's Complicated (But It Doesn't Have to Be): A Modern Guide to Finding and Keeping Love

Paul Carrick Brunson - 2012
    Finding and keeping a mate has never been harder. New rules are needed to navigate the complicated and changing modern-love landscape. If someone wants to find “the one,” what are the guidelines he or she needs to know, now that online dating and Google-searching a prospective love interest are the norm?Happily married for ten years, Paul Carrick Brunson is a husband, a father, and a rising star in the matchmaking world. In It’s Complicated (But It Doesn’t Have to Be), Brunson tackles relevant questions such as:Is marriage right for my personality type? Do the rules of chivalry still apply? How can I date more than one person without hurt feelings? What is the best mode of communication (text messages, phone, e-mail, etc.) for asking someone out?With an appealing mix of humor, candor, and real-world examples, It’s Complicated (But It Doesn’t Have to Be)  is a breath of fresh air in the dating guide category, offering a message of eternal optimism from a man who believes in true love—and practices what he preaches.

Loving Bravely: Twenty Lessons of Self-Discovery to Help You Get the Love You Want

Alexandra H. Solomon - 2017
    In order to attract a life partner, you must first become a good partner to yourself. This book offers twenty invaluable lessons that will help you explore and commit to your own emotional and psychological well-being so you’ll be ready, resilient, confident, and completely whole when that special someone comes along.Many of us enter into romantic relationships full of expectation and hope, only to be sorely disappointed by the realization that the partner we’ve selected is a flawed human being with their own neuroses, history, and desires. Most relationships end because one or both people haven’t done the internal work necessary to develop self-awareness and take responsibility for their own experiences. We’ve all heard “You can’t love anyone unless you love yourself,” but amid life’s distractions and the myth of perfect, romantic love, how exactly do you do that?In Loving Bravely, psychologist and relationship expert Alexandra H. Solomon introduces the idea of relational self-awareness, encouraging you to explore your personal history to gain an understanding of your own relational patterns, as well as your strengths and weaknesses in relationships. By doing so, you’ll learn what relationships actually require, beyond the fairytale notions of romance. And by maintaining a steady but gentle focus on yourself, you’ll build the best possible foundation for making a loving connection.By understanding your past relationship experiences, cultivating a strong sense of self-awareness, and determining what it is you really want in a romantic partner—you’ll be ready to find the healthy, lasting love your heart desires.

Your Many Faces: The First Step to Being Loved

Virginia Satir - 1978
    Often we judge our faces to be either good or bad, right or wrong, while failing to recognize the potential of each of them to make us fuller, more balanced human beings. In her own unique and exciting style, Virginia Satir demonstrates that the key to opening the door to new responsibilities in your life rests first in recognizing and accepting that you need all "YOUR MANY FACES" - and then in learning to manage them for your good.

The Truth About Love: The Highs, the Lows, and How You Can Make It Last Forever

Patricia Love - 2001
    Pat Love reveals that love has normal, predictable stages that include highs and lows, and that many couples mistake the lows for the end of love. The Truth About Love is an inspiring, practical guide that will teach you how not to break up before the breakthrough realization: You can create the true love you long for with the partner you already have.