Best of
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity
Nabeel Qureshi - 2014
Providing an intimate window into a loving Muslim home, Qureshi shares how he developed a passion for Islam before discovering, almost against his will, evidence that Jesus rose from the dead and claimed to be God. Unable to deny the arguments but not wanting to deny his family, Qureshi's inner turmoil will challenge Christians and Muslims alike. Engaging and thought-provoking, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus tells a powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man's heart---and of the peace he eventually found in Jesus.
Lost Islamic History: Reclaiming Muslim Civilisation from the Past
Firas Alkhateeb - 2014
Over the last 1400 years, from origins in Arabia, a succession of Muslim polities and later empires expanded to control territories and peoples that ultimately stretched from southern France to East Africa and South East Asia.Yet many of the contributions of Muslim thinkers, scientists and theologians, not to mention rulers, statesmen and soldiers, have been occluded. This book rescues from oblivion and neglect some of these personalities and institutions while offering the reader a new narrative of this lost Islamic history. The Umayyads, Abbasids, and Ottomans feature in the story, as do Muslim Spain, the savannah kingdoms of West Africa and the Mughal Empire, along with the later European colonization of Muslim lands and the development of modern nation-states in the Muslim world. Throughout, the impact of Islamic belief on scientific advancement, social structures, and cultural development is given due prominence, and the text is complemented by portraits of key personalities, inventions and little known historical nuggets. The history of Islam and of the world's Muslims brings together diverse peoples, geographies and states, all interwoven into one narrative that begins with Muhammad and continues to this day.
Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy
Jonathan A.C. Brown - 2014
Modern media are replete with alarm over jihad, underage marriage and the threat of amputation or stoning under Shariah law. Sometimes rumor, sometimes based in fact and often misunderstood, the tenets of Islamic law and dogma were not set in the religion’s founding moments. They were developed over centuries by the clerical class of Muslim scholars.Misquoting Muhammad takes the reader back in time through Islamic civilization and traces how and why such controversies developed, offering an inside view into how key and controversial aspects of Islam took shape. From the protests of the Arab Spring to Istanbul at the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and from the ochre red walls of Delhi’s great mosques to the trade routes of Islam’s Indian Ocean world, Misquoting Muhammad lays out how Muslim intellectuals have sought to balance reason and revelation, weigh science and religion, and negotiate the eternal truths of scripture amid shifting values.
A Wind in the House of Islam
David Garrison - 2014
and a wind is blowing through every one of them. David Garrison asked a thousand Muslim-background followers of Christ from movements in each of the nine rooms in the house of Islam, "Tell me your story. What did God use to bring you to faith in Jesus Christ?"
The Muslims are Coming!: Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror
Arun Kundnani - 2014
Another sixty officers surrounded the building on that October morning, the culmination of a two-year undercover investigation that had infiltrated the imam’s Detroit mosque. The FBI quickly claimed that Luqman Abdullah was “the leader of a domestic terrorist group.” And yet, caught on tape, he had refused to help “do something” violent, as it might injure innocents, and no terrorism charges were ever lodged against him.Jameel Scott thought he was exercising his rights when he went to challenge an Israeli official’s lecture at Manchester University. But the teenager’s presence at the protest with fellow socialists made him the subject of police surveillance for the next two years. Counterterrorism agents visited his parents, his relatives, his school. They asked him for activists’ names and told him not to attend demonstrations. They called his mother and told her to move the family to another neighborhood. Although he doesn’t identify as Muslim, Jameel had become another face of the presumed homegrown terrorist.The new front in the War on Terror is the “homegrown enemy,” domestic terrorists who have become the focus of sprawling counterterrorism structures of policing and surveillance in the United States and across Europe. Domestic surveillance has mushroomed—at least 100,000 Muslims in America have been secretly under scrutiny. British police compiled a secret suspect list of more than 8,000 al-Qaeda “sympathizers,” and in another operation included almost 300 children fifteen and under among the potential extremists investigated. MI5 doubled in size in just five years.Based on several years of research and reportage, in locations as disparate as Texas, New York, and Yorkshire, and written in engrossing, precise prose, this is the first comprehensive critique of counterradicalization strategies. The new policy and policing campaigns have been backed by an industry of freshly minted experts and liberal commentators. The Muslims Are Coming! looks at the way these debates have been transformed by the embrace of a narrowly configured and ill-conceived antiextremism.
Don't Become Angry
Darussalam - 2014
Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He). and His Messenger (Peace be upon him) have given us instructions regarding the malady and advised us to keep it in check. This work is an extensive discussion on these instructions. We hope that this concise work will aid the one who is afflicted with this flaw to find cure in, Insha Allah; while the one who is free of it will find enough incentives to keep his emotions under control.
Kashf Al-Mahjub: The Revelation of the Veiled: An Early Persian Treatise on Sufism
Ali bin Uthman Al-Hujwiri - 2014
He was a Sufi mystic who travelled widely in the Middle East and Transoxiana. The Kashf al-Maḥjūb was probably written in Lahore, where he is buried, not long before his death in about 1074. One of the oldest Sufi works in Persian, it is a substantial treatise aiming to set forth a complete system of Sufism. This is achieved partly by the discussion of acts and saying of the great figures of the past, partly by discussion of features of doctrine and practice and the examination of the different views adopted by different Sufi schools. It is enlivened by episodes from the author's own experiences. Originally published in 1911, and reprinted in 1959 and 2000, this paperback edition was prepared in 2014.
Jesus, Jihad, and Peace: A Prophetic Vision for the Middle East
Michael Youssef - 2014
In the face of new violence in Iraq, civil war in Syria, and continuing revolution in Egypt, recognized expert Michael Youssef reveals the mystery behind Islamic terror organizations and exposes the unspoken threat radical Islam poses in the Middle East and, more surprisingly, to the free world.
Joy Jots: Exercises for a Happy Heart
Tamara Gray - 2014
A joy jot is a phrase coined around mindful thankfulness. As the reader works through the reflection prompts and practical projects, she will find herself collecting joy jots; happy moments or points of deep thankfulness to God. As the habit of joy develops, the reader will begin to know herself better, draw closer to her fellow human beings, and set herself firmly upon the path that leads to real, all-encompassing joy - in this life and the next.
Abdul Malik Mujahid - 2014
It also has detailed and authentic accounts from both the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah on our duties and obligations to those who have sacrificed so much to raise and educate us. In addition, it provides clear warnings of the penalties from Allah Almighty in this world and the Hereafter for abusing and disrespecting our parents. This is an essential publication for those who want to know the Divine Injunctions on not only how to treat their mothers and fathers, but also their grandparents, close relatives and elders.
Status of Women in Islam
Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad - 2014
rights of women according to Shariah, their share of inheritance and education, right to own property, right to work etc. In Islam women have the right to be educated, nurtured and cared for. It is first book of the “Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence Concerning Muslim Women” series written by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. This series addresses those matters of life and religion that are essential in facilitating a woman’s role as a mother, teacher and nurturer. It has two very important and distinct qualities: 1. Easy to read, succinct and direct. 2. The 'question and answer' layout of the book is intended to facilitate effortless comprehensibility and swift memorization. It is in view of the 'questions and answers' format that the author has concluded this book to be easy to read and comprehensive, hoping that it will enable the Muslims to be well informed about matters concerning their religion which will in turn strengthen their faith.
The Holy Qur'an
Abdullah Yusuf Ali - 2014
It is the word of God whose truth was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. As it was revealed, so it was committed to memory by his companions, though written copies were also made by literate believers during the lifetime of the Prophet.
The first full compilation was by Abu Bakar, the first Caliph, and it was then recompiled in the original dialect by the third Caliph Uthman, after the best reciters had fallen in battle. Muslims believe that the truths of The Holy Qur'an are fully and authentically revealed only in the original classical Arabic. However, as the influence of Islam grows and spreads to the modern world, it is recognised that translation is an important element in introducing and explaining Islam to a wider audience.
This translation, by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, is considered to be the most faithful rendering available in English.
The Muslim Home
Darussalam - 2014
The society is made up of homes and it is the origin. The home is life and the life is society. If the home is strong and morally sound, it will reflect in the larger society. Whatever the home is made up of that is the reflection that will be seen in the society. When the society is morally bankrupt it should be traced to the home. To rescue our society from destruction the home needs to be rebuilt on sound footings. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:"Happiness has four elements; a good wife, a spacious house, a good neighbour and a good riding beast." (Ibn Hibbaan)From this hadeeth, it can be seen that three out of the four elements of happiness concern the home This book highlights the means and processes of building a Muslim home which guarantees sakeenah (tranquility). [an-Nahl (16):80]
Reasoning with God: Reclaiming Shari'ah in the Modern Age
Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2014
After a prologue that explains Shari'ah in depth, Abou El Fadl wrestles with the moral trajectory of contemporary Islam and highlights the way Shari'ah can revitalize and reengage Islam today.
