And Then I Cried: Stories of a Mortuary NCO

Justin Jordan - 2012
    Jordan details life as an Air Force Mortuary Non Commissioned Officer. In his stunning debut Jordan forces the reader to walk beside him on his journey in this gruesome world. Jordan holds nothing back, and shares in graphic detail how he honored Americas heroes, both at deployed locations and stateside. This book will pry your eyes wide open as you gasp from the sheer horror he faced daily, from dealing with the families of the fallen, to witnessing the embalming and preparations of the deceased. Jordan also shares how this job taxed his mental well being, as he suffered in silence, longing not to care. Jordan is still serving on Active Duty and suffers from the crippling effects of PTSD, his story will enlighten you, it will touch you, and yes, you will cry.

Inside Oregon State Hospital: A History of Tragedy and Triumph (Landmarks)

Diane Goeres-Gardner - 2013
    In desperate attempts to cure their patients, physicians injected them with deadly medications, cut holes in their heads, and sterilized them. Years of insufficient funding caused the hospital to decay into a crumbling facility with too few staff, as seen in the 1975 film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Today, after a $360 million makeover, Oregon State Hospital is a modern treatment hospital for the state's civil and forensic mentally ill. In this compelling account of the institution's tragedies and triumphs, author Diane Goeres-Gardner offers an unparalleled look at the very human story of Oregon's historic asylum.

The ADHD Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Gain Self-Confidence, Social Skills, and Self-Control

Lawrence E. Shapiro - 2010
    The ADHD Workbook for Kids offers a simple way to help children with ADHD learn these critical skills in just ten minutes a day.This workbook includes more than forty activities for kids developed by child psychologist Lawrence Shapiro that can help your child with ADHD handle everyday tasks, make friends, and build self-esteem while he or she learns to overcome the most challenging aspects of the disorder. Alone or with your help, your child can complete one ten-minute activity each day to learn how to make good decisions and discover easy techniques for staying focused when it's time to pay attention.Includes activities to help your child:•Become a good listener and a good friend•Make school easier and more fun•Recognize his or her special gifts and build self-esteem•Practice planning ahead and learn responsibility

Gestalt Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques: 100 Key Points & Techniques

Dave Mann - 2010
    This title discusses topics such as: the theoretical assumptions underpinning gestalt therapy; gestalt assessment and process diagnosis; and field theory, phenomenology and dialogue.

Cross-Cultural Psychology: Critical Thinking and Contemporary Applications

Eric B. Shiraev - 2000
    It explores several fields including sensation, perception and motivation.

How to Survive the Loss of a Parent

Lois F. Akner - 1993
    They're surprised at the complex feelings of love, loss, anger, and guilt, and at the unresolved issues that emerge. Therapist Lois Akner explains why the loss of a parent is different from other losses and, using examples from her experience, shows how it is possible to work through the grief.Anyone who is going through or trying to prepare for this natural, normal, inevitable loss will find How to Survive the Loss of a Parent a powerful, healing message.

The Melanin Empath: Discover the Knowledge of Melanated Beings Born With Empath Energy

