21 Traps You Need to Avoid in Dating & Relationships (The Truth about his weird behavior, fear of commitment and sudden loss of interest)

Brian Keephimattracted - 2015
    Is he the one? And why would this be a trap?- The Wrong Man (and what to do about it)- The MANipulator(and how to avoid being manipulated by any man)- A Subject to Avoid (when a woman talks about this subject, a man can't help it and will loose interest in her)- A trick to see if he's REALLY interested in you- Jealousy. When to use it and how to deal with it.- The Ex. Is she dangerous?- Your Looks. How to use them...and how to never use them (this is a trap many women step into).- The Overlapping Circles: the secret to a happy long-term relationship- How important are his friends to the relationship YOU have with him?- and more!Read this book to avoid much of the heart-ache that comes with finding and keeping the right guy.You can get started by clicking on the Buy Now button at the top of this page.Good luck!Brian

Racing Towards Excellence

Muzaffar Khan - 2009
    Written in a conversational tone, the book offers a succinct, approachable manual on how to get more done.

Coaching for Breakthrough Success: Proven Techniques for Making Impossible Dreams Possible: Proven Techniques for Making the Impossible Dreams Possible

Jack Canfield - 2012
    "Coaching for Breakthrough Success" introduces the groundbreaking Situational Coaching Model, which provides coaches the flexibility they need to navigate seamlessly from one coaching paradigm to another.Jack Canfield is one of the world's leading experts in personal effectiveness and the bestselling author or coauthor of "Chicken Soup for the Soul," "The Success Principles," "Key to Living the Law of Attraction," and "The Power of Focus." Dr. Peter Chee is President and CEO of global learning solutions firm ITD World.

The Return of the Marines Trilogy

Jonathan P. Brazee - 2012
    Each book is also offered as a separate book on Amazon.The Few: Book 1Gunnery Sergeant Jacob McCardle is the commander of the Marine Detachment at the US Embassy, New Delhi, when the president of the United States arrives on an official visit, the same man who, as a Congressman, sponsored the bill that had decimated the Corps in a cost-cutting effort. As the president arrives, the embassy is attacked and isolated by a mob of nationalists. With the Indian government seemingly unwilling to take action to restore order and with an ambitious vice-president seizing this as an opportunity to move up to the White House, it is up to Gunny McCardle and his small band of Marines to keep the president alive. Faced with tremendous odds, Gunny has to lead his Marines in an almost impossible task. That is nothing new to the US Marines. Impossible tasks are the Corps' forte. But can his small detachment keep up the tradition of the Corps and succeed despite tremendous odds?The Proud: Book 2After the events at the US Embassy in New Delhi, the Marines are being brought back as a combat unit. Newly commissioned 2dLt Anthony Niimoto, a hero of the embassy takeover, is with the first Marine battalion to get back into the deployment cycle. Assigned to anti-piracy, this is supposed to be a dull deployment. But when a US ship is seized by Somali pirates, it's First Platoon, K 3/6 at the tip of the spear. With SSgt Davidson, an ex-Ranger who returns to his Marines roots, the two of them must lead their platoon into harms way, ever conscious of Black Hawk Down, the Battle of Mogadishu. Was Tony Niimoto a one-shot wonder in New Delhi, or does he really have what it takes to be a leader of Marines?The Marines: Book 3China is growing in power and in need of raw materials. When an aggressive general, with encouragement from an unnamed puppet master in the Politburo, moves to seize the Spratly Islands from The Philippines and Taiwan, the Marines of the 15th MEU are the only unit in position to do anything about it. What makes things more difficult is that the Chinese have made great strides in cyber-warfare that have negated America's technological superiority. What will be the result of years of letting China manufacture electronic components and even parts for the US aircraft, satellites, and communications systems?"Every Marine is a rifleman" has never been more true when the ultimate weapon in the nation's arsenal is the basic infantryman. But can Captain Tony Niimoto, a hero of both the embassy takeover in New Delhi and the hostage rescue in Somalia, lead his company against an overwhelming force of the finest of the People's Liberation Army? Can Sergeant Harrington Steptoe, Sergeant "Jay" McNamara, and First Lieutenant Peter Van Slyke step up into the mantle of leadership when all the odds are against them?