Muhammad: His Character and Conduct
Adil Salahi - 2014
Through his actions, he showed the way to live a life that provides for all the needs of body, mind, and soul, and elevates man's aspirations towards a sublime ideal in a very simple, direct, and truthful manner. He built a state that was dedicated to truth and justice and to the liberation of man throughout the world. He wrote to emperors, kings, and rulers, calling on them to believe in God and to follow His message, yet, at the same time, he lived a life of poverty, leaving aside the riches that were offered to him.At a time when the Prophet is much maligned by writers, cartoonists, and various other detractors, this book aims to show Muhammad's true character in detail, both in its most everyday and most extraordinary moments.Adil Salahi's writings include the acclaimed Muhammad: Man and Prophet and Pioneers of Islamic Scholarship, and the English translation of the eighteen-volume In the Shade of the Qur'an. His main career has been in radio and print journalism, and for over thirty years he was editor of "Islam in Perspective," a twice-weekly full-page column in the Arab News, a Saudi daily newspaper.
Questioning Islam: Tough Questions & Honest Answers About the Muslim Religion
Peter Townsend - 2014
Among these questions the most important one of all sometimes gets lost: Is Islam true? With his new book author Peter Townsend invites you to accompany him on a journey through the foundational texts of the Muslim religion. In the process the truth-claims of Islam will be respectfully, honestly and impartially evaluated. Along the way the following questions will be asked: - Can the traditional Islamic historical accounts be trusted? - Is the Qur'an a 'Perfect Book, Perfectly Preserved'? - Was Muhammad indeed a 'Beautiful Pattern of Conduct'? The answers to these questions will not be sought from modern commentaries on Islam. Instead Questioning Islam goes straight to the classic sources of Islam namely the Qur'an, hadiths (traditions) and biographies of Muhammad. Questioning Islam is not an attempt to promote any other belief system or ideology. Its focus is simply on asking the hard questions about Islam that are all too often ignored or swept under the carpet. Simply put, if you have ever wondered whether the truth-claims of Islam can withstand critical scrutiny then this book is for you!
Umar Bin Abdul Aziz
Darussalam - 2014
With the turn of every page, the reader will come to appreciate the fact that 'Umar was exceptional in his Faith, distinguished in his knowledge, profoundly wise in his thinking, remarkable in his eloquence, noble in his manners and great in the contribution he made to this Nation. English readers have long been deprived of the life story of this outstanding Islamic hero and exemplar. While there are some short and scattered accounts about his general life, this is the first book to deal specifically with 'Umar bin 'Abd al-Aziz's reforms, which is surprising given that he has been attributed the title of Mujaddid (Reformer; Reviver) within Islamic scholarship, in great detail.
Memoir of the repentant people
محمد عبدالرحمن العريفي - 2014
This book has detailed and illuminating examples from the lives of our righteous predecessors, and ordinary Muslims, about how they turned to their Lord after going astray. It is an essential guide to everyone wanting to return to the straight path.
Book of Manners (Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence Concerning Muslim Women 5)
Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad - 2014
Muhammad PBUH summed up his message by stating: “I have been sent to perfect the best of manners”. The aim of ‘Book of Manners’ is to inculcate good manners in the Muslims such as deliberateness, tolerance, forbearance, generosity, bravery, justice, fairness and kindness. It also highlights some despicable traits like injustice, jealousy, cheating, pride and laziness. This book is part of the “Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence Concerning Muslim Women” series written by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. This series addresses those matters of life and religion that are essential in facilitating a woman’s role as a mother, teacher and nurturer. Men can also read and benefit from this particular book because the information in this book is relevant to both males and females. It has two very important and distinct qualities: 1. Easy to read, succinct and direct. 2. The 'question and answer' layout of the book is intended to facilitate effortless comprehensibility and swift memorization. It is in view of the 'questions and answers' format that the author has concluded this book to be easy to read and comprehensive, hoping that it will enable the Muslims to be well informed about matters concerning their religion which will in turn strengthen their faith
A Culture of Ambiguity: An Alternative History of Islam
Thomas Bauer - 2014
Those fighting such stereotypes have countered with a portrait of Islam's medieval "Golden Age," marked by rationality, tolerance, and even proto-secularism. How can we understand Islamic history, culture, and thought beyond this dichotomy?In this magisterial cultural and intellectual history, Thomas Bauer reconsiders classical and modern Islam by tracing differing attitudes toward ambiguity. Over a span of many centuries, he explores the tension between one strand that aspires to annihilate all uncertainties and establish absolute, uncontestable truths and another, competing tendency that looks for ways to live with ambiguity and accept complexity. Bauer ranges across cultural and linguistic ambiguities, considering premodern Islamic textual and cultural forms from law to Quranic exegesis to literary genres alongside attitudes toward religious minorities and foreigners. He emphasizes the relative absence of conflict between religious and secular discourses in classical Islamic culture, which stands in striking contrast to both present-day fundamentalism and much of European history. Bauer shows how Islam's encounter with the modern West and its demand for certainty helped bring about both Islamicist and secular liberal ideologies that in their own ways rejected ambiguity--and therefore also their own cultural traditions.Awarded the prestigious Leibniz Prize, A Culture of Ambiguity not only reframes a vast range of Islamic history but also offers an interdisciplinary model for investigating the tolerance of ambiguity across cultures and eras.
The Ten Granted Paradise
Sayed Ammar Nakshawani - 2014
Sayed Ammar Nakshawani is regarded as one of the most powerful speakers in the Muslim world. He was born in 1981 and graduated from the University College, London, as well as the London School of Economics. He was then awarded with an MA in Islamic Studies from Shahid Beheshti University in Iran. Dr. Nakshawani completed his PhD thesis at the University of Exeter. He has lectured at the university in Classical Islamic History and then pursued further studies at the Islamic Seminary in Damascus, Syria. Currently he is a visiting scholar at the Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge. He has written three other English language books - Ramadan Sermons, The Fourteen Infallibles and Hujr b Adi: A Victim of Terror. His fourth book, in the French language, was released in August 2013 with a Foreword by Prof Tariq Ramadan on Islam and France today.
Rizq And Lawful Earnings
Darussalam - 2014
They go out in the morning with their stomachs empty and return filled in the evening.” (Tirmidhee)This book discusses the place of pride Islam gives to making lawful earnings and rizq through hard work and striving. It also looks at the contempt Islam places on begging and indolence. Then it looks at which earnings are lawful, which are not and the many ways by which wealth can increase while seeking the pleasure of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He).
The Drink of the People of Purity in Prayers upon the Chosen Prophet
Shaykh Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Qandusi - 2014
This Drink, described by the author as the “Ascension Point” from which seekers rise to the Divine Presence, is none other than heartfelt prayers and salutations upon the Chief of Creation (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). This rare work, recently discovered and published in Arabic and now available in English, details a practical and spiritually effulgent way for seekers to seek intimacy and protection through the Prophet (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).About the AuthorThe knower of Allah, Shaykh Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Qandusi, was born in Algeria and later settled in Fez, Morocco. He was affiliated with the Qadiri and Nasiri Sufi orders. He lived a life of obscurity as a herbalist and calligrapher, having written the Supreme Name (Allah) in his large, unique script that remains to this day in the Moulay Idriss II Mosque in Fez. Towards the end of his life, he wrote books on the sciences of Sufism. He passed away in Fez in the year 1278 AH/1861 CE.Product DescriptionEditor: Ibrahim TahirPreface, notes & translation: Abdul Aziz SuraqahBook design and typesetting: Abdul Khafid Mastan
The Magnificence of Quran
Darussalam - 2014
The word 'magnificent' is a loose translation of the word that is used in the title of the original Arabic version of this book: 'Adhama. 'Adhama conveys many similar meanings, such as magnificence, grandeur, greatness, exaltedness, and splendor. In the times we live in, great masses of people are ignorant of the greatness and magnificence of the Noble Quran; hence the dire need of books that deal specifically with the subject-matter of this work. The objective of this book is to reveal to readers certain aspects of Quran’s greatness and magnificence. This book shows readers that Allah (SWT) bestowed a great favor upon the Prophet (PBUH) and the people of his nation by giving them the best and most magnificent of all divinely revealed books. The author warns Muslims not to become heedless of the Noble Quran. For it is every Muslim's duty not just to recite the Quran, but also to understand it, to reflect upon its meanings, and to implement its rulings and teachings. This book also corrects some of the more dangerous misconceptions that people have regarding the Noble Quran.
Before You Tie the Knot: A Guide for Couples
Salma Elkadi Abugideiri - 2014
The authors present a unique approach that reflects 40 years of combined experience in counseling couples. Mohamed Hag Magid is a prominent imam at one of the largest mosques in the US, and Salma Elkadi Abugideiri is a licensed mental health professional. The two provide an Islamic framework for the entire marriage process and present marriage as a partnership while underscoring the ingredients for successfully finding a spouse, as well as for establishing and maintaining a healthy marriage. This book is invaluable for anyone seeking marriage, as well as for parents who are involved in their children's marriage process. Those getting re-married after a divorce or death of a spouse will also find this book extremely useful. The authors raise thought-provoking questions to help readers increase self-awareness, clarify what is desired in a spouse and in a marriage, and help them get to know a potential spouse. Topics addressed in detail include finding a spouse, the role of family and in-laws, the marriage contract and wedding, intimacy, spirituality and finances. Special issues addressed include mental health, domestic violence and threats to a marriage. This marriage guide is surprisingly comprehensive and practical. It provides a tool kit with concrete skills that can be used throughout a marriage to ensure a healthy relationship that is grounded in the Islamic values of love and mercy-qualities that are necessary to achieve the ultimate purpose of marriage: mutual tranquility. This book promises to be a valuable resource that couples will turn to for many years both as a refresher and as a reference.
