More Letters From The Pit: Stories of a Physician’S Odyssey in Emergency Medicine

Patrick J. Crocker - 2020

Production and Operations Management

K. Aswathappa - 2009
    Chapter 1: Introduction to Production and Operations Management Chapter 2: Strategic Operations Management Chapter 3: Production Processes, Manufacturing and Service Operations Chapter 4: Design of Production Systems Chapter 5: Manufacturing Technology Chapter 6: Long-Range Capacity Planning Chapter 7: Facility Location Chapter 8: Facility Layout Chapter 9: Design of Work Systems Chapter 10: Production/Operations Planning and Control Chapter 10: Aggregate Planning and Master Production Scheduling Chapter 11: Resource Requirement Planning Chapter 13: Shop Floor Planning and Control Chapter 14: Quality Management Chapter 15: Maintenance Management Chapter 16: Introduction to Materials Management Chapter 17: Inventory Management Chapter 18: JustlnTime Systems Chapter 19: Logistics and Supply Chain Management Index 557564

Ask the Narcissist: The Answers to Your Questions

H.G. Tudor - 2016
    The narcissist provides the direct and no-nonsense explanations and answers to the questions which matter most to you. The narcissist manages to keep a hook in you by leaving you with unanswered questions. These questions prevent you from gaining understanding, make you susceptible to the pull of the narcissist in the future and cause you untold anguish and anxiety. Not any more. A range of incisive questions covering the narcissistic spectrum of behaviours have been posed by those who have been on the receiving end of narcissistic behaviour. Real questions posed by those who know exactly what it is like to be held in the grasp of the narcissist. Real answers provided by the narcissist himself which will provide understanding, enlightenment and freedom.

Sunzi Speaks: The Art of War

Tsai Chih Chung - 1994
    A profoundly wise and humorous rendering of the classic Chinese text on military strategy, as told through the delightful Chinese cartoon panels of best-selling author Tsai Chih Chung.

Be Bad First: Get Good at Things Fast to Stay Ready for the Future

Erika Andersen - 2016
    News that once took months, even years, to spread now reaches across the globe in seconds. Advances in medicine and science are pushing boundaries with gene therapy and stem cell transplants. And decisions about where and how to work and live are nearly endless.As new knowledge—and the possibilities that arise from that knowledge—propels us forward, leadership readiness expert and renowned author Erika Andersen suggests that success in today’s world requires the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills quickly and continuously—in spite of our mixed feelings about being a novice.In her newest book, Be Bad First, Erika explores how we can become masters of mastery; proficient in the kind of high-payoff learning that’s needed today. With assessments and exercises at the close of every chapter, she encourages readers to embrace being bad on the way to being great—to be novices over and over again as we seek to learn and acquire the new skills that will allow us to thrive in this fast-changing world.

Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach

Leiyu Shi - 2007
    Using a unique systems approach, it brings together an extraordinary breadth of information into a highly accessible, easy-to-read text that clarifies the complexities of health care organization and finance, while presenting a solid overview of how the various components fit together.

Jurassic Ark

Edward J. McFadden III - 2020
    Led by Brazilian guide Diogo and a contingent of mercenaries, the husband and wife team trek into the jungle to investigate.The trail of dead monkeys leads deep into the rainforest and the group fractures when Mic describes seeing a fifteen-foot spinosaurus prowling the forest. Despite the defections of their guide and two guards, the scientists track the dinosaur in search of answers.The horrors they discover quickly turn their mission to one of survival as the team fights monsters of the past… and the unknown.

How to Grow Your Church Younger and Stronger: The Story of the Kids who Built a World-Class Church (GenerationS #1)

Tan Seow How - 2021
    Now it has developed into a proof of concept that Youths can build a STRONG CHURCH.GenerationS is a mindset-shifting, heart-changing book that shows you how to raise up generations of young people in your church to build His kingdom.After over 20 years, this youth church, operated by youths, for youths to reach youths, still has an average age of 22.Bonus #1: Contributors and 'Inside Stories'Read 1,000+ word contributions from 13 other contributing writers that provide an 'inside look' and 360º view of HOGC.Director of Global Relations, a Westerner's perspective on an Asian church Board member in his 60s, on what older people do in a youth churchChief of Staff, on what goes on inside the Senior Pastors' OfficeHead of Global Partnerships, on what co-senior pastoring looks likeBonus #2: Comes with Digital CompanionGo beyond the chapters! Access 100+ bonus content and interactive materials when you scan QR codes from within the book.

