Damaged Goods

Jenica Johnson - 2016
    After having her daughter at the tender age of 18, her father tried forcing her into marrying her high school sweetheart Ahmod. Ten years later Ahmod is not as sweet as he once was in high school. Shy is very close to her mother and sister but she keeps certain things from them to keep peace in her home and family life. With her father standards so high for his daughters she tends to just hide from the world until she feels that she is worthy enough to be a preacher’s kid. From her father’s rejection and the rejection of Ahmod, she finally finds the courage to leave him and run into the arms of another man. Ahmod wants his cake and eat it too. With two women in his pocket he feels like he would never get caught. When both of the women leave him, he becomes lost. Once Ahmod finds out Shy is fully done with him he tries his best to run back but is it too late? Ahmod doesn’t think so until it’s really too late.

Love on the Edge

Kerry Evelyn - 2017
    Her grandfather, a retired army colonel, drives her to a resort in Maine where she can heal in peace while the authorities track down the man who almost killed her. To Lanie's dismay, he hires a bodyguard to protect her. Lanie's nightmares are debilitating, but giving up control of her life is unacceptable.Army Ranger Matt Saunders knows all about nightmares. He's spent the last year recovering from an injury he sustained during his last tour and the hellish events that caused it. Anxious to prove that he is fit to go back overseas, he accepts the bodyguard job. The resort is everything they imagined - tranquil,safe, and a place to heal. Gradually, they open up to each other and realize they have a lot in common - except their future plans. When a resort video goes viral, Lanie's stalker knows just where to find her. Can they battle their personal demons in time to come together to fight the very real threat coming to destroy her?

Retired Spy

Vikki Kestell - 2019
    It means someone in authority over you has decided that “coming in from the cold” is out of the question. It means you’d better run. Laynie Portland has masqueraded as Swedish citizen Linnéa Olander for close to two decades, the last seven years as the companion of Vassili Aleksandrovich Petroff, a reputable Russian scientist, former officer of the KGB and, at present, senior technology advisor to the Secretary of the Russian Federation’s Security Council. What Petroff doesn’t know is that, during her time as his woman, Laynie (Linnéa) has ferreted out and fed her handlers a treasure trove of political and technological intel. However, Petroff is a man with a pathological need to control every aspect of Laynie’s life. When Petroff’s jealous rages worsen, Laynie has had enough and petitions her agency to pull her out. She is told, however, that she is too well-placed to decommission; she is too valuable an asset where she is—and she fears that someone, someone in her chain of command, would rather risk her death under Petroff’s hand than lose the value and prestige her intel engenders. She is told, furthermore, that her request to withdraw poses a larger danger—because the abrupt departure of Linnéa Olander would trigger an avalanche of Russian suspicions, and those suspicions would extend to her company, Marstead International, the front for a joint U.S./NATO covert intelligence gathering venture. But Laynie is desperate: She knows how close to the edge she stands. She has acted the part of Linnéa Olander too long and her ability to maintain the façade she presents to Petroff is fragile at best. A single misstep could blow her cover. Faced with no viable alternative, Laynie runs. Petroff views Linnéa Olander’s disappearance as a personal affront. In his eyes, Linnéa’s disloyalty is the ultimate act of betrayal, and he swears to find and punish her. Simultaneously, Laynie’s Marstead superiors brand her as a rogue agent, a loose cannon who can no longer be trusted—and the “retirement package” they order for her includes a short walk off the deck of a ferry into the black, icy rollers of the Baltic Sea. How can Laynie escape both the Russians and her own agency—the very people she once trusted? Will no one help her? Or will the God in whom her sister Kari trusts extend his protection over her life? But why would he do that, Laynie asks herself, given the life I have lived?Laynie PortlandBook 1: Laynie Portland, Spy Rising—The PrequelBook 2: Laynie Portland, Retired SpyBook 3: Laynie Portland, Renegade Spy 12.02.2019Book 4: Laynie Portland, Spy Resurrected 06.02.2020

Eastbound from Flagstaff: A Novel

Annette Valentine - 2019
    He abandons roots that are his foundational strength and hides behind his charm, living every moment as if life’s daring him to fail―again. He’s reckoning with his father’s God who could have delivered better outcomes but didn’t.This first installment in an epic trilogy that begins in the 1920’s, unique in its purposeful illumination of the human condition and its ideological indifference to God, asks the question: “Why was God silent when I needed him?” Simon’s return to the notion of forgiveness is the catalyst for a new beginning as it reunites Simon to the place he once thought was the impossible dream. The answer for Simon isn’t blowing in the backwinds of his dream chase; rather, it unfolds in the outstretched hand of a villain.