Mecca: The Sacred City
Ziauddin Sardar - 2014
It is the birthplace of Muhammad, the direction to which Muslims turn when they pray, and the site of pilgrimage that annually draws some three million Muslims from all corners of the world. Yet the significance of Mecca is more than purely religious. What happens in Mecca and how Muslims think about the political and cultural history of Mecca has had and continues to have a profound influence on world events to this day.In this insighful book, Ziauddin Sardar unravels the meaning and significance of Mecca. Tracing its history, from its origins as a “barren valley” in the desert to its evolution as a trading town and sudden emergence as the religious center of a world empire, Sardar examines the religious struggles and rebellions in Mecca that have significantly shaped Muslim culture. An illuminative, lyrical, and witty blend of history, reportage, and memoir, Mecca reflects all that is profound and enlightening, curious and amusing about Mecca and takes us behind the closed doors to one of the most important places in the world today.
The Life & Times of Uwais Al Qarni: The hidden Sufi & the best among the Tab'ieen
Uwais Ahmed Akhtarul Qaderi - 2014
Uwais Al Qarni's i life was characterised by striving along the path of self annihilation to reach the realm of the Divine. Uwais Al Qarni i , without ever having met Nabi Muhammad g in the physical realm, was dearly beloved to Nabi g because of his utmost sincerity and devotion. The deep persona of Uwais Al Qarni i, will always remain a mystery, but his status as one of the foremost Lovers of Allah is, as this book depicts, uncontested. This book is a humble effort to highlight the love and dedication of Uwais Al Qarnii to the path of spiritual enlightenment. The book serves as a point of reflection for us on our own journeys
How to make most of Ramadan
Darussalam - 2014
He has memorised the Qur'an along with the principles and rules involved in its recitation and obtained an Ijaza in teaching the Qur'an. For eight years he has devoted his time to the extensive study of Islamic knowledge under prominent scholars in Egypt gaining a wide knowledge base. Sheikh Omar studied at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Faculty of Shariah, Islamic Jurisprudence. He also studied Islamic Studies at the American Open University in Cairo. Sheikh Omar is currently completing his Masters in Islamic Studies at the University of New England (New South Wales). Having been involved in Dawah for the past 10 years, Sheikh Omar is now concentrating his efforts on Dawah in Australia, working with Muslim youth.
Book of Nikah (marriage)
Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad - 2014
It is part of the “Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence Concerning Muslim Women” series written by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. This series addresses those matters of life and religion that are essential in facilitating a woman’s role as a mother, teacher and nurturer. Men can also read and benefit from this particular book because the information in this book is relevant to both males and females. It has two very important and distinct qualities: 1. Easy to read, succinct and direct. 2. The 'question and answer' layout of the book is intended to facilitate effortless comprehensibility and swift memorization. It is in view of the 'questions and answers' format that the author has concluded this book to be easy to read and comprehensive, hoping that it will enable the Muslims to be well informed about matters concerning their religion which will in turn strengthen their faith.
How Big Is Allah?
Emma Apple - 2014
Give your kids the bridge they need between scientific discovery and Islamic identity. Support development of spatial and abstract thinking. With original paintings, visual size comparisons and a list of facts and numbers, this is an Islamic children's book unlike any other you have on your shelf.Amazon #1 Best Selling Islamic Children's book 'How Big Is Allah?' is written according to the sunnah (tradition of the Prophet) and does not describe Allah in any physical or material way.
Christian. Muslim. Friend.: Twelve Paths to Real Relationship
David W. Shenk - 2014
In Christian. Muslim. Friend., Shenk lays out twelve ways that Christians can form authentic relationships with Muslims characterized by respect, hospitality, and candid dialogue while still bearing witness to the Christ-centered commitments of their faith. Rooted in fifty years of friendship with Muslims in Somalia, Kenya, and the United States, this book will inspire readers with astounding stories of the author's animated conversations with Muslim clerics, visits to countless mosques around the globe, and the pastors and imams who are working for peace.These tried and true paths offer a compelling resource with practical application for mission personnel, Sunday school classes, and Christians who meet people of Islamic faith in their communities.
Back to Basics (Trying to be Muslim)
Norhafsah Hamid - 2014
She set out to re-learn about her chosen religion. She examined the fundamental tenets of Islam and tried to make sense of it, in her own unique way. This book highlights issues that are considered 'taboo' by many Muslims. This book also offers a different and refreshing explanation of the religion through the eyes of a common person.
Jannah Jewels Book 4: Secrets in Spain
Umm Nura - 2014
In this book, a mysterious girl in a red dress travels back into time to help Jaffar. Who is this girl? Will the Jannah Jewels find the missing artifact before Jaffar and his gang?
The Walking Qur'an: Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge, and History in West Africa
Rudolph T. Ware - 2014
Such schools peacefully brought Islam to much of the region, becoming striking symbols of Muslim identity. Ware shows how in Senegambia the schools became powerful channels for African resistance during the eras of the slave trade and colonization. While illuminating the past, Ware also makes signal contributions to understanding contemporary Islam by demonstrating how the schools' epistemology of embodiment gives expression to classical Islamic frameworks of learning and knowledge.Today, many Muslims and non-Muslims find West African methods of Qur'an schooling puzzling and controversial. In fascinating detail, Ware introduces these practices from the viewpoint of the practitioners, explicating their emphasis on educating the whole human being as if to remake it as a living replica of the Qur'an. From this perspective, the transference of knowledge in core texts and rituals is literally embodied in people, helping shape them--like the Prophet of Islam--into vital bearers of the word of God.
Ladies of Paradise
Darussalam - 2014
Mankind can justly be proud of them. ‘Ladies of Paradise’ contains achievements of sixteen women who measure up to the high standards of true greatness and perfection set by Islam. These stories will encourage our Islamic sisters to get more knowledge about such great women. It is part of the “Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence Concerning Muslim Women” series written by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. This series addresses those matters of life and religion that are essential in facilitating a woman’s role as a mother, teacher and nurturer. Men can also read and benefit from this particular book because the information in this book is relevant to both males and females. It has two very important and distinct qualities: 1. Easy to read, succinct and direct. 2. The 'question and answer' layout of the book is intended to facilitate effortless comprehensibility and swift memorization. It is in view of the 'questions and answers' format that the author has concluded this book to be easy to read and comprehensive, hoping that it will enable the Muslims to be well informed about matters concerning their religion which will in turn strengthen their faith.
Islam and Nazi Germany's War
David Motadel - 2014
Nazi officials saw Islam as a powerful force with the same enemies as Germany: the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Jews. Islam and Nazi Germany's War is the first comprehensive account of Berlin's remarkably ambitious attempts to build an alliance with the Islamic world.Drawing on archival research in three continents, David Motadel explains how German officials tried to promote the Third Reich as a patron of Islam. He explores Berlin's policies and propaganda in the Muslim war zones, and the extensive work that authorities undertook for the recruitment, spiritual care, and ideological indoctrination of tens of thousands of Muslim volunteers who fought in the Wehrmacht and the SS.Islam and Nazi Germany's War reveals how German troops on the ground in North Africa, the Balkans, and the Eastern front engaged with diverse Muslim populations, including Muslim Roma and Jewish converts to Islam. Combining measured argument with a masterly handling of detail, it illuminates the profound impact of the Second World War on Muslims around the world and provides a new understanding of the politics of religion in the bloodiest conflict of the twentieth century.
Rebel Music: Race, Empire and the New Muslim Youth Culture
Hisham D. Aidi - 2014
He explains how certain kinds of music—particularly hip hop, but also jazz, Gnawa, Andalusian, Judeo-Arabic, Latin, and others—have come to represent a heightened racial identity and a Muslim consciousness that crisscrosses the globe. He describes how Western governments—particularly the U.S. and England—use music in an attempt to deradicalize Muslim youth abroad.
Sultan of Hearts: Prophet Muhammad
Reşit Haylamaz - 2014
Available as a set of two volumes, the book is not simply a chronological look into the life of the Prophet but rather an exclusive look into his character, attributes, and qualities through the eyes of his companions and family most close to him. Brimming with passion and emotion, Sultan of Hearts: Prophet Muhammad transports the readers to the Arabian peninsula centuries ago, as if lifting the constraints of time and space, allows them to discover and explore with freedom the Age of Happiness.
