Best of
The Knowledge of the Holy
A.W. Tozer - 1961
Tozer illuminates God’s attributes—from wisdom, to grace, to mercy—and in doing so, attempts to restore the majesty and wonder of God in the hearts and minds of all Christians. A modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, The Knowledge of the Holy shows us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God’s presence in our daily lives.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
Anonymous - 1961
Translating the Holy Scriptures means rendering into another language the thoughts and sayings of Jehovah God, the heavenly Author of this sacred library of sixty-six books that holy men of long ago were inspired to write down for our benefit today.That is a very sobering thought. The translators of this work, who fear and love the Divine Author of the Holy Scriptures, feel toward Him a special responsibility to transmit his thoughts and declarations as accurately as possible. They also feel a responsibility toward the searching readers who depend upon a translation of the inspired Word of the Most High God for their everlasting salvation.It was with such a sense of solemn responsibility that over the course of many years this committee of dedicated men have produced the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The entire work was originally released in six volumes, from 1950 to 1960. From the start it was the desire of the translators to have all these volumes brought together into one book, inasmuch as the Holy Scriptures are in actuality one book by the One Author. While the original volumes contained marginal references and footnotes, the revised one-volume edition, released in 1961, contained neither footnotes nor marginal references. A second revision was released in 1970 and a third revision with footnotes followed in 1971. In 1969 the committee released The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, which presented under the Greek text revised by Westcott and Hort (1948 Reprint) a literal word-for-word translation into English. During the past 34 years the New World Translation has been translated in part or in its entirety into ten other languages, with a total printing and distribution surpassing 39 million.This new edition is not just a refinement of the translated text beyond its already previous revisions, but it has been expanded to include a complete updating and revision of the marginal (cross) references that were initially presented in English, from 1950 to 1960.This 1984 revision has been released by us to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania for printing, translation into other leading languages and distribution. We thus make it available with a deep sense of gratitude to the Divine Author of the Holy Scriptures, who has so privileged us and in whose spirit we have trusted in producing this revision. We pray for his blessing upon those who use this translation for spiritual advancement.New World Bible Translation CommitteeJune 1, 1984, New York, N.Y.
Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness
Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure - 1961
Trustful Surrender simply and clearly answers questions that many Christians have regarding God’s will, the existence of evil, and the practice of trustful surrender, such as:How can God will or allow evil? (pg. 11)Why does God allow bad things to happen to innocent people? (pg. 23)Why does God appear not to answer our prayers? (pg. 107)What is Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence? (pg. 85) and many more…This enriching classic will lay to rest many doubts and fears, and open the door to peace and acceptance of God’s will. TAN’s pocket-sized edition helps you to carry it wherever you go, to constantly remind yourself that God is guarding you, and He does not send you any joy too great to bear or any trial too difficult to overcome. (144 pgs, PB.)
A Grief Observed
C.S. Lewis - 1961
S. Lewis's wife, the American-born poet Joy Davidman. In her introduction to this new edition, Madeleine L'Engle writes: "I am grateful to Lewis for having the courage to yell, to doubt, to kick at God in angry violence. This is a part of a healthy grief which is not often encouraged. It is helpful indeed that C. S. Lewis, who has been such a successful apologist for Christianity, should have the courage to admit doubt about what he has so superbly proclaimed. It gives us permission to admit our own doubts, our own angers and anguishes, and to know that they are part of the soul's growth."Written in longhand in notebooks that Lewis found in his home, A Grief Observed probes the "mad midnight moments" of Lewis's mourning and loss, moments in which he questioned what he had previously believed about life and death, marriage, and even God. Indecision and self-pity assailed Lewis. "We are under the harrow and can't escape," he writes. "I know that the thing I want is exactly the thing I can never get. The old life, the jokes, the drinks, the arguments, the lovemaking, the tiny, heartbreaking commonplace." Writing A Grief Observed as "a defense against total collapse, a safety valve," he came to recognize that "bereavement is a universal and integral part of our experience of love."Lewis writes his statement of faith with precision, humor, and grace. Yet neither is Lewis reluctant to confess his continuing doubts and his awareness of his own human frailty. This is precisely the quality which suggests that A Grief Observed may become "among the great devotional books of our age."