A Willful Bride for the Tortured Duke

Emma Linfield - 2020
    Left in the care of their cousin and his cruel wife, they are torn from their family home and moved to London.Alexander Barnet, the Duke of Dewmire, guards his heart like a stolen secret. Having already lost love once in his lifetime, trusting his heart to someone new seems daunting. Until the day he meets Eliza, and the tune her fingers play, strum against the strings of his heart.With a persistent charmer vying to drive him out and Eliza’s chaperone dictating her every move, their love seems doomed to fail. An unexpected tragedy brings them closer until a rainy night comes with dangerous tidings. A letter detailing the event that destroyed Alexander’s life and a promise to do it again...

The Seafaring Women of the Vera B

Susan Page Davis - 2016
    Only one old man, Gypsy Deak, sticks by her, but Gypsy alone can’t raise a crew from the depleted population. In desperation, Alice turns to the only source of plentiful workers: the women of Melbourne. In a bold move, she and Gypsy empty a brothel, promising the escaped women a new life. Her all-woman (save one) crew put their backs and hearts into the voyage, but Alice finds training her sailors much harder than she expected. Her faith is tested to the limit. With a cargo to sell, angry brothel and tavern owners in pursuit, pirates to evade, and a mysterious stowaway, will the seafaring women of the Vera B. survive to tell the tale of this daring adventure?

Everyone Left Behind: 4 minutes to chaos

Time Day - 2014
    He just wanted to retire in peace. Change descended when he accidentally shot a Peeping Tom. Though he buried him on his remote Montana property, he couldn't bury the man's curse. Haunted by it, and about to be found out, he sent up a desperate prayer. That night he had a strange dream. Priscilla's interpretation of the dream was to stockpile enough food to look after seventy people for five years because perilous times were surely coming . . .

Westward Courage

A.T. Butler - 2021
     Caroline Harper has everything she could want--wealth, position, the attention of an eligible bachelor. When her brother’s news destroys all of that, Caroline must decide what kind of life she wants to create for herself. As the Harpers make their way along the grueling thousands of miles of Oregon Trail, Caroline discovers strength, poise and potential she didn’t realize she possessed. Strength that perhaps was not in a spoiled city girl at all. But will it be enough to survive and bring Caroline and her brother all the way to Oregon?

Give A Little Love (Jordan Family Book 1)

Rhonda McKnight - 2013
    Paradise isn’t paradise when you’re not where you want to be, but this Christmas is anything but uneventful. Three airplanes land on the island and Brooke finds herself in exchanges that cause love, temptation, and HATE to surface. Marcus Thompson has pain in his past, but he’s decided it’s time to try love again. A widowed orphan from a wealthy family, he’s alienated from his grandfather and wants a family of his own. His feelings for Brooke can’t be denied, but she won’t give him a chance to prove he’s not the playboy she thinks he is. Though she finds Marcus tempting, Brooke is determined to get off the island without falling for his charms. The two people she trusted the most betrayed her in the worse way, and she isn’t prepared to risk love again. But when her worst enemy stands on her doorstep needing the generosity that has always been a part of Brooke’s character, she begins to question who she is and what she’s allowed heartbreak to do to her. Will she let anger and hate take over and turn her into someone else? Or will she find that even in her pain, she has the capacity to give?

Woman of Mettle

Linda Caddick - 2015
    Safe in her small agricultural community, the recent outbreak of persecution against the 'followers of the Way' in Jerusalem is distant enough not to affect her, and she is determined to keep it that way. Little does she know, she is about to walk through the fire. How much is she prepared to suffer on behalf of another? Things get dangerous when an ambitious young man crosses her path, especially as he holds the key to her future. To survive, she must employ all her feminine wiles. In spite of her imperfect pursuit of the Master, his exceeding grace sustains her in her darkest hour. But when it's all over, she is yet to find out whether love still remains.