Muslim United: Real Masjid - The Series
@tonytrax - 2014
The Malaysian Islamic Party 1951-2013: Islamism in a Mottled Nation
Farish A. Noor - 2014
Tracing its development from 1951 to the present, this ambitious study explains how PAS acquired both local and international relevance. Farish A. Noor charts the party’s rise alongside the different ideological postures—from anticolonialism to postrevolutionary Islamism—that it has adopted over the years. Exploring how PAS has continuously adapted to contemporary realities, he makes an important contribution to our understanding of Malaysia’s Islamist movement, as well as the country’s broader political history.
My Dad's Beard
Zanib Mian - 2014
A perfect picture book to read aloud, or for small children to read to themselves time and time again.'A story filled with family love and warmth.' - Readers' Favorites
The Principle of Leadership
Darussalam - 2014
Yusef bin Huzaim is an administrator and economist, Born in 1964 CE, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 1987 CE, earned a postgraduate diploma in 1992 CE, his Master’s degree in Banking and Finance in 1997 CE and his doctorate in Economics Philsophy in 2004 CE. Dr. Huzaym has held a number of high-level administrative posts in the private sector, the most important of which was Director of the Marketing Department, then director of the Training Department in Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corporation, He has also worked as Vice President, then Regional Director, for the Faisal Islamic Bank, Bahrain, finally, he worked as General Secretary for the Princess al-‘Unood Charitable Institute and head of al-‘Unood Investment Co. He is also a member of the executive Committee of energy Co. (a joint-stock company). Dr. Huzaym has worked as a consultant in a number of specialized fields, such as strategic planning, marketing, sales and real estate investment management, He also played role in establishing a number of charitable organization and restructuring of major companies in the private and public sectors. Dr. Huzaym is Professor Emeritus of Saudi Economics at Yamamah College; Professor of Banking at the Imam Muhammad ibn Sa’ood Islamic University, professional trainer in leadership, Islamic banking, sales and customer service excellence; hi is also a licensed agent of the American DEI company. Dr. Huzaym has written ten books, the most important of which are: Arkaan al-Qiyaadah (Fundamentals of Leadership) Tahawwul al-Masral al-Markazi al-Taqlidi ila Masraf Markazi Islami (Transfer from Traditional Central Banking to Islamic Central Banking) Khamsat ‘Ashar Mabda’li’l-Qiyaadah ‘indaal-Malik ‘Abdal-‘Azeez (Fifteen Principles of Leadership of King ‘Abd al-‘Azeez) Imra’ah Istithna’iyyah Zawjat Malik (An Exceptional Woman: The Wife of A King) Sharh al-Wasaa’il al-Mufeedah li’l-Hayaat al-Sa’eedah (Beneficial Mean of Living A Happy Life).
Divine Names: The 99 Healing Names of the One Love
Rosina-Fawzia Al-Rawi - 2014
Divine Names is a unique contribution to understanding life and oneself on a deeper level: by learning to open to the Divine. It draws on original Arabic literatureoften not available in European languagesand on the authors many years of personal practice, teaching, and guiding others on their spiritual paths to healing, to becoming whole. It focuses on the use of the Divine Names in dhikr, individual meditations and healing practices.
Life and times of the Messengers
Darussalam - 2014
Muslims believe that all the Divine Messengers including those in common with Judaism and Christianity - conveyed the same message of true monotheism and submission to the one God, Allah. Belief in these prophets and messengers is an essential part of the Islamic faith and Muslims do not differentiate between them, according them all the same respect and reverence. Darussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End), by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida, 'Imad ad-Deen Isma'eel bin 'Umar bin Katheer (Ibn Katheer), recounting the stories of the prophets and their nations.
Bekal Pengantin
Mahmud Mahdi Al Istanbuli - 2014
Describe about marriage from islamic point of view
Reassurance for the Seeker: A Biography and Translation of Salih al-Ja'fari's al-Fawaid al-Ja'fariyya, a Commentary on Forty Prophetic Traditions
صالح الجعفري - 2014
It provides a glimpse into the scholarly and spiritual traditions of Islam carried forth into our day. Some may have concluded that the saints and sages of Islam ended with such names as Rumi and Ibn Arabi. The knowledge and spiritual depth reached in past centuries does, in fact, continue into the present day. The book includes a biography of the author, a description of his main teachers, and a beautiful treatise by the author's main teacher on a single Prophetic statement in which the Prophet summarizes his own spiritual states. This volume also deals with death, the afterlife, the waking visions of the Prophet, his ability to pray for and intercede for those alive, and nearness to and friendship with God.
Structure and Qur'anic Interpretation: A Study of Symmetry and Coherence in Islam's Holy Text
Raymond Farrin - 2014
The Qur'an is not written as a straightforward narrative like the Christian Gospels but is composed of discontinuous revelations that are often unclear in placing in an overall context. Structure and Qur’anic Interpretation, aimed both at readers familiar with the Qur’an and at those opening it for the first time, differs from other books on the Qur’an in that it reveals the text’s fundamental symmetrical organization. Moreover, through readings of key Qur'an chapters, Farrin shows how structure serves as a guide to interpretation. Indeed, one finds that the Qur’an’s structure again and again points to universal messages of an ethical nature, rather than to messages whose application may be limited to a specific context. In addition, the book makes a contribution to Qur’anic studies by highlighting literary evidence indicating that the Qur’an was compiled by one author (in all probability, the Prophet Muhammad) and not by an official committee.
The Clarification of Noble Character
الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ - Habib Umar bin Hafiz - 2014
Allah decreed that success in this life and the next be judged according to the degree to which people purify their souls and attain noble character.It is thus the duty of every believer to seek to attain noble character and emulate their Prophet SAW who said: “I was only sent to perfect noble character.”In a series of thirty lessons, al-Ḥabīb ʿUmar bin Ḥafīẓ discusses the importance of character refinement and focuses on the traits and qualities that every believer should strive to acquire. He demonstrates how the Prophet SAW and the pious people of his nation embody each character trait and shows the reader how to emulate them.In our times we have never been more in need of improving our character and rectifying ourselves. This is a book for every seeker, every believer and every family. May it be a source of light for every heart and the catalyst for moral transformation.
Muhammad The Best of Creation: A Glimpse of His Blessed Life
محمد بن علوي المالكي - 2014
The first part deals with various aspects of the Prophet's life, such as his early years before receiving revelation, members of his family, his servants, miracles, signs of his prophethood, the weapons he used in battle, the beasts he rode, the clothes he wore and so forth. The second part is a chronological summary of the most important events to have taken place in his life.Shaykh Muḥammad ibnʿAlawī al-Mālikī, a direct descendant of theProphet a, was born in Mecca in 1365/1944 and a world-renownedscholar who spent his life teaching and writing. He held manyprestigious positions, including religious instructor at the ḤaramMosque after his father, professor at the Faculty of Sharia, King ʿAbdal-ʿAzīz University, Mecca, 1390–1399 AH, and an active member of theMuslim World League. He died in Mecca in 1425/2004.
Book of Purification
Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad - 2014
It means thorough purity and cleanliness of body, clothes, place and all aspects of Muslim's life. ‘Book of Purification’ contains information on purity of water, types of impurities, ways of purification, Menstruation, Ghusl, Tayammum, Wudu etc. It is part of the “Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence Concerning Muslim Women” series written by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. This series addresses those matters of life and religion that are essential in facilitating a woman’s role as a mother, teacher and nurturer. Men can also read and benefit from this particular book because the information in this book is relevant to both males and females. It has two very important and distinct qualities: 1. Easy to read, succinct and direct. 2. The 'question and answer' layout of the book is intended to facilitate effortless comprehensibility and swift memorization. It is in view of the 'questions and answers' format that the author has concluded this book to be easy to read and comprehensive, hoping that it will enable the Muslims to be well informed about matters concerning their religion which will in turn strengthen their faith.
Brewing Storms
A.M. Ramzy - 2014
Brewing Storms is a collection of poems that offers a window into the spiritual path of one young woman as she navigates her way through the storms of the soul. The poems provide a deep and honest insight into the challenges of growth and spiritual development along with moments and memories of profound fulfillment experienced along the way. The beauty of poetry as an art form is that it can touch readers no matter what their path or background, and it is hoped this collection will speak to those emotions and experiences which bind us all: searching, struggle, love and longing. 'Brewing Storms is a collection of poetry written by a natural poet... I hope that as you read her work, you will catch a glimpse of this path for yourself, and perhaps your brewing storms will find their sun, clouds, rain, storms, and sun again.' - Anse Tamara Gray, Founder of Rabata
Sacred Laughter of the Sufis: Awakening the Soul with the Mulla's Comic Teaching Stories and Other Islamic Wisdom
Jamal Rahman - 2014
Shows how spiritual seekers of all traditions-as individuals or in a group-can apply the Mulla's wisdom teachings to their spiritual lives with easy-to-follow spiritual practices.
