Book picks similar to
Dhikr: The Remembrance of God by M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen


Bila Allah Menduga Kita

Alwi Alatas - 2009
    This life is full of troubles, and sometimes they kick us hard. But, whatever the problem, once you read and understand the content of this book, you will hopefully perceive this life differently and feel much comfortable. This book is written in Bahasa Melayu and very easy to understand. From the beginning to the end, the pages are full of touching stories and examples and also quotation from the Qur’an, Hadith, and sayings of wise people. It’s really value to buy it; it’s a must-read book.

The Dark Side of Islam

R.C. Sproul - 2003
    It is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. Newspapers and television news regularly bring stories from the Middle East, but more importantly, the Muslim world has come to us. Between 5 and 7 million Muslims currently live in America, and that number is growing.Recognizing the importance of understanding Islam, R. C. Sproul and Abdul Saleeb had a series of conversations about how Islam differs from the Christian faith, and those conversations became the basis for this book. As a convert from Islam, Saleeb has spent many years studying Islam and Christianity. With Dr. Sproul he focuses on four basic areas in which Islam rejects the very foundations on which Christianity is built:the nature and authority of the Bible the nature of God the character of humankind the deity and sacrificial death of Christ Sproul and Saleeb will help you understand Islam better and give you an intellectual basis for answering the Muslim faith-perhaps when interacting with Muslims in your own neighborhood or city. In addition to discussing the differences between Islam and Christianity, Saleeb gives his own perspective on the "dark side" of Islam in light of violence perpetrated by Muslim extremists in recent years.

The Sword of the Prophet: Islam - History, Theology, Impact on the World

Srdja Trifkovic - 2002
    What changed, in fact, was that for the first time in American history we have been forced to confront Islamic militancy as it has assaulted the world for almost 14 centuries.In "The Sword of the Prophet," the reader receives the unvarnished truth about the rise of Islam and the patterns set by its founder, Muhammad; the historical meaning of jihad against the (non-Muslim) "infidel" that we see today in the al-Qaeda terror network; the broad sweep of the global military, political, moral, and -- yes -- spiritual struggle that faces us; and what we must do if we wish to survive. Above all, we must avoid the twin perils of complacency and despair, and for that a sober, factual, and contextual presentation like that found in Trifkovic's work is essential. But every American owes it to himself or herself to know the real score of the post-9/11world -- and this slim but invaluable volume is the place to start.

Companions of the Prophet - Book 1

Abdulwahid Hamid - 1995
    Here the trials and triumphs of the early Muslims as individuals are well-portrayed. Their various paths to Islam - sometimes direct, sometimes long and tortuous, their devotion to the noble Prophet, their endeavours in peace time and their exploits in war - all serve to cast them in a heroic mould. This is the first of two (formerly published as a series of three) books based on original Arabic sources and written in a style that is lively and often gripping. The lives of the Sahabah or Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is a rich storehouse of knowledge, guidance and inspiration. The men and women whose stories are told here helped to lay the foundations of a new world order, and it is only fitting that they should be more widely known.

The Tragedy of Islam: Admissions of a Muslim Imam

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi - 2018
    His ancestors were the companions of Prophet Mohammad and played a significant role in the early Islamic conquests.Imam Tawhidi ended his relationship with the Iranian regime and continued his studies in the Holy Cities in Iraq. In 2014, ISIS conquered large parts of Iraq's territory and murdered members of Tawhidi's family. In 2015, Imam Tawhidi began to gradually call for reform within Muslim societies. His views have been broadcast on international media and have been met with both criticism and praise.In this book, Tawhidi takes you on a unique journey detailing the highlights of his life that prompted his transition from an extremist into a reformist. He then emphasizes the theological, jurisprudential and historical difficulties of Islamic thought and Islamic governance, including insights that have never been published before.Celebrated as the Imam of Peace, Tawhidi's international activism against Islamic extremism has earned him a nomination for the 2019 Australian of the Year Awards.