A Little Exercise for Young Theologians
Helmut Thielicke - 1961
MartyA veteran theologian and minister offers his wise counsel to beginners in the field on the difficulties of practicing theology in a church often skeptical of theological pursuit. Thielicke stresses the importance of maintaining one's spiritual health in the course of technical theological inquiry.
The New Man
Thomas Merton - 1961
What must we do to recover possession of our true selves? By way of an answer, Merton discusses how we have become strangers to ourselves by our depence on outward identity and success, while our real need is for a concern with the image of God in ourselves. At a time of retrieval of our religious traditions, Merton's voice is both intelligent and spiritually compelling.Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk, is perhaps the foremost spiritual thinker of the twentiethcentury. His diaries, social commentary, and spiritual writings continue to be widely read after his untimely death in 1968.
Psychotherapy East and West
Alan W. Watts - 1961
In varying ways and degrees, both Eastern philosophy and Western psychotherapy engage the individual in experiments that vividly reveal the fallacy of this conception and give him a new feeling of identity.
Critique of Religion and Philosophy
Walter Kaufmann - 1961
The description for this book, Critique of Religion and Philosophy, will be forthcoming.
Loose That Man and Let Him Go! with Workbook
T.D. Jakes - 1961
D. Jakes offers clarity, healing, and restoration to a generation of men--both believers and nonbelievers--confused about their purpose, vision, and roles in today's complex culture. He urges men to let Jesus take hold of their limitations and bondages and to come forth into the light of all God has planned for them. Now the book and easy-to-use workbook are combined in one volume for individual study and small group discussion.
Religion and Nothingness
Keiji Nishitani - 1961
Keiji Nishitani notes the irreversible trend of Western civilization to nihilism, and singles out the conquest of nihilism as the task for contemporary philosophy. Nihility, or relative nothingness, can only be overcome by being radicalized to Emptiness, or absolute nothingness. Taking absolute nothingness as the fundamental notion in rational explanations of the Eastern experience of human life, Professor Nishitani examines the relevance of this notion for contemporary life, and in particular for Western philosophical theories and religious believes. Everywhere his basic intention remains the same: to direct our modern predicament to a resolution through this insight.The challenge that the thought of Keiji Nishitani presents to the West, as a modern version of an Eastern speculative tradition that is every bit as old and as variegated as our own, is one that brings into unity the principle of reality and the principle of salvation. In the process, one traditional Western idea after another comes under scrutiny: the dichotomy of faith and reason, of being and substance, the personal and transcendent notions of God, the exaggerated role given to the knowing ego, and even the Judeo-Christian view of history itself.Religion and Nothingness represents the major work of one of Japan's most powerful and committed philosophical minds.
Hymn of the Universe
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 1961
Pere Teilhard de Chardin, a figure-head in the unfolding of a new cycle in the life of mankind, moves us profoundly not only by the amazing lucidity of his scientific vision but also by his love, his immense love, of God, which enabled him to see, everywhere throughout the created world, what the majority of men are blind to: the constant presence of the Creator.
Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's Commentary on the Whole Bible (best navigation with Direct Verse Jump)
Robert Jamieson - 1961
It provides verse-by-verse exposition of most Bible passages in insightful, accurate, succinct, and easy to understand articles. Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, wrote about the JFB Commentary the following:It [the JFB Commentary] contains so great a variety of information that if a man has no other exposition he would find himself at no great loss if he possessed and used it diligently.OSNOVA’s Kindle edition offers the excellent formatting and navigation that Christians have come to expect from OSNOVA Kindle publications. The OSNOVA Kindle edition incorporates an active table of contents, a joystick navigation between chapters and books, and a cross-reference system between the commentary and the included Bible (with Direct Verse Jump 2), which makes it easy to locate any place within the Commentary or the Scriptures in seconds. The table of contents allows navigation to any chapter of the Scriptures, with the hyperlinked dot to the right of each chapter leading to the corresponding place in the Commentary. Each title and each verse number in the included Bible is hyperlinked to the corresponding passage in the Commentary, and each reference in the Commentary is hyperlinked to the corresponding passage in the Bible. The complete instructions on how to use all navigation aids in this publication are found at the beginning of the book.NOTE: Many features of this publication will not work on Kindle 1, Kindle Fire, software Kindles such as Kindles for PC, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry or Android. This edition is not TTS(text-to-speech)-friendly due to the way TTS works on the Kindle.