CBD-Rich Hemp Oil - Cannabinoid Nursing 101: Cannabis Medicine is Back

Tina Rappaport - 2014
    Although it has a long history, the recent discovery (1992) of the body's widespread endocannabinoid system (ECS) has thrust cannabis back into the limelight again as a viable medicine. In 2012 over 2.5 million prescriptions were written for medical marijuana in the United States. CBD and THC are both cannabinoids found in cannabis. However, while THC produces a “high” in the user, CBD does not. And now legal CBD-rich hemp oil is available over-the-counter in all 50 states, without a prescription. It was discovered that the Hemp Family of plants (cannabis, marijuana) is loaded with cannabinoids that stimulate our ECS receptor sites. These sites are found in the brain, organs, glands, connective tissue and immune cells and plays regulatory roles in many physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood and memory. The primary purpose of this system revolves around maintaining balance in the body. Cannabinoids found in all varieties of cannabis work in harmony with the cannabinoids we naturally produce when our system is functioning properly. It is now coming to light that we may very well be “Endocannabinoid Deficient” and supplementing with Cannabidiol, known as CBD, may provide just what we’re missing to restore optimum health. The health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) from natural hemp oil is this book's primary focus. It explores the similarities, differences, uses and benefits of hemp, cannabis and medical marijuana along with the interplay of THC and CBD. Their 480 other components are also discussed, such as terpenoids, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins, etc. Make no mistake about it, the endocannabinoid system, although newly discovered, is just as important as any other bodily system, like the muscular, cardiac, circulatory or digestive system. The ECS requires its own specialized medicine as found in the Hemp Family of plants, which is also known as cannabis, and which includes all strains of marijuana. Here is a list of conditions known and/or being researched that may be helped by cannabinoid therapeutics and supplementation: Acne ADD/ADHD Addiction AIDS ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Alzheimer’s Anorexia Antibiotic Resistance Anxiety Atherosclerosis Arthritis Asthma Autism Bipolar Cancer Colitis/Crohn’s Depression Diabetes Endocrine Disorders Epilepsy/Seizure Fibromyalgia Glaucoma Heart Disease Huntington’s Inflammation Irritable Bowel Kidney Disease Liver Disease Metabolic Syndrome Migraine Mood Disorders Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Nausea Neurodegeneration Neuropathic Pain Obesity OCD Osteoporosis Parkinson’s Prion/Mad Cow Disease PTSD Rheumatism Schizophrenia Sickle Cell Anemia Skin Conditions Sleep Disorders Spinal Cord Injury Stress Stroke/TBI 10% of the proceeds from sales of this book will be donated to the American Cannabis Nurses Association in an effort to bring together nurses, to share, integrate and one day certify nurses in the science of endocannabinoid therapeutics in nursing practice.

The New Leadership Literacies: Thriving in a Future of Extreme Disruption and Distributed Everything

Bob Johansen - 2017
    But current leadership practices were designed for large, centralized organizations, making them increasingly obsolete. Bob Johansen, who has been projecting future trends from Silicon Valley since 1968, outlines five literacies leaders need to develop to cope with this brave new world. Johansen says leaders need the literacy of projecting themselves into the future and -looking backwards- to make sure they are preparing for potential new developments. They have to cultivate the literacy of voluntarily engaging with their fear in a safe way, using simulations and gaming, so they can immerse themselves in the things they're worried about and deal with them. Distributed leadership is a third vital literacy--leaders need to know how to guide organizations that have no center, grow from the edges, and can't be controlled. In a globalized world they must master multimedia leadership--the literacy of having presence and influence even when they're not physically present. And finally, to stay on top of all this, they need the literacy of creating positive energy: leaders have to be extremely fit, physically and mentally, to keep their own energy and that of their organizations high to cope with this era of extreme disruption. Johansen presents dramatic and mind-expanding examples of how forward-looking organizations are developing these literacies and offers readers sage advice on how to cultivate them.