Mohammed The Greatest

Ahmed Deedat - 2011
    It is in that spirit that I would like to convey my feelings on our beloved Prophet Mohammed, may the peace and blessings of Allah forever be upon him.I was not born into the Muslim faith and had many of the same views that many Westerners hold today. The very first time I read about the life of the last Prophet of God, it literally brought me to tears. I had read Napoleon Hill's book " Think and Grow Rich", and in the chapter entitled Persistence, Napoleon Hill says the story of Prophet Mohammed ( PBUH ) is one of the greatest examples on the power of Persistence known to man. This sparked my curiosity and I began reading as much material as I could about the Great man, and the life he led, and this led to my conversion to Islam in 1974. My hope and aim was to give a glimpse into what I found in hopes that others would come to love him and what he stood for, as much as I do. Being a Westerner I know how many view the Religion of Al-Islam and to you I would say, don't let your hatred blind you to the truth. We as human beings were given minds as thinking rational beings, we owe it to ourselves to examine even contrasting views. Don't Measure anyone through anyone's eyes but your own. Many are so full of hate towards Muslims and Islam, they have never even bothered to read about the life of the Last Prophet to the world, or the Q'uran, the last revealed word of God. The sad part is, Mohammed ( PBUH ) is not just the Prophet of Islam, but he is the last Prophet of God to the world, in a long succession of Prophet's that have lived on this earth, from Adam to Mohammed ( Peace be upon them both ). To quote brother Maulana Muhammad Ali " The real conviction is that God comes to man not by the belief that there is a God in the outer world, but by the realization of the Divine within himself".~ John Milton Lawrence ~

Quran in English: Modern English Translation. Clear and Easy to Understand.

Talal Itani - 2014
    It is clear, easy to read, and very faithful to the Arabic original. It closely follows the Arabic text, and often reminds the reader of the Arabic original. It uses today's English language, and today's English vocabulary, thus it is easy to read and understand. The flow is smooth, the sentence structure is simple, the meaning is clear. This Quran translation has no interpretations, no footnotes, and no explanations. It is a pure translation of the Quran, from Arabic to English, and it does not try to emphasize any school of thought. The text purely and accurately translates the Holy Quran, from Arabic, into contemporary English. It was translated by a Muslim, who saw firsthand the miracles inside the Quran. His native language is Arabic; his everyday language is American English. For 15 years, he studied the Quran. For many years, he translated speech between his mother and his wife. For a living, he develops quality software.The translation is available in two editions. Edition A uses the word Allah to refer to the Creator. Edition B uses the word God. This is edition B.Quran Sura 81. The Rolling. at-Takwir.In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.1. When the sun is rolled up.2. When the stars are dimmed.3. When the mountains are set in motion.4. When the relationships are suspended.5. When the beasts are gathered.6. When the oceans are set aflame.7. When the souls are paired.8. When the girl, buried alive, is asked:9. For what crime was she killed?10. When the records are made public.11. When the sky is peeled away.12. When the Fire is set ablaze.13. When Paradise is brought near.14. Each soul will know what it has readied.15. I swear by the galaxies.16. Precisely running their courses.17. And by the night as it recedes.18. And by the morn as it breathes.19. This is the speech of a noble messenger.20. Endowed with power, eminent with the Lord of the Throne.21. Obeyed and honest.22. Your friend is not possessed.23. He saw him on the luminous horizon.24. And He does not withhold knowledge of the Unseen.25. And it is not the word of an accursed devil.26. So where are you heading?27. It is only a Reminder to all mankind.28. To whoever of you wills to go straight.29. But you cannot will, unless God wills-The Lord of the Worlds.The Quran is the last Book from the Creator. It contains guidance, mercy, and healing. The Quran is a blessing, within reach.

Islam: A Short History

Karen Armstrong - 2000
    It haunts the popular Western imagination as an extreme faith that promotes authoritarian government, female oppression, civil war, and terrorism. Karen Armstrong's short history offers a vital corrective to this narrow view. The distillation of years of thinking and writing about Islam, it demonstrates that the world's fastest-growing faith is a much richer and more complex phenomenon than its modern fundamentalist strain might suggest.Islam: A Short History begins with the flight of Muhammad and his family from Medina in the seventh century and the subsequent founding of the first mosques. It recounts the origins of the split between Shii and Sunni Muslims, and the emergence of Sufi mysticism; the spread of Islam throughout North Africa, the Levant, and Asia; the shattering effect on the Muslim world of the Crusades; the flowering of imperial Islam in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries into the world's greatest and most sophisticated power; and the origins and impact of revolutionary Islam. It concludes with an assessment of Islam today and its challenges.With this brilliant book, Karen Armstrong issues a forceful challenge to those who hold the view that the West and Islam are civilizations set on a collision course. It is also a model of authority, elegance, and economy.

Muhammad: Man and Prophet

Adil Salahi - 1995
    Adil Salahi's compelling biography traces the life of the Prophet Muhammad from his birth and childhood to the triumph of Islam and its hold on Arabia. The author sets this against a fascinating historical backdrop. His careful analysis of the Prophet's life is written with today's Muslim and non-Muslim readers in mind: Muslims will further their comprehension of their faith, and non-Muslims will come to understand the love Muslims have for their Prophet.