Lawfully Protected

Evangeline Kelly - 2018
    An Inspirational Christian Contemporary. He loves dogs. She loves cats. Can the two ever come together? Allison McBride only meant to purchase a cute outfit for her cat when she left home one Friday evening. Since she’d never done drugs in her life, she didn’t count on getting mixed up in a drug bust. She didn’t count on being questioned by Bronson Murphy, a handsome K-9 police officer with the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. And she certainly never counted on falling for him. Meanwhile, strange things began to happen, leading Allison to believe she might have a stalker on her hands. Bronson was the most logical person to turn to for help, and after being thrown together a few times, Allison and Bronson felt a strong connection. There was only one problem: They wanted very different things. Allison wanted marriage and a family one day, while Bronson was skittish after a relationship that sucked him dry. Content with casual dating, he didn’t see a need to put a label on their budding relationship. With two different outlooks, a future with Bronson seemed doomed. Allison had to make a choice that felt right for her future. The big question: What would Bronson do about that? The Lawkeepers is a world like no other; a world where law keepers and heroes are honored with unforgettable stories, characters, and love. ** Note: Each book in The Lawkeepers series is a standalone book, a mini-series of sorts, and you can read them in any order. This novella is approximately 37,000 words.

Dying for Cupcakes: Christian Cozy Mystery

Donna Doyle - 2018
    A poisoned cupcake swallowed by the local sheriff. Our sleuthing cook in the crosshairs for the crime! This is a cozy recipe you won't want to miss! Horrible histories suggest that the new girl in town, Samantha Baker, has reason for revenge on the family of the poisoned lawman. Virtually alone, and with no time to spare, Sammy turns sleuth to uncover the cop killing culprit and solve this messy small-town mystery. Sammy’s investigations will divulge dastardly deeds that require every ounce of faith and forgiveness she can muster before she can finally close the case and put the cherry on this cupcake catastrophe. Dying for Cupcakes is a Christian Cozy mystery with all of the ingredients that you love - an amateur sleuth, a small town, a cast of colorful characters and a clean mystery with lots of deliciously unsavory surprises. Join Sammy for as she seeks to clear her good name and restore peace to Sunny Cove and buy Dying For Cupcakes today.

A Most Precious Gift

Jacqueline Freeman Wheelock - 2014
    Having never cooked a day in her life, she is terrified of being found out and banished to the cotton fields as was her mother before her. But when she accidentally burns the freedom papers of Jonathan Mayfield, a handsome free man of color to whom she's attracted, her fear of the fields becomes secondary.A gifted cabinetmaker, Jonathan Mayfield's heart is set on finally becoming a respected businessman by outfitting a bedroom at the palatial Riverwood—until a beautiful new slave destroys his proof of freedom and his fragile confidence along with it. When the mistress of Riverwood orders Dinah to work alongside the sullen Mr. Mayfield, sparks fly setting the two on a collision course. Is their mutual love for God strong enough to overcome deep-seated insecurities and set the couple on a path toward self-acceptance and love for each other?

Journal of the Unknown Prophet: A Visitation of Jesus Christ

Wendy Alec - 2004
    He spoke of mercy, He warned of judgment...on the world's trading systems, on ministry leaders...upon the church. He wept In two separate visitations in 2002, He spoke iin anguish of the last days assignments against the elect, He warned of the great blinding, of seduction, lust and Jezebel, and the great falling away... 'My children perish...' Jesus' voice was so soft...that it was barely audible... And then He turned to me, His beautiful countenance ravaged with grief. 'Now warn My children...warn My beloved...that even those in the deepest mire might find their way home...' This is the extraordinary record of His discourse.

Lone Survivor

Jill Elizabeth Nelson - 2019
    Now she’s running for both their lives, and her only hope is a former firefighter. Hunter Raines is hiding secrets, but he’ll make it his mission to protect Karissa and her infant charge…at all costs.