A Mercy to Humanity
عائض القرني - 2014
al-Qarni paints a vivid picture of the noble character of our Prophet (peace be upon him), delivering a personal insight into the events of his life. It is an emotional and engaging commentary that includes the author’s thoughts and reflections on the subject.A Mercy to Humanity has been penned by Dr. ‘Â’id al-Qarni for all students of knowledge. In this unique study, al-Qarni delivers personal insight into the events of Prophet Muhammad’s life. He also paints a vivid picture of his noble character. This is an emotional commentary replete with evocative language, narrated in the author’s well-known engaging style with which the readers are so familiar. He writes:This book is not a biography of the Prophet (bpuh). He is too great and noble to have a biography written by someone like myself. It is not a compendium of praises. He is too high in ranking to be praised by someone like me. Besides, Allah has praised him, purified him, and raised his status. This is also not a historical work with events related in a chronological order. Neither I nor others can do justice to even a part of the Prophet’s life. An Arab poet said:What can the describers say about him,When his noble qualities are too many to count?So what is this work and why have I written it? It represents my thoughts, emotions and ideas which I wanted to record in writing. Like others before me, I write this to express the estrangement I feel in the absence of my leader, my teacher, and my role model. Through this work, I hope to remind myself and the reader about the duties we must fulfil towards the Messenger (bpuh).
Sufi Comics - Rumi (Volume 1)
Mohammed Ali Vakil - 2014
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi, a 13th century theologian, jurist and poet led a quiet life in central Anatolia, Turkey. He left a legacy of the most profound poems and stories. It’s been 800 years since Rumi lay ink to his mystical words. Yet, even today, the spiritual wisdom that flowed from his lips, creating ripples in our hearts. On reading his poems, one can’t help but reflect that there is more to this world than the physical and material. The objects he refers to are so familiar, his message so universal and words so sublime, that one finds simple villagers and to university professors all quoting Rumi with fondness and fervour. Sufi Comics - Rumi is an enriching collection of Rumi’s entrancing poems in graphic form. We’ve chosen to portray the illustrations in the Turkish-Iranian miniature style to reflect the ambiance of 13th Century Persia. Every poem is followed by sacred verses of the Holy Quran and Islamic traditions, to reflect the inspiration of Rumi’s poems. These verses and traditions are inscribed in Arabic by Muqtar Ahmed, one of India s finest Islamic calligraphers. We live in a world that is increasingly materialistic and devoid of the spirit. In times like these, Rumi's poems are an invitation to get in touch with your soul and experience Divine Love.
The Forty Hadiths of An-Nawai
Darssalam Publishers - 2014
Aimed at serving the fundamental need of Muslims, it provides required Islamic information from authentic sources. “The Forty Hadiths of An Nawai” is a compilation of forty hadiths by Imam An-Nawai, where most of the content is taken from Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Bukhari. Over the years, this collection has received worldwide recognition and esteem among Muslim jurists. The reason of its significance is simple; these selected forty hadiths comprise the fundamental concepts of Islam which, in turn, construct the minimum level of required knowledge for every single Muslim. Salient Features:• The most reliable collection of Hadiths• 40 unique Hadiths, mainly from Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim• Guidance about beliefs, ethics, fiqah, and lifestyle• Scholarly interpretation to help readers understand the content.• Easy to understand language • References to the original sourcesDarussalam Publishers has converted this entire series in digital format, enabling readers to download and read them on electronic devices like Kindle or iPad.
The Gentle Answer to the Muslim Accusation of Biblical Falsification
Gordon Nickel - 2014
The Muslim claim affects both Jews and Christians and has been a source of discouragement and bad feeling for non-Muslims living in Muslim-majority societies. At the same time, Muslims claim that their scripture, the Qur'an, is exactly the same in every detail since the time it was first recited. Both claims continue to be made boldly in the age of Internet websites and YouTube. Academic scholarship on the Bible and the Qur'an supports neither of the Muslim claims, but since critical writing on the Bible is more abundant and has a longer history, Muslim polemicists have selectively used Western biblical criticism in an attempt to support the traditional Muslim accusation of biblical falsification. Only comparatively recently have the techniques used in biblical criticism been applied to the Qur'an. The Gentle Answer responds to the Muslim claims by placing the Bible and the Qur'an on a level scholarly playing field to show that the scholarly questions about the Qur'an are at least as challenging as questions about the Bible. Since many of the scholarly questions are similar, Muslims and non-Muslims have good reason to work together at the answers. In the meantime, Muslims and non-Muslims have the opportunity to enter a friendly faith conversation in which the contents of the scriptures themselves are carefully considered and discussed. The Gentle Answer responds in such a way as to invite conversation rather than to perpetuate the acrimony that has often accompanied discussion of religious differences. Respect for the accuser means taking issues of truth seriously. It means doing one's best to thoroughly understand the accusation. It also means commending one's own faith with an understanding of the accuser's worldview. Differences in faith between Muslims and non-Muslims show no sign of going away in the years to come. But in a world of considerable political tension and violence, Muslims and non-Muslims must seize the freedom to openly discuss their differences together while nurturing mutual respect and committing to peaceful coexistence.
EXTREMIST: A Response to Geert Wilders & Terrorists Everywhere
Qasim Rashid - 2014
Qasim Rashid proves just that in EXTREMIST: A Response to Geert Wilders & Terrorists Everywhere. Rashid debunks extremists head-on, clarifying important issues like Islam's view on free speech, women's rights, and Jihad--among many more. He writes for non-Muslims and Muslims alike, asking you to stand for a narrative of moderation, civility, and compassion--and against the extremist narratives of Geert Wilders and all terrorists. Rashid empowers you with a tool extremists don't have--knowledge of Islam, and asks you to join the fight for tolerance.
Fifteen Letters (Khamsata 'Ashara Maktuban)
ʿAbd Al-Qadir al-Jilani - 2014
His teachings have attracted millions to Islam and helped countless Muslims understand the spiritual journey that this great religion represents. The current work consists of fifteen short letters in which the Shaikh describes spiritual experiences and knowledge that are attained through striving against one’s base desires and committed devotion to Allah. They are written in a highly mystical language, using a peculiar style whereby each sentence or group of sentences is followed by a related Qur’anic text. In effect, the letters represent a Sufi experiential interpretation of the quoted Qur’anic verses. While small in size, this exceptionally charming and poetically beautiful work is immensely profound.
Muslims in the Western Imagination
Sophia Rose Arjana - 2014
The portrayal of humans as monsters helps a society delineate who belongs and who, or what, is excluded. Even when symbolic, as in post-9/11 zombie films, Muslim monsters still function to define Muslims as non-human entities. These are not depictions of Muslim men as malevolent human characters, but rather as creatures that occupy the imagination -- non-humans that exhibit their wickedness outwardly on the skin. They populate medieval tales, Renaissance paintings, Shakespearean dramas, Gothic horror novels, and Hollywood films. Through an exhaustive survey of medieval, early modern, and contemporary literature, art, and cinema, Muslims in the Western Imagination examines the dehumanizing ways in which Muslim men have been constructed and represented as monsters, and the impact such representations have on perceptions of Muslims today.The study is the first to present a genealogy of these creatures, from the demons and giants of the Middle Ages to the hunchbacks with filed teeth that are featured in the 2007 film 300, arguing that constructions of Muslim monsters constitute a recurring theme, first formulated in medieval Christian thought. Sophia Rose Arjana shows how Muslim monsters are often related to Jewish monsters, and more broadly to Christian anti-Semitism and anxieties surrounding African and other foreign bodies, which involves both religious bigotry and fears surrounding bodily difference. Arjana argues persuasively that these dehumanizing constructions are deeply embedded in Western consciousness, existing today as internalized beliefs and practices that contribute to the culture of violence--both rhetorical and physical--against Muslims.
In This Arab Time: The Pursuit of Deliverance
Fouad Ajami - 2014
He brings into focus the current struggles of the region through detailed historical standpoints and a highly personal perspective. The author discusses such landmark past events as the Algerian civil war, the state of the Arab world shortly after 9/11, and the pan-Arab awakening that began in 2011, as well as current events such as the Syrian rebellion and the repercussions of its brutal response from Bashar al-Assad. In addition, he sheds new light on some of the significant players in the Arab world, past and present, from Naguib Mahfouz, the Nobel laureate of the Arabs, to Ziad Jarrah—the terrorist who is thought to have been at the controls of the plane forced down by its heroic passengers in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11.
The Muslimah Speaks: Her Voice, Her Spirit (Volume 1)
Janette Grant - 2014
Too often than not, it is instilled in women from a very young age through the interactions that they have with others and by the images that they are bombarded with daily, that their voices are not as important as men's. It is our intention to highlight the voices of Muslim women while showcasing the connection between them and the faithful women of the Abrahamic scriptures and among the female companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Islamic Finance: Why It Makes Sense (for You) Understanding Its Principles and Practices
Vicary Daud Abdullah - 2014
It has done this on a model of finance that rejects interest and promotes profit sharing. How is this possible? Yet the wealth potential of Islamic finance is far from being its most attractive feature. What is most compelling about Islamic finance are its ethical principles and strong corporate governance based on Shariah law. This SECOND EDITION explains and updates how conventional financial products work from mortgages and leases to trade finance and insurance before delving into their Islamic versions and contains three new topics on microfinance, the ethical company and wealth succession"
Raising a Muslim Child: Owning a sacred responsibility
Mirza Yawar Baig - 2014
Children have a right to have good parents who can be role models for them and who can not only teach them the tools to succeed in this life, but also to take from the treasures of Allah and succeed in the life to come. Whether you like it or not, you are your child's role model. Your choice is to decide what kind of role model you want to be - one that they can look up to or one that they have to look down on. Children listen with their eyes. They don't care what you say until they see what you do. Today, young Muslim parents are anxious to ensure that their children are brought up as practicing Muslims and are a credit to themselves and their parents. This little book is a consolidation of all the things that I have said to people in answer to their questions.