Discover Your Hidden Memory & Find the Real You

Menis Yousry - 2011
    Our brains were not developed enough to make sense of our early lives and so these experiences become unresolved, unconscious memories. Our responses to situations and events are often unconscious reflexes we devise to protect ourselves. As adults, this can lead us to repeat unwanted patterns that prevent us achieving what we really want.This book reveals the powerful, invisible waves of influence that inform our actions, bind us to the past and hold us back in our present. Simple but effective exercises provide the tools to identify exactly how our actions today are connected to our early childhood experiences and our relationships with our parents, as well as to past generations, history and culture. It also shows us what we can do about it now!

You Are More Than Enough: You Are Magnificent

Ganel-Lyn Condie - 2019
    Featuring lessons taught through scripture, Church leaders, and personal experience, this inspirational book highlights the eternal strength inherent in and available to every woman. Readers will laugh, cry, and feel supported as they live their earthly missions with renewed peace and confidence. From the innate beauty of daughters of God to the gift of self-acceptance to the transcendent power of Christ's grace, sisters in every stage of life will be inspired to live more freely and fearlessly by learning to embrace their eternal potential and realize they are already more than enough--they are magnificent."--

F*** You Cancer: How to face the big C, live your life and still be yourself

Deborah James - 2018
    Arghh, I wanted to scream, run away and tell every well-meaning person to go and do one!Whilst this book doesn’t advocate throwing all advice down the kitchen sink, it will empower you to do things your way as you navigate the big C roller coaster. Deborah James, campaigner and co-presenter of the top-charting podcast You, Me and the Big C, will take you through every twist and turn, reminding you that it’s okay to feel one hundred different things in the space of a minute and showing you how you can still live your life and BE YOURSELF with cancer. Taking you from diagnosis (welcome to the club you never wanted to join), to coping with family and friends (can everyone just fuck off sometimes?!), looking good and feeling better (drink the wine), and celebrating milestones along the way (drink more wine!), this inspiring cancer coach in a book will transform your outlook and encourage you to shout #FUCKYOUCANCER as loudly as you can!

Sane: How I shaped up my mind, improved my mental strength and found calm

Emma Young - 2015
    Disappointed that her mind does not always deal well with the pressures of modern life, Emma decided to go on mind-toning journey.Is it possible to tone your mind just as you can tone your body so it becomes more resilient and better prepared to deal with what life throws at you?By looking at some of the new and tried and tested techniques, from meditation to mental preparation involved in extreme sports and military training, Emma has devised a programme that will help everyone achieve mental stability.

Empathy and Eyebrows: A Survivalist's Stories on Reviving Your Spirit After Soul-Crushing Sh*tstorms

Danni Starr - 2017

I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want!

Paul McKenna - 2008
    McKenna demonstrates the latest techniques to stop fear and desperation and create massive amounts of confidence and self-belief instantly, whether it's mastering the fear of public speaking or feeling more self-assured in social, business, and romantic situations. Plus, the book contains a hypnosis CD that will fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings, so you have Paul McKenna on tap 24 hours a day!

Alcohol is SH!T: How to Ditch the Booze, Re-ignite Your Life, and Recover the Person you Were Always Meant to be.

