A Quest For More: Living For Something Bigger than You

Paul David Tripp - 2007
    A Quest for More speaks to those who are beginning their spiritual journeys as well as those who can reflect on full lives spent in service to God.

24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life

Matthew Sleeth - 2012
    Our technological tools allow 24-hour productivity and connectivity, give us more control, and subtlety enslave us to busyness itself. Sabbath is about restraint, about intentionally not doing everything all the time just because we can. Setting aside a day of rest helps us reconnect with our Creator and find the peace of God that passes all understanding. The Sabbath is about letting go of the controls one day a week and letting God be God. So how do we do it?In "24/6, " Dr. Matthew Sleeth describes our symptoms, clarifies the signs, diagnoses the illness, and lays out a simple plan for living a healthier, more God-centered life in a digitally-dazed, always-on world. Sleeth shares how his own family was dramatically transformed when it adopted Sabbath practices and helps readers better understand how their own lives can be transformed - physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually - by adopting the 24/6 lifestyle.

Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose

Rebekah Lyons - 2019
    Rhythms of Renewal will help you trade your anxiety for the vibrant life you were meant to live through four profound rhythms: rest, restore, connect, and create. With encouraging stories and practical steps, Rebekah Lyons will help you begin an intentional, lifelong journey toward sustained emotional, relational, and spiritual health. Rhythms of Renewal  is your guide to daily rescue and a way forward into the peace your soul longs for. As a society, we are in the throes of a collective panic attack. Anxiety and loneliness are on the rise, with 77% of our population experiencing physical symptoms of stress on a regular basis. We feel pressure chasing careers, security, and keeping up. We worry about health, politics, and many other complexities we can't control. Eventually we find our minds spinning, trying to cope or manage a low hum of anxiety, unlike ever before. But it doesn't have to stay this way. Rebekah draws from her own battle with depression and anxiety and shares a pathway to establish four life-giving rhythms that quiet inner chaos and make room for a flourishing life. By taking time to rest, restore, connect, and create, you will discover how to: Take charge of your emotional health and inspire your loved ones to do the sameOvercome anxiety by establishing daily habits that keep you mentally and physically strongFind joy through restored relationships in your family and communityWalk in confidence with the unique gifts you have to offer the world

Create: Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Stuff

Stephen Altrogge - 2012
    God has wired creativity into our DNA, and he expects that every man, woman, and child will be creative for His glory. In this book you will learn how to overcome the fear of being creative, how to get moving on any creative project, and how to finally finish your creative work. The book is short, practical, and to the point. It is full of Biblical wisdom and practical application. It will help you to stop making excuses and to start making stuff.Here's what others are saying about it:This piece on creativity is a gem. Conversational, practical, and biblical. As Christians we have the Creator as our Father, and so we should be the ones with the most creativity. Sadly today Christianity is reduced to corny songs and cheesy t-shirts. However, in this short e-book I was greatly encouraged deep in my soul to step out in faith and be creative knowing my Father already loves me and approves of me in Jesus. Stephen winsomely shows how we aren't just supposed to be creative, but its actually what we were created for! - Jefferson Bethke, poet, author of “Why I Love Jesus, But Hate Religion”Create, by my friend Stephen Altrogge, will inspire you to do just that. It's biblical, gospel-driven, practical, insightful, funny, and only 43 pages. Whether you think you're an artist or not, Stephen will inspire you to do what you do better for God's glory. - Bob Kauflin, author of Worship Matters, director of worship for Sovereign Grace MinistriesStephen Altrogge is a creative guy, and this is a short, easily digestible, Biblical book that will encourage you to be creative and won't cut into your time to be creative. It's also full of practical scriptural wisdom on taking criticism and the value of working hard.- Ted Kluck, award-winning author of several books, including Facing Tyson: Fifteen Fighters, Fifteen Stories and Dallas and the SpitfireOut of nothing God created matter, out of the unformed matter he formed the world, and when he was done he stepped back and enjoyed his work. It was Augustine who suggested musicians do the same thing when they embrace the unformed silence and order bits of time into tones and notes. As Stephen so skillfully shows us in his short book, the same principles for musicians and composers equally apply to bankers and bakers, painters and poets, homemakers and handymen. In the ordering of our small portion of the world we image the Creator. I was made to create. You were made to create. And if you’re not sure what that means for you, or if you’re just not convinced it’s true, read this short book to be persuaded and inspired and (maybe most importantly) disciplined for a life of making stuff.- Tony Reinke, creator of the book Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading BooksThis book is short enough for you to read in an hour, although you may want to take it a few pages at a time, marinating in its wisdom. You'll not only learn how Stephen finds the time to create art in multiple formats, but you'll learn from other skilled creatives as well. In Create, you'll learn how to get started and overcome your fears, how to accept and learn from criticism, how to form habits that will strengthen your creativity, and how to persevere. This will be one of those books that I turn to again and again, when I feel like I've gotten stuck on a sandbar.- Bobby Gilles, songwriter, author, Sojourn Church Director of Communications