Connecting with Muslims: A Guide to Communicating Effectively
Fouad Masri - 2014
But Christians don't always know how to build relationships with Muslims. Fouad Masri provides practical ways for Christians to initiate conversations and develop relationships with Muslims. He offers insights into Muslim culture and helps Christians understand and relate their Muslim friends. Masri addresses seven common questions that Muslims ask about Jesus and the Christian faith, providing sensitive answers that winsomely guide Muslims to Jesus without arguing or awkward debating. With real-life stories of fruitful conversations and genuine relationships, Masri helps readers see Muslims as Jesus sees them, without fear, with love, hope and expectation. You don't need a Ph.D. in Islam to share your faith with a Muslim. You just need the heart of an ambassador. Discover how.
Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel's Just War Against Hamas
RosettaBooks - 2014
The nation-state of the Jewish people is providing a model for all who are threatened by terrorist groups—such as ISIS, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram.Having himself been in one of the Hamas terror tunnels, Dershowitz explains why Israel had no choice but to send in ground troops to protect its civilians against Hamas death squads.Dershowitz wrote this book to warn the world that unless Hamas’s strategy of building terror tunnels and firing rockets from behind human shields is denounced and stopped—by the international community, the media, the academy, and good people of all religions, ethnicities, and nationalities—it will be coming soon “to a theater near you.”Covering all the hot-button issues—from the BDS movement, to the rise of anti-Semitism, to the charge of war crimes, to the prospects of peace—Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel’s Just War Against Hamas is a must-read for all who care about Israel, peace in the Mideast, human rights, and fairness. About the Author Professor Alan M. Dershowitz of Harvard Law School was described by Newsweek as “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights.” Italian newspaper Oggi called him “the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,” and The Forward named him “Israel’s single most visible defender—the Jewish state’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion.”Born in Brooklyn, he was appointed to the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 and became a full professor at age 28, the youngest in the school’s history. He has been a consultant to several presidential commissions, and has advised presidents, United Nations officials, prime ministers, governors, senators, and members of Congress. More than a million people have heard him lecture around the world. He is currently the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard.Dershowitz is the author of 30 non-fiction works and two novels. More than a million of his books have been sold worldwide, in more than a dozen different languages. His recent titles include the bestseller The Case For Israel, Rights From Wrong, The Case For Peace, The Case For Moral Clarity: Israel, Hamas and Gaza, and his autobiography Taking the Stand: My Life in the Law. About Gatestone Institute Gatestone Institute is a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank dedicated to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to report. It promotes:• Institutions of democracy and the rule of law;• Human rights• A free and strong economy• A military capable of ensuring peace at home and in the free world• Energy independence• Ensuring the public stays informed of threats to our individual liberty, sovereignty, and free speech.
Alif Baa, Third Edition Bundle, Third Edition: Alif Baa, Third Edition Bundle: Book + DVD + Website Access Card (Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program)
Kristen Brustad - 2014
Shi'i Islam: An Introduction
Najam Haider - 2014
It was during this period of roughly three centuries that two particular intellectual traditions emerged, Sunnism and Shi'ism. Sunni Muslims endorsed the historical caliphate, while Shi'i Muslims, supporters of 'Ali, cousin of the Prophet and the fourth caliph, articulated their own distinctive doctrines. The Sunni-Shi'i schism is often framed as a dispute over the identity of the successor to Muhammad, whereas in reality, Sunni and Shi'i Muslims also differ on a number of seminal theological doctrines concerning the nature of God and legitimate political and religious authority. This book examines the development of Shi'i Islam through the lenses of belief, narrative, and memory. In an accessible yet nuanced manner, it conceives of Shi'ism as a historical project undertaken by a segment of the early Muslim community that felt dispossessed. This book also covers, for the first time in English, a wide range of Shi'i communities from the demographically predominant Twelvers to the transnational Isma'ilis to the scholar-activist Zaydis. The portrait of Shi'ism that emerges is that of a distinctive and vibrant community of Muslims with a remarkable capacity for reinvention and adaptation, grounded in a unique theological interpretation of Islam.
Prophet Muhammad: The Beloved Messenger of Allah
Mustafa Erdoğan - 2014
It presents major milestones in the life of the Prophet with an easy to understand style in line with the mainstream Islamic tradition. It is also a great bedtime story book for interested families who want to read from the life of the Prophet.
Zak and His Good Intentions
J. Samia Mair - 2014
However, everything is going wrong for Zak, and his plans only end in disappointment . . . and lots and lots of mess.After his misadventures, Zak realized that it isn't only what happens that matters; his good intentions count too.J. Samia Mair has published three children's books: Amira's Totally Chocolate World, The Perfect Gift, and the chapter book The Great Race to Sycamore Street. She is a staff writer for SISTERS magazine and Discover: The Magazine for Curious Muslim Kids.
Islam's Jesus
Zeki Saritoprak - 2014
Spotlights an important theological theme in a way that both illuminates its internal development in Islamic thought and presents it as a helpful basis for interreligious discussion. The topic is very much in need of teaching and discussion and is a fine example of ‘common ground.’”—John Renard, author of Islam and Christianity “Contains valuable and fascinating material about how classical Muslim theologians treated various aspects of Jesus and, in particular, the role of Jesus in Islamic eschatology. Saritoprak brings new insights from contemporary Turkish thinkers to bear on the issues raised by the Jesus figure in Islamic narratives about the Last Days.”—Marcia Hermansen, author of Shah Wali Allah’s Treatises on Islamic Law “A refreshingly easy read that makes a complex world of theology and interfaith relations accessible and enjoyable for readers of all backgrounds.”—Jonathan Brown, author of Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World "Truly a pathfinder effort in the potentially rich engagement of Muslims and Christians. It should contribute greatly to a rapprochement."—Wayne A. Holst ? Few people realize that Jesus was a prominent messenger of God in Islam and that Muslims believe in the return of Jesus. Even among Muslims, it is not well known that there are diverse interpretations of references to Jesus in the Qur’an and the Hadith. Aiming to remedy this, Islam’s Jesus takes a bold yet candid look at the highly charged topic of Jesus’s place in Islam, exploring some of the religion’s least understood aspects. Examining multiple intellectual traditions, Zeki Saritoprak makes clear the reality of pluralism in the history of Islamic religious scholarship. Actively engaged in efforts to promote interfaith dialogue and harmony, Saritoprak thoughtfully argues that the shared belief in Jesus presents an excellent opportunity for understanding between Muslims and Christians. Together, they constitute more than half of the world’s population, and such understanding may be a foundation for peace.
The Camel: How Muslims Are Coming to Faith in Christ!
Kevin Greeson - 2014
Kevin Greeson's The Camel provides insights and easy-to-follow guides that will enable any Christian to lovingly and effectively bridge their Muslims from the Qur'an into the New Testament gospel story.
A Piece of Advice & Admonition for the Women
Shaykh 'Abd al-Razzāq Ibn 'Abd al-Muhsin al-'Abbād - 2014
Then, he approached the women, admonished them, gave them a reminder and commanded them with charity"O successful woman, may Allāh fragrance your life with knowledge and Īmān, your time with obedience and awareness of Him, and may He beautify your body with a covering and modesty. This is advice that I gift to you, hoping that Allāh will benefit you by way of it.
The Beauty Of My Hijab
Fatimah Ashaela Moore Ibrahim - 2014
Girls see how they are valued, cherished, protected and beautiful through the fluid poetic verses and captivating illustrations. This book is a must have for all Muslim girls and is also a great learning and teaching tool for people of all faiths and creeds. For girls of all ages. (Bookstores, please contact for wholesale pricing)
Iraq After America: Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance
Joel Rayburn - 2014
"Iraq after America" examines the government and the sectarian and secular factions that have emerged in Iraq since the U.S. invasion of 2003, presenting the interrelations among the various elements in the Iraqi political scene. The book traces the origins of key trends in recent Iraqi history to explain the political and social forces that produced them, particularly during the intense period of civil war between 2003 and 2009. Along the way, the author looks at some of the most significant players in the new Iraq, explaining how they have risen to prominence and what their aims are. The author identifies the three trends that dominate Iraq s post-U.S. political order: authoritarianism, sectarianism, and Islamist resistance, tracing their origins and showing how they have created a toxic political and social brew, preventing Iraq s political elite from resolving the fundamental roots of conflict that have wracked that country since 2003 and before. He concludes by examining some aspects of the U.S. legacy in Iraq, analyzing what it means for the United States and others that, after more than a decade of conflict, Iraq s communities and its political class in particular have not yet found a way to live together in peace."