The Reinventors: How Extraordinary Companies Pursue Radical Continuous Change

Jason Jennings - 2012
    Following months of research and study they selected the 100 best examples, gained access to and interviewed the people who’d made the reinventions happen. Generating tens of thousands of pages of transcripts they then began to search for shared traits and lessons learned from the best serial reinventors.Eventually they identified the ten rules for reinvention. Each reinvention rule is featured in its own chapter and vividly illustrated with specific examples and the stories of the people who made it happen.If you’re committed to growth and agree that constant change is required in order to achieve it The Reinventors will be one of the most important books you’ll read.

Despicable Meme: The Absurdity and Immorality of Modern Religion

D. Cameron Webb - 2012
    Cameron Webb’s brief but biting assault on the wide spectrum of religiosity that dominates 21st century America, from the hateful and anti-intellectual dogma of the Christian Right to the whitewashed progressivism of religious moderates. It is also a fascinating and humbling journey into the heart of the universe's most mind-numbing wonders.Drawing on recent insights from cosmology and evolution, Despicable Meme paints a vivid portrait of a cosmos unlike anything ever imagined by the provincial, human-centered faiths of the past – a universe of countless worlds spread across unfathomable distances and times, and where, on at least one of those worlds, the slow march of time would combine with the purposeless mechanisms of chemistry and physics to create a being capable of believing that he alone is the reason for it all.With piercing intelligence and candor, Despicable Meme exposes the folly of that conceit and dispenses with the widespread but utterly improbable notion of a personal creator. But it saves its harshest criticism for the vapid accommodationism of religious liberals, those who unknowingly or uncaringly give cover to the misogynistic, racist, homophobic paranoia of the fanatics by refusing to condemn, or quietly tolerating, the outlandish and immoral doctrines that lie festering at the center of their own “moderate” faiths.Despicable Meme is not only a blistering condemnation of radical fundamentalism, it is an impassioned appeal to the rest of us to once and for all abandon the superstitions of the religion we were raised in and embrace the beauty of an endlessly wondrous, but godless, universe.Show less

Hunters of the Great North (1922) (Interactive Table of Contents)

