Book picks similar to
The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-Day Saint Women's History by Jill Mulvay Derr
Faith Rewarded: A Personal Account of Prophetic Promises to the East German Saints
Thomas S. Monson - 1996
Taken from President Monson's personal journal accounts over a 40 year span, Faith Rewarded is a great testimony of faith for the oppressed people of East Germany and those behind the iron curtain.
Mother's Milk: Poems in Search of Heavenly Mother
Rachel Hunt Steenblik - 2017
Lovingly illustrated by Ashley Mae Hoiland (One Hundred Birds Taught Me to Fly). Praise for Mother's Milk"In these brief and moving poems, Rachel Hunt Steenblik recalls and reimagines the relationship between the daughters of God and their hidden and distant mother. Using her own experience and revelation as well as her wide research, Rachel recreates the Heavenly Mother many dream of knowing, a woman not unlike our own mothers, one who shares our own experience of motherhood." -Claudia L. Bushman, author of Contemporary Mormonism"The warm, delicious, delicate and strong poems in Mother's Milk moved and delighted me. Without doubt this book is a major step toward filling the Mother-sized hole in our hearts. Boldly pulling back the curtain of patriarchy to show that "God" is not a boy's name and that we have never lived in a one-parent family, Rachel reminds us that our Mother has never ceased to nourish and love us." -Carol Lynn Pearson, author of Mother Wove the Morning, and The Ghost of Eternal Polygamy"Rachel Hunt Steenblik is Mormonism's most essential and necessary poet since Carol Lynn Pearson. Out of her hunger for a mother God, she has made food for us all. Out of her losses, she has made milk. It's what women's bodies know how to do, of course. But Rachel, oh honey, few of us do it so openly, so truthfully, so plainly, so well. Come, come, everyone-Mormon or not, brothers, sisters, kindred-and take these words. I am so proud that this book will teach the world what Mormon women know-perhaps uniquely-about God."-Joanna Brooks, author of Book of Mormon Girl.
Our Search for Happiness
M. Russell Ballard - 1993
Russell Ballard explains the Church and LDS beliefs in a clear and inoffensive way. Elder Ballard discusses the Apostasy, the need for the Restoration, the Book of Mormon, the priesthood, the plan of salvation, the Articles of Faith, the Word of Wisdom, temples, missionary work, and benefits of living the gospel. Through personal experiences he reveals how the gospel has benefitted him and concludes by bearing his testimony. You can feel confident in giving this book to nonmember--or less active--friends and family.
Christmas with the Prophets
Laura F. Willes - 2010
Grant included on his 1945 Christmas cards? Christmas with the Prophets provides glimpses into the individual Christmas celebrations of each President of the Church, with recurring themes of missionary efforts, Church work, family, and service. Some of the vignettes are personal, others soul-stirring, poignant, and tender. Often their experiences and messages reflect the world conditions at that time and serve as little snapshots of history. Illustrated throughout with historical photographs and illustrations, each story of a Christmas past reminds us of the wondrous birth of the baby of Bethlehem, the Lord Jesus Christ. Discover how each Church President has celebrated Christmas, from Joseph Smith to Thomas S. Monson Beautifully designed and illustrated A Christmas keepsake for every Latter-day Saint family
Behold, I Come Quickly: The Last Days and Beyond
Hoyt W. Brewster Jr. - 1994
In this insightful book, the author looks at the teachings of ancient and modern prophets concerning the times we live in now and the times to come. In a clear and straightforward manner, he discusses dozens of signs of the latter days and examines many specific prophecies about what has happened and what will happen--and how we can be prepared for whatever comes. A memorable, easy-to-understand portrait of the last days
Teaching by the Spirit
Gene R. Cook - 1998
Whether you are a first-time teacher or a seasoned veteran, Teaching by the Spirit offers valuable scriptural insights along with tender spiritual stories and practical teaching techniques that will invite the Spirit more fully into all your teaching.