Tolerance in Islam
Abdullah Al-Luhaidan - 2014
Abdullah Al Luhaidan expounds upon the idea of tolerance in Islam, and its different manifestations, by using examples from the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (sa) and supporting evidences from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He synthesizes the concept of tolerance and al-walâ wal-barâ (loving and hating for the sake of Allah). Finally, he responds to the infamous ‘Clash of Civilizations’ thesis by arguing that Islam offers the solutions to some of the world’s greatest problems.
Gems & Jewels
Abdul Malik Mujahid - 2014
The writings will be of equal interests to all Muslims whether they are children or adults and similarly they will gain a lot of virtues develop good character patterns and adopt intellectual behaviour in their lives from the examples of the great personalities of Islam.
What's Islam
Mustafa İslamoğlu - 2014
There is no enemy of Islam on the face of Earth, but there are those unfamiliar with it. Those acting like enemies toward Islam harbor animosity towards Muslims, not Islam itself. Perhaps, Muslims are to be blamed for this situation as well. To be sure, Islam and Muslims are not the same concept. Because Islam and the Islamic traditions, conceived by humans over the centuries of history, are not the same thing. Therefore, the book you are holding pays due attention to such sensitive issues. Those who defend Islam are to produce irrefutable proof; those who oppose Islam are to follow suit. No matter what choices the human makes, he is expected to make it conscientiously. One of the goals we are pursuing with this book is helping those who wish to learn more about Islam, because man becomes an enemy of things or concepts he is ignorant of. We ask Allah to grant us a life wherein global peace reigns over Earth. (Tanitim Bulteninden)
The Shi'ites of Lebanon: Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah's Islamists
Rula Jurdi Abisaab - 2014
The Abisaabs uncover a more nuanced account in which colonialism, the modern state, social class, and provincial politics profoundly shaped Shi'i society.The authors trace the sociopolitical, economic, and intellectual transformation of the Shi'ites of Lebanon from 1920 during the French colonial period until the late twentieth century. They shed light on the relationship of contemporary Islamic militancy with traditions of religious modernism and leftism in both Lebanon and Iraq. Analyzing the interaction between sacred and secular features of modern Shi'ite society, the authors clearly follow the group's turn toward religious revolution and away from secular activism. This book transforms our understanding of twentieth-century Lebanese history and demonstrates how the rise of Hizbullah was conditioned by Shi'ites' consistent marginalization and neglect by the Lebanese state.
Muhammad Saalih Al Munajjid - 2014
The Prophet was a supremely successful man, but he was not just a great hero and leader. He preached a religion, founded a State, built a nation, laid down a moral code, initiated numerous social and political reforms, established a powerful and dynamic society to practice and represent his teachings and completely revolutionized the worlds of human thought and behavior for all times to come. According to the Qur’an, he was sent as a mercy for humankind and as the best possible example for them. Learning about Prophet Muhammad’s life has been difficult for non-Muslims, as there are not many authentic sources of knowledge or biographies written about him for non-Muslim readers. Biographical accounts by Westerners are inevitably biased, unreliable or tainted with prejudices and Orientalist fallacies. This book provides an excellent introduction to the major aspects of Prophet Muhammad’s life and events, providing the Muslim perspective to readers. It explains the prominent roles that Prophet Muhammad’s personality has played on Islamic practice and thought, and which still plays a crucial role in Muslim life and civilization. No matter which religious denomination one ascribes to or which ideological and political beliefs one espouses, one will undoubtedly benefit from learning about Prophet Muhammad’s life, a man who moved even an iconoclast like G. B. Shaw to comment: “He must be called the savior of humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much-needed peace and happiness”. (The Genuine Islam, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936) .Born in Arabia in the year 570 CE, he started his mission of preaching the religion of truth, Islam (submission to One God) at the age of forty and departed from this world when he was sixty-three. During this short period of 23 years, he transformed the entire Arabian Peninsula from paganism and idolatry to the worship of One God; from tribal quarrels and wars to national solidarity and cohesion; from drunkenness and wickedness to sobriety and piety; from lawlessness and anarchy to disciplined living; from utter bankruptcy to the highest standards of moral excellence. Human history has never known such a complete transformation of people or a place before or since –and all this in just over two decades. Most famous personalities come across as uni-dimensional figures who distinguished themselves in one or two fields, such as religious thought or military leadership. However, Prophet Muhammad accomplished so much in such diverse fields of human thought and behavior in the fullest blaze of human history. Every detail of his private life and public utterances has been accurately documented and faithfully preserved to our day. The authenticity of the records so preserved is vouched for not only by the faithful followers, but also by academics and critics.Why read about the life of the Prophet? By studying the life of Prophet Muhammad, we can separate fact from fiction and gain a deeper understanding of the man and his message. In a time when we are bombarded with false propaganda and media lies, it is up to people with open minds and the desire to discover the truth, as the American author Isaac Asimov famously said, “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”
The Wisdom of Islam and the Foolishness of Christianity
Richard John Shumack - 2014
A unique Christian response to nine common philosophical objections to Christianity made by Muslims.
Athar Al-Hadith Al-Sharif fi Ikhtilaf al-A'immat al-Fuqaha: The Influence Of The Noble Hadith Upon The Differences Of Opinion Amongst The Jurist Imams
Shaykh Muhammad Awwamah - 2014
A question commonly posed in different circles is: if we all refer to the same sacred texts of the Quran and Sunnah for guidance, why are there so many differences between the schools of Islamic law (madhahib)? In other words, why did the great jurists (fuqaha) of Islam such as the four main Imams and their students differ in their opinions and rulings? This work attempts to answer this very question, focusing on one aspect, namely: how different understandings of the hadith literature influenced and shaped these differences in opinion. In addition, the author responds to some of the misgivings and objections which some people levy against these distinguished luminaries of Islam.This valuable work is a must-read for students of hadith and fiqh, as well as anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the differences that occur between the various schools of Islamic law. It will alert the reader to the expertise of the jurist Imams and the effort they exerted in deriving rulings from the Quran and Sunnah. It will also create in him a state of serenity and trust towards the Imams and their schools of law, which are followed by the vast majority of the Muslim Ummah."In benefitting from it my soul delighted and my heart was gladdened. Every teacher and student ought to study it, for it averts deviation and oppression and delivers from the criticism directed at the Imams by those who harbour enmity towards them and those who are deprived [of good].Mawlana Muhammad Zakariya al-KandahlawiEnglish translation by Mariam Madge Conlan
Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism
Benedikt Koehler - 2014
Early Islam made a seminal but largely unrecognized contribution to the history of economic thought; it is the only religion founded by an entrepreneur. Descending from an elite dynasty of religious, civil, and commercial leaders, Muhammad was a successful businessman before founding Islam. As such, the new religion had much to say on trade, consumer protection, business ethics, and property. As Islam rapidly spread across the region so did the economic teachings of early Islam, which eventually made their way to Europe. Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism demonstrates how Islamic institutions and business practices were adopted and adapted in Venice and Genoa. These financial innovations include the invention of the corporation, business management techniques, commercial arithmetic, and monetary reform. There were other Islamic institutions assimilated in Europe: charities, the waqf, inspired trusts, and institutions of higher learning; the madrasas were models for the oldest colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. As such, it can be rightfully said that these essential aspects of capitalist thought all have Islamic roots.
Seven Steps to Spiritual Intelligence
Musharraf Hussain - 2014
He has written numerous books on Islam including The Five Pillars of Islam and Seven Steps to Moral Intelligence.
The Power of Prayer (Channeling Brain Waves Through Dhikr)
Ahmed Hulusi - 2014
There is of course a scientific explanation to this act. Essentially prayer is ‘guided brain waves.’ Just as the dimension of knowledge transforms into energy and the quantum field to form the universe, the wants and desires of consciousness emanate from the dimension of knowledge to reveal themselves as the wants and desires of man and become actualized through the densification of guided brain waves. Due to this, the stronger the concentration level, the faster the response will be to the prayer. “And he who turns away from My dhikr (the absolute reality of which I have reminded him), indeed, he will have a restricted life (limited by the conditions of his body and mind), and We will resurrect him as blind in the period of Doomsday.” Quran 20:124 Since only a very small percentage of the brain is employed while a large part of brain capacity remains unused, dhikr allows the activation of this larger percentage. The bio-electrical energy produced in specific regions in the brain via dhikr spreads to other regions and activates the dormant cells thereby increasing brain activity. Whatever the dhikr is about, the frequency corresponding to that meaning is emanated to the cells and thus brain capacity relevant to that particular meaning is increased.