Moses - Steps to a Life of Faith

Bob Saffrin - 2011
    This book is about how God built faith into a man. God is a dreamer. One day he had a dream, and he thought to himself…who will I get to fulfill this dream? Then he made you. He created you to fulfill a dream. You are made for a purpose. This book is about knowing God's dream for your life and believing him to accomplish it in you. This book could be the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you. To enter into God's plan for your life is to become the person he made you to be, and to finally find the fulfillment and joy that you have been seeking your whole life.

Live Uncaged

Mary E. DeMuth - 2013
    Are you stuck in the past? Don't know how to heal beyond what happened to you back then? Are you tired of repeating the mistakes of your parents? Author Mary DeMuth helps you understand your past, embrace healing today, and anticipate an irresistible future.Through biblical teaching, real life in-the-trenches examples, and an eye toward spiritual growth, author Mary DeMuth helps you live the uncaged life you've always wanted.

Miracles: A Journalist Looks at Modern Day Experiences of God's Power

Tim Stafford - 2012
    Miracles are fascinating, but what can you believe? In this careful, thoughtful exploration, an award-winning "Christianity Today" journalist offers straightforward answers on miraculous events today.

Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions

Gerald G. May - 1988
    May examines the "processes of attachment" that lead to addiction and describes the relationship between addiction and spiritual awareness. He also details the various addictions from which we can suffer, not only to substances like alcohol and drugs, but to work, sex, performance, responsibility, and intimacy.Drawing on his experience as a psychiatrist working with the chemically dependent, May emphasizes that addiction represents an attempt to assert complete control over our lives. Addiction and Grace is a compassionate and wise treatment of a topic of major concern in these most addictive of times, one that can provide a critical yet hopeful guide to a place of freedom based on contemplative spirituality.

Healing Is a Choice: 10 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life and 10 Lies That Can Prevent You from Making Them

Stephen Arterburn - 2005
    But the choice to be healed is yours. Everyone, at some level, needs healing. You may have prayed for healing many times, for many years. Perhaps you have lived with your brokenness so long that you have become accustomed to it. Maybe you wonder just when God is going to take all the hurt away.He can. But you also must choose to let the hurt go and let the healing begin.In this special edition of "Healing Is a Choice," author Stephen Arterburn offers a unique combination of book and workbook, outlining ten choices crucial to receiving healing. Embracing these choices means rejecting the lies we often tell ourselves. These are not hoops God requires you to jump through to earn your miracle; they form, instead, the journey He desires for you. He can--and will--walk with you. But you must put one foot in front of the other and choose to let the hurt go and let the healing begin."His Word affirms that God wants us to experience His healing, but many times we make choices that stand in the way. "Healing Is a Choice" is a helpful resource that lays out the path of healing God's way."-- JACK HAYFORD Founding pastor, The Church on the Way, Van Nuys, CA"When we look back at the past turns and twists in the pathways of our lives, we can see significant choices we made, which helped create the lives we have now. Stephen Arterburn has provided us with a guide for making the right decisions today to provide a redemptive path for tomorrow."--JOHN TOWNSEND Coauthor of the bestseller"Boundaries""I am asking you to give up your life as you know it so that you can fi nd the life God has for you. Take hold of your future today and make the choices that will lead to your healing."--STEPHEN ARTERBURN"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."--Psalm 147:3

Deliver Us From Me-Ville

David A. Zimmerman - 2008
    The You Utopia where your home, place of work, and even your place of worshp, is customized to your discerning tastes. A super-exclusive club where Self and Pride party, and Sacrifice and Humility can't get past the velvet ropes. A place where it's all about you.But is life supposed to be this way? Author Daivd Zimmerman takes us on a hilarious and honest trip through Me-Ville, while sharing the escape routes that lead out. David traces our self-loving lineage and examines prideful people in Scripture who were changed through God's power. Throughout, you'll encounter the powerful, progressive redemption from self that only Christ can offer.