Diary of Two Mad Black Mormons: Finding the Lord's Lessons in Everyday Life
Zandra Vranes - 2014
Their uniqueperspective and diary entries will have you laughing one minuteand saying "Amen!" the next as they talk about personal experiencesas well as lessons they've learned from pop culture aboutrelationships, sisterhood, standing up for what you believe,embracing diversity, dealing with adversity, and what it meansto be a Christian. This humorous and poignant outlook on lifewill strengthen your faith and tickle your funny bone. And you'llsoon realize that the authors aren't really mad, they're just crazyfunny and inspiring to listen to!
From Baptist Preacher to Mormon Teacher
Wain Myers - 2015
This former Baptist preacher tells his fascinating story of following the Spirit’s voice and ultimately becoming a convert in the LDS church. This remarkable true story will inspire you to follow your own promptings and share truth wherever you find it.
The Bruce R. McConkie Story: Reflections of a Son
Joseph Fielding McConkie - 2003
McConkie is painted on the canvas of faith in colors as bold as the sermons he preached. In the pages of this biography, written by Elder McConkie's son Joseph, the reader is invited to become acquainted with the man as he was known to his family and closest friends. The book captures something of his humor, the depth of his faith, his love of life and of his dear Amelia, his devotion to the gospel, his discipline, the extent of his suffering, and his endless efforts to mentor his children. No one in the history of the Church has written more by way of testimony of Christ than Bruce R. McConkie. In this work the members of the Church are invited to meet the man whom they have quoted so often.
The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers
Susan Arrington Madsen - 1998
Religions of the World: A Latter-Day Saint View
Spencer J. Palmer - 1990
This book presents a wealth of vital information for people seeking greater understanding of the peoples of the world and the beliefs that motivate them.
The Life of Christ
Frederic W. Farrar - 1896
THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT, AND THE MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS. WHEN they had offered their gifts, the wise men would naturally have returned to Herod, but being warned of God in a dream, they returned to their own land another way. Neither in Scripture, nor in authentic history, nor even in early apocryphal tradition, do we find any further traces of their existence; but their visit led to very memorable events. The dream which warned them of danger may very probably have fallen in with their own doubts about the cruel and crafty tyrant who had expressed a hypocritical desire to pay his homage to the Infant King; and if, as we may suppose, they imparted to Joseph any hint as to their misgivings, he too would be prepared for the warning dream which bade him fly to Egypt to save the young child from Herod's jealousy. Egypt has, in all ages, been the natural place of refuge for all who were driven from Palestine by distress, persecution, or discontent. Rhinokolura, the river of Egypt, or as Milton, with his usual exquisite and learned accuracy, calls it,— " The brook that parts Egypt from Syrian ground," might have been reached by the fugitives in three days; and once upon the further bank, they were beyond the reach of Herod's jurisdiction. Of the flight, and its duration, Scripture gives us no further particulars; telling us only that the Holy Family fled by night from Bethlehem, and returned when Joseph had again been assured by a dream that it would be safe to take back the Saviour .to the land of His nativity. It is left to apocryphal legends immortalized by the genius of Italian art, to tell us how, on the way, the dragons came and bowed to Him, the lions and leopards adored Him, the roses of Jericho blossomed wherever His footsteps trod, th...
By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri
Charles M. Larson - 1992
A survey of the controversy surrounding Mormon founder Joseph Smith's claim that he translated the Book of Abraham from an ancient Egyptian papyrus.
A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon
Ezra Taft Benson - 1988
In A Witness and a Warning you will find President Benson's counsel, insight, testimony and teachings pertaining to the Book of Mormon.
Mormon Scientist: The Life and Faith of Henry Eyring
Henry J. Eyring - 2008
Maxwell told a grandson of Henry Eyring's, You need to write your grandfather's story. This is that story of Henry Eyring, perhaps the most acclaimed scientist ever to come from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a book about science and Mormonism, written to be easily understood by newcomers to both subjects. It demonstrates why one of the Church's highest-profile intellectuals was also one of its humblest believers. In fact, this story of Henry Eyring shows how intellect and belief go hand-in-hand and how simple, faithful people can change the world.