Church Dogmatics: A Selection

Karl Barth - 1961
    However, the size range of its fourteen volumes has meant that its content and significance may not be so widely known or appreciated as it deserves. In this concise introduction, Helmut Gollwitzer provides a selection of some of the most important passages from "Church Dogmatics" to help the busy student explore the heart of the great work; or perhaps to direct a student to parts of the "Dogmatics" of greatest interest.

Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons

Thabiti M. Anyabwile - 2012
    Balancing thoughtful analysis of pertinent passages with thorough application for practical use in a contemporary context, Anyabwile answers the questions, "Who should we look for to lead and serve in the church?" and "What should they do to fulfill their calling?"

The Last Christian on Earth: Uncover the Enemy's Plot to Undermine the Church

Os Guinness - 2010
    The Christian faith has become its own gravedigger. In the 25 years since philosopher and social critic Os Guinness first published The Gravedigger Files, much has happened: the fall of the Soviet Union, the rise of the computer age, the re emergence of China and India, the rise of Islamic terrorism, and the worldwide revitalization and politicization of religion. But the central mystery of Dr. Guinness’s “spy novel”—inspired by his affection for John le Carré thrillers—remains unsolved: Can Christians regain the full integrity of faith in Christ while fully and properly engaged in the advanced modern world? This new edition of The Last Christian on Earth, which includes previously unpublished “top-secret memos,” is Dr. Guinness’s parable about the future of the Christian church in the West. Written in the grand tradition of le Carré, Fleming and Clancy, this thriller pays homage to the genre while transcending it—because the real-life ending has yet to be written!

It Takes a Church to Baptize: What the Bible Says about Infant Baptism

Scot McKnight - 2018
    Should infants be baptized before their faith is conscious, or does God command the baptism of babies whose parents have been baptized?Popular New Testament scholar Scot McKnight makes a biblical case for infant baptism, exploring its history, meaning, and practice and showing that infant baptism is the most historic Christian way of forming children into the faith. He explains that the church's practice of infant baptism developed straight from the Bible and argues that it must begin with the family and then extend to the church. Baptism is not just an individual profession of faith: it takes a family and a church community to nurture a child into faith over time. McKnight explains infant baptism for readers coming from a tradition that baptizes adults only, and he counters criticisms that fail to consider the role of families in the formation of faith. The book includes a foreword by Todd Hunter and an afterword by Gerald McDermott.

It's Friday, But Sunday's Comin' [With CD]

Tony Campolo - 1984
    This classic book, expanded from the film of the same title, brings you face to face with Dr. Campolo to hear just such a message: an unashamed proclamation that the Gospel of Christ, when taken seriously, is able to meet every human need-the need for psychological health, emotional well-being, self worth and value, love, purpose in life, miracles, and hope. With passion and humor Campolo challenges us to face life's problems with the hope of the resurrection and shout, "It's Friday, but Sunday's comin' "

Becoming Reverend: A diary

Matt Woodcock - 2016
    Obviously. Matt Woodcock's frank, funny real-life diaries reveal what it was like for him to train as a vicar while struggling against all odds to become a father. In them he lays bare his joys and struggles as he attempts to reconcile his calling as a vicar with his life as a party-loving journalist, footie-freak and incorrigible extrovert. Becoming Reverend is a compelling and original account of how faith can work in the midst of a messy life, combining family, fertility, faith and friendship with the story of a divine - but unlikely - calling.

The 40 Most Influential Christians . . . Who Shaped What We Believe Today

Daryl Aaron - 2013
    Now these giants of Christian history are presented chronologically and in a format that helps readers get to know them. In addition to a biographical sketch, readers will discover each person's primary contributions to the Christian faith along with a brief quotation from their work. Students, history buffs, and curious readers will be fascinated as their faith is strengthened. Included are Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Karl Barth, Carl F. H. Henry, and more.

Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative

Sam Storms - 2013
    Many hold to premillennialism: that Christ's return will be followed by 1,000 years before the final judgement, a belief popularised in the popular Left Behind novels. However, premillennialism is not the only option for Christians. In this important new book, Sam Storms provides a biblical rationale for amillennialism; the belief that 1,000 years mentioned in the book of Revelation is symbolic with the emphasis being the King and his Kingdom.

Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ

Michael S. Heiser - 2017
    It unveils what most in the modern Church have never heard regarding how the story of the sin of the Watchers in 1 Enoch 6-16 helped frame the mission of Jesus, the messiah. Jews of the first century expected the messiah to reverse the impact of the Watchers transgression. For Jews of Jesus' day, the Watchers were part of the explanation for why the world was so profoundly depraved. The messiah would not just revoke the claim of Satan on human souls and estrangement from God, solving the predicament of the Fall. He would also not only bring the nations back into relationship with the true God by defeating the principalities and powers that governed them. Jews also believed that the messiah would rescue humanity from self-destruction, the catalyst for which was the sin of the Watchers and the influence of what they had taught humankind. The role of Enoch's retelling of Genesis 6:1-4 in how New Testament writers wrote of Jesus and the cross has been largely lost to a modern audience. Reversing Hermon rectifies that situation. Topics include: understanding Genesis 6:1-4 and the Sin of the Watchers in Their Original Context; how the ancient Mesopotamian story of the apkallu aligns with Gen 6:1-4, was preserved in 1 Enoch, and sets the stage for the theme of reversing the evil of the Watchers; how the theme of reversing the transgression of the Watchers colors the gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus, his genealogy, and his ministry; how the writings of Peter and Paul allude to the sin of the Watchers and present Jesus as overturning the disastrous effects of their sins against humanity; and how the descriptions of the antichrist, the end-times Day of the Lord, and the final judgment connect to Genesis 6 and the nephilim.

Replant: How a Dying Church Can Grow Again

Darrin Patrick - 2014
    The solution, according to visionary pastors Darrin Patrick and Mark DeVine, is to infuse new blood into the body and by seeking God’s presence and guidance. Avoiding cookie-cutter steps or how-to formulas, Replant describes the story of a church resurrection, a story that offers a multitude of divinely inspired, and practical possibilities for church planters. The result is a harvest of inspiring ideas on how to inspire new church growth. Discover a new openness to churches merging with other congregations, changing leadership, and harvesting fresh spiritual fruit—inviting us all to re-think how churches not only survive, but thrive.

All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism

James E. Dolezal - 2017
    James E. Dolezal’s All That Is in God provides an exposition of the historic Christian position while engaging with these contemporary deviations. His convincing critique of the newer position he styles “theistic mutualism” is philosophically robust, systematically nuanced, and biblically based. It demonstrates the need to maintain the traditional viewpoint, particularly on divine simplicity, and spotlights the unfortunate implications for other important Christian doctrines—such as divine eternality and the Trinity—if it were to be abandoned. Arguing carefully and cogently that “all that is in God is God Himself,” the work is sure to stimulate debate on the issue in years to come.

Evangelical, Sacramental, and Pentecostal: Why the Church Should Be All Three

Gordon T. Smith - 2017
    Sacramental. Pentecostal. Christian communities tend to identify with one of these labels over the other two. Evangelical churches emphasize the importance of Scripture and preaching. Sacramental churches emphasize the importance of the eucharistic table. And pentecostal churches emphasize the immediate presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But must we choose between them? Could the church be all three? Drawing on his reading of the New Testament, the witness of Christian history, and years of experience in Christian ministry and leadership, Gordon T. Smith argues that the church not onlycan be all three, but in fact must be all three in order to truly be the church. As the church navigates the unique global challenges of pluralism, secularism, and fundamentalism, the need for an integrated vision of the community as evangelical, sacramental, and pentecostal becomes ever more pressing. If Jesus and the apostles saw no tension between these characteristics, why should we?

Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men: A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestrials

Hugh Ross - 2002
    Primarily, a dichotomy exists between naturalists who deny the supernatural and insist upon scientific explanations for all accounts, and mystics who attribute every unusual sighting to paranormal activity. The common thread is that both sides attempt to fit the unknown into their own paradigm.People everywhere are looking for honest answers. As believers, we have another mandate. We do not simply find an idea or train of thought that is suitable to our sensibilities. We neither shy away from the supernatural because it is unsettling nor condemn scientific explanations for their lack of spirituality. Rather, we search for truth.In Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, the authors have initiated a search for truth to answers about UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life. Utilizing extensive scientific background and knowledge of the Scriptures, they approach questions like: -- Could life exist on other planets?-- If extraterrestrials exist, is it possible for them to travel to Earth?-- Should reports of alien contact and abductions be dismissed?When we have medical questions, we seek answers from qualified medical professionals. Likewise, when we have questions about UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena, we should seek answers from qualified sources. Authors Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark have training and experience in the appropriate disciplines. They augment scientific and historical analysis with truths from God's Word to provide a balanced look at a controversial subject.

Be Committed (Ruth & Esther): Doing God's Will Whatever the Cost

Warren W. Wiersbe - 1992
     Think of Ruth and Esther, two Old Testament heroines of the faith. Singled out as the only women to have Bible books named after them, Ruth and Esther lived in very different worlds, one a poor peasant and the other a powerful queen. Yet both dared to do the right thing when confronted with the easy way out, and God rewarded them for their courage and commitment. As you study the Books of Ruth and Esther, you will appreciate anew the tough choices of faith these women made, and you will be encouraged to do the same as you rely on the God: who accomplishes His purposes through people who trust Him.

The Book of Common Prayer and The Scottish Liturgy

The Episcopal Church in Scotland - 2011
    You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.