The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life

Rick Warren - 2013
    Once and for All During an afternoon of baptizing over 800 people, Pastor Rick Warren realized it was time for change. He told his congregation he needed to lose weight and asked if anyone wanted to join him. He thought maybe 200 people would sign up, instead he witnessed a movement unfold as 15,000 people lost over 260,000 pounds in the first year. With assistance from medical and fitness experts, Pastor Rick and thousands of people began a journey to transform their lives. Welcome to The Daniel Plan. Here's the secret sauce: The Daniel Plan is designed to be done in a supportive community relying on God's instruction for living. When it comes to getting healthy, two are always better than one. Our research has revealed that people getting healthy together lose twice as much weight as those who do it alone. God never meant for you to go through life alone and that includes the journey to health. Unlike the thousands of other books on the market, this book is not about a new diet, guilt-driven gym sessions, or shame-driven fasts. The Daniel Plan shows you how the powerful combination of faith, fitness, food, focus, and friends will change your health forever, transforming you in the most head-turning way imaginably---from the inside out.

Handle with Prayer: Unwrap the Source of God's Strength for Living

Charles F. Stanley - 1988
    This modern-day classic is a must-read for anyone craving a rich, intimate prayer life that produces results. God longs to communicate with His children. He desires to move in our lives, help us through difficulties, and unveil the unseen. Yet few of us would claim to have a satisfying prayer life. So why is it that so many Christians struggle to open God’s precious gift of prayer? This revised and refreshed edition features new artwork, an enhanced study guide, and updated content to connect with today’s readers. With over 250,000 copies sold, Handle With Prayer continues to inspire believers of all backgrounds to revive their time of prayer with God.

Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in The Christian Life

R.C. Sproul - 1989
    One day we are healthy, comfortable, and happy. The next we find ourselves ill or injured, struggling, and distraught. The pain that invades our lives may come from our own suffering or that of a loved one. But no matter the source, we didn't see it coming. All too often, our perplexity prompts us to suspect God of wrongdoing. In this classic book, republished in a revised and expanded edition, Dr. R. C. Sproul argues that we should not be surprised by suffering; instead, we should expect pain and sorrow in this life. Some are actually called to a "vocation" of suffering, and all of us are called to undergo the ultimate suffering of death. God promises in His Word that difficult times will come upon us, but He also promises that He allows suffering for our good and His glory, and He will never give us more than we can bear with His help. Dr. Sproul offers solid biblical counsel and comfort for those undergoing suffering and for those who minister to the suffering, counsel that helps believers stand in times of trial with faith in a God who is both loving and good. Chapters Suffering, Perplexity, and Despair Walking the Via Dolorosa A Case Study in Suffering Purpose in Suffering The Final Calling Dying in Faith Speculations on Life after Death Jesus and the Afterlife To Die Is Gain A Vision of Things to Come Conclusion Resources Appendix: Questions and Answers Index of Scripture Index of Subjects and Names

Every Thought Captive: Battling the Toxic Belifs That Separate Us from the Life We Crave

Jerusha Clark - 2006
    In order to be set free from the devastating misconceptions that infiltrate our thinking, we must know and live out the truth. This starts with taking our minds captive to what is true. In Every Thought Captive, Jerusha Clark explores the deepest recesses of the feminine mind and examines the sources of our insecurities, unholy desires, and anxieties. Drawing from other women's and her own experiences, Clark shares insights from God's Word that provide a road map to victory over toxic beliefs.

Climbing with Abraham: 30 Devotionals to Help You Grow Your Faith, Build Your Life, and Discover God's Calling (Testament Heroes Book 1)

David Ramos - 2015
    Often when frustrations and challenges arise, we are left wondering where God is.Thousands of years ago a man found himself in the same struggle. God had chosen Abraham for great things. But the man who would go on to become the Father of Nations had to first learn how to take the smallest steps of faith.How did Abraham become a character of legendary faith? And how can we learn from his example so that we can become the great men and women God has called us to be?Climbing with Abraham is a 30-day devotional which answers these questions. In this short book you will be challenged, inspired and taught how to become a faith giant!Start your journey today and take the climb with one of the greatest Biblical characters towards your purpose!