Jade Asikiwe - 2019
    The ancient connection to the cosmos, and the side effects of knowledge… (Two Manuscripts in one, includes: Melanin Gift of the Cosmos, and Empath Natural Healing for Begginers) Do you frequently experience deep emotions: both of your own and of others’ face sensitivity to sensory stimuli or feel as if you can sense positive or negative energies when you walk into a room? No need to worry. You are not going crazy, and you are definitely not alone. You may just be an empath, a natural healer. Some people are quite sensitive to others, especially when dealing with crowds, which can drain them both mentally and physically. Does this sound familiar to you? Maybe just a simple trip to the supermarket exhausts you, causing you to need an hour of alone time as a way to recharge your energy. Maybe you are particularly sensitive to superficial people, or find yourself almost repulsed by narcissists and selfish behavior. It may also just be that you don’t feel as if you "belong” in this world as if there’s something greater behind what can physically be seen. In any case, there is an answer for why you feel this way. Dive into the realm of spirituality and open your mind to the possibilities that coexist with it. It is a journey of self-discovery and enlightened understanding. In "The Powers of an Empath & Natural Healer”, you will discover: The characteristics that distinguish one type of empath from another, along with which type is particularly significant to you The importance of crystals and how they can aid your empath type The #1 particular personality that can eventually destroy an empath if you’re not cautious and how to avoid them Why we, as a species, are more than just “human” The miraculous ingredient helpful in protecting and keeping your emotions in check The 7 energy channels to be aware of and protect Why you are a gift to the universe and how you can develop your ability for good The versatile plant you should be incorporating into your everyday life for relief 5 ways to properly take care of yourself in our energy-filled universe And much more. Even if you are skeptical about the spiritual world and the powers of natural healing, there must be an explanation for your unique perspective of the universe and your ability to sense the energy around you. If you are even slightly curious to understand more about your powers as an empath, it can only benefit your current knowledge to discover more. After all of the confusion you have had to endure throughout your life, you owe it to yourself to recognize the “why” behind it all. You are not going crazy and you do not need therapy, you have a special gift that most common people don’t want to or can’t comprehend. Unearth the explanation behind your misplaced feelings and begin your life as the natural healer and empath you were born to be. Even if you may not be interested in pursuing life as an empath, uncovering more about who you are and how you perceive the universe will simply help you grow as an individual.

Social Skills: Top 10 Mistakes That Destroy Your Charisma… and How to Avoid Them

Stuart Killan - 2018
    The people walking past her stopped in their tracks and recognized that a star was in their midst.In an instant, fans engulfed Marilyn and it took some time for the photographer to protect her from the crowd.Marilyn knew that charisma is something you can turn on and off.And even if you’re making all the mistakes inside, the short simple guide will show you how to fix them. The #1 charisma myth everyone believes, and why it’s false Introverts can’t be charismatic – think again The real truth about charisma At a party someone - here’s what not to do when introducing them Charisma secrets from a 300 year old novel The Dale Carnegie method (taught to millions) to be instantly memorable 5 conversation tips you can use to talk to anyone So if you want to be someone with a “magnetic presence”Where people are actually excited to talk to you… Scroll up and hit “buy now with 1 click” to receive your book instantly

Talk Is Not Enough: How Psychotherapy Really Works

Willard Gaylin - 2000
    Drawing on over thirty years of experience as a psychotherapist, analyst, and teacher, Dr. Gaylin addresses the fundamentals of the therapeutic process: How does therapy work? Can "talking" truly precipitate a change in behavior? Why do therapists rely so heavily on childhood experiences? Does the past really affect the present? Gaylin speaks plainly but profoundly about the art of therapy, what the roles of the patient and therapist should be, and what it takes, on the part of each, for a patient to get better. The result is an enlightening tour through one of the most misunderstood sciences of our time. As insurance companies limit the number of therapy sessions they will cover and people look for quick-fix "cures" for their psychological ailments, Dr. Gaylin explains the importance of long-term therapy. This book has a natural audience of people in therapy. Current estimates put this number at 15 million.

Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy

Pat Ogden - 2006
    They track the clients' associations, fantasies, and signs of psychic conflict, distress, and defenses. Yet while the majority of therapists are trained to notice the appearance and even the movements of the client's body, thoughtful engagement with the client's embodied experience has remained peripheral to traditional therapeutic interventions. Trauma and the Body is a detailed review of research in neuroscience, trauma, dissociation, and attachment theory that points to the need for an integrative mind-body approach to trauma. The premise of this book is that, by adding body-oriented interventions to their repertoire, traditionally trained therapists can increase the depth and efficacy of their clinical work. Sensorimotor psychotherapy is an approach that builds on traditional psychotherapeutic understanding but includes the body as central in the therapeutic field of awareness, using observational skills, theories, and interventions not usually practiced in psychodynamic psychotherapy. By synthesizing bottom-up and top down interventions, the authors combine the best of both worlds to help chronically traumatized clients find resolution and meaning in their lives and develop a new, somatically integrated sense of self.Topics addressed include: Cognitive, emotional, and sensorimotor dimensions of information processing • modulating arousal • dyadic regulation and the body • the orienting response • defensive subsystems • adaptation and action systems • treatment principles • skills for working with the body in present time • developing somatic resources for stabilization • processing