Mystics and Zen Masters
Thomas Merton - 1961
In this collection, he discusses diverse religious concepts-early monasticism, Russian Orthodox spirituality, the Shakers, and Zen Buddhism-with characteristic Western directness. Merton not only studied these religions from the outside but grasped them by empathy and living participation from within. "All these studies," wrote Merton, "are united by one central concern: to understand various ways in which men of different traditions have conceived the meaning and method of the 'way' which leads to the highest levels of religious or of metaphysical awareness."
Joseph the Silent
Michel Gasnier - 1961
Joseph, yet his life is full of spiritual treasures. Michel Gasnier O.P., here shows you where to find them and how they can enrich your own relationship with God. In this series of brief meditations he explores St. Joseph's work as a carpenter, his marriage, his character, the flight into Egypt, his return to Nazareth, Simeon's prophecy, and more. He gives you an enlightening portrait of this man who remains one of the Church's most extraordinary saints and intercessors.
Early Christianity and Greek Paideia
Werner Wilhelm Jaeger - 1961
It provides a superb overview of the vast historical process by which Christianity was Hellenized and Hellenic civilization became Christianized.Werner Jaeger shows that without the large postclassical expansion of Greek culture the rise of a Christian world religion would have been impossible. He explains why the Hellenization of Christianity was necessary in apostolic and postapostalic times; points out similarities between Greek philosophy and Christian belief; discuss such key figures as Clement, Origen, and Gregory of Nyssa; and touches on the controversies that led to the ultimate complex synthesis of Greek and Christian thought.
Seeds of Destruction
Thomas Merton - 1961
Though he lived a mostly solitary existence as a Trappist monk, he had a dynamic impact on world affairs through his writing. An outspoken proponent of the antiwar and civil rights movements, he was both hailed as a prophet and castigated for his social criticism. He was also unique among religious leaders in his embrace of Eastern mysticism, positing it as complementary to the Western sacred tradition. Merton is the author of over forty books of poetry, essays, and religious writing, including Mystics and Zen Masters, and The Seven Story Mountain, for which he is best known. His work continues to be widely read to this day.
The Inward Journey
Howard Thurman - 1961
Themes include: The Quest for Meaning, The Quest for Understanding, The Quest for Fulfillment, The Quest for Love, The Quest for Peace, The Quest for God, and Psalm 139.
Questions and Answers on Spiritual Gifts
Howard Carter - 1961
Dividing the gifts of the Spirit into three groups-revelation, inspiration, and power-Carter cites specific examples and uses captivation stories to reveal the meaning and practical use of spiritual gifts.
Stations of Wisdom
Frithjof Schuon - 1961
These essays go to the roots of the religious/science impass.
The Roman Missal: Study Edition
The Catholic Church - 1961
The content is identical to the ritual version; however, rubrics appear in gray. Fifteen illustrations are included and the book is built to last with durable paper and a sturdy binding.
Sermons of R M m'Cheyne
Robert Murray M'Cheyne - 1961
A choice selection of some of M'Cheyne's most helpful doctrinal and devotional messages.
The New English Bible: The New Testament
Anonymous - 1961
An authoritative translation made directly from the best Hebrew and Greek texts and founded on all the resources of contemporary scholarship, it aimed to present the full meaning of the original in clear and natural modern English. This approach marked a departure from the prevailing Bible translation philosophy and to this day the NEB has a significant place in the history of the Bible in English. The New English Bible is now reissued in this classic 'Library Edition' format to coincide with the reissue of the complete Cambridge Bible Commentaries series, which was itself based on the NEB text.
Understanding Islam
Frithjof Schuon - 1961
Islam confronts what is immutable in God with what is permanent in man."