In the Name of Honour: A Memoir

Mukhtar Mai - 2006
    While certainly not the first account of a female body being negotiated for honor in a family, this time the survivor had bravely chosen to fight back. In doing so, Mai single-handedly changed the feminist movement in Pakistan, one of the world's most adverse climates for women. By July 2002, the Pakistani government awarded her the equivalent of 8,500 U.S. dollars in compensation money and sentenced her attackers to death — and Mukhtar Mai went on to open a school for girls so that future generations would not suffer, as she had, from illiteracy.In this rousing account, Mai describes her experience and how she has since become an agent for change and a beacon of hope for oppressed women around the world. Timely and topical, "In the Name of Honor" is the remarkable and inspirational memoir of a woman who fought and triumphed against exceptional odds.

The House of Islam: The Hearts and Minds of a Billion Believers

Ed Husain - 2017
    It introduces us to the fairness, kindness and mercy of Mohammed; the aims of sharia law, through commentary on scripture, to provide an ethical basis to life; the beauty of Islamic art and the permeation of the divine in public spaces; and the tension between mysticism and literalism that still threatens the House of Islam. The decline of the Muslim world and the current crises of leadership mean that a glorious past, full of intellectual nobility and purpose, is now exploited by extremists and channelled into acts of terror. How can Muslims confront the issues that are destroying Islam from within, and what can the West do to help work towards that end?Ed Husain guides us through the nuances of Islam and its people, contending that the Muslim world need not be a stranger to the West, nor its enemy, but a peaceable ally.

Dil Darya Samandar / دل دریا سمندر

Wasif Ali Wasif - 1998
    Powerful, moving, poignant - this is a soft book with great depths to it.

An Introduction to Shi`i Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shi'ism

Moojan Momen - 1985
     It deals with the history and development of this important religion, giving an account of Shi’i doctrines and focusing in particular on those areas in which it differs from Sunni Islam.  “Momen’s book fills an important gap in the general literature in English on Twelver Shi’ism, and should be carefully studied by anyone who wants to know more about what is happening in the Middle East today….This is a fine work which deserves the widest possible readership.”—Malise Ruthven, The Middle East “An extremely useful reference source on the establishment and evolution of the Shi’ite branch of the Islamic religion.”—Cecil V. Crabb, Jr., Perspective “An unpretentious style, interpretive clarity and . . . sound judgment characterize Momen’s writings. The various aspects of Twelver Shi’ism are carefully distinguished to satisfy both the general reader and the aspiring student.”—Norman Calder, Times Literary Supplement “Specialist and nonspecialist alike will benefit from its lucid exposition of both elite and popular Shi’ism. Especially valuable is the way the work presents modern critical scholarship on Shi’i history alongside the orthodox history, which still has great influence on the religion’s self-understanding.”—Mel Piehl, Library Journal  Moojan Momen has written extensively on Iran and Middle East religion.

Letters to a Young Muslim

Omar Saif Ghobash - 2017
    Today's young Muslims will be tomorrow's leaders, and yet too many are vulnerable to extremist propaganda that seems omnipresent in our technological age. The burning question, Ghobash argues, is how moderate Muslims can unite to find a voice that is true to Islam while actively and productively engaging in the modern world. What does it mean to be a good Muslim?What is the concept of a good life? And is it acceptable to stand up and openly condemn those who take the Islamic faith and twist it to suit their own misguided political agendas? In taking a hard look at these seemingly simple questions, Ghobash encourages his sons to face issues others insist are not relevant, not applicable, or may even be Islamophobic. These letters serve as a clear-eyed inspiration for the next generation of Muslims to understand how to be faithful to their religion and still navigate through the complexities of today's world. They also reveal an intimate glimpse into a world many are unfamiliar with and offer to provide an understanding of the everyday struggles Muslims face around the globe."

Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes

Tamim Ansary - 2009
    But our story largely omits a whole civilization whose citizens shared an entirely different narrative for a thousand years.In Destiny Disrupted, Tamim Ansary tells the rich story of world history as the Islamic world saw it, from the time of Mohammed to the fall of the Ottoman Empire and beyond. He clarifies why our civilizations grew up oblivious to each other, what happened when they intersected, and how the Islamic world was affected by its slow recognition that Europe-a place it long perceived as primitive and disorganized-had somehow hijacked destiny.