Normal Family Processes: Growing Diversity and Complexity

Froma Walsh - 1982
    Surveying the vast diversity of family forms, life challenges, and value systems in our rapidly changing society, the volume has helped redefine the boundaries of "normal family life" for generations of students and practitioners. This fully revised and expanded third edition once again brings together leading contributors to illuminate the complexities of healthy family functioning across varied structural arrangements and sociocultural and developmental contexts. Existing chapters have been updated or fully rewritten to reflect the latest theories, research, demographic trends, and clinical practices. Seven entirely new chapters address single parent families, immigrant families, spirituality, family resilience, key processes in marital success and failure, and more.

Life with an Autistic Son

B's Dad - 2013
    He did not crave my company, cling to and cuddle me endlessly. He showed no need to bond with me, his father, and we did not. He exhausted me, he frustrated me and he scared me. I came to dread coming home from work sometimes, or those moments when it was my turn to wrestle him into bed and begin the long struggle to settle him. I said things that will forever haunt me, like “What is wrong with that child?” and “Is he always going to be this annoying?” What I didn't know then was that he was autistic.When that realisation came, so did the beginning of my mission to understand my son, and to understand autism. This book chronicles that search for understanding and answers. It documents one parent’s attempts to come to terms with, and accept, his child. It is raw and real, sometimes confused and frightened but also, I’d like to think, written with warmth and love and an ability to smile through difficult times.This book is for anyone starting out on a pathway with their child that they did not expect. It’s also for people who, like me, are a little further down that road but still learning, still asking questions and still getting it wrong sometimes. You are not alone.

The Wisdom We're Born With: Restoring Our Faith in Ourselves

Daniel Gottlieb - 2014
    Gottlieb, who suffered a traumatic injury that left him a quadriplegic over 30 years ago, is uniquely qualified to offer wise counsel on the relationship between what we want and what we have. He offers his thoughts on breaking patterns and habits, calming the unquiet mind, reconnecting with our emotions and our bodies, living in the moment, discovering that ineffable “something” that defines who we are—and above all, the importance of love.

Life Is Tough (But So Are You): How to rise to the challenge when things go pear-shaped

Briony Benjamin - 2022
    "This is the book everyone needs to read when life takes an unexpected turn." - Mia Freedman, MamaMia Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path. Viral video producer Briony Benjamin was a few months into a new job when she started feeling crappy... All. The. Time. Doctors told her she was just stressed and should rest more and learn to meditate. But it turns out she had cancer all through her body. Turning the camera on herself, Briony started documenting her journey in the short video You Only Get One Life. Its raw portrayal of her experience went viral, touching millions. Here Briony shares some of the important lessons learnt through her illness and recovery - everything from how to assemble your A Team in times of crisis and learning to make friends with the pain, to happy hacks for cutting yourself some slack and some great tips on being a kick-arse support human when a friend is going through the rough stuff. If you want to live the richest version of your life, bring some more joy into your day-to-day existence and have some tools up your sleeve for when things get tricksy, this book is for you. Because - spoiler alert - we all have to deal with our fair share of tough times sooner or later. It's how we handle them and bounce back afterwards that really matters.

Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Diane Langberg - 1997
    From 20 years of experience, the author demonstrates how counselors can walk alongside people deeply wounded by sexual abuse as they face the truth about who they are, who their abuser was, and who God is as the Savior and Redeemer of all life. Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse issues a strong call to the church at large to walk with survivors through the long dark nights of their healing.