Paul Churchill - 2019
     If you've made the promise to cut back or have rules regarding when or how much you're going to drink, then this book will address why those seemingly clear lines in the sand are always crossed. Alcohol is SH!T will provide you with the foundation to move forward in life without alcohol through: Showing the reader how alcohol is the most addictive and dangerous drug on the planet Debunking myths surrounding alcohol such as alcohol doesn't relax you but slows down faculties in the brain and body Demonstrating how to formally say goodbye to alcohol, so both the conscious and unconscious mind are on the same page Shining the light on the primordial addiction: thinking Empowering the reader with the understanding that quitting drinking isn't a sacrifice, but the OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime Informing readers that an alcohol-free life isn't a "no" to alcohol, but a "yes" to a better life and this path can be a lot of fun Educating readers on where and how to start recovering the person you were always meant to be With lightheartedness, clarity, and no BS, Alcohol is SH!T will allow the reader to remove the fog created by alcohol and provide them with the tools necessary to quit drinking. Follow the advice in this book, and your new life awaits — one filled with inner peace, self-compassion, and an abundance of joy. Within the first couple of pages, the reader will begin to feel a weight lifting, and for probably the first time, will know what role alcohol is playing in their lives. What's stopping you from stepping into your new life? Scroll to the top and click the "buy now" button.

The Little Book of Calm: Tame Your Anxieties, Face Your Fears, and Live Free (The Little Book of Series)

Aaron Balick - 2018
    From exercises to help you put your worries into perspective, to relaxation methods for when anxiety attacks, Dr Aaron Balick shows you how to feel more at ease and sustain a sense of calm

Unbreakable: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety into Motivation and You Can Too

Jay Glazer - 2022

Ageless Brain: Think Faster, Remember More, and Stay Sharper by Lowering Your Brain Age

Julia VanTine - 2018
    But what if there was away to eat, exercise, and live that could eliminate these “senior moments?” Ageless Brain offers a plan to sharpen your memories and mind so that at 40, you have the quick, agile brain you had at 30. Based on groundbreaking scientific research, this plan is filled with brain-healthy foods, exercises, and little ways that you can positively impact your most vital organ every day by de-stressing, adjusting your attitude, and constantly interacting with the world through play.Scientists have discovered that the human brain continually generates new neurons—forging new pathways and connections in our minds—well into old age, as long as we pursue brain-healthy lifestyles from what we eat and how much we sleep, to how we exercise and handle stress. Exercising and nourishing our brains just like we do any other ailing organ encourages this growth—improving not only our mental fitness but also our physical fitness as a side effect.With Ageless Brain, you will:· Discover the 10 Commandments of an ageless brain· Reduce key risk-factors for Alzheimer’s· Identify and avoid brain poisons lurking in food, medicines, and home· Learn to play and engage your brain more in everyday life· Drop unsafe levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar—as well as belly fat· Keep your brain nourished with 45 recipes

Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice from the Battlefield

Tina Swithin - 2014
    The behavior of individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder generally defies logic but sadly, their tactics in the Family Court System often fool Judges, Commissioners, Attorneys, Minor’s Counsel, Social Workers, Therapists and even trained Evaluators. Narcissists are the masters of manipulation and projection and are known to launch stealth assaults that will leave their victims in an utter state of confusion and desperation. Victims are often left shattered and without a voice because they feel that no one could possibly believe or understand what they are silently enduring. Author, Tina Swithin, understands what it’s like to divorce a narcissist. Tina spent over four years on the battlefield of the Family Court System while acting as her own attorney in a desperate attempt to protect her two young daughters. While Tina’s first book, Divorcing a Narcissist: One Mom’s Battle details Tina’s personal journey and court battle, her new book offers solid advice and sanity-saving wisdom for transforming from victim to survivor. Education is power and Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice from the Battlefield is your personal guide and resource for navigating through high-conflict divorce. Receive advice for every stage of the battle:• Leaving the Narcissist: Strategies and advice • Divorcing: Advice on attorneys, tactical moves, courtroom preparation, anxiety/PTSD, evaluations and more.• Narc Decoder: Learn to decode emails and communication.• Children: Sharing custody, sheltering children and breaking the cycle.• Life Beyond the Narcissist: Loving again, personal growth and healing.• Stories of Hope• Resources