Inside the Brotherhood
Hazem Kandil - 2014
Drawing on years of participant observation, extensive interviews, previously inaccessible organizational documents, and dozens of memoirs and writings, the book provides an intimate portrayal of the recruitment and socialization of Brothers, the evolution of their intricate social networks, and the construction of the peculiar ideology that shapes their everyday practices. Drawing on his original research, Kandil reinterprets the Brotherhood's slow rise and rapid downfall from power in Egypt, and compares it to the Islamist subsidiaries it created and the varieties it inspired around the world.This timely book will be of great interest to students and scholars of the politics of the Middle East and to anyone who wants to understand the dramatic events unfolding in Egypt and elsewhere in the wake of the Arab uprisings.
The Republic Unsettled: Muslim French and the Contradictions of Secularism
Mayanthi L. Fernando - 2014
The headscarf crisis signaled an Islamic revival among the children of North African immigrants; it also ignited an ongoing debate about the place of Muslims within the secular nation-state. Based on ten years of ethnographic research, The Republic Unsettled alternates between an analysis of Muslim French religiosity and the contradictions of French secularism that this emergent religiosity precipitated. Mayanthi L. Fernando explores how Muslim French draw on both Islamic and secular-republican traditions to create novel modes of ethical and political life, reconfiguring those traditions to imagine a new future for France. She also examines how the political discourses, institutions, and laws that constitute French secularism regulate Islam, transforming the Islamic tradition and what it means to be Muslim. Fernando traces how long-standing tensions within secularism and republican citizenship are displaced onto France's Muslims, who, as a result, are rendered illegitimate as political citizens and moral subjects. She argues, ultimately, that the Muslim question is as much about secularism as it is about Islam.
How the Prophet (PBUH) Prayed (Stories of Islamic Principle Book 1)
Darussalam - 2014
This masterpiece has been published by Darussalam with the intention of guiding Muslims about the core element of Islam. The entire series is directed to the general Muslims that have less scholarly knowledge. Therefore, the language and selection of words is very simple and easy to understand. The best thing about the entire series is it being purely based on authentic Islamic sources like Qur’an, Sunnah and jurisdictions of famous scholars. It is an abridged version of how Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) prayed while elaborating the terms and conditions of the holy ebadah. This makes it a nice choice for young Muslims and those keen to learn the origin of ‘prayer in Islam’.
Demi - 2014
He is considered to be the savior of Islam because in his 40-volume opus magnum, The Revival of the Religion Sciences, he clarifies the spiritual meanings and inner purposes of every aspect of the Islamic faith. This book, an illustrated biography for both parents and children—with adjacent text for both—presents this inspiring life with exquisite miniatures in the Persian style. The biography covers his humble birth and education, rise to fame, spiritual crisis, and subsequent journeying to find the Truth in Syria, Palestine, and Mecca before returning home, having purified his heart. The text is distilled from his own autobiography, Deliverance from Error, written in the 11th century CE and from other scholarly biographies.
The Kashf al-Mahjub (The Revelation of the Veiled) of Ali b. 'Uthman al-Jullãbi Hujwiri. An early Persian Treatise on Sufism (Gibb Memorial Trust Persian Studies)
Reynold Alleyne Nicholson - 2014
Loving the Messenger of Allah - An Integral of Faith
Shaykh Nur al-Din 'Itr - 2014
Moreover, Shaykh Nur al-Din goes on to enumerate anecdotal evidence of the tremendous heights reached in loving him SAW, exhibited and expressed by his family and Companions, and thus provides the reader with a distinct formula to gain, increase and perfect one’s love for the Mercy to the Worlds.About the Author Shaykh Nur al-Din ‘Itr (born in 1934) is one of the leading contemporary scholars from Aleppo, Syria in Qur'anic and Hadith sciences. For many years he has served as the head of the Faculty for Qur'anic and Hadith Sciences and as a professor at the University of Damascus and other Islamic institutes.
Uthman bin Affan (May Allah be Pleased with him) (History of Islam Book 4)
Maulvi Abdul Aziz - 2014
Therefore, knowing and understanding our history is not optional; it is essential. Darussalam, presents the entire history of Islam to our youth in language that appeals to them, in a simple yet lucid manner. The first four volumes in this series explore Islamic history during the period of the first “Four Rightly Guided Caliphs”. Later volumes would be devoted to the “History of Islam”, down through the ages to modern times, insha’ Allah.
The Luminous Life of Our Prophet
Reşit Haylamaz - 2014
This book presents an authoritative biography of his achievements and ordeals. It follows the Matchless Pearl from his blessed birth to being forced to leave his home; from the first revelation in the mountain cave to his miraculous journey into the heavens; and from his great love and care for his wife Khadija to his victorious return home
The Shafi'i Manual of Purity, Prayer and Fasting
Tashfeen Ekram - 2014
He says in the Qur’an: “And they are ordered only to serve Allah, keeping religion pure for Him, to remain upright, and to establish worship and to pay the poor due. That is true religion” (98:5). This worship is not possible without knowledge. This short work outlines the absolute essentials of this knowledge. It is based on the methodology of traditional Sunni Islam, according to the Shafi’i school of Islamic law, and its purpose is to make one’s worship valid, sound, and proper in a short amount of time.
Istikhara : Seeking Divine Guidance in the Light of the Sunna
Abu Usamah Ayub ibn Jeena - 2014
Gender in Judaism and Islam: Common Lives, Uncommon Heritage
Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet - 2014
Both traditions emerged fromancient cultures born in the Middle East and both are rooted in texts andtraditions that have often excluded women. At the same time, both groups haverecently seen a resurgence in religious orthodoxy among women, as well asgrowing feminist movements that challenge traditional religious structures. In theUnited States, Jews and Muslims operate as minority cultures, carving out aplace for religious and ethnic distinctiveness. The time is ripe for a volumethat explores the relationship between these two religions through the prism ofgender.Gender in Judaism and Islam brings togetherscholars working in the fields of Judaism and Islam to address a diverse rangeof topics, including gendered readings of texts, legal issues in marriage anddivorce, ritual practices, and women's literary expressionsand historical experiences, along with feminist influences within the Muslimand Jewish communities and issues affecting Jewish and Muslim women incontemporary society. Carefully crafted, including section introductions by theeditors to highlight big picture insights offered by the contributors, thevolume focuses attention on the theoretical innovations that gender scholarshiphas brought to the study of Muslim and Jewish experiences.At a timewhen Judaism and Islam are often discussed as though they were inherently atodds, this book offers a much-needed reconsideration of the connections andcommonalties between these two traditions. It offers new insights into each ofthese cultures and invites comparative perspectives that deepen ourunderstanding of both Islam and Judaism.
Kandahar Assassins: Stories from the Afghan-Soviet War
Mohammad Tahir Aziz Gumnam - 2014
Whether by rogue Afghan security forces or by lone individuals roaming the cities and districts, the threat of a target killing is very real. Kandahar Assassins offers an unparalleled view of this phenomenon from the perspective of the assassins. Published in 1986 in Pashto and a perennial classic in Kandahar's bookstores, Kandahar Assassins tells the story of two well-known assassins who operated in the southern city during the 1980s war. The stories of 'Lame Ghazi' and Commander Ghaffari involve ambitious raids and plots carried out within the Afghan-controlled city. This book offers a corrective to the idea that assassination is a new phenomenon in Afghanistan. Mohammad Tahir Aziz Gumnam was a doctor working in Pakistan at the time, allowing him access to a variety of figures within the Afghan mujahedeen. Originally from Kandahar, Gumnam offers insight as an Afghan who was close to both the events and the people he describes. Judging from this book, the style and manner of assassinations in southern Afghanistan doesn't appear to have changed much. Kandahar Assassins, therefore, offers a unique perspective on the world of these target killers and how they carry out their operations. It is an essential read for any soldier serving in Afghanistan as well as those seeking to understand the history behind the current conflict. Dr David Kilcullen wrote the introduction to this English translation of the book. "a Thousand-and-One Nights of the Afghan jihad... a detailed and lyrical account of the war that he and his contemporaries fought against in Kandahar during the 1980s" - Dr David Kilcullen (from his introduction), counterinsurgency expert and author
Mukhtasar al-Akhdari: The Fiqh of the Acts of Worship According to the Maliki School of Islamic Law
Abdur-Rahman Al-Akhdari - 2014
Imam al-Akhdari was an Algerian scholar whose full name is Abū Yazīd ʿAbdur Raḥmān bin Muḥammad al-Ṣaghīr bin Muḥammad bin ʿĀmir. He is most commonly known as "al-Akhḍarī." He followed the Mālikī school in fiqh and the Ashʿarī school in creed. He is considered to be from amongst the great scholars of Islam and the distinguished scholars of Algeria in the 10th century Hijra.
The Virtues of Sending Prayers on the Prophet ﷺ
يوسف النبهاني - 2014
Master Quranic Arabic In 24 hours
Suhaib Sirajudin - 2014
Well in fact, not only is learning Quranic Arabic remarkably easy, it is also quite fun as you’ll see throughout this 24-hour course. Even if you have little or no knowledge of Arabic, you’ll feel comfortable going through these tutorials from the comfort of your home. At the end of each hour you will be able to put your knowledge into practice and begin to understand Quranic Arabic.