These are the opening words of what has become a classic work on Islam, perhaps the most misunderstood of the great Revelations. And yet the purpose of this book "is not so much to give a description of Islam as to explain . . . why Moslems believe in it." Both Westerners unfamiliar with Islam and Moslems seeking a deeper understanding of the basis of faith will be struck by Schuon's masterful elucidation of the spiritual world of Islam.Schuon's foundation is always the intrinsic nature of things rather than any confessional point of view. This perspective opens up new avenues of approach and surprising insights into the "five pillars" of faith, the Quran, the Sunna, the Prophet and the esoteric dimension which is the kernel of Moslem spirituality. A hallmark of the author's perspective is an intellectual universality, which in examining a given religious framework readily draws upon parallels and concepts from other traditions, especially that of the Vedanta. For "what is needed in our time, and indeed in every age remote from the origins of Revelation, is . . . to rediscover the truths written in an eternal script in the very substance of man's spirit."
Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales
Alwyn Rees - 1961
Part One considers the distinguishing features of the various Cycle of tales and the personages who figure most prominently in them. Part Two reveals the cosmological framework within which the action of the tales takes place. Part Three consists of a discussion of the themes of certain classes of stories which tell of Conceptions and Births, Supernatural Adventures, Courtships and Marriages, Violent Deaths and Voyages to the Other World, and an attempt is made to understand their religious function and glimpse their transcendent meaning.
Teachings of Gurdjieff: A Pupil's Journal
Charles Stanley Nott - 1961
Gurdjieff was a Russian occultist who used stylized dance to "free" people and help them to develop their full capabilities. Gurdjieff has often been attributed as the founder of the modern human-potential movement.
The Eternal Kingdom, A History of the Church of Christ
F.W. Mattox - 1961
The Photo Album of St. Therese of Lisieux
François de Sainte-Marie - 1961
Therese have come to light. They were taken for the most part by her sister Celine, (Sister Genevieve of the Holy Face) within the walls of the Carmel of Lisieux. Reproduced directly from the plates developed in the late 19th century, the photos appear in the exact size and condition of the originals found in the Lisieux archives. In addition, there are numerous enlargements of various sections of the photographs. Chronologically arranged, these pictures give a visual idea of Therese Martin's appearance from early childhood to the day of her death.
The Church in Crisis: A History of the General Councils, 325-1870
Philip Hughes - 1961
Saint Jerome and the Lion
Rumer Godden - 1961
Osiris: The Egyptian Religion of Resurrection (2 vols. in one)
E.A. Wallis Budge - 1961
This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine
John Henry Newman - 1961
It was the immediate cause of great controversy both in Rome and in England. Newman did not withdraw his views, but the article was not reprinted or published in England since that time, and appeared only once in an American journal, Cross Currents. Scholars without access to Rambler archives have had to resort to a German translation, and the ordinary reader has had to rely on brief quotation and heresy. This edition of Newman's essay is the first in any language to contain a collated version of the text published in the Rambler for July, 1859, and the abbreviated and amended version of 1871. The book also contains an extract from The Arians of the Fourth Century, which bears on the same subject and amplifies Newman's views.
The Monastery of Jade Mountain
Peter Goullart - 1961
It is difficult to define precisely what the practicing Taoist believes, thinks and does. Taoism must be evidenced by the way it is lived and so, in revealing how his gradual initiation into the meaning of Taoism took place, Peter Goullart describes fully his visits to various Taoist Monasteries, his discussions with Abbots and monks, and their ritual practices and ceremonies. Since consciousness of the beauty and oneness of the natural world and its creatures is essential to the Taoist philosophy ”indeed the monasteries are very carefully sited to allow natural surroundings to make the maximum effect” his book is filled with splendid descriptions of the Chinese scene. Peter Goullart was a refugee from the Russian revolution who travelled east, along the silk road. He lived in China for thirty years, acquiring a tremendous knowledge of the language and people, and his book is probably unique in that so much information on Taoism, drawn from personal knowledge and practice, is given by a Western writer.
The New English Bible
Anonymous - 1961
This translation was the first to render the scriptures into contemporary English and to depart from the traditional linguistic style of the Authorized Version. Over the years the translation has come to be regarded as a classic text and it became a best-seller in many countries around the world. In 1989 its successor, the Revised English Bible, was published to great acclaim but there remain a significant number of readers who favour the NEB. This stunning edition - featuring the well-known line drawings by Horace Knowles - reintroduces the much-loved NEB text back into the Oxford list after an absence of nearly two years.