Vilhjálmur Stefánsson - 1922
    Because of his studies of the Eskimos, his discoveries of land, the application of new ideas and new methods of exploration, Stefansson was considered the foremost polar explorer of his day, and one of the few great explorers of all time. During a period of three or four years Mr. Stefansson has produced a creditable list of books about the Arctic. In some respects his service in publishing the results of his Northern studies has differed from that of earlier explorers. He has challenged our preconceptions about the Arctic. “Hunters of the Great North” gives details of Northern life such as have doubtless come within the experience of all Arctic explorers, but which are new to the average American reader. In short, it is an elementary text-book of the Arctic. Stefansson lived among the Eskimos of the Mackenzie River, studying their language and adopting their mode of life, and spending ten winters and thirteen summers in the polar regions. Among Stefannson's most famous discovery was that of a race of blond Eskimo on Coronation Gulf. Stefansson writes: "In the present book I have tried by means of diaries and memory to go back to the vivid impressions of my first year among the Eskimos for the story of what I saw and heard." In describing his confrontation with a polar bear, Stefansson writes: “I heard behind me a noise like the spitting of a cat or the hiss of a goose. I looked back and saw, about twenty feet away and almost above me, a polar bear. I had overestimated the bear's distance from shore, and had passed the spot where he lay. From his eye and attitude, as well as the story his trail told afterward there was no doubting his intentions: the hiss was merely his way of saying, "Watch me do it!" Or at least that is how I interpreted it; possibly the motive was chivalry, and the hiss was his way of saying Garde!” Contents I. PREPARATIONS FOR A LIFEWORK OF EXPLORATION II. DOWN THE MACKENZIE RIVER THROUGH 2000 MILES OF INDIAN COUNTRY III. FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF THE ESKIMOS IV. CAPTAIN KLINKENBERG—SEA WOLF AND DISCOVERER V. THE WHALING FLEET SAILS AWAY VI. LEARNING TO LIVE AS AN ESKIMO—ON A DIET OF FISH WITHOUT SALT VII. HOW AN ESKIMO SAILED THROUGH THE STORM VIII. AN AUTUMN JOURNEY THROUGH ARCTIC MOUNTAINS IX. THE SUN GOES AWAY FOR THE WINTER X. LOST IN THE MACKENZIE DELTA XI. AN ARCTIC CHRISTMAS WITH AN ENGLISH COUNTRY GENTLEMAN XII. THE LIFE AT TUKTUYAKTOK XIII. LEARNING TO BUILD A SNOWHOUSE AND TO BE COMFORTABLE IN ONE XIV. TRAVELS AFTER THE SUN CAME BACK XV. WE GO IN SEARCH OF OUR OWN EXPEDITION XVI. A SPRING JOURNEY IN AN ESKIMO SKIN BOAT XVII. A RACE OVER THE ARCTIC MOUNTAINS IN SUMMER XVIII. ON A RAFT DOWN THE PORCUPINE RIVER SHORT STORIES OF ADVENTURE I. HOW I LEARNED TO HUNT CARIBOU II. HOW I LEARNED TO HUNT SEALS III. HOW WE HUNT POLAR BEARS

Do Epic Shit

Ankur Warikoo - 2021
    Ankur Warikoo is an entrepreneur and content creator whose witty and brutally honest thoughts on success and failure, money and investing, self-awareness and personal relationships have made him one of India’s top personal brands.In his first book, Ankur puts together the key ideas that have fuelled his journey.This is a book to be read, and reread, a book you will give your family and friends and strangers.

The Science of Social Intelligence: 33 Studies to Win Friends, Be Magnetic, Make An Impression, and Use People’s Subconscious Triggers

Patrick King - 2017
    This is your blueprint for social success. Humans are unpredictable… or are we? Through decades of research, Scientists have shown consistent patterns in human behavior and thought that can lead you us to very predictable outcomes. In other words, there are genuine ways to forge better relationships that take advantage of human psychology and behavioral patterns. Learn the elements of magnetic charisma. In The Science of Social Intelligence , you'll have over 30 studies, new and old, broken down in a way that answers the question, “How can I use this science in my everyday life?” Rely on findings from psychology, cognitive science, and behavioral economics, rather than one person’s anecdotal advice of what works. Learn why conventional “small talk” advice is flat-out wrong. This book is a truly in-depth look at the concept of being socially intelligent, maximizing the social opportunities you are given, and leveraging your unique strengths to have the relationships you want. In a time where most advice takes the form of “make more eye contact” and “smile more,” this book stands out. Learn how to make a powerful first impression. The Science of Social Intelligence pairs the raw human behavioral data and findings with the insight and emotional intelligence of Patrick King, sought-after social skills coach and internationally bestselling author. The result is half textbook, half field guide for whatever your social goals may be. Understand what makes people tick (even if they don’t). - What popularity in high school really requires. - The true psychology of being positive. - The two way street of perception and how it impacts your relationships. Be likable without appearing manipulative. - The three things everyone wants to talk about (as well as what to always avoid). - How to be emotionally calibrated and attuned to people. - The toxic habits you need to break for social success. Social intelligence unlocks everything you want in life. It gives you the ability to walk into a room and feel (1) at ease, (2) excited, and (3) walk out accomplishing exactly what you want. This could be romantic, career-related, or just with friends - social intelligence allows you to excel in any situation. The likability you create is what will move you forward in life. Social intelligence is the invisible hand that boosts people and gives them opportunities, not just luck or being ridiculously good looking. Embody social intelligence. Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.